How will they rule ??!

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Could say the same for you since you've already made up your mind regardless of the information uncovered.
[laughing]There has been more evidence uncovered -- actual declassified top secret FISA court documents -- proving that Obama and his administration illegally spied on Trump, his campaign associates and millions of other Americans than there has been uncovered proving Trump/Russia collusion.
[laughing]There has been more evidence uncovered -- actual declassified top secret FISA court documents -- proving that Obama and his administration illegally spied on Trump, his campaign associates, and millions of other Americans than there has been uncovered proving Trump/Russia collusion.

I think he meant future state with his comment - ie, Trump supporters don't/won't care about anything that he has done/will do, no matter how bad it might be. Like shooting someone in Times Square for example :)
I think he meant future state with his comment - ie, Trump supporters don't/won't care about anything that he has done/will do, no matter how bad it might be. Like shooting someone in Times Square for example :)
Seems to me he's talking about information already uncovered. Who knows?

Maybe you're right, but keep in mind, you're talking about a guy who literally thinks Jame Comey came out and personally accussed Trump of trying to impede the Flynn investigation.
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I think he meant future state with his comment - ie, Trump supporters don't/won't care about anything that he has done/will do, no matter how bad it might be. Like shooting someone in Times Square for example :)

Who do you think it will be? I am betting on someone deeply involved with 9/11. DJT lost a lot of friends in the towers. He knows the truth. He will lure them to Times Square and blam. Then tweet it out like crazy from his live facebook feed. "We bring justice to the best conspiracies don't we. Next week I'll tweet out the JFK files. Believe me."
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Who do you think it will be? I am betting on someone deeply involved with 9/11. DJT lost a lot of friends in the towers. He knows the truth. He will lure them to Times Square and blam. Then tweet it out like crazy from his live facebook feed. "We bring justice to the best conspiracies don't we. Next week I'll tweet out the JFK files. Believe me."


I think he meant future state with his comment - ie, Trump supporters don't/won't care about anything that he has done/will do, no matter how bad it might be. Like shooting someone in Times Square for example :)

Such a tired argument.

One week Trump is losing his base. The next his base won't give a shit what he does.

Libtards literally follow a millionaire with 3 houses because he calls himself a socialist.
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Here's the thing that perhaps scares the establishment more than trump - it's the fact that the operant conditioning type election marketing -- utterly Failed to have the intended effect --

As the 2016 election moved through the predictable and generally orchestrated sequences - Mr Trump (and anyone publicly supporting him) was -almost without exception-- treated with sneering contempt and ridicule

At NO POINT in the "democratic process " was he considered a viable candidate - at no point did we hear major media outlets foster an open minded dialogue on how he might bring unique skills to the office (business acumen and negotiation skills could have been reasonably safe point for consideration) or how his admin MIGHT offer Another approach for our nation that didn't include the obviously failed "nation building/ export he f democracy " paths that have nearly EXHAUSTED our military

So we get closer to the actual election and then his own party starts to panic and is looking around desperately FOR A SUB IN CHALLENGER --- (When does that ever happen?) that embarrassing display of cowardice ALONE should have shown those still in doubt how closed our "elections " have become to the average person who truly seeks change and outside influences in D/C

So then we get to the end - and a LOT of Americans decided to TUNE OUT the non-stop psy-ops coming at them from the previously reliable propaganda system - the public simply refused to go along with what they were expected to do

And rather than doing some objective reporting about the POSSIBILITY that there MAY be some validity behind the clearly FED UP voters-- the press and other entities doubled down and ramped up their attacks to the extent that few could argue that ANY standing President has ever been so uniformly characterized as an abberant threat to ORDER and stability -- even as these bought and paid for wanna-be intelligentsia clamor almost NON STOP in an effort to degrade , weaken , and ultimately overthrow a democratically elected President--

Theres more than one angle to this whole debacle of course -- but I think there are some seriously shocked and WORRIED people who no don't like the idea that people might start to think Independently of their media screens and devices

I mean - if the rabble start to think they can elect a president -- who KNOWS what other dangerous thoughts may creep in there??
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Here's the thing that perhaps scares the establishment more than trump - it's the fact that the operant conditioning type election marketing -- utterly Failed to have the intended effect --

As the 2016 election moved through the predictable and generally orchestrated sequences - Mr Trump (and anyone publicly supporting him) was -almost without exception-- treated with sneering contempt and ridicule

At NO POINT in the "democratic process " was he considered a viable candidate - at no point did we hear major media outlets foster an open minded dialogue on how he might bring unique skills to the office (business acumen and negotiation skills could have been reasonably safe point for consideration) or how his admin MIGHT offer Another approach for our nation that didn't include the obviously failed "nation building/ export he f democracy " paths that have nearly EXHAUSTED our military

So we get closer to the actual election and then his own party starts to panic and is looking around desperately FOR A SUB IN CHALLENGER --- (When does that ever happen?) that embarrassing display of cowardice ALONE should have shown those still in doubt how closed our "elections " have become to the average person who truly seeks change and outside influences in D/C

So then we get to the end - and a LOT of Americans decided to TUNE OUT the non-stop psy-ops coming at them from the previously reliable propaganda system - the public simply refused to go along with what they were expected to do

And rather than doing some objective reporting about the POSSIBILITY that there MAY be some validity behind the clearly FED UP voters-- the press and other entities doubled down and ramped up their attacks to the extent that few could argue that ANY standing President has ever been so uniformly characterized as an abberant threat to ORDER and stability -- even as these bought and paid for wanna-be intelligentsia clamor almost NON STOP in an effort to degrade , weaken , and ultimately overthrow a democratically elected President--

Theres more than one angle to this whole debacle of course -- but I think there are some seriously shocked and WORRIED people who no don't like the idea that people might start to think Independently of their media screens and devices

I mean - if the rabble start to think they can elect a president -- who KNOWS what other dangerous thoughts may creep in there??

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Both Trump and Page are calling them out. Page desperately wants his day in court. Odd he's supposedly one of the main players involved, yet Democrats no longer want him to testify after basically harassing him for weeks to testify.

I'm assuming Democrats were so gung ho about demanding he testify, at first, because they thought he would plead the 5th, allowing them to run wild with speculation. They neve expected him to call their bluff.

Page's letter to Congress.


"When they go low, We go high."

So pathetic that Lucifer is turning his back on them. Trump 2020 in a landslide. Free Speech folks. Don't shut them up. Let them talk. Dumbass Pelosi called him GW for the 3rd time. James Brown wig said she won't stop until he is impeached. Russia nonstop on fake news. Faux news channel has a vet on now telling Dems don't bother recruiting us for your party.

The cultural marxism game plan is exposed. Sorry commies you placed your bets on Hildabeast and hit snake eyes. The High Priest has crapped out.

Covfefe, bitches! That is all.

I think this might be one of the libs' most pathetic things they have freaked out about. IRS scandal? Bowe Bergdahl? Spying on media, candidates, enemies and regular people and empowering Iran? Meh. "We love 44." But phone produces jumbled word (we've all done this)? Let's lose our shit.
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BBFC- yep. Funny. As i was washing my testicles in the shower this morning i was thinking about Trump's landslide in 2020. It's going to be epic.

If Trump wins in 2020, every conservative should be super ballsy and out in the open and ready to take on every limp waisted beta cuck and nut job liberal no matter the venue:

Democrats are like the little brats that need their butts spanked or a punch in the mouth. They've been allowed to act so insane for far too long.
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I think this might be one of the libs' most pathetic things they have freaked out about. IRS scandal? Bowe Bergdahl? Spying on media, candidates, enemies and regular people and empowering Iran? Meh. "We love 44." But phone produces jumbled word (we've all done this)? Let's lose our shit.
I think it's great. One word, before the sun even came up, is all it took trigger millions. I'd trademark that shit and put in on t-shirts, hats, bumper stickers, coffee mugs, you name it.
If Trump wins in 2020, every conservative should be super ballsy and out in the open and ready to take on every limp waisted beta cuck and nut job liberal no matter the venue:

Democrats are like the little brats that need their butts spanked or a punch in the mouth. They've been allowed to act so insane for far too long.

We don't need to incite violence they will eat their own. They are already attacking. Did you see them go after their professors? Sit back and watch. Enjoy the implosion.
Such a tired argument.

One week Trump is losing his base. The next his base won't give a shit what he does.

Libtards literally follow a millionaire with 3 houses because he calls himself a socialist.

I agree Phatty - His base is still strongly behind him and is highly likely to stay there IMO.

The Times Square thing was tongue in cheek.
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Here's the thing that perhaps scares the establishment more than trump - it's the fact that the operant conditioning type election marketing -- utterly Failed to have the intended effect --

So then we get to the end - and a LOT of Americans decided to TUNE OUT the non-stop psy-ops coming at them from the previously reliable propaganda system - the public simply refused to go along with what they were expected to do

Theres more than one angle to this whole debacle of course -- but I think there are some seriously shocked and WORRIED people who no don't like the idea that people might start to think Independently of their media screens and devices

I mean - if the rabble start to think they can elect a president -- who KNOWS what other dangerous thoughts may creep in there??

I think they could be ahead of the game. We have to entertain the thought of controlled opposition. Alex Jones and Alt media types were bought and paid for long ago to prepare for this. They play both sides. Live Action Role Plays like George Webb could be the direction they are headed to subdue the masses with more group think. Trump could be the biggest controlled op of them all. It is fun giving a big F you to the establishment but we need to use these people for our goals not theirs. Trump is not our savior but just another vehicle we should use to reach our constitutional and liberty goals. Government works for us.
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Most notably, the Kushner–Kislyak meeting occurred in December 2016, weeks after the election. If there had been a close working relationship between the Trump campaign and the Putin regime — a working relationship that purportedly amounted to collusion in Russia’s attempts to influence the outcome of the election — then why would it have been necessary to set up a back channel in December? The secret lines of communication would already have been up and running for months. And they would certainly have been known to Kushner.
'Made in China' could soon be made in the US.

....."The reason we want to invest in the U.S. isn't only because the Trump administration is encouraging it," Xiao Wunan, deputy chairman of Asia Pacific Exchange and Cooperation Foundation, who takes Chinese business executives to the U.S. on investment tours, told CNBC. "The U.S. has natural advantages for [Chinese] investment."...

..."In the U.S., land, electricity and cotton are all much cheaper," Zhu said. "My production cost per ton of textiles is 25 percent lower [there]."

In addition, he said, wages for him in China have been increasing 30 percent each year for much of the past decade. He has pledged $220 million to build and expand a facility in South Carolina and plans to eventually move the entire business to the U.S. where he plans to employ more than 500 people by the end of the year....


Nunes, as part of the House intelligence committee is still privy to the evidence/information, but since he recused himself he can speak freely and say whatever the hell he wants, within the law, about the investigation.

Rep. Devin Nunes says Democrats are using Russia investigation to justify Clinton's loss (video of full speech)

“The Democrats don’t want an investigation on Russia. They want an independent commission. Why do they want an independent commission? Because they want to continue the narrative that Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are best friends, and that’s the reason that he won, because Hillary Clinton would have never lost on her own; it had to be someone else’s fault."
I am more worried about Berniecrats than Russia. Once they take down the DNC we should be prepared to destroy their movement. Make sure this gets it's "fair share" in the media coverage.

Media Yawn at Venezuela’s Spiraling, Socialist Nightmare
Study finds ABC, CBS, NBC barely cover left-wing catastrophe, avoid word 'socialism'

Out of approximately 50,000 total evening news stories on ABC, CBS and NBC combined in the last four years, just 25 have covered the ongoing crisis in socialist Venezuela, according to a Media Research Center study published Tuesday.

After Venezuela’s former socialist president, Hugo Chávez, passed away in March 2013, the country has spiraled into economic disaster and civil chaos.

I think it's great. One word, before the sun even came up, is all it took trigger millions. I'd trademark that shit and put in on t-shirts, hats, bumper stickers, coffee mugs, you name it.
COMAGA= Continue to Make America Great Again should be the next one for 2020.
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