How will they rule ??!

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On a side note.....this really is the opportune time for Trump to go ham on EOs and legislation (if we could just get the gd cuck Rs to stop being pussies).

You could theoretically ram anything you wanted through right now while RUSIA COMEY MEMO COLLUDE RUSSIA KISHNER RUSSIA is all the false rage. But again, bunch of pussies.
This is a coup, and anyone who denies it is a naive imbecile not worthy of the brain they have.
I can just feel Kevin Costner as Garrison going nuts screaming this, hell its true.

2nd and 3rd hand info or misinfo becomes fact and media members and lemmings like RQFuzz just spout as truth.

COMEY SAID TRUMP, a dude who says he saw a memo (that is no smoking gun) allegedly reads it to the NYT and then OMG TRUMP TOLD COMIE TO BACK OF.

Do some of you not have enough self awareness to realize how absurd all this is? Just drop some hard evidence......but no one has any.

You can think Trump is a douche all you want but building a false case for impeachment is treasonous.
It would be funny if the Comey memo was a troll story thrown out by the Trump administration.

I mean the story says "read to me by 2 people who have seen the memo" those 2 people could literally be anybody lol.
I don't think think the memo is real. I think Trump caught wind of it, and that's why there was the tweet about tapes.

We've caught a political game of chicken going on between the memo and tapes. Neither side is letting on to what they have, the White House didn't hand them over, and the FBI didn't release Comeys notes.

Comey has volunteered to testify, but now conveniently the special investigation will limit what he can answer. In other words he won't testify about any notes, or memos.

The whole thing is a joke to slow Trump down from gaining momentum, that's it. The investigation is an attempt to keep Trump from moving forward with his agenda. There will be something bad come up from it whenever tax reform or healthcare starts getting traction.

We saw it this past week, Trump has a good week overseas, and then we get the investigation is looking into Kushner meeting with Russia secretly. This is going to be the status quo for the next 1 1/2 for sure.
We saw it this past week, Trump has a good week overseas, and then we get the investigation is looking into Kushner meeting with Russia secretly. This is going to be the status quo for the next 1 1/2 for sure.
Also notice how it has picked up since the special counsel was appointed? There's a new "leak" from an "anonymous source" every couple days now.

They know that everything will be underground with the special counsel; no cooperation with Senate hearings, no more Senate briefings by the FBI, etc... Meaning no chance of information coming out to counter to the contrary. They can basically run wild now.
I don't think think the memo is real. I think Trump caught wind of it, and that's why there was the tweet about tapes.

We've caught a political game of chicken going on between the memo and tapes. Neither side is letting on to what they have, the White House didn't hand them over, and the FBI didn't release Comeys notes.

Comey has volunteered to testify, but now conveniently the special investigation will limit what he can answer. In other words he won't testify about any notes, or memos.

The whole thing is a joke to slow Trump down from gaining momentum, that's it. The investigation is an attempt to keep Trump from moving forward with his agenda. There will be something bad come up from it whenever tax reform or healthcare starts getting traction.

We saw it this past week, Trump has a good week overseas, and then we get the investigation is looking into Kushner meeting with Russia secretly. This is going to be the status quo for the next 1 1/2 for sure.
I expect a big Russia story to break when Trump gets his new FBI director, especially if its someone who scares the crap out of them.
I don't think think the memo is real. I think Trump caught wind of it, and that's why there was the tweet about tapes.

We've caught a political game of chicken going on between the memo and tapes. Neither side is letting on to what they have, the White House didn't hand them over, and the FBI didn't release Comeys notes.

Comey has volunteered to testify, but now conveniently the special investigation will limit what he can answer. In other words he won't testify about any notes, or memos.

The whole thing is a joke to slow Trump down from gaining momentum, that's it. The investigation is an attempt to keep Trump from moving forward with his agenda. There will be something bad come up from it whenever tax reform or healthcare starts getting traction.

We saw it this past week, Trump has a good week overseas, and then we get the investigation is looking into Kushner meeting with Russia secretly. This is going to be the status quo for the next 1 1/2 for sure.

There is iron in Bill's words of truth.
Dear Libs:

Get back to us when you actually have evidence... any evidence, of Russian collusion with Trump.

The rest of America
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[laughing] So much for Trump losing the base. His re-election campaign website broke the record for donations received in a single day on 5/17, the day the special counsel was appointed. On top of that, It was all from donors, giving $200 or less. The working class is still firmly in his corner.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are tasked with winning back Pennsylvania/Michigan/Wisconsin, while also trying to flip Ohio/Florida/North Carolina, and their only message is -- no, resist, Russia, impeach.
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Remember when it seemed like Trump was softening on his immigration stance? Well, that obviously wasn't the case. Yes, criminals are still the priority, but if you're here illegally and ICE crosses your path, bottom line, you have to go.

“These statistics reflect President Trump’s commitment to enforce our immigration laws fairly and across the board. ICE agents and officers have been given clear direction to focus on threats to public safety and national security, which has resulted in a substantial increase in the arrest of convicted criminal aliens. However, when we encounter others who are in the country unlawfully, we will execute our sworn duty and enforce the law. As the data demonstrates, ICE continues to execute our mission professionally and in accordance with the law, and our communities will be much safer for it,” said ICE Acting Director Thomas Homan.

While these data clearly reflect the fact that convicted criminals are an immigration enforcement priority, Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly has made it clear that ICE will no longer exempt any class of individuals from removal proceedings if they are found to be in the country illegally. This is evident by the rise in non-criminal arrests over the same period, which increased from approximately 4,200 in 2016 to more than 10,800 in 2017.

“All of those arrested will receive the due process afforded to them under the law. ICE will take action to remove individuals subject to a final order by a federal immigration judge. We are a nation of laws, and ignoring orders issued by federal judges undermines our constitutional government,” said Homan.
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The Russian involvement story is backed by every US and western world intelligence agency. The Seth Rich conspiracy stories are all based on sources that have admitted they have no proof.

There is no question that Russia interfered in the election. The only question is if any of Trump's people were involved. There is also no question that Trump has many ties to Russia.
George Soros had more effect on the elections than the Russian's. How many votes did the Russian's hack in the voting booth? They should be investigating the Clinton Uranium deal, now that is something treasonous. How about the Obama Administration hiding behind conversations with the Russian Diplomats so they could spy on the Trump team. Why are they not investigating the interactions the Democrats had with the Russian's. Democrats need to start representing the people not their Party.
Let's start simple.

Should Kushner have his security revoked?

Absolutely not. Why? There's nothing wrong with setting up a back channel for communications. Reagan did it with Iran. How do you think he freed the hostages so fast after inauguration? When he did it it was considered smart diplomacy.

Obama set up a back channel with Iran as well to get the Iran deal done. Again, when he did it it was considered smart diplomacy. Only reason Democrats/liberals are moaning, acting like it's sinister and wrong is because it's Trump and Russia.

Btw, here's something to ponder. If Trump has been colluding with the Russians for the last two years, then wouldn't they have already had a successful back channel set up?
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Dude, none of that refutes that there was Russian interference in the election. Again, the only question is if any of Trump's people were involved.

I also like that you believe an opinion piece that you think supports your cause. I could link 100 more, some from the same newspaper that would give and support a differing opinion.
You obviously only believe those who tell you what you want to believe.
Involved how? You are saying they were so good, they made Hillary lose certain states yet still win the popular vote? They made ppl pull certain levers, they made her NOT campaign at all in PA, WI, MI, they made the dnc get exposed for corruption...its funny you want go talk about the dnc got hacked but refuse to talk about what was in the emails, not to mention they were given Intel it was a possibility they could be compromised yet in typical dem fashion they were too arrogant to care. Instead of just saying some generic...they interfered..say something with substance that shows it changed the outcome..instead of ignoring that tons of ppl rejected hrc and the liberal make believe world.

Also, remember in 2012 mitt Romney warned of russia and wanted to make moves on them..and Barry, hrc, and all the liberals laughed him off as living in the past. Weird you weren't concerned then and fell in line as you were told as Barry bent over for them. But now all of a sudden cnn and msnbc can't go 2 seconds without thinking it's the 1950s cold war.
Let's start simple.

Should Kushner have his security revoked?

Obama opened back channels with Iran before the terrible Iran deal. I don't recall anyone being outraged over that.

The US has always had back channels to other countries, anyway. Its nothing new. You need a secure way to talk to world leaders. Saying Kushner needs his security clearances revoked over something normal is mind-numbing stupid.
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Obama opened back channels with Iran before the terrible Iran deal. I don't recall anyone being outraged over that.

The US has always had back channels to other countries, anyway. Its nothing new. You need a secure way to talk to world leaders. Saying Kushner needs his security clearances revoked over something normal is mind-numbing stupid.

Nice try commies. Muh Russia!

Inside Obama’s Secret Outreach to Russia
The U.S. has been working behind the scenes for months to forge a new working relationship with Russia, even enlisting Henry Kissinger.
Josh Rogin December 31, 2014, 10:59 AM EST

President Barack Obama's administration has been working behind the scenes for months to forge a new working relationship with Russia, despite the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown little interest in repairing relations with Washington or halting his aggression in neighboring Ukraine.
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If liberals were a sports team they'd be the Washington Generals

No, because that would be awesome, there for a show and always lose in the end. They are actually Duke, whiny little pissants who follow a despised leader and luck into the highest honors in their field by virtue of horseshit politics and not actual merit.
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No, because that would be awesome, there for a show and always lose in the end. They are actually Duke, whiny little pissants who follow a despised leader and luck into the highest honors in their field by virtue of horseshit politics and not actual merit.
Upon further reflection I think you are correct lol.
Fake news. Dude said he was going to ask questions about Seth Rich. That's why they gave him the boot. Nothing about race or anything else. Bet that.
VIDEO: Pelosi kicks ‘only black person in room’ out of LGBT event
“I began to live stream the event on my Twitter page to show folks what was going on,” he said

No dummy. You were going to ask question about Seth Rich. You know the same name that censored half of the internet. The same name that is about to get Sean Hannity fired. The same name that is about to take down the entire DNC.

Can somene explain to me why Fox News would let the left dictate who they keep on? You think you'll still be winning the ratings war with O'Reilly and Hannity both gone?

You know you're setting a precedent for how the left can get rid of anyone they oppose?
Can somene explain to me why Fox News would let the left dictate who they keep on? You think you'll still be winning the ratings war with O'Reilly and Hannity both gone?

You know you're setting a precedent for how the left can get rid of anyone they oppose?
The people running Fox now are trying to turn the station more leftist. Tucker was a good hire, but most decisions have been pretty bad IMO. Fox is getting beat during primetime now.