How will they rule ??!

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If that is accurate

It's accurate, unless Comey was lying under oath.

James Comey: DNC denied FBI direct access to servers during Russia hacking probe

FBI Director James B. Comey, in his first public comments since the presidential election, said the bureau requested but was denied direct access to the Democratic National Committee’s email servers and other hacked devices as part of its probe of Russian hacking.

Providing details Tuesday to the Senate intelligence committee about the bureau’s investigation into Russian hacks targeting the election, Mr. Comey said the FBI made “multiple requests” for access, but ultimately a private company was the one to conduct the forensic review and then shared details about what it found with investigators.

“It’s not the way we would prefer to do the investigation,” Mr. Comey said.

He said he did not know for sure why the DNC did not provide the FBI direct access to the email servers.
The more layers that are peeled back on this Russia story, the more it becomes apparent that it's a diversion.
Yep. Comey's testimony right after the election is what really started to drive the Seth Rich leaking story.

There's no proof from the IC that Russia hacked the DNC, and the only proof is from a shady, handpicked private firm which turned out to be not so credible.

So if they weren't hacked, then how did the emails get out? If not Russia, then who?
Another one down. Positive energy is sweeping through the earth. Cosmic shift is happening.
Manuel Noriega, Dictator Ousted by U.S. in Panama, Dies at 83

Yep. Comey's testimony right after the election is what really started to drive the Seth Rich leaking story.

There's no proof from the IC that Russia hacked the DNC, and the only proof is from a shady, handpicked private firm which turned out to be not so credible.

So if they weren't hacked, then how did the emails get out? If not Russia, then who?

Of course there's no proof. Seth Rich was the leaker and the DNC still doesn't care who killed him. Just glad I don't know Hillary Clinton or I'd be dead too.
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If I was Trump, I'd appoint a special prosecutor to investigate every single Congressman who is pushing this Russia bullshit.

You, as a member of the legislative branch, wants to use unfounded accusations to derail the executive branch and keep the country from moving forward? Fine. Let's turn the tables.

Separation of powers doesn't really mean dick anymore. I'd use that to my advantage and ruin some of these people.
According to Democrats Carter Page is one of the main players in the Russian collusion and they have been chomping at the bit to grill him under oath. He volunteered to testify in front of Congress anytime, anywhere, anyplace; saying " The Russia investigation will unearth Obama admin's falsified FISA warrants against me."

He was set to testify soon and out of nowhere the Democrats are now reneging, and have suspended his testimony indefinitely. Fox News has reached out to the Democrats trying to get answers to why they now don't want to question Page and none have responded. Amazingly it seems they're all the sudden shy when it comes to talking about Russia.
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Since the left is fine with this, they wouldn't mind a caricature of Obama hanging at the end of a rope either - right.


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Seems like the left would want to avoid drawing attention to one of the preferred methods of infidel slaughter.

They going to stone a Melania manikin next?
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The media has poked holes in their own narrative and stepped on its own Russia collusion toes with the Kushner story. Something to ponder...

If Trump has been colluding with the Russians for the last two years, then he must have already had successful back channel communications set up, correct? How else would he have been secretly communicating with them?

Which means the Russians would have never tried to set up another channel with Kushner in December, when they could have just continued to use the one they have already been successfully using for last two years.

If Russia tried to set this up with Kushner in December, then it is proof that back channel communications between Trump and Russia didn't already exist, meaning there couldn't have been any collusion.

Again, how was Trump colluding with the Russians for the last two years without a channel already being set up? You can't collude with someone without somehow secretly communicating with them.
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Yes, they hacked emails and manipulated social media propagating fake news stories. Yes, there was damaging information in those emails but what was in RNC emails? If you're going to expose dirty laundry then expose it all. But that isn't/wasn't the intent. The intent is to create division and they've done a pretty good job. They also interfered in the French election promoting Le Pen for the same reasons. Russia is made stronger when its enemies are weaker. We are weaker when our nation is divided as well as our allies. Trump's antagonistic attitude towards NATO only deepens that divide.

Sorry this shit goes over your head. It goes over most people's heads because they fail or lack the ability to involve themselves into anything other than superficial thought.
Or......they were leaked by a DNC insider, which would make much more sense as to why the RNC wasn't treated the same way.
Kathy Griffin should be fired for that but we all know she won't be. Its perfectly fine for leftists on TV to do that kind of stuff.
If I was Trump, I'd appoint a special prosecutor to investigate every single Congressman who is pushing this Russia bullshit.

You, as a member of the legislative branch, wants to use unfounded accusations to derail the executive branch and keep the country from moving forward? Fine. Let's turn the tables.

Separation of powers doesn't really mean dick anymore. I'd use that to my advantage and ruin some of these people.
Perhaps he doesn't because he has too many of his own skeletons that would be found.
Yeah I'm tired of calling for everybody to get fired for stuff we don't agree with. I already fired her. I refuse to watch the show she is on.
My only problem with that thinking is if a conservative on Fox beheaded Obama in a photo shoot they would've been fired in 2 seconds, with their entire life completely ruined and there would have been so much outrage that riots probably would've happened. A leftist does that kind of shit and theres never consequences. The left is always given a free pass.
My only problem with that thinking is if a conservative on Fox beheaded Obama in a photo shoot they would've been fired in 2 seconds and there would have been so much outrage that riots probably would've happened. A leftist does that kind of shit and theres never consequences. The left is always given a free pass.

I understood what you meant. Doesn't mean I want to act like a looney alt left marxists calling for someone to lose their job over speech. Exercise your speech and call em out on their hypocrisy and ignorance. They are paid to say that stuff to divide us. Their boss will give them a raise.
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My only problem with that thinking is if a conservative on Fox beheaded Obama in a photo shoot they would've been fired in 2 seconds, with their entire life completely ruined and there would have been so much outrage that riots probably would've happened. A leftist does that kind of shit and theres never consequences. The left is always given a free pass.

Does Kathy Griffin even have a job to be fired from? I haven't seen her since she played that annoying comedienne on Seinfeld.
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Kathy Griffin should be fired for that but we all know she won't be. Its perfectly fine for leftists on TV to do that kind of stuff.

The left has no values on anything so they don't care about this and refuse to ever acknowledge any wrongdoing ever. But they will want to destroy you if you don't agree with gay marriage or don't toe the PC line but holding a severed head of the president? Totally okay.

We are dealing with a very sick group of people. There is no reason to listen to the media or try to work with Dems on anything. This is going to end badly because the left cannot be reasoned with. They are radicals. There's no way in hell an impartial person can look at the left and not come away with that conclusion.
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My only problem with that thinking is if a conservative on Fox beheaded Obama in a photo shoot they would've been fired in 2 seconds, with their entire life completely ruined and there would have been so much outrage that riots probably would've happened. A leftist does that kind of shit and theres never consequences. The left is always given a free pass.

I'm holding out hope that someone punches her in the face, seems warranted.
How is this just now coming to light?

Wasserman Schultz’s brother, Steven Wasserman, is the Assistant US Attorney at the Attorney’s office for the District of Columbia. Questions are arising whether Steven has played a part in burying the Seth Rich case in DC. No one has yet been charged in spite of the many unanswered questions related to the murder case. Because Rich reportedly provided emails to WikiLeaks there are many who believe Rich was murdered as a result.