How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
There was a poll released the other day and it was something like 80% of women listed abortion as their number 1 voting issue. So basically being able to kill babies is what they are worried about. Meanwhile, men were more concerned about this petty thing called the economy. You know, so they can afford to buy food for babies. Men are jerks I guess.
Yeah, caring about groceries more than human rights does make you a jerk. You nailed it.
The Left doesn't just want to beat their opponents. They want to imprison them or worse.

Trump and Musk have both done what they have done knowing there is the possibility of huge financial loss the last few years. They have already tried/still trying to jail Trump...then the assassination attempt, so there is a lot more at stake than just finances now. I hope Musk has the best security.

Yes, and I have a different opinion than you. Deal with it. Trump coming out bashing weed isn’t going to win him a single voter.

Yeah, cause I’m known for endorsing “moderate” positions…
Idiot, it's a non issue. 🙄

Yes, IF he was bashing weed, (he wasnt, just public smoking) not going to win him votes, or lose him any. He could say he supports it every which way from Sunday being legal, and communists like you still won't vote for him, so what are you chirping about?
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Hey, quick, commie boy, without looking it up, amd spouting that which you know absolutely nothing about, what's the legal limit in Kentucky of nanograms per milliliter of urine for an ovi under current Kentucky law?

Answer without looking it up, or shut up, Forever.
Last I encountered there wasn’t a urine standard for weed. Friend had to do a blood test as urine is only metabolites and not active THC. For alcohol it’s .08 or .1 in most the states, we’re .08 right? Now that I’ve played your game, why does any of this matter? Walking around smoking weed isn’t hurting anyone.
BS politics from a BS politic family. Bitching cause she can't have a keg party in Arlington. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

Keg party.

Let's see how many times The Village Idiot uses this same phrase, unsubstantiated and dubious at best, in the next month.

Over/under guesses, gentlemen?

I say 45.
I've always supported the military. Had a family member almost lose his life in Afghanistan buddy.
Trump's disrespect at Arlington pisses me off more than I can say. And the family giving thumbs up over graves and defending his BS can KMA. The US ARMY has spoken idiots.

But did they have a keg party? 🥳
What does the filibuster have to do with it? You keep.saying it's an overwhelming majority.

So go get you 60 votes and stfu
I said the overwhelming majority want a federal law. Not that all of them want the same law. I’ve been very specific in the terminology I’ve used. Did you look at the polls? 49% vs 37% vs 14%. Can any of those get a 60 vote filibuster proof majority strictly by support? Of course not. Politics would be played and certain individuals would have to be appealed to for their particular constituencies to make any progress. But it’s still a federal issue that will be fought over for the foreseeable future. This whole ‘leave it to the states’ angle is manufactured and doesn’t play with the American people.
Idiot, it's a non issue. 🙄

Yes, IF he was bashing weed, (he wasnt, just public smoking) not going to win him votes, or lose him any. He could say he supports it every which way from Sunday being legal, and communists like you still won't vote for him, so what are you chirping about?
Bashing weed can absolutely lose him votes. Younger troll males that he does well with are highly into weed and video game culture. He was on Adin Ross’s stream with Xqc for Christ’s sake. Do you know who those people are? I do. I watch Twitch.
Yeah, caring about groceries more than human rights does make you a jerk. You nailed it.

Which humans?

Which one, Dion?

The mother or the separate and distinct by biological definition and DNA baby/infant/fetus/clump of cells/embryo, whatever nomenclature you prefer?

Which one, commie boy?
Last I encountered there wasn’t a urine standard for weed. Friend had to do a blood test as urine is only metabolites and not active THC. For alcohol it’s .08 or .1 in most the states, we’re .08 right? Now that I’ve played your game, why does any of this matter? Walking around smoking weed isn’t hurting anyone.

Omg, you're actually absolutely completely clueless. Holy shit. 😳
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Omg, you're actually absolutely completely clueless. Holy shit. 😳
Ok you got me to spend way too much time looking this up, so kudos. But now that I have, I absolutely hit it bang on, didn’t I? I should’ve mentioned the 5 nanograms per milliliter blood per se limit, but I was more focused on correcting your blood/urine confusion. But I nailed everything, from the testing method to the exact alcohol limit. So looks like I actually got more right off the top of my head than you did, the one who asked the question. So pray tell, what exactly are you talking about?
Bashing weed can absolutely lose him votes. Younger troll males that he does well with are highly into weed and video game culture. He was on Adin Ross’s stream with Xqc for Christ’s sake. Do you know who those people are? I do. I watch Twitch.

You are a radical. Yes a handful of ultra libertarians and deadbeats are going to be proponents of open public drug use (for different reasons).

If you’re voting based on your desire for open public drug use, you’re not voting Trump anyway.

Most people would be fine with the ability to purchase and possess marijuana and thc products, but not smoke flower in public. Just eat a gummy or vape if you can’t get through the day without being high in public.
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Bashing weed can absolutely lose him votes. Younger troll males that he does well with are highly into weed and video game culture. He was on Adin Ross’s stream with Xqc for Christ’s sake. Do you know who those people are? I do. I watch Twitch.
It’s like you’re just spouting off without any idea of what he said. Trump said he supported the recreational use constitutional amendment that is going to be on the ballot here in Florida, but at the same time said the state needs to prepare so you don’t have people openly smoking in public where you can’t go down a city street without smelling weed (like in NYC).
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It’s like you’re just spouting off without any idea of what he said. Trump said he supported the recreational use constitutional amendment that is going to be on the ballot here in Florida, but at the same time said the state needs to prepare so you don’t have people openly smoking in public where you can’t go down a city street without smelling weed (like in NYC).
They posted the tweet. Did he release a public statement beyond that? Or are we talking about that tweet? Why do you think you have some right to not smell weed? “Here in Florida”. Are you really old?
They posted the tweet. Did he release a public statement beyond that? Or are we talking about that tweet? Why do you think you have some right to not smell weed? “Here in Florida”. Are you really old?

It’s like that Tucker Carlson video where he goes off on the journalist, initially giving her the benefit of the doubt that she’s just playing dumb, then the more she goes it’s obvious she’s just dumb.

It’s 100% clear what Trump said in his post. Everyone understands what he was saying. Yet Dion just doesn’t grasp the concept.

He either overreacted not having read Trump’s tweet and is now just digging in rather than admitting he’s wrong, or he can’t read.
It’s like you’re just spouting off without any idea of what he said. Trump said he supported the recreational use constitutional amendment that is going to be on the ballot here in Florida, but at the same time said the state needs to prepare so you don’t have people openly smoking in public where you can’t go down a city street without smelling weed (like in NYC).
It’s like that Tucker Carlson video where he goes off on the journalist, initially giving her the benefit of the doubt that she’s just playing dumb, then the more she goes it’s obvious she’s just dumb.

It’s 100% clear what Trump said in his post. Everyone understands what he was saying. Yet Dion just doesn’t grasp the concept.

He either overreacted not having read Trump’s tweet and is now just digging in rather than admitting he’s wrong, or he can’t read.
Went back and read it again just to make sure. Here it is:
Have y’all read it? He doesn’t endorse jack squat. He says, “Whether people like it or not, this will happen…so it must be done correctly.” And then calls on the state legislature to pass laws restricting the will of the voters. While complaining about the smell. I don’t know what you read, but that’s definitely bashing. It’s like your takes are from twenty years ago and you’re amazed and delighted he didn’t just rant about locking users up.
Hey!! Let's get together and do a TikTok with thumbs up and giggles over Arlington National Cemetery graves!!!
Maybe a keg party next week.
F off disrespectful M Fers.
Your media overlords are getting ready to tell you to let this one go Sam. You and Harris’ tweet writers are picking fights with Gold Star families. It’s a losing issue big time. I’d listen to them on this one.
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Went back and read it again just to make sure. Here it is:

Have y’all read it? He doesn’t endorse jack squat. He says, “Whether people like it or not, this will happen…so it must be done correctly.” And then calls on the state legislature to pass laws restricting the will of the voters. While complaining about the smell. I don’t know what you read, but that’s definitely bashing. It’s like your takes are from twenty years ago and you’re amazed and delighted he didn’t just rant about locking users up.

So you think it’s the will of the Florida voters that medical marijuana use can be restricted in public places, but personal recreational consumption cannot be restricted?

Or do you think a reasonable interpretation of the provisions specifically addressing public use, and authorizing the legislature to pass laws consistent with the section, would be that congress is authorized to restrict open use of recreational marijuana consumption, not just medicinal use in public places?
Certainly but I would be all for Trump agreeing to the live mic but refrain from giving them what they want which is his disruption. I know Trump struggles with controlling himself but there’s too much at stake here, just let her have the time to speak given to her by the moderators as that would do more damage than anything Trump could say while interrupting. .
Let it be live & he puts a plastic cup over the mic while it's her turn.
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California was not a predominantly Hispanic state in 1984. The moving left of the United States coincides with the mass immigration. I don't know how that can even be argued.

I guess I'll get called racist but go watch American Graffiti, and do you think it looks like that today?
It also coincides with the rise of Silicon Valley leftists. No idea how the Am G characters racial makeup matches, or not, CA's makeup at the timeframe the movie was set. Please get some data & let me know or you don't have a point.
It also coincides with the rise of Silicon Valley leftists. No idea how the Am G characters racial makeup matches, or not, CA's makeup at the timeframe the movie was set. Please get some data & let me know or you don't have a

What percent of California was white in 1970?



Non-Hispanic Whites have decreased from about 76.3% of the state's population in 1970 to 33.7% in 2022.