How will they rule ??!

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The most reliable indicator of a kid's performance in school is income of the family from which that student comes. Find me the 10 wealthiest school districts in any state and that will tell you the top performing schools.

The next most reliable indicator is parental involvement.

No school system can compensate for poor parenting and poor (troubled) environments.
Chicken/egg...Egg/chicken. Perhaps the correlation between wealth and performance has to do with education leading to more wealthy parents; who recognized the value of education; who then taught, encouraged and directed their kids to take advantage of their schooling. Wealth in and of itself has nothing to do with educational success. It's the qualities of education that led to wealth that results in high performance.

Agree 100% on parent involvement. I was a school administrator for almost 25 years. I don't recall ever having a problem with a kid who:
1. Lived with both parents;
2. Lived with both parents and neither used drugs or abused alcohol;
3. Had two parents engaged in the kid's life.

2nd doctor, wife charged in female genital mutilation case

Lawmaker Says Female Genital Mutilation Case Is Reason To Vote For Anti-Sharia Bill

U.S. media 'spinning lies' about female genital mutilation

It was an explosive story: A U.S. emergency-room doctor in Detroit was prosecuted for intentionally mutilating the genitals of two young girls. But major TV networks simply ignored the alarming news, according to a media watchdog that slammed the outlets Tuesday.

Media Research Center said ABC, CBS and NBC all failed to report on the case of Dr. Jumana Nagarwala, 44, an emergency-room physician who was arrested April 13 on charges that she performed the grisly practice of female genital mutilation, or FGM. The practice involves removing all or part of the clitoris of girls between the ages of 6 and 8.

The media that did report the horrific crimes the doctor allegedly committed have failed to associate the practice with Islamic countries, despite a 2013 United Nations report showing large swaths of Africa and parts of the Middle East and Asia still subject their daughters to the procedure in stunning numbers.
French Elections: Marine Le Pen Backed By Quiet Army of Women

"I'm worried about my nieces having to wear the veil," said the soft-spoken 29-year-old.

This fear has helped propel the young mother to the far-right of the political spectrum ahead of key presidential elections Sunday — and into the arms of the hard-line National Front party.

Troin sells children's clothes at a store in Cogolin, a town of 11,000 a few miles from the jet-set resorts of the French Riviera. In 2014, Cogolin became one of a handful of communities nationwide to elect mayors from the National Front, which is also known by the acronym FN.

Troin told NBC News that it wasn't just the FN's stance on Islam and immigration that attracted her, but also the party's populist take on the economy.

But most of all, it was the party's charismatic leader, Marine Le Pen, who captured Troin's loyalty.

"She fights for women's rights against Islam," she said. "I vote because of Marine."

"In France we respect women, we don't beat them, we don't ask them to hide themselves behind a veil as if they were impure. We drink wine when we want, we can criticize religion and speak freely."

Troin is part of a quiet army of female National Front supporters, who could well tip the balance of the election and give the presidency to the hard-right.

The Front's anti-Islamic message is especially potent in France, whose 4.7 million Muslims make up around 7.5 percent of the population. Islamist militant attacks have killed more than 230 people over two years and plunged the country into a long-term state of emergency.

I wish I could vote on Monday.

I'm with HER.
This is what I know...

Took a PT night job as an AMT adjunct for ITT in late 90's to help payoff student loans. Ended up working there a long time b/c they paid quite well for a PT gig. Saw a lot of crazy shit pass as "education." I wasn't allowed to fail paying customers, no matter how sorry or absent they were. As a result, I saw a shit ton of guys piss away $40k+ of "for-profit education" and end up losing their asses working at McD's and Home Depot with a bullshit 'degree' hanging on the wall behind them.

However, I saw a handful of guys take the exact same education/opportunity and parlay it into 6 figure jobs at places like AK Steel, Raytheon and even NASA (yes, NASA. He (1 guy) works in satellite heat tile development, still works there and last I'd heard, he was being paid by the school to do rah-rah speeches for students at every damned campus across the continent... before they shat the bed, of course). Blame the system, blame the sorry ass instructors, blame poor curriculum and rooty-poo accreditations that did little more than water down proven skill training curriculum in favor of stock-inflating, bloatware academics (at a trade/tech school)... whatever... the end user is always the difference.

So, I say, screw ALL of your excuses. Keep blaming everyGDbody but the end user. That's what got us here.

There is a rose in Spanish Harlem...
This is what I know...

Took a PT night job as an AMT adjunct for ITT in late 90's to help payoff student loans. Ended up working there a long time b/c they paid quite well for a PT gig. Saw a lot of crazy shit pass as "education." I wasn't allowed to fail paying customers, no matter how sorry or absent they were. As a result, I saw a shit ton of guys piss away $40k+ of "for-profit education" and end up losing their asses working at McD's and Home Depot with a bullshit 'degree' hanging on the wall behind them.

However, I saw a handful of guys take the exact same education/opportunity and parlay it into 6 figure jobs at places like AK Steel, Raytheon and even NASA (yes, NASA. He (1 guy) works in satellite heat tile development, still works there and last I'd heard, he was being paid by the school to do rah-rah speeches for students at every damned campus across the continent... before they shat the bed, of course). Blame the system, blame the sorry ass instructors, blame poor curriculum and rooty-poo accreditations that did little more than water down proven skill training curriculum in favor of stock-inflating, bloatware academics (at a trade/tech school)... whatever... the end user is always the difference.

So, I say, screw ALL of your excuses. Keep blaming everyGDbody but the end user. That's what got us here.

There is a rose in Spanish Harlem...

It's all about ambition, effort, and desire. I went to one semester of college and that didn't stop me from making a lot of money in the corporate world. I've hired people that work out and people that don't. The difference in the two groups is simply that one wants it more than the other. It's why I scoff at people who complain about lack of jobs. If you aren't successful, the only thing stopping you is you. Everything else is an excuse.
You leftist ****sticks proud yet?

Some one please tell me exactly what Trump has done that warrant's the death penalty. I mean, if it is just the fact that he wants to preserve our democracy and the rights guaranteed by the constitution, you on the left are going to be busy. Half the nation will need to be killed. Sounds like other mass killings in the past that have led to people being controlled and enslaved by their governments. Oh, and by the way, you snow flakes will lose. I know this for a fact. Whenever confronted one on one, you guys fold.
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Is this bait to see which of our resident lefties is gullible enough to believe it without question, fly off the handle and rant about Trump and WW3?

Don't be fooled. Click on the facebook icon and read the comments. This is how our military regularly transports vehicles to various training events. It's a common occurrence. The video may be months, or even years old.
Good to know we were poking the Russian bear for good reasons, o_O.

DEPLORABLE MEDIA‏@correctthemedia 14h14 hours ago

BREAKING: New book "Shattered" reveals the Clinton Campaign hatched the Russia narrative 24 hours after her loss to cover for their


Good to know we were poking the Russian bear for good reasons, o_O.

DEPLORABLE MEDIA‏@correctthemedia 14h14 hours ago

BREAKING: New book "Shattered" reveals the Clinton Campaign hatched the Russia narrative 24 hours after her loss to cover for their


That was the angle way before. We know that based on podestas emails.

This story was manufactured on 2 fronts. The main was political. The sub was for getting the wire taps, which was also political.

No doubt they decided to double down after the election. But the idea was hatched well before
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That was the angle way before. We know that based on podestas emails.

This story was manufactured on 2 fronts. The main was political. The sub was for getting the wire taps, which was also political.

No doubt they decided to double down after the election. But the idea was hatched well before

They had been laying the groundwork for weeks/months. I do think that the final decision wasn't made to go all out until after the election though.
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This is why I still think a 2nd civil war is entirely possible. Libs are beyond deranged.

Wouldn't be surprised if Coulter gets assassinated in Berkeley this week.
Berkley Mayor being a member of BAMN since 2012 says a lot. Explains why the cops stood down during riots and why they weapon checked Trump supporters, yet ANTIFA members had weapons, police grade flash bangs, etc.

I am of the opinion that the civil war will start there, pushed by local gov't enabling these hate groups... but it'll never breach state lines outside of some idiots breaking some windows and screaming at innocents in NYC.
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They had been laying the groundwork for weeks/months. I do think that the final decision wasn't made to go all out until after the election though.

Yep. They were desperate for two reasons. One, they knew their wiretapping would be uncovered. So they had to solidify and sell that they had a real concern.

Two, the dems were so sure hillary would win the fixed election and grant amnesty, ensuring a dem president and Congress forever. They were so sure, they didn't have a backup plan. Losing never entered their mind. So they used this to regroup and try to hope to not completely be decimated by 2018
March for anything but America!

I've come to the realization at some point Americans(don't care about politics) got it right with prisons and the like. They knew non Americans would not adapt and so we have the prison system, and it just sucks that it's overridden with people that are no longer the targets(pot offenders).

We need to clean that up quick to make room for some real criminals that are absolutely here and getting away with shit that Americans aren't. If your illegal and a criminal you don't have rights so we can absolutely abuse to F's with a nasty disgusting jail life American criminals are no longer treated to.
Trump will be holding a rally next Saturday night in Pennsylvania instead of being at the really dumb White House correspondents dinner. Haha, awesome.

On another note, I am really hoping Le Pen wins in France. You could probably argue it would be an even bigger win than even Trump and Brexit was, considering the state France and all of Europe is in. It would be a huge middle finger to people like George Soros.
Some one please tell me exactly what Trump has done that warrant's the death penalty. I mean, if it is just the fact that he wants to preserve our democracy and the rights guaranteed by the constitution, you on the left are going to be busy. Half the nation will need to be killed. Sounds like other mass killings in the past that have led to people being controlled and enslaved by their governments. Oh, and by the way, you snow flakes will lose. I know this for a fact. Whenever confronted one on one, you guys fold.

The mass hysteria against Trump shows me how brainwashed and how the left is ignorant sheep who will hop to whatever their media, professors or celebrities tell them.

Dumbest bastards alive but they believe they're brilliant. Logic does not work on these people. There is no rationalizing with these lunatics. It's their dogma and nothing else, which is why you seem them constantly assaulting people and destroying things when opposed.
I still get a kick out of the left wondering why they're so hated and why stuff like Trump and Brexit and Le Pen are part of a movement. How about people are sick of your hostility and hate toward whites while trying to destroy their countries and change the population and replace them?

You're shocked that people are tired of your shit and craziness? You think normal adults will want to be on your side when you attack others and constantly protest and tell them they didnt earn what they have and that they're evil?

The left are un-American psychos. These group of assholes who are always the ones burning flags and siding with the enemy would no question be against our own nation if something serious went down. The Dem Party is pure evil. The Republican Party are the pussies who enable it.
The mass hysteria against Trump shows me how brainwashed and how the left is ignorant sheep who will hop to whatever their media, professors or celebrities tell them.

Dumbest bastards alive but they believe they're brilliant. Logic does not work on these people. There is no rationalizing with these lunatics. It's their dogma and nothing else, which is why you seem them constantly assaulting people and destroying things when opposed.

They're not "brain washed", they're not "indoctrinated", they suffer from a mental illness who's primary symptom is the inability to accept reality, much less deal with it.

Some more info.

On the other side of Domigo’s fist was Louise Rosealma who, thanks to 4chan’s Internet detectives, was outed as a 19-year-old porn star who goes by the pseudonym Venus Rosales and Emily Rose Marshall.

Rosealma’s Instagram describes her as an “Independent Model, photographer, free soul, queer, polyamorous” Antifa member. After performing dutiful research as a journalist, I discovered that Rosealma also performed for the hairy fetish site ATK Natural & Hairy in videos like “Venus beats her bush up with the bush” and “Venus oils up and toys her hairy twat.” Since her run-in with Domigo, Marshall’s popularity has skyrocketed on pornographic search engines.
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Is this bait to see which of our resident lefties is gullible enough to believe it without question, fly off the handle and rant about Trump and WW3?

Don't be fooled. Click on the facebook icon and read the comments. This is how our military regularly transports vehicles to various training events. It's a common occurrence. The video may be months, or even years old.
That is what I was going to post. I help set up and inspect train loads, air loads, and line haul loads for this purpose. Units from all over the country go to various different training sites all of the time.
Not a huge fan of Trump (reportedly) wanting to keep DACA around.

But hes done pretty much everything else I've wanted, so its hard to whine too much.

The immigration system will be much better overall with Trump anyway.
I still get a kick out of the left wondering why they're so hated and why stuff like Trump and Brexit and Le Pen are part of a movement. How about people are sick of your hostility and hate toward whites while trying to destroy their countries and change the population and replace them?

You're shocked that people are tired of your shit and craziness? You think normal adults will want to be on your side when you attack others and constantly protest and tell them they didnt earn what they have and that they're evil?

The left are un-American psychos. These group of assholes who are always the ones burning flags and siding with the enemy would no question be against our own nation if something serious went down. The Dem Party is pure evil. The Republican Party are the pussies who enable it.
Very well put.
Show of hands: How many of you listen to/watch/follow InfoWars?

Just curious.

Info Wars is a gimmick. It would be nice if the people who believe Huff Po, Salon, Slate, NYT and MSNBC are the gospel, would also get the stigma.

Dumb as hell and not their decision to make. Idiotic kids who have no concept of a business or any sense of history or reality. "Blacks have been held back." Haha. Yeah, okay. Their lives have been made better or at least, people have attempted to make them better through education, free shit, thrown money at everything, lowered standards yet here we are. Still unsatisfied. Still blaming and bitching.

For the people who talk about white privilege, there sure seems to be a hell of a lot of black privilege. Get people constantly making excuses, blaming others and never being held accountable for anything without playing the race card. You telling me a black kid deserves free tuition for the color of his skin as opposed to the people who did the right thing and worked their asses off to try and qualify for scholarships?
Show of hands: How many of you listen to/watch/follow InfoWars?

Just curious.

I visit the site once a day, mostly for comedic purposes.

I think there was a time Jones served a legit purpose, but he realized that catering to a very loyal base of weirdos drives more traffic to his site than anything legitimate would. News simply doesn't sell - this is why the sites and stations that lean one way are popular and unbiased news is virtually non existent anymore. People would rather spend their time in echo chambers having their views reinforced by like minded talking heads instead of learning anything on their own.
Info Wars is a gimmick. It would be nice if the people who believe Huff Po, Salon, Slate, NYT and MSNBC are the gospel, would also get the stigma.

Dumb as hell and not their decision to make. Idiotic kids who have no concept of a business or any sense of history or reality. "Blacks have been held back." Haha. Yeah, okay. Their lives have been made better or at least, people have attempted to make them better through education, free shit, thrown money at everything, lowered standards yet here we are. Still unsatisfied. Still blaming and bitching.

For the people who talk about white privilege, there sure seems to be a hell of a lot of black privilege. Get people constantly making excuses, blaming others and never being held accountable for anything without playing the race card. You telling me a black kid deserves free tuition for the color of his skin as opposed to the people who did the right thing and worked their asses off to try and qualify for scholarships?

I'm a pretty big believer that people control their own destinies in this country, and if you work hard enough, you'll be successful, regardless of race or sex.

That being said, I'm a white male in the corporate world, and I'm thankful for that. I think my path was a little less riddled with obstacles than some.