How will they rule ??!

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I am a combat Vet. from the Nam war and have a several medals, this gives me another reason to dislike Forde ..
Much respect for you and those who served in Vietnam. One of the most difficult times for an American soldier to serve. Government made the decision to go but, dumb ass liberals made you guys pay for it with disrespectful, uneducated, and undeserved ridicule.
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The Russian involvement story is backed by every US and western world intelligence agency. The Seth Rich conspiracy stories are all based on sources that have admitted they have no proof.

You're confused, conflating two different sets of emails. Try to keep up. There are two sets of emails; DNC and Podesta. The claims are that Rich leaked the DNC emails to Wikileaks. The DNC has refused to allow the FBI to investigate their servers. There's zero proof from any intelligence agency that the DNC was hacked. Which leaves the questions -- If they weren't hacked, then how did the emails get out and who was behind it?

The intelligence agencies report only included the Podesta emails. Not to mention, those emails weren't "hacked" either. He clicked on a phishing email asking him to change his password, then like the dumbass that he is, he fell for it and gave them his password.
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Yeah, Forde is obiously mocking this guy for attempting to look like a decorated military hero. Has nothing to do with the veteran.

Mueller declared Seth Rich case state secrets?

Bullet found in Seth Rich is FBI?

FBI guns and equipment "stolen" from car a cover up?

The Russian involvement story is backed by every US and western world intelligence agency. The Seth Rich conspiracy stories are all based on sources that have admitted they have no proof.

There is no question that Russia interfered in the election. The only question is if any of Trump's people were involved. There is also no question that Trump has many ties to Russia.
Completely false. Russian involvement has not been proven. In fact, no evidence exist at all except for unidentified inside fake sources believed by ill informed uneducated lemmings. Oh wait, that would mean you are one of those.
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This is the real scandal. RQ won't read this, though.

Dude, none of that refutes that there was Russian interference in the election. Again, the only question is if any of Trump's people were involved.

I also like that you believe an opinion piece that you think supports your cause. I could link 100 more, some from the same newspaper that would give and support a differing opinion.
You obviously only believe those who tell you what you want to believe.
Divide and conquer. Keep falling for these cultural marxist tactics. Another senseless argument that accomplishes the goal of division.

Forde sucks. His opinion sucks. He doesn't deserve to lose his job. The internet thought police is out to fire anybody who says something controversial.
Completely false. Russian involvement has not been proven. In fact, no evidence exist at all except for unidentified inside fake sources believed by ill informed uneducated lemmings. Oh wait, that would mean you are one of those.
Here is a piece from the National Review that explains what is known and not known on the subject. It's a bit lenghy WC so your limited cognitive ability may have trouble digesting it all.
Dude, none of that refutes that there was Russian interference in the election. Again, the only question is if any of Trump's people were involved.

I also like that you believe an opinion piece that you think supports your cause. I could link 100 more, some from the same newspaper that would give and support a differing opinion.
You obviously only believe those who tell you what you want to believe.
Dude, Clapper said AGAIN yesterday on NBC that there is no evidence of Russian interference. Is Clapper lying?
Total fabrication
They sowed confusion and chaos, and there’s strong evidence (according to multiple intelligence agencies) that they ultimately sought to help Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton. Their most infamous move was the theft of e-mails from the Democratic National Committee, which were likely passed to WikiLeaks before becoming the basis of a slow drip of damaging information about Clinton and the Democratic party released into the news cycle.
Read more at:

The next total lie will be that Guccifer 2.0 was hired by Trump to prove collusion. Guccifer 2.0 is totally made up story the "hacks" were made to look Russian by Warren Flood. Guccifer 2.0 is under custody. The Seth Rich story is blowing up the Russian narrative. The DNC is set to go under thanks to the Awan brothers, Debbie Red Beast, and Weiner.

Notice the Russian story is quiet over the holiday weekend. Media matters, ShariaBlue and the David Brock army are on vacation.
Dude, none of that refutes that there was Russian interference in the election. Again, the only question is if any of Trump's people were involved.

I also like that you believe an opinion piece that you think supports your cause. I could link 100 more, some from the same newspaper that would give and support a differing opinion.
You obviously only believe those who tell you what you want to believe.

Russia did, and will continue to try and affect the outcome of our elections. Just like the US tries, and will continue to try and affect outcomes of other nations elections.

The issue is there is no evidence that Russia hacked anyone's emails. The same agencies telling us it happened also continue to break the law and disclose confidential material in order to damage the President.

The Democrats have proposed nothing to counter Trumps agenda except fear. We know the Obama administration spied and released info on US citizens. We know the media and Democrats were in collusion during the election.
Now they're pushing the nonsense that Comey had to circumvent the judicial process and Lynch on Clinton because of a Russian email. That's BS, he did it because a reporter busted Lynch and Bill Clinton secretly meeting. The date of the announcement was known well before that meeting.
Dumbass Bernie supporters are going to take down the DNC for the Hilldabeast collusion to fix the primaries regardless of what Russia and Trump stories the National Review can make up.
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Here is a piece from the National Review that explains what is known and not known on the subject. It's a bit lenghy WC so your limited cognitive ability may have trouble digesting it all.

From that article -- "theft of e-mails from the Democratic National Committee, which were likely passed to WikiLeaks before becoming the basis."

That's a total lie. That article explains fake news. Comey testified, under oath, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to investigate their servers. They have no proof their servers were hacked by Russia because intelligence hasn't been allowed to look at them.
Who shuts the FBI out of an investigation, then hires a private company to find the exact results they want them to find? Someone who has something hide and is trying to cover it up.

James Comey: DNC denied FBI direct access to servers during Russia hacking probe

FBI Director James B. Comey, in his first public comments since the presidential election, said the bureau requested but was denied direct access to the Democratic National Committee’s email servers and other devices as part of its probe of Russian hacking.

Providing details Tuesday to the Senate intelligence committee about the bureau’s investigation into Russian hacks targeting the election, Mr. Comey said the FBI made “multiple requests” for access, but ultimately a private company was the one to conduct the forensic review and then shared details about what it found with investigators.

“It’s not the way we would prefer to do the investigation,” Mr. Comey said.

He said he did not know for sure why the DNC did not provide the FBI direct access to the email servers.
Odds that the "private company" tasked to conduct the forensic review of the DNC servers was the Awan brothers?
From that article -- "theft of e-mails from the Democratic National Committee, which were likely passed to WikiLeaks before becoming the basis."

That's a total lie. That article explains fake news. Comey testified, under oath, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to investigate their servers. They have no proof their servers were hacked by Russia because intelligence hasn't been allowed to look at them.
Please present the evidence of a "total lie".

Comey also said that Trump asked him to drop the Flynn investigation...which I'm sure you think is a lie.

So before we go any further...for sake of this discussion. Is Comey to be believed, a source of reliable information or no?
Please present the evidence of a "total lie".

Look a few posts up. I already did. FBI never had access to the servers. The intelligence community has never verified they were hacked.

Comey also said that Trump asked him to drop the Flynn investigation...which I'm sure you think is a lie.

No, he didn't. Comey hasn't said a damn thing. An anonymous source said he said that, reading from a secret memo that no one has ever seen.

On the other hand, Comey testified, in front on Congress, under oath, to never having access to the servers. See the difference between the two?
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Please present the evidence of a "total lie".

Comey also said that Trump asked him to drop the Flynn investigation...which I'm sure you think is a lie.

So before we go any further...for sake of this discussion. Is Comey to be believed, a source of reliable information or no?
Where has Comey flat out said that Trump asked him to drop the investigation? Telling a guy "I hope we can get past this and move on" is not asking him to drop it. Show the proof kid!
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Russia did, and will continue to try and affect the outcome of our elections. Just like the US tries, and will continue to try and affect outcomes of other nations elections.

The issue is there is no evidence that Russia hacked anyone's emails. The same agencies telling us it happened also continue to break the law and disclose confidential material in order to damage the President.

The Democrats have proposed nothing to counter Trumps agenda except fear. We know the Obama administration spied and released info on US citizens. We know the media and Democrats were in collusion during the election.
Now they're pushing the nonsense that Comey had to circumvent the judicial process and Lynch on Clinton because of a Russian email. That's BS, he did it because a reporter busted Lynch and Bill Clinton secretly meeting. The date of the announcement was known well before that meeting.
Bill, I'm glad you get it about the Russian interference. Perhaps you can explain it to the rest of your buddies here.
Please present the evidence of a "total lie".

Comey also said that Trump asked him to drop the Flynn investigation...which I'm sure you think is a lie.

So before we go any further...for sake of this discussion. Is Comey to be believed, a source of reliable information or no?

Comey hasn't said any such thing RQ, only a secret memo that no one has seen, and anonymous sources.
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Who shuts the FBI out of an investigation, then hires a private company to find the exact results they want them to find? Someone who has something hide and is trying to cover it up.

James Comey: DNC denied FBI direct access to servers during Russia hacking probe

FBI Director James B. Comey, in his first public comments since the presidential election, said the bureau requested but was denied direct access to the Democratic National Committee’s email servers and other devices as part of its probe of Russian hacking.

Providing details Tuesday to the Senate intelligence committee about the bureau’s investigation into Russian hacks targeting the election, Mr. Comey said the FBI made “multiple requests” for access, but ultimately a private company was the one to conduct the forensic review and then shared details about what it found with investigators.

“It’s not the way we would prefer to do the investigation,” Mr. Comey said.

He said he did not know for sure why the DNC did not provide the FBI direct access to the email servers.

Better question: whos allowed to?

Can you imagine a drug dealer saying, "no thanks FBI. Ill test these substances myself to see if they are illegal. Oh, look. Its all ibuprofen. Perfectly legal. Bye now."

Of course when given the opportunity an individual will take opportunity to save themselves. No brainer. But why was this suspect treated so immensely different than everyone else?
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Comey hasn't said any such thing RQ, only a secret memo that no one has seen, and anonymous sources.
I'm starting to think the memo isn't real. If it was real, I feel like it would've been leaked out to CNN, WaPo or the NYTs by now. Its been what, 2-3 weeks and we still haven't seen this memo? The person who even wrote the article said he isn't sure if it exists.

Yet here we are with people wanting to impeach Trump over a memo that might be as fake as a fairy tale.
Has Comey even said he's written a memo? And again, to be clear, all it means if he did is that he wrote words down on paper.....certainly no smoking gun, just his word against Trumps.

Some gd evidence of something would be dope....and if there was any, which there isn't, it would've been leaked faster than coeds hitting the can at Two Keys.