How will they rule ??!

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A group of racists get racist at another racist for being racist and the racist resigns.

My bad. Let me try this...Liberals are ruining America, socialism, they control the media and brain wash everyone, Hillary is a criminal, republicans are the only hope we have, conservativism is truth, Fox News doesn't preach an ideology they only preach truth, something something politically correct something, global warming is a lie, government handouts, people are lazy, Obama is racist, republicans are racist, the left is racist, everyone is racist. Did I miss anything?
Silly and dramatic but overall closer to being true than the other ramblings.

See microaggressions can be useful.
My bad. Let me try this...Liberals are ruining America, socialism, they control the media and brain wash everyone, Hillary is a criminal, republicans are the only hope we have, conservativism is truth, Fox News doesn't preach an ideology they only preach truth, something something politically correct something, global warming is a lie, government handouts, people are lazy, Obama is racist, republicans are racist, the left is racist, everyone is racist. Did I miss anything?
Now you're clucking in harmony with a few of the puffed up hens in this here hen house.
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Nothing. He's the typical sacrifice to the PC bullies who are constantly offended and constantly crying over the smallest thing. This does nothing but encourage further social justice warriors to keep on fighting this imaginary war in their minds and advancing their insanity.

I'm all for splitting the country and giving the liberals their own utopia so the rest of us who don't cry every five minutes can get away from their lunacy and PC brainwashing.
Oh you mean like the Christians crying over Starbucks changing their holiday cups? WAR ON CHRISTMAS!!!
people wanting colleges to stand up to racists and bigots - imaginary war in their minds
Starbucks not putting Merry Christmas on holiday cups - OMFG WAR ON CHRISTMAS!!! LET'S BOYCOTT STARBUCKS!

Now who's being petty and crying over b.s.?
Heisman if you want your anti liberal utopia why don't you just move to Alabama or Mississippi? It's all set up for you and you can be as racist as you want and get pats on your shoulder for being a good ole boy.
Oh you mean like the Christians crying over Starbucks changing their holiday cups? WAR ON CHRISTMAS!!!
people wanting colleges to stand up to racists and bigots - imaginary war in their minds
Starbucks not putting Merry Christmas on holiday cups - OMFG WAR ON CHRISTMAS!!! LET'S BOYCOTT STARBUCKS!
Is it the War on Christmas season again? Seems like it comes earlier each year.
ah, FTS and catdaddy bonded over dead cops, err pigs, now they can commiserate over a strawman Starbucks controversy only a few hags on facebook care about. So sweet. Peas and carrots and whatnot.
The guy that says this about Hillary, mocks Ben Carson in his sig, has a pro-Obama avatar while swearing to support a libertarian is talking about puffed up hens.
Yep, you are the head hen. I said she is more mainstream and reasonable than the far right candidates. Public opinion polls back that statement up. Though you might disagree because those polls are based on scientific research, and we know how unreliable and untrustworthy science is.
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So you are officially back on her skirt? Which days' stances did you reference?

Gary Johnson would throat punch you within 5 mins if you met him.

Someone else already took apart those cherrypicked positions of hers you posted. Ignored ACA, Iran, late term abortion, etc.
100% false on the context. Page 12.

You have to work for the public sector...right? Glad to see you are all in on Hillary, is it really official now?
It's so easy to get you worked up.

I'm not voting for her, just pointing out the facts.

Yeah, the same one taken apart by Willy I think. Non-specific and cherrypicked.

So all in? Seems like a perfect fit...smarmy, dishonest, liberal.

She has a lower approval rating than the NRA, would need to see a specific question of people being in favor of cost of goods and energy costs going up to address climate change, no problem on gay marriage, majority (and Gary Johnson) favor late-term abortion bans, and of course fiscal stuff.

Anything else?
So what about the majority that were against ACA, wanted Keystone, were against TPP, and against the Iran deal? You know, specific policies.
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Ha! Figured. But hey, congrats again and you and Hillary being official...and finding a buddy like catdaddy.
This thread is a perfect microcosm of Kentucky politics.

Roughly 70/30 in favor of red team.

The funniest part to me is both sides think their way is the only correct one, but it reality, the Dems and GOP are way the eff out of touch with everything. Left wants to move forward in a way that is not possible. Right wants to go backwards in a way that is not possible.

Now, back to the ideological pissing match and name calling.
Well MyRA is now live. Who else cant wait to give your hard earned retirement savings to the federal government for their safekeeping?

What is it with students making demands these days?

The "Irate 8" jackasses at UC are doing the same thing. It's like it's all being coordinated.

Same thing happened when the UL president wore a sombrero. Same exact thing. Only difference? The UL group wanted a confederate statue removed too.

Uhhhh what? That's pretty racist, tbh.

In the letter and at the press conference, Tim Wolfe must acknowledge his white male privilege,


Here is a summary of the timeline based on my understanding having read the article:
1. September, one individual, unidentified and not verified, used a racial slur against the President of the Mizzou Student Union as he walked across campus. No threats, just racial slurs.
2. The Legion of Black Collegians, while preparing for an activity, had "a young man” talking on his cellphone walked up to the group. After being politely and repeatedly asked to leave, the man walked away but referenced LBC members using racial slurs."

Dont forget the random swastika in feces written on a bathroom wall by an unidentified person.

Racism is a terrible, ugly thing. But I have no idea what a Univ president is supposed to do to stop random acts of verbal racism on campus. There isnt even any proof these acts were committed by anyone enrolled at the university.
Here is a summary of the timeline based on my understanding having read the article:
1. September, one individual, unidentified and not verified, used a racial slur against the President of the Mizzou Student Union as he walked across campus. No threats, just racial slurs.
2. The Legion of Black Collegians, while preparing for an activity, had "a young man” talking on his cellphone walked up to the group. After being politely and repeatedly asked to leave, the man walked away but referenced LBC members using racial slurs."

From this point on, there were no other cited racial incidents. Everything else mentioned relates to various protests by the students and their perceived lack of response by the university President. The President, based on what I read, didn't actually do anything, other than not reply to their demands in a manner which they expected.

I'm sorry, but if there's not more than this--F'em. Over a period of two months that's all they have to complain about? I'm sure if you polled the Whites, the Hispanics, the Indians, the French, the Lesbians, the Handicapped, the Harry Potter fans, the members of the Glee Club, the Fraternities, the Frisbee Golf team, the Sororities, etc. you would find at least this many incidents of improper abuse for each group.

Hell, I've taken more abusive hits in GYERO in an hour than what they took in over 60 days.
Yeah, I think that's about it. Apparently all you have to do is utter the phrase white privilege and an entire academic institution will simply collapse and send a blank check. white guilt I suppose, not sure what else to infer. I think Tom Wolfe was on to something with the "desire for status" - or however he'd say it. this kind of thing will likely spread. Reminds me a little of the mid 60s. great social change, social upheaval, followed eventually by a reckoning of sorts.....
This thread is a perfect microcosm of Kentucky politics.

Roughly 70/30 in favor of red team.

The funniest part to me is both sides think their way is the only correct one, but it reality, the Dems and GOP are way the eff out of touch with everything. Left wants to move forward in a way that is not possible. Right wants to go backwards in a way that is not possible.

Now, back to the ideological pissing match and name calling.

Perspective man. Of that 70%, about 69% on here have noted the many flaws in the Red teams corner as things they will need to do in order to become more electable. That's called insight. . However, 30% of the Blue team thinks there is not one single problem with a democrat gov't. Dems lack insight because they are too busy smelling their own farts in a wine glass while taking "selfies" for Facebook. That's the truth.

Only instead blaming "conservatives" as the culprit with the U.S's problems. The last 8 years was a power grab to increase gov't control.
Heard Bevin on the radio today yelling "you lost" regarding the Brent Spence Bridge. OK, jackass. Why don't you try and do something good for the state and work with OH on keeping the bridge from collapsing rather than yelling like a dipshit on the radio.

I don't think anything infuriates me more than people who are opposed to tolls but have consistently voted for McConnell. Yeah, there's no federal funds for the bridge because the federal government has squandered the "highway fund" and continually pisses money down the drain. Yet people continuously vote for McConnell, who was a part of all that government waste, but they refuse to accept the fact there is no federal money.

Do what needs to be done. Pay for the damn bridge. And then stop being dumbasses and sending McConnell back to Washington.
Heard Bevin on the radio today yelling "you lost" regarding the Brent Spence Bridge. OK, jackass. Why don't you try and do something good for the state and work with OH on keeping the bridge from collapsing rather than yelling like a dipshit on the radio.

I don't think anything infuriates me more than people who are opposed to tolls but have consistently voted for McConnell. Yeah, there's no federal funds for the bridge because the federal government has squandered the "highway fund" and continually pisses money down the drain. Yet people continuously vote for McConnell, who was a part of all that government waste, but they refuse to accept the fact there is no federal money.

Do what needs to be done. Pay for the damn bridge. And then stop being dumbasses and sending McConnell back to Washington.
The federal fuel tax needs to be raised. Anyone know why congress refuses to address the problem?
Heard Bevin on the radio today yelling "you lost" regarding the Brent Spence Bridge. OK, jackass. Why don't you try and do something good for the state and work with OH on keeping the bridge from collapsing rather than yelling like a dipshit on the radio.

I don't think anything infuriates me more than people who are opposed to tolls but have consistently voted for McConnell. Yeah, there's no federal funds for the bridge because the federal government has squandered the "highway fund" and continually pisses money down the drain. Yet people continuously vote for McConnell, who was a part of all that government waste, but they refuse to accept the fact there is no federal money.

Do what needs to be done. Pay for the damn bridge. And then stop being dumbasses and sending McConnell back to Washington.

There was plenty of money for two bridges here in Louisville and McConnell helped build both. So I don't think that you can say that he is totally against bridge construction/maintenance. Unfortunately, we only really needed one of those bridges (the East end bridge). The Downtown bridge is boondoggle that city democrats insisted upon getting for them to go along with the East end bridge.
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I didn't say McConnell is against bridge construction. I said he's a jackass who's been a party to the raping and pillaging of the federal coffers.

So yeah, don't tell me you won't accept tolls to build the bridge because the fed should pay for it and then in the next breath tell me you voted for McConnell (who helped spend all the money that's not there).
I don't know if "plenty of money" for the bridges in Louisville is entirely accurate, we are being tolled and they have been trying to get money for it (east end bridge at least) since I was a small child 30 years ago.
The federal fuel tax needs to be raised. Anyone know why congress refuses to address the problem?

That one is easy. The fuel tax is very unpopular to the voters of both parties. The fuel tax is also regressive so lower income Americans get hit the hardest. That is why some dems who normally are for higher taxes, dislike this one.
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I don't know if "plenty of money" for the bridges in Louisville is entirely accurate, we are being tolled and they have been trying to get money for it (east end bridge at least) since I was a small child 30 years ago.

You are right that there will be tolls to pay for about half of the $2.4 Billion construction cost. I was just being snarky with the "plenty of money" comment. Although $1.2 Billion in government funding is a fair bit of money.
This thread is a perfect microcosm of Kentucky politics.

Roughly 70/30 in favor of red team.

The funniest part to me is both sides think their way is the only correct one, but it reality, the Dems and GOP are way the eff out of touch with everything. Left wants to move forward in a way that is not possible. Right wants to go backwards in a way that is not possible.

Now, back to the ideological pissing match and name calling.
Jerk. Had to do it since you told us to go back to it.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
The federal fuel tax needs to be raised. Anyone know why congress refuses to address the problem?
typical liberal response to every problem, raise taxes. When do we actually hold our government accountable to fixing problems with the money they all ready get instead of waisting the money on entitlements, over priced government equipment/salaries, campaign paybacks, made up global problems that we give billions to etc....
^^^Warrior I want you to think about this, too.

Because the tax rate, which hasn't been raised since 1993, isn't indexed to inflation. The revenue the current gas tax raises is woefully inadequate to meet the needs of our crumbling transportation infrastructure. Some people call it a regressive tax, but it is a fair tax. If you use the roads you should help pay for help pay for their construction and upkeep. Keep in mind about half the people in this country pay no income tax. Illegals pay no income tax. Their only way to contribute is through sales taxes. If you want those people to help pay the cost of fixing our highways and bridges then the federal fuel tax needs to be raised.
Sorry FTS, we can cut spending before we raise taxes. That's insane. We literally spend a trillion dollars and you want to a raise in taxes???? You realize how much a trillion a year is? Ha ha ha

Raise taxes when we have a spending prob. Ha ha ha ha Smh.
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[QUOTI="From-the-stands, post: 2667359, member: 3302"]^^^Warrior I want you to think about this, too.

Because the tax rate, which hasn't been raised since 1993, isn't indexed to inflation. The revenue the current gas tax raises is woefully inadequate to meet the needs of our crumbling transportation infrastructure. Some people call it a regressive tax, but it is a fair tax. If you use the roads you should help pay for help pay for their construction and upkeep. Keep in mind about half the people in this country pay no income tax. Illegals pay no income tax. Their only way to contribute is through sales taxes. If you want those people to help pay the cost of fixing our highways and bridges then the federal fuel tax needs to be raised.[/QUOTE]

This is really telling here, why not get rid of illegals and go with the flat tax some have suggested. That would be a step in the right direction.