How will they rule ??!

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#orcposting on twitter is phenomenal

The people running Fox now are trying to turn the station more leftist. Tucker was a good hire, but most decisions have been pretty bad IMO. Fox is getting beat during primetime now.

Billionaire leftist have made a deal with the Murdoch's to help offset the losses while they dismantle the only real conservative mouthpiece on cable. It will be interesting if Hannity, O'Reilly, Tucker and others end up together somewhere else.
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Been a few days now since the latest Muzzie attack.

Wonder how many Muzzie refugees have been adopted into white liberal homes since Manchester?

And speaking of Muzzies, how come libs blame all whites for slavery but only blame "radical" Muzzies for terror attacks?
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And this is why they don't mind reporting fake news and couldn't care less when they get caught. By the time the correction is issued, it has went viral, the masses have already ate up it, made up their minds, and the damage has been done.

Perfect example of fake news actually being very effective is rq. He truly thinks that Comey, personally, said that Trump was trying impede the investigation into Flynn.

The people running Fox now are trying to turn the station more leftist. Tucker was a good hire, but most decisions have been pretty bad IMO. Fox is getting beat during primetime now.

"We've only been dominating the ratings for the past 15 years so let's get rid of what works and who people like and cater to the left. That'll do it."
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Billionaire leftist have made a deal with the Murdoch's to help offset the losses while they dismantle the only real conservative mouthpiece on cable. It will be interesting if Hannity, O'Reilly, Tucker and others end up together somewhere else.
There absolutely needs to be a new conservative network created. Fox was really good for many years, but they are not what they once were. Maybe Hannity and OReilly can work on creating one.

Can anyone tell me if OANN is any good though? I've heard its pretty solid. Maybe it could be added onto cable.
There absolutely needs to be a new conservative network created. Fox was really good for many years, but they are not what they once were. Maybe Hannity and OReilly can work on creating one.

Can anyone tell me if OANN is any good though? I've heard its pretty solid. Maybe it could be added onto cable.

How about a nothing network?

Get a bunch of ppl from no where America and have them report the effing news. It can be based in the middle of America. All news. That's it.
I honestly can't believe this Russia thing is still a story. If you are going to push something for 8 months you should have a lot more yarn tied to a lot more thumbtacks.
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I honestly can't believe this Russia thing is still a story. If you are going to push something for 8 months you should have a lot more yarn tied to a lot more thumbtacks.
Its fake drama to try to sabotage Trumps agenda. Even the people pushing it know its fake, but they got to do something for their nutty base.
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Your proposed "generic news team " is a great seed of an idea as far as I'm concerned

Draft a simple charter to outline the concept and priorities- cite the us constitution as your authority (get the right licensing though) and current state of open sedition as one of your primary drivers--

And set some goals to hold both major parties accountable

Highlight the lack of critical thinking

Harp on how hard some people work to divide others

Teach people the forgotten word MARXIST

I'm on board if you want help from a writer

What do we call it?

The fed up network?
Outsourcing politicians now?
Robespierres revenge?
Police Tell Prof He's in Danger for Not Participating in Campus 'No Whites' Day

Over the last 72 hours, students have taken over a small liberal arts college in Washington state, and only one adult has tried to stop them.

Students at Evergreen State College in Olympia, who filmed their exploits and posted the videos on social media, have occupied and barricaded the library, shouting down anyone who disagrees with them or shows insufficient passion for racial justice.

Biology professor Bret Weinstein was berated by dozens of students outside of his classroom Tuesday morning for refusing to participate in an event in which white people were invited to leave campus for a day. Now, he says police have told him to hold his classes off campus due to safety concerns.

Things are “out of control at Evergreen,” he said.

“Police told me protesters stopped cars yesterday, demanding information about occupants,” Mr. Weinstein told The Washington Times. “They believe I was being sought. It appears that the campus has been under the effective control of protesters since 9:30 a.m. Tuesday. Police are on lockdown, hamstrung by the college administration. Students, staff and faculty are not safe.”

Mr. Weinstein was confronted outside of his classroom Tuesday morning by dozens of students who demanded he apologize or resign for writing an allegedly racist email.

His email took issue with a “Day of Absence & Day of Presence” demonstration, for which white students, faculty and staff were asked to leave campus for one day.

Remember these degenerates? New video has surfaced giving us a small glimpse into the behavior on display that day. Let's just say if this were white conservatives, there would riots in the streets, demanding the college be shut down.

Anyways, now they're crying, demanding the video be purged from the internet because it wasn't supposed to get out. They're saying they were sabotaged, that a "white supremacist" stole the video and posted it.

Their demanding that the video be purged from the entire Internet, automatically blaming it on "white supremacy" is a perfect example of how liberal professors are indoctrinating and poisoning the minds of millennial minorities.

They coddle them, teaching them that no matter what they say or how they act, they are the victims and never have to take responsibility, instead just blame it all on white racism.

[laughing] And they can't wait until '18 midterms and '20 elections, they say. Democrats have fired up the base and motivated tons of voters, they say. It's going to be a revolution, they say. :thumbsdown:

The Democrats Need a New Message

The electoral results last November have been repeated enough that most people in politics know them by heart. Republicans now control 68 state legislative chambers, while Democrats only control 31. Republicans flipped three more governors' seats last year and now control an incredible 33 of those offices. Since 2008, when Barack Obama first took office, Republicans have gained somewhere around 900 to 1,000 seats overall.

There are a lot of reasons for this. But there's no way to spin some of these numbers in a way that doesn't speak to the awesome unpopularity of the blue party. A recent series of Gallup polls is the most frightening example.

Similar surveys have shown that despite the near daily barrage of news stories pegging the president as a bumbling incompetent in the employ of a hostile foreign power, Trump, incredibly, would still beat Hillary Clinton in a rematch today, and perhaps even by a larger margin than before.

If you look in the press for explanations for news items like this, you will find a lot of them. Democrats may have some difficulty winning elections, but they've become quite adept at explaining their losses.

According to legend, Democrats lose because of
media bias, because ofracism, because of gerrymandering, because of James Comey and because of Russia (an amazing 59 percent of Democrats still believe Russians hacked vote totals).
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Portland mayor is now pleading to the feds, asking that they shut down any and all pro Trump rallies in the city because of the actions of Jeremy Christian.

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