Chicken/egg...Egg/chicken. Perhaps the correlation between wealth and performance has to do with education leading to more wealthy parents; who recognized the value of education; who then taught, encouraged and directed their kids to take advantage of their schooling. Wealth in and of itself has nothing to do with educational success. It's the qualities of education that led to wealth that results in high performance.The most reliable indicator of a kid's performance in school is income of the family from which that student comes. Find me the 10 wealthiest school districts in any state and that will tell you the top performing schools.
The next most reliable indicator is parental involvement.
No school system can compensate for poor parenting and poor (troubled) environments.
Agree 100% on parent involvement. I was a school administrator for almost 25 years. I don't recall ever having a problem with a kid who:
1. Lived with both parents;
2. Lived with both parents and neither used drugs or abused alcohol;
3. Had two parents engaged in the kid's life.