How will they rule ??!

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Yikes. Kinda want this to be true.

Good to see the Vatican breaks the "the Sistine Chapel is a holy place so no pictures" rule for Trump.

Catholic Church for you, I guess.

Obviously they knew preventing him from taking pictures wouldn't result in Trump buying anything from the gift shop.


Glad to see Donald and Melania are learning how to hold hands. Suck on that media.
Am I wrong in remembering reading something about how an overbearing, over-the-top handshake grip is actually a sign of insecurity and/or a compensation mechanism?
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Here comes the police state all in the name of public safety from a terror threat they created.

From the article:
Control orders were introduced as part of counter-terrorism legislation drafted in the aftermath of the 2005 London bombings.

They allowed authorities to restrict the activities of people suspected of involvement in terrorism-related activities by requiring them to remain at a registered address for up to 16 hours a day, subjecting them to electronic tagging, limiting their access to telephone and internet communications, and banning them from meeting or communicating with other people deemed to be of concern.

At least 50 people were subjected to the measure with at least 12 Libyan exiles among them.

Control orders were replaced with Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures (TPIMs), which allow authorities to impose many of the same restrictions while limiting their term to two years, in 2011.
Am I missing something here?

The US and UK intelligence agencies along with special forces trained Abedi. Abedi was allowed to travel. They knew exactly who he was because they trained him. The news media pushes the ISIS narrative to scare and divide us further.

The US and UK deep state use these people to fight their proxy wars and commit terror attacks to control the masses. Wake up people the information is right in the articles. Why do we get distracted with lame stream media narrative?
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[laughing] It's amazing that it never even crossed his mind to stand up for himself and rightfully, legally, for the sake of his pride and dignity, defend himself against an attack. Even if he gets his ass whooped, he has to at least make him earn it.

Instead he just took it, no resisting, then straight to Twitter to flaunt his newly found victim card. It's almost as if he's bragging, proud to have allowed someone to body slam him and smack him around like a chump.

you mean like a cuck. That reporter is a spineless weasel like all white liberals
I saw a NYT article linked on Twitter and they're saying the body slam may have done more good then harm. Said it's hard to say for sure so soon, but judging from social media reactions /responses, it seems to have energized and motivated his base, especially considering the disdain they have for the media.
I don't think he has a lot to worry about.

:joy: What a shitshow.
Yeah, man, there's a picture on that nudist colony's website of an old, naked, grey-haired man shooting a bow/arrow standing right beside a nude little girl (<10-y/o) shooting a bow and arrow.

I'm prolly gonna go to jail now.

Montana GOP likely could have shot ole boy in the face and still be okay.
I actually love the idea that Don Lemon gave the reporter kudos because if it was him there would have been a fight.

I mean Don Lemon who appears to be a flamer would most likely get turned on by another man grabbing his throat, but swears it would have been a fight.

Bullshit. If Seth Rich's murder is unsolved, no leads, no suspects, nothing, then CNN can't honestly "report" with absolute certitude that they know, for a fact, who didn't murder Seth Rich.
Which also means that anybody claiming that HRC and/or the DNC had anything to do with it have no facts, no leads or suspects to back their claims.

CNN reported that the claims being made were without basis. You just said that there were "no leads, no suspects, nothing."
How you can think that throwing out a name accusing them of murder is responsible in any way? How is it not #fakenews?
Which also means that anybody claiming that HRC and/or the DNC had anything to do with it have no facts, no leads or suspects to back their claims.

Never said they did. I was very clear in saying there's no leads, no suspects, no evidence, and that nobody knows who was involved and who wasn't.

CNN reported that the claims being made were without basis. You just said that there were "no leads, no suspects, nothing."

CNN's claim that they know, for a fact, who didn't kill him is without basis as well.

How you can think that throwing out a name accusing them of murder is responsible in any way? How is it not #fakenews?

You're conflating. I never threw out a name, period. I simply said CNN can't honestly report with absolute certitude that they know, for a fact, who didn't murder Seth Rich. That is non-debatable.

Bottom line, there's just as much proof that the DNC is involved as there is that they aren't involved. CNN's report is just as much fake news as the other reports are.
There's a difference between self serving megalomaniacs and people thinking grown ass men should be able to use the same bathrooms as small girls because they choose to identify as genderless, etc.

100% agree with this.

The gender stuff is ridiculous - even as a self identifying left leaner, I can't wrap my head around why people think like that. If you have a dick, you're a guy, period.
Please provide link to this claim.
It was a telecast, not an article. I'm not your errand boy, look it up. CNN reported that Seth Rich wasn't the Wikileaks leaker and that the DNC wasn't involved in his murder. They reported it as a fake news, a conspiracy, a crazy theory, claiming they've debunked it, complete with graphics and all.

Again, CNN doesn't have a fvcking clue about whether or not Rich leaked those emails. They have even less of a clue about who was or wasn't involved in his murder. For the last time, CNN can't honestly report with absolute certitude that they know who didn't murder Seth Rich.
The true enemies of the state are the mega insanely rich. They own the corporations and in turn control the media narrative. People like Rachel Maddow and Don Lemon are paid actors. If they were fired today another talking head just as bad or worse would be hired to take their place.
Which also means that anybody claiming that HRC and/or the DNC had anything to do with it have no facts, no leads or suspects to back their claims.

CNN reported that the claims being made were without basis. You just said that there were "no leads, no suspects, nothing."
How you can think that throwing out a name accusing them of murder is responsible in any way? How is it not #fakenews?
Why do you occasionally post under this ID, and, at other times, post as Fuzz? What's the purpose, if I may be so bold as to ask?

What good would a travel ban do? Not like these terrorists cross borders via airplanes and what not...SMH
Well I guess this settles it. Skippy said it's Muh Russians.

John Podesta: ‘Alt-Right’ Media Like Sean Hannity Colluding with Russia

During a conversation with the Washington Post’s Karen Tumulty, he cited the “participation and the support of the alt-right media,” naming “guys like Sean Hannity” and “disgusting” Newt Gingrich for helping spread “fake news” to hurt Democrats. He specifically criticized Hannity and Gingrich for asking questions about DNC staffer Seth Rich’s murder and whether or not it had a connection with Wikileaks.
Oh my why are they so racist???

The dems like to punish republican people of color. They want to maintain the myth that the GOP is just a party of white males. They did the same to Miguel Estrada and others under George W. Bush.
Its perfectly fine for the left wing media to talk about Trump/Russia even when there is yet to be proof, but Hannity talks about Seth Rich and he needs to be fired because there's no proof? Interesting.