How will they rule ??!

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Damn right Warrior.

I like Stanton Friedman's idea too. Can't get anyone to tell me why his idea doesn't work.

But Warrior nailed it
Mega, let me ask you something. I am Atheist as f***. Other than Fatguy and Ida, there Prolly isn't more of an Atheist on this board. Why would I agree with a vivid believer such as Warrior? Because religion gets labeled for parties, but why do I agree so much with Warrior despite his belief system?
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Why are so many on the left afraid of a flat tax? Getting rid of loop holes and making everyone pay in sounds very fair to me and it would as I said go a long way to start the ball rolling. Also, cut out frivolous spending. Just saw where we spent a few million to build a gas station in Afghanistan that should have cost about 400 thousand instead. Spending billions on some online document for illegals or something like that not really sure but, this kind of crap goes on unchecked all of the time. People getting rich by cheating their way or getting kickbacks from the government for who knows what. We just stand by and accept it as the way things are now. What a crock of crap. It will catch up to us and I believe soon. Problem is though, the only ones who will suffer are the poor and the middle class who will not exist later on.
Why are so many on the left afraid of a flat tax? Getting rid of loop holes and making everyone pay in sounds very fair to me and it would as I said go a long way to start the ball rolling. Also, cut out frivolous spending. Just saw where we spent a few million to build a gas station in Afghanistan that should have cost about 400 thousand instead. Spending billions on some online document for illegals or something like that not really sure but, this kind of crap goes on unchecked all of the time. People getting rich by cheating their way or getting kickbacks from the government for who knows what. We just stand by and accept it as the way things are now. What a crock of crap. It will catch up to us and I believe soon. Problem is though, the only ones who will suffer are the poor and the middle class who will not exist later on.
I am totally for a consumption tax.
Mega, let me ask you something. I am Atheist as f***. Other than Fatguy and Ida, there Prolly isn't more of an Atheist on this board. Why would I agree with a vivid believer such as Warrior? Because religion gets labeled for parties, but why do I agree so much with Warrior despite his belief system?
I will tell you why, because this issue should have no religious bias whatsoever. This issue should concern every American regardless of belief system. We cannot sustain our current spending levels and then raise taxes and expect people to just take it while those in power keep getting richer because of corruption.
I will tell you why, because this issue should have no religious bias whatsoever. This issue should concern every American regardless of belief system. We cannot sustain our current spending levels and then raise taxes and expect people to just take it while those in power keep getting richer because of corruption.

Bingo. That's exactly what I was looking for.
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I will tell you why, because this issue should have no religious bias whatsoever. This issue should concern every American regardless of belief system. We cannot sustain our current spending levels and then raise taxes and expect people to just take it while those in power keep getting richer because of corruption.
OK, but from a practical standpoint while we debate a new taxation method and what to do with illegals, the bridges and roads need to be fixed.
OK, but from a practical standpoint while we debate a new taxation method and what to do with illegals, the bridges and roads need to be fixed.
They are illegals, they should be deported for breaking the law. As far as the roads, the taxation method already stated would start the process with little to no opposition from the right. It is the left who is against it. Your raising of taxes would take as much time as changing to a new tax method so, roads would be fixed on about the same time schedule. Enough money does not come in over night. You want to put the burden on "half' of the nation when all of the nation will benefit. Many of the half you stated earlier are getting tired of being the ones who foot the bill.
OK, but from a practical standpoint while we debate a new taxation method and what to do with illegals, the bridges and roads need to be fixed.

Why is it that Abe Lincoln was the first to include an income tax?

Before him we had one other tax. Forgot what it was. But because of the Civil War we had to increase Federal taxes. Why taxes? Shit man
They are illegals, they should be deported for breaking the law. As far as the roads, the taxation method already stated would start the process with little to no opposition from the right. It is the left who is against it. Your raising of taxes would take as much time as changing to a new tax method so, roads would be fixed on about the same time schedule. Enough money does not come in over night. You want to put the burden on "half' of the nation when all of the nation will benefit. Many of the half you stated earlier are getting tired of being the ones who foot the bill.
No, I said raising the gas tax (consumption tax) puts the burden of making up the annual 16 billion shortfall on all who drive. Who currently makes up the shortfall difference? The half of the country that actually pay income tax. Congress could vote to raise the gas tax and have the measure implemented within a year.
Our elected officials have a$$ raped us for so many years and we seem to want to argue on whose side is better? Guess what, when folks steal my money I tend to not care what their belief system is. At some point maybe the American people will agree on something and start bringing these corrupt POS to justice and take our country back from them. We have nothing but a bunch of criminals in Washington spending our future and our kids futures away all the while they get richer and we end up paying the price. If that does not get you pissed off no matter what party you belong to then there is zero hope for you or this country.
Burn in hell!

Dude when I die Jamo, I swear to effing shit that if you're still alive, that I am going to haunt your soul for the rest of your natural life. If I don't haunt you, you'll know God was all bullshit.
Not enough bridges have collapsed or roads crumbled yet. As soon as we have more blood with the associated CNN "Breaking News", congress will get off their arses and pass a bill

ha aha ha,what does this mean Deeee?
No, I said raising the gas tax (consumption tax) puts the burden of making up the annual 16 billion shortfall on all who drive. Who currently makes up the shortfall difference? The half of the country that actually pay income tax. Congress could vote to raise the gas tax and have the measure implemented within a year.

A large majority of those driving are driving to work. Again it would be the tax payer and now you want to tax them more. Let's reel in the spending first and see how that helps.
If the federal fuel tax was actually put into a trust type fund to pay for road repairs and maintenance of infrastructure, and anyone who touched that money or borrowed against it for anything else was immediately publically executed, I'd be all for paying more.
A $1 Trillion dollar stimulus, written wholly by Dems that supposedly was aimed at "shovel ready" projects was passed in 2008. Rahm famously said when the GOP asked for input, "we have the votes fu## them".

Now 7 years later the Obama fans are blaming the GOP.
Legalize all illegal immigrants and then tax the hell out of them. #ifpeoplewereweed
You are a numbers guy. Break it down for us. Latino family of 4 in CA with 2 kids in public school. Legal means they get all public assistance afforded to them...housing subsidies, medicaid, food stamps.

As the analysis has shown immigrants add to the GDP as production but add more the state, local, and federal spending and debt.

If you want to talk high end medical and tech talent that is different math.
Good sign for Rubio, he better be ready. This group is/was backed by Bill Maher, Paul Begala, and David Brock. They were behind the Romney ad where he was linked to a lady dying of cancer even though he left Bain several years before she lost insurance. Via, TheHill:

Clinton World is stepping up its attacks on Sen. Marco Rubio, signaling the Democratic presidential front-runner sees the rising Florida Republican as a significant threat.

Priorities USA, a super-PAC aligned with Hillary Clinton, has issued a dozen separate email blasts or advertisements attacking Rubio by name in the last two weeks. No other GOP presidential candidate is receiving that kind of scrutiny.
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Why are so many on the left afraid of a flat tax?

Because then they cant complain about the GOP favoring the 1%.

A $1 Trillion dollar stimulus, written wholly by Dems that supposedly was aimed at "shovel ready" projects was passed in 2008. Rahm famously said when the GOP asked for input, "we have the votes fu## them".

Now 7 years later the Obama fans are blaming the GOP.

Good catch. All these "shovel ready" projects were supposed to put people to work and restore infrastructure. Yet the moneys gone, and we're still a crumbling mess.

Good sign for Rubio, he better be ready. This group is/was backed by Bill Maher, Paul Begala, and David Brock. They were behind the Romney ad where he was linked to a lady dying of cancer even though he left Bain several years before she lost insurance. Via, TheHill:

Clinton World is stepping up its attacks on Sen. Marco Rubio, signaling the Democratic presidential front-runner sees the rising Florida Republican as a significant threat.

Priorities USA, a super-PAC aligned with Hillary Clinton, has issued a dozen separate email blasts or advertisements attacking Rubio by name in the last two weeks. No other GOP presidential candidate is receiving that kind of scrutiny.

Pretty clear at this point Rubio is who the Dems are truly scared of. Young, on the right side of social issues, a minority, and can carry florida.

Unless he implodes, I think he'll get the nomination. If he adds Kasich to the ticket, they win the whitehouse.
The hilarious thing about the Starbucks deal is the left completely fabricating another non controversy controversy to drum up hits/sales.

I guess they call that business.
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Unless he implodes, I think he'll get the nomination. If he adds Kasich to the ticket, they win the whitehouse.
eh, Kasich hasnt endeared himself to the right with his performance as a Gov or his act trying to be Pres. Coupled with Walker's flameout I'd say the midwest Gov that Rubio should pick for his VP if he wins the nom would be Snyder at Michigan. No other top Pres contenders fit as VPs who give you anything, Trump-Carson-Jeb-Cruz win no new states for GOP if they were on the ticket.
Only about 10% of the Trillion dollar stimulus went toward infrastructure. Most of the rest went to prop up state budgets (mostly medicaid and unemployment) when their tax revenue nose dived or for dumb programs like "cash for clunkers". You can thank Obozo and the dems for wasting $900 Billion.

Good god. Also Id forgotten about cash for clunkers. Its embarrassing to think that actually took place.
Why are so many on the left afraid of a flat tax? Getting rid of loop holes and making everyone pay in sounds very fair to me and it would as I said go a long way to start the ball rolling. Also, cut out frivolous spending. Just saw where we spent a few million to build a gas station in Afghanistan that should have cost about 400 thousand instead. Spending billions on some online document for illegals or something like that not really sure but, this kind of crap goes on unchecked all of the time. People getting rich by cheating their way or getting kickbacks from the government for who knows what. We just stand by and accept it as the way things are now. What a crock of crap. It will catch up to us and I believe soon. Problem is though, the only ones who will suffer are the poor and the middle class who will not exist later on.

People are invested in the current tax system. EITC, mortgage interest, child tax credit, etc... But we should go to a consumption tax. There's a lot of devils in the details, but man oh man our tax system is messed up.
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People are invested in the current tax system. EITC, mortgage interest, child tax credit, etc... But we should go to a consumption tax. There's a lot of devils in the details, but man oh man our tax system is messed up.

Good point. It would completely dissolve the entire IRS, some lawyers, most accountants, and all tax preparers (H&R Block, etc.) So itll never happen short of non career politicians being elected president and a large portion of congress.
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People are invested in the current tax system. EITC, mortgage interest, child tax credit, etc... But we should go to a consumption tax. There's a lot of devils in the details, but man oh man our tax system is messed up.
Agreed, flat tax is a non-starter due to EITC and deductions, especially the former. Zero chance any changes pass that make the poor pay more in taxes.
I would like to see a two prong tax system. The top 15%-20% would still pay an income tax but at a reduced rate. Then everyone would pay a consumption tax that would exclude food and clothing (thereby making it less regressive). The consumption tax would make it much harder to cheat the tax man but everyone would have skin in the game.
Clinton and other Dems - eg Nate Silver - have been on Rubio for a while. Not a recent development. Pretty simple analysis, he checks the most boxes.....
Agreed, flat tax is a non-starter due to EITC and deductions, especially the former. Zero chance any changes pass that make the poor pay more in taxes.

People love to crap all over the EITC, but I rarely hear the same people crap all over child tax credits and mortgage interest deductions, which are also handouts. There are more, of course (as you alluded to with your comment on deductions), but those 2 are pretty common and pretty popular. A flat tax will anger so many, which is probably why I tend to like it, although there's a lot of pluses and minuses (and a lot of conflicting studies).
So yet again, the fact that the tax code all but mandates employer provided healthcare options will produce an unintended (but not unexpected) consequence as (mostly) Catholic hospitals challenge having to notify about the opt-out for birth control. Or something. Really, who cares? It's easily avoidable. Why, in 2015, do we still have our employers (via the tax code) providing the only real health insurance options when it: 1) reduces competition, which raises costs; 2) creates stickiness with employment (somewhat abated by mandatory coverage of prior conditions, but still there); and 3) leads to stupid situations where your employer dictates your health insurance coverage? Just give me the money and I'll get my own, thanks. Just like I do with housing, transportation, food, entertainment, etc...

Might as well bring back company towns. Hey, if my employer can tell me what birth control it will cover with insurance, why not tell me what vegetables and fruits I may purchase at affordable rates? Look, you can have tomatoes, but they have to be Roma and you have to get them at an in-network grocery store. Farmer's markets require a referral. And is that a new pickle? No, son, you only get dill. New pickle is not an approved snack option.
People love to crap all over the EITC, but I rarely hear the same people crap all over child tax credits and mortgage interest deductions, which are also handouts. There are more, of course (as you alluded to with your comment on deductions), but those 2 are pretty common and pretty popular. A flat tax will anger so many, which is probably why I tend to like it, although there's a lot of pluses and minuses (and a lot of conflicting studies).
Yes and no. Yes they are handouts but they only reduce the taxable income and there are also economy-affecting positives whereas EITC can produce a situation where someone gets back more than they paid in.

Theoretically I would like simple plans that have everyone pay at least something. I am just saying today's political environment makes any discussion a nonstarter. A Rep talking about having the poor go from getting money back via EITC to paying a flat tax would get skewered.

I wish someone would talk about reducing/replacing the payroll tax.
I am just saying today's political environment makes any discussion a nonstarter.

Completely agree. I'm never going to be an EITC guy, so I might as well buy some rental properties and start popping out babies. Between the insane NYC area prices (mortgage interest and property taxes deductible) and child tax credits, I might be able to get the same effective tax rate as a pure long term capital gains guy, but with the added benefit of gaining equity in property.
Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don't Department:

We bitch about the $40bl. but without it, all it would take is one single terrorist success with our airlines and every finger in the country would be pointing towards..."why didn't you do more."

Oh I'm not really bitching but do we really need to spend $40 Bil a year, when we already have a $600 bil a year agency called The Department of Defense? Maybe we could realign, and reallocate a bit and be more efficient, while still getting a good result. All the "tests" they have done on TSA have shown they are for the most part a failed agency.

Anyway yes we need a transportation bill and the people like myself that drive on the roads need to be the ones that pays for it. I don't expect something for nothing.
Ran into some interesting facts re: Missouri president. If the football team didn't play BYU on Saturday, it would owe a $1m penalty. The university president makes half that. Boom, easy decision. I think the real story here is the fact that football has such an out-sized influence on universities, which allows those involved to exert out-sized influence. I think that's far more important than the merits of this dispute, whatever they are (I don't care).