How will they rule ??!

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If UK basketball players went on strike demanding that the University President resign, for no truly valid or legitimate reason, or they won't play-----then good riddance to the players. Terrible terrible precedent by the President.

With all die respect, that's the dumbest shit I've read today.
Theoretically speaking, if that situation arose, could UK just field a team of kids from the Johnson Center? Or does the roster have to be set at some prior point?
Drew Griffin, a cnn correspondent was interviewing Dr Carson today and got "the hook" from the campaign staff half way through. He was just asking a bunch of damn "Gotcha" questions about some medical supplement Carson takes, and they threw him off the bus, not bodily, but figuratively, you know.
I can understand how many of these candidates think they are being picked on by the media at times but the truth is none of them ever gain anything by arguing with the media or complaining about the line of questions. Those that man up and deal with the questions come out the winner.
I would personally tie that Capiluto bastard up and ship him to the United States of space. We gone play ball. OH WE GONE PLAY SOME DAMN BALL!!!!

Someone mentioned it earlier, but eventually we're gonna have to talk about the business v education ordeal of higher education. This will not happen unless the kids start the conversation, obviously.

These universities have built empires on the backs of stupid kids. It ain't right.

UK spent how many billions on housing?
I can understand how many of these candidates think they are being picked on by the media at times but the truth is none of them ever gain anything by arguing with the media or complaining about the line of questions. Those that man up and deal with the questions come out the winner.

False. You really are clueless. People that watch these shows (like yourself) are really taken in by the anchors and host and believe what they are being told.
Ran into some interesting facts re: Missouri president. If the football team didn't play BYU on Saturday, it would owe a $1m penalty. The university president makes half that. Boom, easy decision. I think the real story here is the fact that football has such an out-sized influence on universities, which allows those involved to exert out-sized influence. I think that's far more important than the merits of this dispute, whatever they are (I don't care).

This. It had nothing to do with the issues. It was about the money. If the girls dive team was refusing to compete, the president would still be employed.

TSA is nothing but a jobs program for 18 yr old drop outs.

I have a theory. I think the TSA was created to make travelers FEEL safer. Not to actually make us safer. The TSA has never stopped an attack or any aggressor. They repeatedly and spectacularly fail every safety test theyre given. What other explanation could there be?

I can understand how many of these candidates think they are being picked on by the media at times but the truth is none of them ever gain anything by arguing with the media or complaining about the line of questions. Those that man up and deal with the questions come out the winner.

Its a no win situation. They cant win without media exposure. But nearly all the media exposure is an attempt to bring down GOP candidates. Its a tough spot.
I have a theory. I think the TSA was created to make travelers FEEL safer. Not to actually make us safer. The TSA has never stopped an attack or any aggressor. They repeatedly and spectacularly fail every safety test theyre given. What other explanation could there be?.

Shit and they steal too.
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Who are the people voting for Carson and Trump in these polls? Don't Republicans know that Rubio is the only one that could beat Hillary?
Who are the people voting for Carson and Trump in these polls? Don't Republicans know that Rubio is the only one that could beat Hillary?
Careful, you are disparaging over half the GOP base.

Of course you got Hillary on the other side, so it's kind of a wash.
Who are the people voting for Carson and Trump in these polls? Don't Republicans know that Rubio is the only one that could beat Hillary?
they're just the right-wing equivalent of the democrats who would squander a favorable electoral map by trying to nominate Sanders.

Both sides will wise up. The parties' machinery will make sure of it.
No one on the GOP side in this race is going to beat Hillary imo.

GOP is going to have to figure out something out. They are putting their money on the current candidates and none of them will beat her. So is the RNC in denial?

If Hillary gets in she will get a few SCOTUS picks. More liberal judges to provide more of an intrusive gov't.
GOP is going to have to figure out something out. They are putting their money on the current candidates and none of them will beat her. So is the RNC in denial?
Figure what out? Put a gun to the back of the head of some presumptive unifying candidate who will win with 53% of the vote next November but for some reason doesnt want to run? Who is that person exactly?

Rubio + midwest gov VP will win next November. Hillary's too disliked and known, she can't win back trustworthiness and likability. Plus she has staked out positions on the far Far FAR left in fear of what happened to her in 2008 happening again. Good luck to her in the gen election having to answer for (1)even more illegal amnesty by exec action than Obama has done, (2)gun control, (3)emptying prisons.

voters in the suburbs are going to be thrilled with those stances!!
Rubio is growing on me.

Of course he's growing on you, it's called self-talk. You have to keep convincing yourself he's good. That's how you psyche yourself out. Didn't you just recently say how great Carson was? Here's the problem. As soon as a person starts trending at the top, all the GOP'ers rush out and say that is there guy. It's like throwing shit up on a wall and seeing if it sticks. All of them except for Rand are clowns.

I live down here in Florida and I personally think Rubio effing sucks. I'll write in Rand if I have to. I will not waste vote for this ongoing scam that the dem and repub are running. You people can buy that bullshit, but I'm not.
Figure what out? Put a gun to the back of the head of some presumptive unifying candidate who will win with 53% of the vote next November but for some reason doesnt want to run? Who is that person exactly?

Rubio + midwest gov VP will win next November. Hillary's too disliked and known, she can't win back trustworthiness and likability. Plus she has staked out positions on the far Far FAR left in fear of what happened to her in 2008 happening again. Good luck to her in the gen election having to answer for (1)even more illegal amnesty by exec action than Obama has done, (2)gun control, (3)emptying prisons.

voters in the suburbs are going to be thrilled with those stances!!

Thats assuming the MSM covers any of it. Shes already getting unprecedented MSM protection. Sadly I doubt that changes. Sadder still, I dont trust the average voter to research these issues themselves.

I do agree Rubio with a midwest/swing state governor can win this thing. If its Kasich, I really think thats a winning ticket.
Thanks for your personal analysis of me Willy.
Of course he's growing on you, it's called self-talk. You have to keep convincing yourself he's good. That's how you psyche yourself out. Didn't you just recently say how great Carson was? Here's the problem. As soon as a person starts trending at the top, all the GOP'ers rush out and say that is there guy. It's like throwing shit up on a wall and seeing if it sticks. All of them except for Rand are clowns.

I live down here in Florida and I personally think Rubio effing sucks. I'll write in Rand if I have to. I will not waste vote for this ongoing scam that the dem and repub are running. You people can buy that bullshit, but I'm not.

I 'thought' I said I liked that he was stumping for trade school education as an alternative to college. I basically like Rand Paul on most things too, as well as Carson. Ease up a little man, I'm not a band wagon follower as you suggest.
Of course he's growing on you, it's called self-talk. You have to keep convincing yourself he's good.

Very true. You basically start telling yourself, "well, hes the only one who can prevent a Hillary presidency"; and he starts sounding better and better.

Rubio is growing on me. I liked how he stumped for trade school jobs, a neglected part of education.

Was an excellent point. Of course, the MSM is doing its best to tear it down by using the ridiculous strawman argument of putting up a graphic showing what a welder makes vs what a philosophy PROFESSOR makes. Of course that wasnt at all what he said. He said a welder makes more than a philosophy major, and thats absolutely true. But dont expect anyone in the MSM to point that out.
Thanks for your personal analysis of me Willy.

I 'thought' I said I liked that he was stumping for trade school education as an alternative to college. I basically like Rand Paul on most things too, as well as Carson. Ease up a little man, I'm not a band wagon follower as you suggest.

Man, it wasn't a personal analysis of you Wkycat. Just wish the damn media would quit prompting these jackhole candidates. It gives a false impression that there is going to be a good outcome. Rubio willnot defeat the hype machine of Clinton. Sorry, to beat this bitch, you are going to have to pull dem voters and Indies, and Libertarians like me. Rubio doesn't have that kinda strength and anyone thinks that he does will be sadly disappointed at the election. Sorry man, didn't mean to be snippy.
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Willy, essentially, I would take any of the GOP over Hillary.

JEB needs to go to be B league debate.
It's funny how the qualities/traits it takes to win the Presidency have nothing to do with the ability to govern as President. What does it take to win the nomination and general - being a good debater, having a presence, being a good speaker, essentially standing out on a stage with 7 other people. None of which has anything to do with governing.

Rubio is, by far I think, the best candidate and one most likely to prevail against Hilary. You'r merely guessing if you think he has what it takes to be a good President. Just based on record - which in this climate might actually be a negative - Kasich and Bush are your likely best Presidents. But neither can sniff the nomination....

Funny, I was reading some National Review tweets last night during the debate, and two different people mentioned how the Dems would love Kasich and overestimate his ability to win. 5 minutes later I see Matt Jones tweet that he thinks Kasich is the only one who could beat Hilary aside from Rubio.....

Thought Rand has his first really good moment(s) tonight - how can you call yourself a conservative when you want to add $2 trillion in spending, the part about 'understand what they are saying when they tell you they want a no-fly zone in Iraq', couple of others......
Man, it wasn't a personal analysis of you Wkycat. Just wish the damn media would quit prompting these jackhole candidates. It gives a false impression that there is going to be a good outcome. Rubio willnot defeat the hype machine of Clinton. Sorry, to beat this bitch, you are going to have to pull dem voters and Indies, and Libertarians like me. Rubio doesn't have that kinda strength and anyone thinks that he does will be sadly disappointed at the election. Sorry man, didn't mean to be snippy.
That's a solid take Willy and may prove prophetic. I tend to dismiss a little the argument that because of demographics the Republicans will be hard pressed to win the WH again, tend to think people underestimate the "Clinton fatigue' factor, think people tend to forget just how difficult it is for a party to win the WH 3 elections in a row. Hilary will be formidable, yes, machinery and all that, but she has vulnerabilities too.....
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Rand is by far the best candidate but he will never get support because he just isn't a liar. If he'd lie just a little bit instead of being straightforward people would take his message a little better.

What I hope he gets out of this is a separation from his daddy, and a bigger role like VP. Something that shows his ability a little better than he is now.
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If you want to live in a bubble of belief that there is no media bias, you should avoid twitter feeds from the who's who of political journOlism during GOP debates.
For now I will still go with Trump/Rubio but I'd really like Rand to get that VP spot. I swear Trump looks like he is just out there to see who he wants as his running mate.

Basically telling Kasich to shut up and let Jeb speak, as to say your not making the cut give someone else a try.
That's a solid take Willy and may prove prophetic. I tend to dismiss a little the argument that because of demographics the Republicans will be hard pressed to win the WH again, tend to think people underestimate the "Clinton fatigue' factor, think people tend to forget just how difficult it is for a party to win the WH 3 elections in a row. Hilary will be formidable, yes, machinery and all that, but she has vulnerabilities too.....

I agree. It's just since Bush left office the GOP has scrambled to find a good candidate. It appears to have a new guy every week. One week it's this guy, one week it's that guy. Yet, the dems usually have no fuss over this shit. Obama was essentially picked in 2004 ( I knew it when I watched him speak at the dnc). So Clinton wasn't going to be a factor then. and now this time. Hillary is getting the backing. Sanders will not be a force. It's like they get their persona and stick with them.

I may be wrong on that, but that's how I see it. Dems seen to be in cruise control during, while the GOP is switching from one contender to the next.
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I 'thought' I said I liked that he was stumping for trade school education as an alternative to college.

A lot of those trade schools are also responsible for union workers. I agree with his principle, but on the other hand, it will just produce more union workers. Does Rubio support initiatives that could increase union power? I dunno. Plus, with the age of robotics and soon to be AI, trade jobs will start to dry up. Just thinking about the long term of his ideas.
It's funny how the qualities/traits it takes to win the Presidency have nothing to do with the ability to govern as President. What does it take to win the nomination and general - being a good debater, having a presence, being a good speaker, essentially standing out on a stage with 7 other people. None of which has anything to do with governing.

Rubio is, by far I think, the best candidate and one most likely to prevail against Hilary. You'r merely guessing if you think he has what it takes to be a good President. Just based on record - which in this climate might actually be a negative - Kasich and Bush are your likely best Presidents. But neither can sniff the nomination....

Funny, I was reading some National Review tweets last night during the debate, and two different people mentioned how the Dems would love Kasich and overestimate his ability to win. 5 minutes later I see Matt Jones tweet that he thinks Kasich is the only one who could beat Hilary aside from Rubio.....

Thought Rand has his first really good moment(s) tonight - how can you call yourself a conservative when you want to add $2 trillion in spending, the part about 'understand what they are saying when they tell you they want a no-fly zone in Iraq', couple of others......

Agree totally. People just seem to vote for the guy that talks the best, or would be a "good guy to have a beer with" and ignores things like experience at things that matter. Two of the 3 best presidents of my lifetime where Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan. What they both had in common was experience and running something very BIG. Ike was an accomplished General and Supreme Allied Commander of NATO and The Gipper was Governor of our largest state, California. Politics aside both of these men demonstrated competence and success as the nations Chief Executive, it's not a coincidence that their respective backgrounds allowed them to achieve success.
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