How will they rule ??!

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False equivalency. The conservative media is Fox, which everyone knows is conservative, and several other outlets that are i) niche and ii) well known as conservative. If the liberal offset to that was limited to say MSNBC and Air America and others like that, you'd have an even playing field. But the liberal offset includes ABC, CBS, NBC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, etc. etc.

BTW, if we get rid of "big business" and unemployment goes thru the roof (probably an identifiable stat, but I don have time to google) is that a net positive?
Who has more outlets is irrelevant. Both sides are indoctrinating the masses with their ideology and undermining independent thought. It's thought control and nothing more. I'm saying get big business out of the government and the influence of elections. I'm not saying get rid of jobs. There is a difference that hopefully you can see. These elections are bought. Plain and simple.
If elections are bought what is the medium they are using to buy the influence?
I read Drudge and Huffington every day. You would not even know that they were posting about the same day's events.

The most interesting post I ever read on Huffington was about a program for drug-testing welfare recipients in Mass I believe. The headline read (paraphrasing here) DRUG TESTING PROGRAM ONLY CATCHES ONE OFFENDER. I read the article and discover that they only called in 15 people to be tested. 13 never showed up! Of the two that did show up, one of them failed the test and the other passed. Thus the true but completely misleading headline for an article that many never bother to read.
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This would be a good time remind everyone Deeeeeeeeee once wanted the secret service to arrest - and a grand jury to indict - Ted Facking Nugent for using a metaphor.
Deee is a big government socialist type person.
Simple question, you said who has media outlets is irrelevant. So what mediums are the wealthy using to buy these elections?
The media is owned by like 5 or 6 major corporations. That is fact. The wealthy (corporations) use the media to undermine democracy and keep voters uniformed so that they will make irrational choices. Thought control. Left, right, who has more or who has less is irrelevant because it comes back to thought control and ideology. Independent thought by the masses doesn't exist on either side. People just regurgitate what msnbc or fox tells them.
The media is owned by like 5 or 6 major corporations. That is fact. The wealthy (corporations) use the media to undermine democracy and keep voters uniformed so that they will make irrational choices..

I think this is 4 years old. Consolidation may have lowered the number to 5 by 2016. More power in the hands of the few is not good, folks.

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The Bevin/Conway race is easy to figure. Stumbo went on his "Dems love God/Jesus" rant for a reason - the conservative Democrat has been exiled and left behind by Pelosi/Obama and the other far-lefties. This doesn't hurt Dems in NY, Mass or Connecticut but it sure does in Kentucky and I'm not very religious myself, but I can see this a mile away.
The media is owned by like 5 or 6 major corporations. That is fact. The wealthy (corporations) use the media to undermine democracy and keep voters uniformed so that they will make irrational choices. Thought control. Left, right, who has more or who has less is irrelevant because it comes back to thought control and ideology. Independent thought by the masses doesn't exist on either side. People just regurgitate what msnbc or fox tells them.
Basically contradicting yourself about challeging the argument that the left controls more media.
No one is arguing it does not go on with both sides but the outlets and reach are heavily skewed. Fox gets 5 times the ratings of MSNBC because they have way less competition. But those shows are not influential because the people that watch are loyalists. As the HRC emails showed they were more interested in mag covers, headlines, celebrity support, tweets, etc than detailed content...they know people are not really engaged. And they skunk the GOP in that area. Even Tom Brokaw has spoken out about the coziness of the media with the Dem party...and he is a democrat.
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How long till Hillary butts into the Mizzou situation in an attempt to score political points? Im shocked she hasnt already.

The Bevin/Conway race is easy to figure. Stumbo went on his "Dems love God/Jesus" rant for a reason - the conservative Democrat has been exiled and left behind by Pelosi/Obama and the other far-lefties. This doesn't hurt Dems in NY, Mass or Connecticut but it sure does in Kentucky and I'm not very religious myself, but I can see this a mile away.

Focusing pretty exclusively on minorities and metro areas has worked really well for the Dems in presidential elections. So they cant figure out why that same strategy doesnt work on the state level. Probably because theres no California and 55 electoral votes ready to bail them out.
BTW, those weren't real headlines, I made them up. And exaggerated to make the point. The fact that you thought they were real headlines sort of argues my point.....
Well, you believe made up stuff in the bible like, Noah's Ark, Jonah Swallowed by the Whale, right?
I guess I can see how you would just make up headlines to suit your personal reality.
Surprised President Obama hasn't come out and made a statement in support of the protests at UM. Not like the President to miss an opportunity to get involved in something like this.
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Surprised President Obama hasn't come out and made a statement in support of the protests at UM.
You can be sure it is being discussed and strategized, interesting (and sad IMO) read from the NYT on the social media team for BO. Pretty much any meme or internet sensation gets his insertion into it somehow.

WASHINGTON — As the Internet exploded recently with the story of the 14-year-old Muslim boy arrested for taking a homemade clock that was mistaken for a bomb to his school in Texas, President Obama’s small army of social media specialists wasted no time.

From their office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Mr. Obama’s aides determined that the president should swiftly tweet about the clockmaker, Ahmed Mohamed, whose distraught expression and handcuffed wrists were feeding a national debate about ethnic and religious profiling.

“Cool clock, Ahmed,” Mr. Obama said in a message posted on Twitterhours later from his personal account, @POTUS, to his nearly five million followers. “Want to bring it to the White House?”

Although the president seldom posts his own tweets, and White House officials would not say who wrote the one about Ahmed, the tweet reflected a push at the White House to build up a social media presence for Mr. Obama in his own voice.
He's an out of state millionaire who didn't pay his taxes and is called a pathological liar. I don't know the guy but that's what all the commercials said.
Basically contradicting yourself about challeging the argument that the left controls more media.
No one is arguing it does not go on with both sides but the outlets and reach are heavily skewed. Fox gets 5 times the ratings of MSNBC because they have way less competition. But those shows are not influential because the people that watch are loyalists. As the HRC emails showed they were more interested in mag covers, headlines, celebrity support, tweets, etc than detailed content...they know people are not really engaged. And they skunk the GOP in that area. Even Tom Brokaw has spoken out about the coziness of the media with the Dem party...and he is a democrat.
I haven't contradicted my self. You are not understanding me and I'm not sure I can be any clearer. You are blinded by ideology and nothing I say can get you past this blue vs red ruse.
I haven't contradicted my self. You are not understanding me and I'm not sure I can be any clearer. You are blinded by ideology and nothing I say can get you past this blue vs red ruse.
One trick pony, sorry I made you try to think and get beyond the same exact simpleton post over and over. BTW, I criticize Reps more than you criticize Dems.

You're saying money buys power which uses media but the media is exactly even on both sides. Don't confuse "getting it" with pointing out the data and basic reasoning says you are wrong.

Chomsky should be publicly hanged for his corruption of youth.....especially mentally corrupting when mixed with strong weed. OBL was a Chomsky fan too BTW.
I haven't contradicted my self. You are not understanding me and I'm not sure I can be any clearer. You are blinded by ideology and nothing I say can get you past this blue vs red ruse.
It's like when fans get upset with announcers for a televised game because they spend more time talking about the blue team, or else they're 'rooting" for the red team. ESPN hates my school. Blah, blah, blah. Same thing in politics.
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Very interesting coming from someone that universally posts anti GOP opinions and called HRC moderate and reasonable. It's funday Monday!
Independents are not "fans" and 67% have the opinion that the information is skewed. Ironically only the extreme loyalist cheerleaders would call them "paranoid". Shit, Duke fans love Karl Hess and Roger Ayers....and Dick Vitale.
What did that Missouri president do/say that caused him to resign?

Nothing. He's the typical sacrifice to the PC bullies who are constantly offended and constantly crying over the smallest thing. This does nothing but encourage further social justice warriors to keep on fighting this imaginary war in their minds and advancing their insanity.

I'm all for splitting the country and giving the liberals their own utopia so the rest of us who don't cry every five minutes can get away from their lunacy and PC brainwashing.
One trick pony, sorry I made you try to think and get beyond the same exact simpleton post over and over. BTW, I criticize Reps more than you criticize Dems.

You're saying money buys power which uses media but the media is exactly even on both sides. Don't confuse "getting it" with pointing out the data and basic reasoning says you are wrong.

Chomsky should be publicly hanged for his corruption of youth.....especially mentally corrupting when mixed with strong weed. OBL was a Chomsky fan too BTW.
And Reagan and Bush were fans of OBL, Saddam, and the Taliban. Cool. I can play this game too. Ideology is ideology. Doesn't matter who has more influence on the masses because it's still one party, the business party, with two factions controlling thought and keeping people distracted.
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Doesn't matter who has more influence on the masses because it's still one party, the business party, with two factions controlling thought and keeping people distracted.
yeah, I think you've mentioned this. puff puff pass.
What is it with students making demands these days?

The "Irate 8" jackasses at UC are doing the same thing. It's like it's all being coordinated.
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yeah, I think you've mentioned this. puff puff pass.
Exactly. My whole freaking point that you tried to muck up and turn into something else. I wouldn't have had to keep repeating my self if you would have got it the first time.
So if I post that you are child molester 25 times that makes you a child molester?

There can be nuance to that point and media and influence, put you have gone to your happy place.
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He's an out of state millionaire who didn't pay his taxes and is called a pathological liar. I don't know the guy but that's what all the commercials said.

You can't always take Jack CONway attack ads at face value. Honest Jack became a national joke when he ran the now infamous Aqua-Buddah ad against Rand Paul. Even MSNBC called him out.
Uhhhh what? That's pretty racist, tbh.

In the letter and at the press conference, Tim Wolfe must acknowledge his white male privilege,
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