How will they rule ??!

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Didn't know this. The riots in Venezuela aren't due to socialism, but rather a lack of Trump donations[/QUOTE

Six major corporations basically control all the national news you see and hear. That should have never been allowed. NBC, CNN, etc....are just a tool. IMO global elites have organized a campaign to transform the public into a bunch of complacent cucks that would willingly march into gas chambers.
Six major corporations basically control all the national news you see and hear. That should have never been allowed. NBC, CNN, etc....are just a tool. IMO global elites have organized a campaign to transform the public into a bunch of complacent cucks that would willingly march into gas chambers.

The last hundred years have been a steady march towards the global elites vision of a one world government and a global class system with them at the apex.
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Ok, just to play Devils Advocate here.. You mean to tell me there's not a single marine who opted for detail? Not even black marines during Barry's first few months when so many were still enamored with him? While military is strong right, they aren't ALL conservatives.

Not a 1? Not some marine that crossed paths with Obama and was like "yeah he seems like a good dude.."?
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The last hundred years have been a steady march towards the global elites vision of a one world government and a global class system with them at the apex.

It's going to be hard to continue this trend unless we lock down the internet in some staggering ways. Youtube, Twitter, blogs.. anyone can get their voice out.. and if you're articulate, have good points, and don't look like Lena Dunham.. people will tune in. We don't need the news networks for anything other than the weather and local happenings..
Ok, just to play Devils Advocate here.. You mean to tell me there's not a single marine who opted for detail? Not even black marines during Barry's first few months when so many were still enamored with him? While military is strong right, they aren't ALL conservatives.

Not a 1? Not some marine that crossed paths with Obama and was like "yeah he seems like a good dude.."?

I agree with you, Presidential detail is a prestigious placement.
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It's going to be hard to continue this trend unless we lock down the internet in some staggering ways. Youtube, Twitter, blogs.. anyone can get their voice out.. and if you're articulate, have good points, and don't look like Lena Dunham.. people will tune in. We don't need the news networks for anything other than the weather and local happenings..

Well, the US ceded control of the internet to an independent governing body. Facebook, Twitter, Reddit et al will censor content that runs contra the officially acceptable narrative. Google is censoring searches and weeding out, dropping non PC results or shuffling them down and off the front page. So they are trying to come up with a new game plan. They are in a tricky spot with Youtube though, they can't start shuttering content that involves conspiracy or non PC topics for fear of giving them legitimacy so they seem to be of the mind that coopting and/or labeling them as conspiracy is their best option there.
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While I agree that they can create artificially "buzz" for certain topics, you can't, as of now, censor the people and figures you choose to follow. A great example is Zonation. Here's a black conservative, who made his own Youtube channel (I think he got his start on a news network, but can't recall), and he gets 50-100k hits a video.

A guy like this would never be allowed on any network other than Fox (and certainly not now with the Murdoch boys taking the reigns). The powers that be wouldn't have it. But with social media, the mass collaboration of information and data, a guy like Alfonzo Rachel is able to exist, and be a platform for those on the right.

There isn't much you can do to combat something like this. All you can do is adjust popularity of his videos tagged on a site, like Facebook. Although he's much too small to ever show up on there anyways. Instead, his videos are passed around by the same people who post in this forum, circumventing the biased media and giving half the nation the ability to choose the information seen from THEIR perspective. There isn't much they can do to stop it.

And it's damn beautiful, to be honest.
Well, the US ceded control of the internet to an independent governing body. Facebook, Twitter, Reddit et al will censor content that runs contra the officially acceptable narrative. Google is censoring searches and weeding out, dropping non PC results or shuffling them down and off the front page. So they are trying to come up with a new game plan. They are in a tricky spot with Youtube though, they can't start shuttering content that involves conspiracy or non PC topics for fear of giving them legitimacy so they seem to be of the mind that coopting and/or labeling them as conspiracy is their best option there.
Your ignorance knows no bounds.

And please stop with your education system rant just because you can't understand basic science concepts. That's your own stupidity, not your education. Millennials actually believe in Science unlike 80% of Republicans. You can't cover your ears and make gravity go away.

I don't know if you're wrong on purpose or just the dumbest person to ever create a paddock account. You make the water boy look freakin Isaac Newton.
no child left behind is a horrible policy and even worse failure. you simply can't keep every problem in the school system and shovel them through to graduation. it's cost is staggering and the burden is the sacrifice of the other students who are trying, who aren't problems. the problems with the school system stem from parenting. it's not the school's job to raise your kids. but of course libs will say it's not fair that kids from bad neighborhoods have less success rate than kids from better backgrounds. well life ain't f***ing fair. shitty parenting usually leads to a crappy student. while not the kid's fault, what are you going to do? cut funding for extra curricular activities and sports so we can have more behavioral units and special classes and free lunches for the masses with no supplies. that's what basically is happening.
cardkilla, you believe in the sciences and shit, so you believe in evolution and natural selection, no? well your side would either die off or be killed off if it wasn't for us working class paying for everything? you should say thank you when you encounter a tax payer. it's how you eat.
Ok, just to play Devils Advocate here.. You mean to tell me there's not a single marine who opted for detail? Not even black marines during Barry's first few months when so many were still enamored with him? While military is strong right, they aren't ALL conservatives.

Not a 1? Not some marine that crossed paths with Obama and was like "yeah he seems like a good dude.."?

Yea I don't believe that at all.
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Ok, just to play Devils Advocate here.. You mean to tell me there's not a single marine who opted for detail? Not even black marines during Barry's first few months when so many were still enamored with him? While military is strong right, they aren't ALL conservatives.

Not a 1? Not some marine that crossed paths with Obama and was like "yeah he seems like a good dude.."?
Dude, it's the internet. Of course it's true.

I;m guessing this is sensationalism (as are ALL things media these days) and the truth lies somewhere in the middle, but the facts probably slightly favor the claim. That way, you get the benefits of the eyeball bulging, click bait headline and all the security of premanufactured room to backpedal and still have a valid point.

Fakenews-ese. Learned to speak it on tour in Fakenewsistan.
I'm not sure what the education debate is currently on this topic (I stop in and out as I freely admit I don't have the knowledge to run regularly in this thread)... But if you think colleges aren't liberal bootcamps...[roll]

And to be honest, I don't care to hear what anyone over 45 has to say about the current educational landscape, as it pretains to being left or right. If you weren't in college in the last 20 years, you're out of touch with what's happening. Every 3rd class of mine was a Bush-bash fest, in classes that weren't politically based, in a school that the vast majority would think is far right leaning. And that was almost a decade ago..

Going to college is like sitting in front row of the MSNBC studios. Good luck not having the propaganda and slant splattered all over you. If you're a man, you'd be lucky to leave with your genitals after 4 years.
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And don't get me started on what they've done to the educational system in this country. Needless to say if you look at millennia's, I'd say you see the progress they are making is speeding up exponentially.
By the time morons like these guys and cardkilla figure it out it will be too late. There will not be enough people working to sustain the free stuff so, everyone will be working to get the bare minimum from the government while those fat cat rich guys these losers complain about will be even richer and in control of our freedoms.
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Your ignorance knows no bounds.

And please stop with your education system rant just because you can't understand basic science concepts. That's your own stupidity, not your education. Millennials actually believe in Science unlike 80% of Republicans. You can't cover your ears and make gravity go away.

I don't know if you're wrong on purpose or just the dumbest person to ever create a paddock account. You make the water boy look freakin Isaac Newton.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This post holds no merit coming from just about the dumbest poster on this board.
I'm not sure what the education debate is currently on this topic (I stop in and out as I freely admit I don't have the knowledge to run regularly in this thread)... But if you think colleges aren't liberal bootcamps...[roll]

And to be honest, I don't care to hear what anyone over 45 has to say about the current educational landscape, as it pretains to being left or right. If you weren't in college in the last 20 years, you're out of touch with what's happening. Every 3rd class of mine was a Bush-bash fest, in classes that weren't politically based, in a school that the vast majority would think is far right leaning. And that was almost a decade ago..

Going to college is like sitting in front row of the MSNBC studios. Good luck not having the propaganda and slant splattered all over you. If you're a man, you'd be lucky to leave with your genitals after 4 years.

Absolutely. I graduated UK in 2011. Was a stupid drunk frat boy that wasn't worried about anything really then having a good time and make it. But looking back I can't believe how niavve I was to the stuff I was being "Taught".
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Tucker is making a big mistake having Caitlyn Jenner on his first new show as I quote

The former Olympic Gold Medalist and author will give her perspective on President Donald Trump’s administration, the current political climate and divide in America, as well as her thoughts on how to bring Americans together.

Jenner voted for Trump, but said this week she has had a change of heart about the new administration because of its stance toward the transgender community. "

Umm excuse me I don't give a **** what he/she thinks about Trump or his administration.
Six major corporations basically control all the national news you see and hear. That should have never been allowed. NBC, CNN, etc....are just a tool. IMO global elites have organized a campaign to transform the public into a bunch of complacent cucks that would willingly march into gas chambers.

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Absolutely. I graduated UK in 2021. Was a stupid drunk frat boy that wasn't worried about anything really then having a good time and make it. But looking back I can't believe how niavve I was to the stuff I was being "Taught".

Holy crap boys, we've got an honest to god time traveler amongst us. Who wins the World Series, the Superbowl, the College football and basketball championships the next 4 years?
cardkilla, you believe in the sciences and shit, so you believe in evolution and natural selection, no? well your side would either die off or be killed off if it wasn't for us working class paying for everything? you should say thank you when you encounter a tax payer. it's how you eat.

I think this is silly, there are plenty of people milking the system on both sides. Look up the poorest counties in the country - they all vote redder than Santa's costume.

I rely on nobody for anything, unless you count my employer. To label every democrat a siphon on taxpayers is incredibly inaccurate.
Ok, just to play Devils Advocate here.. You mean to tell me there's not a single marine who opted for detail? Not even black marines during Barry's first few months when so many were still enamored with him? While military is strong right, they aren't ALL conservatives.

Not a 1? Not some marine that crossed paths with Obama and was like "yeah he seems like a good dude.."?
This was posted in the comments of a Navy Times article awhile back. Needless to say that there was some spirited debate.

Quite a few Marines chimed in and said they did not believe it, but from their experience it was not that far from the absolute truth. Very few wanted the duty.

These typed of details while cool and all, are not always the plush duty people think.

I interviewed for the White House communications team. I did not get selected.

In hind sight I am glad I did not. I later had a student come through one of my classes at Fleet Training Center that had just transferred from the team(s) and filled me in. It can suck.

So people choosing not to apply is not toooo unbelievable. But
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Tucker is making a big mistake having Caitlyn Jenner on his first new show as I quote

The former Olympic Gold Medalist and author will give her perspective on President Donald Trump’s administration, the current political climate and divide in America, as well as her thoughts on how to bring Americans together.

Jenner voted for Trump, but said this week she has had a change of heart about the new administration because of its stance toward the transgender community. "

Umm excuse me I don't give a **** what he/she thinks about Trump or his administration.
Yeah, I think its an odd choice too. I guess he probably felt like he needed a big guest for an attention grabber for his first show in OReillys spot. Jenner isn't who I would've picked, however.
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Millennials actually believe in Science
Yeah, the subjective, debatable, not 100% factually proven, agenda driven kind.

Hit 'em with a 100% factual, non debatable area of science (biology) that doesn't fit their agenda or conform to their beliefs and see how much they believe.
Shhhh, somebody better not tell Cardkilla about those California liberals who won't vax their kids.. He may have a stroke
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BECAUSE other countries don't have to educate all the kids. We have the best education system in the world for the masses. The problem is that we can't "cull" certain kids at certain levels like they do in countries like Germany. We had an exchange student from Germany. Very bright. She told me that around grade 5 they make a cut then again around grade 8 or 9. About a third of the kids get to continue moving toward an academic program/degree. I asked her what percentage of the kids in our high school would be in her high school in Germany, she said only about 1/3.
Proof of this is the fact that many private schools outperform public schools. I KNOW they don't have equal access to quality teachers simply because they can't pay salaries that public schools can pay. The difference? 1. Parents that care enough to spend $ for their kids' education 2. Private schools can remove kids "at-will". I know this to be the case for as a school administrator, I had to accept their "cast-offs".
The most reliable indicator of a kid's performance in school is income of the family from which that student comes. Find me the 10 wealthiest school districts in any state and that will tell you the top performing schools.

The next most reliable indicator is parental involvement.

No school system can compensate for poor parenting and poor (troubled) environments.
[QUOTE="rqarnold, post: 5868616, member: 22575"]The most reliable indicator of a kid's performance in school is income of the family from which that student comes. Find me the 10 wealthiest school districts in any state and that will tell you the top performing schools.

Poor excuse and not a real indicator as to what is going on. Get parents involved in any system and allow a little discipline and you will see a difference. Your parents statement is the real and ultimate problem. It is a cop out to put the blame on wealth. Dead beats not taking care of their children and leaving it on the rest of us is the problem.[/QUOTE]
French Elections: Marine Le Pen Backed By Quiet Army of Women

"I'm worried about my nieces having to wear the veil," said the soft-spoken 29-year-old.

This fear has helped propel the young mother to the far-right of the political spectrum ahead of key presidential elections Sunday — and into the arms of the hard-line National Front party.

Troin sells children's clothes at a store in Cogolin, a town of 11,000 a few miles from the jet-set resorts of the French Riviera. In 2014, Cogolin became one of a handful of communities nationwide to elect mayors from the National Front, which is also known by the acronym FN.

Troin told NBC News that it wasn't just the FN's stance on Islam and immigration that attracted her, but also the party's populist take on the economy.

But most of all, it was the party's charismatic leader, Marine Le Pen, who captured Troin's loyalty.

"She fights for women's rights against Islam," she said. "I vote because of Marine."

"In France we respect women, we don't beat them, we don't ask them to hide themselves behind a veil as if they were impure. We drink wine when we want, we can criticize religion and speak freely."

Troin is part of a quiet army of female National Front supporters, who could well tip the balance of the election and give the presidency to the hard-right.

The Front's anti-Islamic message is especially potent in France, whose 4.7 million Muslims make up around 7.5 percent of the population. Islamist militant attacks have killed more than 230 people over two years and plunged the country into a long-term state of emergency.

2nd doctor, wife charged in female genital mutilation case

Lawmaker Says Female Genital Mutilation Case Is Reason To Vote For Anti-Sharia Bill

U.S. media 'spinning lies' about female genital mutilation

It was an explosive story: A U.S. emergency-room doctor in Detroit was prosecuted for intentionally mutilating the genitals of two young girls. But major TV networks simply ignored the alarming news, according to a media watchdog that slammed the outlets Tuesday.

Media Research Center said ABC, CBS and NBC all failed to report on the case of Dr. Jumana Nagarwala, 44, an emergency-room physician who was arrested April 13 on charges that she performed the grisly practice of female genital mutilation, or FGM. The practice involves removing all or part of the clitoris of girls between the ages of 6 and 8.

The media that did report the horrific crimes the doctor allegedly committed have failed to associate the practice with Islamic countries, despite a 2013 United Nations report showing large swaths of Africa and parts of the Middle East and Asia still subject their daughters to the procedure in stunning numbers.
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I'd be willing to make a $200 a year contribution to Brady James for the RQ Arnold scholarship that would go towards Brady helping people in the community. I'll pledge it now