In case you've lost count or perhaps have been drinking too much fire water
you will recognize today NOT ONLY AS MY BIRTHDAY -- but also the day that the 3 aircraft carrier groups are to arrive near NK
also the day that "Gotham Shield" kicks off -- multi-agency exercise simulating crisis response to a 10 Kt nuclear device being detonated over Manhattan (NY --- not Kansas)
So -- that also links into our earlier convo's on "tac nukes" --- that's a good example of one
EXACTLY the kind of nuke blast yield that neither Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan or any other real "dial an enemy" would use
Also NOT the placement that NK would be able to take advantage of
Sooooooo....this exercise pretty much manages to just scare the SHIT out of people without really preparing for much of anything that's REAL
(I kid........obviously there's not much USE in simulating scores of MIRV's coming in with 8-10 20-50 Megaton warheads targeting different cities or annihilating the BEJEZUS outta some place like......D.C. or Omaha or NORAD
I mean -- the only thing you SIMULATE is how fast your ass can run away from the targeted area
......need more coffee -- also need a UK football update...back in a (blinding nuclear) FLASH