How will they rule ??!

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@JohnKBA, what's funny is he sent the "covfefe" tweet out at around midnight Eastern time, then didn't delete it and send the follow up tweet out until about 5am Eastern time. Thinking he may have fell asleep at the phone.
CNN are literally morons. Makes tweet about Trump making a typo in THAT tweet, and then CNN proceeds to make a typo. hahaha "something he's wont to do"
I can't imagine what it does to one's ego to make a typo, then have millions of meaningless people frothing at the mouth over something so insignificant, knowing nothing they say or do means a goddam thing. Having media outlets (CNN) so beside themselves they can't even clear typos out of their stories before posting them.

Must be a surreal feeling.
I can't imagine what it does to one's ego to make a typo, then have millions of meaningless people frothing at the mouth over something so insignificant, knowing nothing they say or do means a goddam thing. Having media outlets (CNN) so beside themselves they can't even clear typos out of their stories before posting them.

Must be a surreal feeling.

[]D [] []v[] []D
Trump is the greatest troll ever.

Wouldn't be surprised if got a solid 8 hours of sleep while some underling is doing the tweeting just to mess with libs. He's been 3 steps ahead of them for a long time now.
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Muh Russia narrative started with this piece of work.

Total fabrication to cover up the leaks that happened. Focus on Russia not our corruption.
16 people who shaped the 2016 election: Alexandra Chalupa

As a Democratic Party consultant and proud Ukrainian-American, Alexandra Chalupa was outraged last spring when Donald Trump named Paul Manafort as his campaign manager. Chalupa had been following Manafort’s career ever since he popped up in Kiev more than a decade ago as an adviser and campaign consultant to the pro-Russian political party in Ukraine. As she saw it, Manafort was a key figure in advancing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s agenda inside her ancestral homeland — and she was determined to expose it."

As a Democratic Party consultant and proud Ukrainian-American, Alexandra Chalupa was outraged last spring when Donald Trump named Paul Manafort as his campaign manager. Chalupa had been following Manafort’s career ever since he popped up in Kiev more than a decade ago as an adviser and campaign consultant to the pro-Russian political party in Ukraine. As she saw it, Manafort was a key figure in advancing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s agenda inside her ancestral homeland — and she was determined to expose it.

Soon enough, Chalupa — who was in charge of the Democratic National Committee’s “ethnic outreach” efforts — began circulating memos and emails laying out Manafort’s connections. She exchanged messages about him with investigative journalists in Kiev. She even helped organize a rally among Ukrainian-Americans in New Britain, Conn. (Manafort’s hometown). Protesters railed against Manafort as “Putin’s Trojan Horse” and demanded that Trump fire him.

As she was doing so, Chalupa discovered she herself had become a target. On April 20, she got the first of a series of pop-up messages from Yahoo security notifying her she had been the victim of a “state sponsored” cyberattack. It was an early sign of what would soon become one of the biggest political stories of the year: a massive cyberattack on the Democratic National Committee and other political organizations that U.S. intelligence has now concluded was the work of Russian intelligence. “I was freaked out,” Chalupa told Yahoo News in August. “This was really scary.”......

Since then, FBI agents have questioned Chalupa — and imaged her laptop and smartphone — as part of a wide-ranging investigation into the Russian cyberattacks.....
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Scott Pelley fired from CBS night time news.

All I can say is good. Problem is they will bring in some liberal hack to take over now.
Man, does anyone even watch network national news anymore?

I catch the local news on KYT or DKY sometimes, but I never watch the national broadcast that follows.
yep, that caused the earth to stop spinning momentarily. Do we even need to say if someone was pictured with a severed head looking like Obama's.......nah, it's self-evident. They are all hacks, all of them.

By the way, here's Griffin in a simpler time, when a Democrat held the office:

"During a segment on Bravo’s Kathy on Thursday, Kathy Griffin tore into Elisabeth Hasselbeck‘s critical question to President Obama on The View about gay marriage, where Hasselbeck asked the president how he would “move things forward any more than Mitt Romney.” With Hasselbeck’s “attitude to the president, who was a Harvard Law professor, I’m, like, take it down a notch, bitch,” Griffin said.

“That body language,” Griffin added, “I don’t like that. I don’t like Jan Brewer in Arizona going like this to the President on the tarmac. I don’t like that. When I was on The View, Barbara Walters said you respect the office.”

You respect the office......
Man, does anyone even watch network national news anymore?

I catch the local news on KYT or DKY sometimes, but I never watch the national broadcast that follows.

I get my left wing stories and commentary from Reddit. No need to watch any television.

My right wing stories come from Catpaw and Drudge.

Occasionally I'll watch 60 minutes, but Sunday really is my only TV watching day, and with Amazon Prime, Netflix, HBO, Showtime, and the occasional basic cable series, I really don't prioritize getting a left wing slant on something I've already read about on the internet.

I know the cable news networks all fall somewhere together on the DirecTV guide, but I honestly have no idea where off the top of my head.
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I get my left wing stories and commentary from Reddit. No need to watch any television.

My right wing stories come from Catpaw and Drudge.

Occasionally I'll watch 60 minutes, but Sunday really is my only TV watching day, and with Amazon Prime, Netflix, HBO, Showtime, and the occasional basic cable series, I really don't prioritize getting a left wing slant on something I've already read about on the internet.

I know the cable news networks all fall somewhere together on the DirecTV guide, but I honestly have no idea where off the top of my head.

Same here - I don't watch much actual "TV" unless it's sports, which is probably 90% of my viewing. The rest is a mix of Netflix/Amazon/etc streaming. My GF watches the 5 or 6pm news most nights and I catch that there if I'm home and not otherwise busy.
Speaking of Reddit, I saw a story the other day about a lady who has adopted a few drug addicted babies from their shitty parents, and is now going around offering cash payments incentives (like hundreds of dollars I believe) if people will let her pay for their sterilization.

Sure beats my idea of offering $50,000 cash lump sum payments to people for sterilizations with the idea that you could give the money back to the government interest free if you wanted the procedure reversed (while keeping all earnings and growth).

Apparently the idea is actually feasible at a much cheaper price than I thought.
I get my left wing stories and commentary from Reddit. No need to watch any television.

My right wing stories come from Catpaw and Drudge.

Occasionally I'll watch 60 minutes, but Sunday really is my only TV watching day, and with Amazon Prime, Netflix, HBO, Showtime, and the occasional basic cable series, I really don't prioritize getting a left wing slant on something I've already read about on the internet.

I know the cable news networks all fall somewhere together on the DirecTV guide, but I honestly have no idea where off the top of my head.
I usually don't watch the news much anymore but when I do, it is usually "dos stations". (CNN and Fox) When I need a laugh.
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Just saw the failing NYT is going to offer buyouts to a bunch of it's editors.

I guess when you're dead set on posting any random shit anyone tells you so long as it fits your agenda, the people who are supposed to ensure accuracy are worthless.
yep, that caused the earth to stop spinning momentarily. Do we even need to say if someone was pictured with a severed head looking like Obama's.......nah, it's self-evident. They are all hacks, all of them.

By the way, here's Griffin in a simpler time, when a Democrat held the office:

"During a segment on Bravo’s Kathy on Thursday, Kathy Griffin tore into Elisabeth Hasselbeck‘s critical question to President Obama on The View about gay marriage, where Hasselbeck asked the president how he would “move things forward any more than Mitt Romney.” With Hasselbeck’s “attitude to the president, who was a Harvard Law professor, I’m, like, take it down a notch, bitch,” Griffin said.

“That body language,” Griffin added, “I don’t like that. I don’t like Jan Brewer in Arizona going like this to the President on the tarmac. I don’t like that. When I was on The View, Barbara Walters said you respect the office.”

You respect the office......

Funny how that works, huh? They only start shit when it's a Republican in office. When it's a Republican, the press is ruthless and they seem to see corruption in everything and take a stance that is never consistent when a Dem takes office. When a Dem is in office, the press fawns over them, they are not to be questioned and everything is racist or sexist or a "right wing witch hunt."

I hate these people.
Just saw the failing NYT is going to offer buyouts to a bunch of it's editors.

I guess when you're dead set on posting any random shit anyone tells you so long as it fits your agenda, the people who are supposed to ensure accuracy are worthless.

LA Times did the same thing a year ago. Buyout all of the old staff who is making decent money and replace them with young nobodies and pay them about $40k or less, if that.
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I watch local news every day I can at 4 to 5.

But I'm with you. Can't stand national news anymore because all of it isn'treally news.

At least with Local News, you get actual "news." They give you facts and move on to the next story. National news (both network and cable) is riddled with opinion and speculation.
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Here's the thing that perhaps scares the establishment more than trump - it's the fact that the operant conditioning type election marketing -- utterly Failed to have the intended effect --

As the 2016 election moved through the predictable and generally orchestrated sequences - Mr Trump (and anyone publicly supporting him) was -almost without exception-- treated with sneering contempt and ridicule

At NO POINT in the "democratic process " was he considered a viable candidate - at no point did we hear major media outlets foster an open minded dialogue on how he might bring unique skills to the office (business acumen and negotiation skills could have been reasonably safe point for consideration) or how his admin MIGHT offer Another approach for our nation that didn't include the obviously failed "nation building/ export he f democracy " paths that have nearly EXHAUSTED our military

So we get closer to the actual election and then his own party starts to panic and is looking around desperately FOR A SUB IN CHALLENGER --- (When does that ever happen?) that embarrassing display of cowardice ALONE should have shown those still in doubt how closed our "elections " have become to the average person who truly seeks change and outside influences in D/C

So then we get to the end - and a LOT of Americans decided to TUNE OUT the non-stop psy-ops coming at them from the previously reliable propaganda system - the public simply refused to go along with what they were expected to do

And rather than doing some objective reporting about the POSSIBILITY that there MAY be some validity behind the clearly FED UP voters-- the press and other entities doubled down and ramped up their attacks to the extent that few could argue that ANY standing President has ever been so uniformly characterized as an abberant threat to ORDER and stability -- even as these bought and paid for wanna-be intelligentsia clamor almost NON STOP in an effort to degrade , weaken , and ultimately overthrow a democratically elected President--

Theres more than one angle to this whole debacle of course -- but I think there are some seriously shocked and WORRIED people who no don't like the idea that people might start to think Independently of their media screens and devices

I mean - if the rabble start to think they can elect a president -- who KNOWS what other dangerous thoughts may creep in there??

Best post in this thread in a long time. Very well stated.
But i will say, I'm not as pro abortion as i was once was.

Once you start to see the true intentions of the pro abortion movement you begin to understand it was just another trick in their illusion of choice. Total mind control and brain wash the masses to think it is a movement for women's rights and freedom of choice only to further their real goal of population control.

Wake up people you have been lied to your whole life.


April 24, 1974

National Security Study Memorandum 200

NSSM 200
  1. "...World population growth is widely recognized within the Government as a current danger of the highest magnitude calling for urgent measures." [Page 194]
  2. " is of the utmost urgency that governments now recognize the facts and implications of population growth, determine the ultimate population sizes that make sense for their countries and start vigorous programs at once to achieve their desired goals." [Page 15]
  3. "...population factors are indeed critical in, and often determinants of, violent conflict in developing areas. Segmental (religious, social, racial) differences, migration, rapid population growth, differential levels of knowledge and skills, rural/urban differences, population pressure and the spatial location of population in relation to resources -- in this rough order of importance -- all appear to be important contributions to conflict and violence...Clearly, conflicts which are regarded in primarily political terms often have demographic roots. Recognition of these relationships appears crucial to any understanding or prevention of such hostilities." [Page 66]
  4. "Where population size is greater than available resources, or is expanding more rapidly than the available resources, there is a tendency toward internal disorders and violence and, sometimes, disruptive international policies or violence." [Page 69]
  5. "In developing countries, the burden of population factors, added to others, will weaken unstable governments, often only marginally effective in good times, and open the way to extremist regimes." [Page 84]
  6. The report gives three examples of population wars: the El Salvador-Honduras "Soccer War" [Page 71]; the Nigerian Civil War [Page 71]; and, the Pakistan-India-Bangladesh War, 1970-71. [Page 72]
  7. "...population growth over the years will seriously negate reasonable prospects for the sound social and economic development of the peoples involved." [Page 98]
  8. "Past experience gives little assistance to predicting the course of these developments because the speed of today's population growth, migrations, and urbanization far exceeds anything the world has ever seen before. Moreover, the consequences of such population factors can no longer be evaded by moving to new hunting or grazing lands, by conquering new territory, by discovering or colonizing new continents, or by emigration in large numbers
  9. The world has ample warning that we all must make more rapid efforts at social and economic development to avoid or mitigate these gloomy prospects. We should be warned also that we all must move as rapidly as possible toward stabilizing national and world population growth." [Page 85]

  1. Abortion is vital to the solution: - Index "While the agencies participating in this study have no specific recommendations to propose on abortion, the following issues are believed important and should be considered in the context of a global population strategy...Certain facts about abortion need to be appreciated:" -- No country has reduced its population growth without resorting to abortion". [Page 182]

  2. " -- Indeed, abortion, legal and illegal, now has become the most widespread fertility control method in use in the world today." [Page 183]

    " -- It would be unwise to restrict abortion research for the following reasons: 1) The persistent and ubiquitous nature of abortion. 2) Widespread lack of safe abortion techniques..." [Page 185]