How will they rule ??!

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Linking for about the 10th time, such a stupid argument. But then again, the same idiots want to get to the bottom of whether Carson had a scholarship offer in 19effing69.
Gallup 2015
For more than a decade, Republicans and independents have been significantly less likely than Democrats to trust the media. This pattern continues in the latest survey. In 2014, Gallup found that trust among Democrats fell to a 14-year low of 54%, and this figure is essentially unchanged at 55% this year. While more Democrats than Republicans continue to say they trust the media, the percentage of Republicans who report that they trust the mass media increased slightly this year, from 27% to 32%. This increase was offset, however, by a decrease in independents reporting trust, from 38% to 33%.
Both sides get scrutiny and both sides complain about it and swear the other side is treated with kid gloves. Obama was scrutinized closely over his relationship with Jeremiah Wright, The NYT and CNN both scrutinized his association with Bill Ayers. Much was made of his upbringing and his religious beliefs. Campaigning for public office is tough and you have to be prepared to answer for your past.

Edited to try and clean up this coffee fueled mess...

I am on a rant like Belushi, was it over when the Germans bombed pearl harbor.... give me some leeway here please...

I agree with this for the above statement most part.

But from observations of people I interact with, even if both sides get scrutiny... the left leaning supporters do not care what the issue is or even the evidence... It is ALWAYS a right wing conspiracy in their minds... ALWAYS.

I was very intrigued by Dr. Carson, but with the things coming out now, my doubts of him are to the point of him being out of contention for me. I am supporting Rubio now but and want to hear his response to the credit card allegations.

My point being, it might be a minor or large issue being brought to light. In the position of the Presidency lets have a high attrition rate for the candidates, the position is to damned important to just blow off accusations that have validity.

Hillary... I admittedly do not like her.

I even try to put the years and years of accusations out of my mind.

The day I heard about the emails I told anyone who would listen ( and some who would not) she needs to be DONE. There is no excuse. None!

I cannot speak to being an authority on many things.... But handling classified material, that I have been very involved with. As someone who was read on and signed the same NDAs she did. There is no excuse.

And to say "they were not classified, then change that to - not marked classified." Let me just say, there is no little man hiding in a closet that you give him your emails to and he decides if they are classified.... It is the generating individuals responsibility to ensure you don't send classified material and then everyone who is exposed to it has the responsibility to safeguard it.

If someone sent classified material to her (and multiple instances) her responsibility was to put a damn stop to it and report it immediately.

Oh and I almost forgot the point.... I am done with Carson....

My friends who are Hillary supporters will not listen/ do not care about the rules of handling classified emails, "it is just a witch hunt and she said she was sorry anyway or she just did not know the rules, it was her people, etc..."

Well if she truly did not understand how to handle classified material after being on the armed services committee and then SoS, I do not want her picking top level cabinet members from her inept pool of people who have screwed her over for years...

Do not give this woman the launch codes....

Sorry for the rant, been on my mind and damn it I had to vent.... :)

Grammar Police can bite me......
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Well, that sort of turned on them:

"Byers, formerly of Politico, took it a step further by suggesting in an article that, "What initially looked like a disaster for Ben Carson could now be a major black eye for Politico."

But, they won't stop - they'll go after him until they find something. And that, of course, is a standard of scrutiny no human could withstand. Which is the whole point.

I remember the good old days, when the story of Jeremiah Wright, and his GD America and chickens coming home to roost clearly posed an electoral issue between Mr. Obama and middle America. Couldn't have that, no sir. So the Jourolist boys from Time and the Post and all the rest got together to decide how to change the narrative. And soon CNN declared a "Wright-Free Zone". And that was that. Crisis averted. I'm sure any day now CNN will likewise say, "We think enough attention has been devoted to which colleges Ben Carson applied to 45 years ago. These obvious attempts to find something, anything in his biography that doesn't add up is unseemly and misleading. CNN will participate in no further stories of this kind."

I mean, that would only be fair, right? So, CNN will do that, right?
Here's that damn liberal media at it again. This time, it's the wall street journal. We all know how they're always trying to push their socialist agenda onto the nation. Redistribution of wealth, attacking the rich and exceptional. That's all the wall street journal does. Obviously this is just a liberal campaign to knock down a fine upstanding leader.

In his 1990 autobiography, “Gifted Hands,” Mr. Carson writes of a Yale psychology professor who told Mr. Carson, then a junior, and the other students in the class—identified by Mr. Carson as Perceptions 301—that their final exam papers had “inadvertently burned,” requiring all 150 students to retake it. The new exam, Mr. Carson recalled in the book, was much tougher. All the students but Mr. Carson walked out.

“The professor came toward me. With her was a photographer for the Yale Daily News who paused and snapped my picture,” Mr. Carson wrote. “ ‘A hoax,’ the teacher said. ‘We wanted to see who was the most honest student in the class.’ ” Mr. Carson wrote that the professor handed him a $10 bill.

No photo identifying Mr. Carson as a student ever ran, according to the Yale Daily News archives, and no stories from that era mention a class called Perceptions 301. Yale Librarian Claryn Spies said Friday there was no psychology course by that name or class number during any of Mr. Carson’s years at Yale

This story is so stupid, there is no way it's true. This is more representative of the people who believe it than this psychopath who told it. Antibody who would believe this story is just a couple decisions away from moving to Guyana and drinking cyanide.
If lying about a class, and a quote, and a picture, and $10, makes Carson a "psychopath"....then what of Hilary's lies about 4 dead in Benghazi? Of Obama's lie about not sending any foot soldiers to Syria, which he said 16 times? Surely, if lies about inconsequential events makes one a psychopath, then lies about dead Americans is much, much worse, no?

See, this is why people don't like politics or like to talk about politics - it's because people say stupid indefensible stuff. Ben Carson is pretty undeniably a great guy, a great American, with a personal story for the ages. But he's a Republican. So, instead of merely saying, well, I don't really agree with his politics, or, I don't think he has the kind of experience to qualify him for the job - imminently reasonable positions - you dispense with rationale thought and label him a psychopath.
Short of someone murdering a guy, there is no one on the right that could be worse than Hillary. NO ONE! Even if they did murder someone, they'd probably be equal to Hillary considering her past.
Both sides get scrutiny and both sides complain about it and swear the other side is treated with kid gloves. Obama was scrutinized closely over his relationship with Jeremiah Wright, The NYT and CNN both scrutinized his association with Bill Ayers. Much was made of his upbringing and his religious beliefs. Campaigning for public office is tough and you have to be prepared to answer for your past.


How a mind like this works is truly amazing. You have to be on here just to yank chains, because there is no way you can truly believe that. Because if you do, then this country is a lost cause.
[QUOTE="HeismanWildcat85, post: 2651411, member: 11956"in Short of someone murdering a guy, there is no one on the right that could be worse than Hillary. NO ONE! Even if they did murder someone, they'd probably be equal to Hillary considering her past.[/QUOTE]
Yes, people seem to have forgotten about what happened in Arkansas when someone opposes the Clintons.
Who used the words "heavily vetted" willy?

My bad. No one did.

But there was an implied thought that Obama went under scrutiny during vetting period. Jeremiah Wright and Ayers weren't gonna put a dent in the dnc's golden boy. He was chosen early on and he got in. Case closed.
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My bad. No one did.

But there was an implied thought that Obama went under scrutiny during vetting period. Jeremiah Wright and Ayers weren't gonna put a dent in the dnc's golden boy. He was chosen early on and he got in. Case closed.
All I'm saying is those issues were brought to our attention. There were stories written and news broadcasts that covered Obama's past, just as Carson's past is coming into focus. And Carson is weathering the inspection just as Obama did. In the end, the public gets bored hearing about the same news over and over and they turn their attention to something else. If voters like Carson they won't care if parts of his past were exaggerated.
All I'm saying is those issues were brought to our attention. There were stories written and news broadcasts that covered Obama's past, just as Carson's past is coming into focus. And Carson is weathering the inspection just as Obama did. In the end, the public gets bored hearing about the same news over and over and they turn their attention to something else. If voters like Carson they won't care if parts of his past were exaggerated.

Except Carson didn't have the media hype that Obama had. Obama + questionable history = ok. Carson +questionable history=bad.
All I'm saying is those issues were brought to our attention. There were stories written and news broadcasts that covered Obama's past, just as Carson's past is coming into focus. And Carson is weathering the inspection just as Obama did. In the end, the public gets bored hearing about the same news over and over and they turn their attention to something else. If voters like Carson they won't care if parts of his past were exaggerated.
Not even close in comparison, it is being disengenous to suggest so.
Except Carson didn't have the media hype that Obama had. Obama + questionable history = ok. Carson +questionable history=bad.
Obama was drawing 20,000 people at his rallies in 2007. The media can do a lot of things, but it can't make huge crowds materialize out of thin air. That's why it's going to be hard for anyone to stop Trump as long as he is being drawing the sized crowds he is. If you're in the media you have no choice but to cover that kind of phenomenon.
FTS, here's another point.

Pretty obvious that Hillary committed treason with those emails. Yet she is a front runner.

Mitt Romney lost on the "perception" that he'd kill grannies and give all the money to his corporate buddies.

One is truth and one is perception. Media rules the roost.
Except Carson didn't have the media hype that Obama had. Obama + questionable history = ok. Carson +questionable history=bad.

the voters decide whats ok and whats not ok, the media's job is to investigate and get it out there.

The heavy vetting doesn't really have so much to do with party affiliation but rather if you are the leader or surging in the polls. The higher up you are the more time reporters are going to spend digging.
FTS- 20,000? I think it was obvious in 2004 at the dnc convention when Obama spoke that he was being bred to be the golden boy savior.
FTS, here's another point.

Pretty obvious that Hillary committed treason with those emails. Yet she is a front runner.

The FBI is investigating, I think most people will wait to see what's determined from their fact finding before declaring her guilty of treason. It wouldn't be treason anyway it would be mishandling of classified information which is a pretty serious charge.

The FBI director is James Comey a Bush appointee so the allegations of politicizing the investigation in favor of Clinton are lame.
the voters decide whats ok and whats not ok, the media's job is to investigate and get it out there.

The heavy vetting doesn't really have so much to do with party affiliation but rather if you are the leader or surging in the polls. The higher up you are the more time reporters are going to spend digging.

Deeee come'on man. The media + liberal entertainers are the key to perception. Investigating my ass, more like creating perception.
The FBI is investigating, I think most people will wait to see what's determined from their fact finding before declaring her guilty of treason. It wouldn't be treason anyway it would be mishandling of classified information which is a pretty serious charge.

The FBI director is James Comey a Bush appointee so the allegations of politicizing the investigation in favor of Clinton are lame.

She's a criminal. No need to rationalize it Deeee
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Not even close in comparison, it is being disengenous to suggest so.
Can you explain to me how the media's coverage of Obama's association with Jeremiah Wright is different than it's coverage of Carson's West Point claims? I'm not sure I understand, are you saying the media didn't cover the Wright story properly?
Can you explain to me how the media's coverage of Obama's association with Jeremiah Wright is different than it's coverage of Carson's West Point claims? I'm not sure I understand, are you saying the media didn't cover the Wright story properly?

Well, the only media properly talking about it was Fox news.
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How much TV time was spent talking about Rev Wright, grades, and bogus claims about birth certificates and attending a madrasa. You would have to measure it in the zillions of hours.
Carson admits to lies and exaggerations
Campaign in real trouble according to experts


Obama distances himself from Wright statements
Republicans again risk over-reach, voter alienation, experts agree

Not all coverage is the same. Shockingly.
Deeee come'on man. The media + liberal entertainers are the key to perception. Investigating my ass, more like creating perception.

This. How anyone can claim otherwise is beyond me. The media makes the news and portrays the "truth" to the masses of ignorant sheep. They can create fake outrages all on their own and I believe they're hugely responsible for riots and looting like Baltimore and Ferguson.

They omit things that don't fall in line with their narrative and skew things that does. They're total hypocrites.
Carson admits to lies and exaggerations
Campaign in real trouble according to experts


Obama distances himself from Wright statements
Republicans again risk over-reach, voter alienation, experts agree

Not all coverage is the same. Shockingly.

This is the way it always is and anyone who denies this is a blind liberal.

I've said it a million times. Cons have Fox News. Libs had Hollywood, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NY Times, LA Times, most newspapers, academia and every special interest group.

Yet Libs freak out despite them owning every other media outlet and complete access to college kids. They get idiots that are so brainwashed to believe in libera propaganda, they will protest someone like Condoleza Rice scheduled to speak at Rutgers and get it canceled yet the same university let Snooki speak to their graduating class.

I just hope the majority wakes up.
Carson admits to lies and exaggerations
Campaign in real trouble according to experts


Obama distances himself from Wright statements
Republicans again risk over-reach, voter alienation, experts agree

Not all coverage is the same. Shockingly.
Cherry picking headlines is fun, anyone can do it.

Renew America: Obama's Muslim identity

Washington Times/KUHNER: Jeremiah Wright can sink Obama

New York Post: The Bribe To Silence Wright
The objective of the media, both liberal media and conservative, is to undermine democracy and create uninformed voters who will make irrational choices. It also sets out to undermine independent thought by indoctrinating the masses with it's ideology. If you want to attack liberal media that's great, but at the same time you must attack conservative media. Both are factions of the real evil here which is big business. Thought control is the only way to control a "free" society.
Obama did not have to confront the Rev Wright stuff until the race was pretty much over. His specific race speech was on March 18. Until then it was dismissed as right wing hate and racism.

EDIT: the blogpost FTS referenced was even later, in May.

And you notice the insufferable apologists are not linking hard hitting pieces from the NYT, WaPo etc.

Jesus, there was an group led by Ezra Klein called the JournoList that blatantly worked together on messaging to help the Obama campaign and attack McCain. Members from every major media.

Go ahead and double down though and say Pat Forde treats UK and UL the same and John Feinstein treats Coach K and Cal the same ......UK fans are just paranoid. Some of you are idiots because you want to be idiots.
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The NYT tore BO a new asshole with this editorial about Rev Wright.

Mr. Obama’s Profile in Courage
Published: March 19, 2008
There are moments — increasingly rare in risk-abhorrent modern campaigns — when politicians are called upon to bare their fundamental beliefs.
Rubio got asked 8 Trump question in 5 mins during an interview the other day. Only idiots think they don't affect momentum.

If only Carson would use composite characters to tell a fake story about being a victim of race. Via politico:

One of the more mysterious characters from President Obama's 1995 autobiography Dreams From My Father is the so-called 'New York girlfriend.' Obama never referred to her by name, or even by psuedonym, but he describes her appearance, her voice, and her mannerisms in specific detail.

But Obama has now told biographer David Maraniss that the 'New York girlfriend' was actually a composite character, based off of multiple girlfriends he had both in New York City and in Chicago.

"During an interview in the Oval Office, Obama acknowledged that, while Genevieve was his New York girlfriend, the description in his memoir was a “compression” of girlfriends, including one who followed Genevieve [Cook] when he lived in Chicago," Maraniss writes in his new biography, an excerpt of which was published online today by Vanity Fair.

Read more:
The objective of the media, both liberal media and conservative, is to undermine democracy and create uninformed voters who will make irrational choices. It also sets out to undermine independent thought by indoctrinating the masses with it's ideology. If you want to attack liberal media that's great, but at the same time you must attack conservative media. Both are factions of the real evil here which is big business. Thought control is the only way to control a "free" society.
False equivalency. The conservative media is Fox, which everyone knows is conservative, and several other outlets that are i) niche and ii) well known as conservative. If the liberal offset to that was limited to say MSNBC and Air America and others like that, you'd have an even playing field. But the liberal offset includes ABC, CBS, NBC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, etc. etc.

BTW, if we get rid of "big business" and unemployment goes thru the roof (probably an identifiable stat, but I don have time to google) is that a net positive?
the voters decide whats ok and whats not ok, the media's job is to investigate and get it out there.

The heavy vetting doesn't really have so much to do with party affiliation but rather if you are the leader or surging in the polls. The higher up you are the more time reporters are going to spend digging.
Complete BS here.
This is the way it always is and anyone who denies this is a blind liberal.

I've said it a million times. Cons have Fox News. Libs had Hollywood, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NY Times, LA Times, most newspapers, academia and every special interest group.

Yet Libs freak out despite them owning every other media outlet and complete access to college kids. They get idiots that are so brainwashed to believe in libera propaganda, they will protest someone like Condoleza Rice scheduled to speak at Rutgers and get it canceled yet the same university let Snooki speak to their graduating class.

I just hope the majority wakes up.[/QUOTE/

It is almost like the way you see opposing view points in a socialist country. Almost all oulets speaking for the big government while the opposing voice is completely ridiculed.
The FBI is investigating, I think most people will wait to see what's determined from their fact finding before declaring her guilty of treason.

This would be a good time remind everyone Deeeeeeeeee once wanted the secret service to arrest - and a grand jury to indict - Ted Facking Nugent for using a metaphor.
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