How will they rule ??!

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It has other applications as shown. Don't worry, I'm in favor of legalizing it's cousin as well.

Oh I know.

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So did Trump land China as a buyer of American coal? I mean explain WTF is going on over there without that being true!
I mean 1 week after meeting with Trump we have bombed airfields in Syria and dropped a monster and I think both had more to do with letting N Korea know to stop. Now China has 150K troops on the border and we are deep in the sea as I post this just ready for something to pop off.

Without Coal to China there is a chance N Korea crumbles within a year. What an export/contract to get.
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I mean 1 week after meeting with Trump we have bombed airfields in Syria and dropped a monster and I think both had more to do with letting N Korea know to stop. Now China has 150K troops on the border and we are deep in the sea as I post this just ready for something to pop off.

Without Coal to China there is a chance N Korea crumbles within a year. What an export/contract to get.

DJT is playing a dangerous game right now on an international stage. It's a necessary game though brought about by the last diminishing of our standing over the last 8 years under the usurper Obama. Trump said it during the campaign "peace through strength", but that requires letting everyone know that yes we are indeed strong enough to get the job done. I don't fear a protracted military engagement under Trump, what I fear is how far is he really willing to go to show off our resolve.
retail sales down again...worst in 2 years

Add that to the meager job report for March...not much talk about the stock market either after the sugar high. We'll probably be in recession by the end of the year. Along with being engaged in a few more wars. But hey, maybe there will be 200 more coal jobs.
You are downright gleeful that you can grab onto a scintilla of information on which to assert that the US economy is heading south (even though it is clearly not). WTF is wrong with you?
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Obama hiding out in a country that gives him immunity.

obama killed more black men in chicago in in 8 yrs than all of the black men killed in Vietnam

Where? Kenya lol

What's he doing for real tho?
Opinion & Q/A on why family structure is under attack:

It's asking me to login. Never done that.

But that subject is fascinating to me.

Basically, govt is the only daddy you need. Come to me child, we the govt are your everything.
If the transition team had done anything wrong they would have said so before the inauguration so this should be a non story anyway.

Exactly. Obama made every move possible to try for anything to justify holding on to power. And he didn't stop until the swearing in.

If there was anything, ANYTHING, to the trump and Russia (or anything else shady about trump) wed already known.

Think about it. Because of that, Trump is probably the most well vetted president in us history.
Exactly. Obama made every move possible to try for anything to justify holding on to power. And he didn't stop until the swearing in.

If there was anything, ANYTHING, to the trump and Russia (or anything else shady about trump) wed already known.

Think about it. Because of that, Trump is probably the most well vetted president in us history.

Or TPTB told Obama the gig is up. Go away and stay out of it or we will release more damaging info on you. Then continue to blackmail and manipulate the Trump administration into endless wars and collapsing economies to further their goal of global government.
Saw this on Twitter. Hillary's alma mater, Wellesley College newspaper editorial, on free speech.

Shutting down rhetoric is not a violation of free speech. The spirit of free speech is to protect the suppressed, not to protect a free-for-all where anything is acceptable. If people refuse to adapt their beliefs, then hostility may be warranted.
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Saw this on Twitter. Hillary's alma mater, Wellesley College newspaper editorial, on free speech.

Shutting down rhetoric is not a violation of free speech. The spirit of free speech is to protect the suppressed, not to protect a free-for-all where anything is acceptable. If people refuse to adapt their beliefs, then hostility may be warranted.
They are turning this into a zero sum game, I don't think they'll like the outcome if they continue down this path.
Huma Abedin seeking a tell all Hillary campaign book deal for 2 million. Wonder if she's really ready to "tell all" or if this is just a money grab?


Will be like "and then to my astonishment Hillary took the shirt off her back and gave it to the poor mother of 12. She's the most caring and generous person in the whole wide world :) :)"
Huma Abedin seeking a tell all Hillary campaign book deal for 2 million. Wonder if she's really ready to "tell all" or if this is just a money grab?
Money grab. Hillary would have her killed if she thought it would be anything that could actually get her in trouble. Hillary will have a hand in reviewing and editing the book.
Saw this on Twitter. Hillary's alma mater, Wellesley College newspaper editorial, on free speech.

Shutting down rhetoric is not a violation of free speech. The spirit of free speech is to protect the suppressed, not to protect a free-for-all where anything is acceptable. If people refuse to adapt their beliefs, then hostility may be warranted.

Wtf are they talking. Ain't no spirit. We dont have speech anyway, imo. Not even in my lifetime. Idk what that even means. People are fired every day for thoughts and opinions. Yea, maybe you won't get your tongue cut out, but this country, this society doesn't tolerate free speech. We have a real big problem, on both sides, with group think and pushing certain narratives and thoughts. Depending on where you stand on the totem pole, there are consequences if you do not follow the path. Internet has accelerated this bs greatly.
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Huma Abedin seeking a tell all Hillary campaign book deal for 2 million. Wonder if she's really ready to "tell all" or if this is just a money grab?

"campaign book" Basically all the piss fits she threw. "Why aren't I 50 pts ahead?" We already know she is deranged bitch we don't need some money grabbing propaganda ghost written garbage to tell us that.

Zero chance they tell the truth about the side of beef incident or the reason she smells like cabbage and urine.
Cold day in the High Priest's kitchen before they mention spirit cooking for Moloch. Huma won't mention her climb through child sex slavery to win over Hildabeast's concubine services all in the name of the Muslim Brotherhood. Keep sending those secrets to the Saudis.
You guys see where the Obamas have spent over $70 million on vacations?

The new expense reports, heavily-redacted allegedly for security reasons, push the total known costs for vacations during Obama's reign to nearly $71 million -- with another full year to go. That's about $10.1 million per year in known expenses.

The totals come from Judicial Watch, the dogged watchdog group that pursues such information through repeated Freedom of Information Act requests.

Earlier this year Judicial Watch obtained transportation costs for a pair of the Democrat's cross-country golf weekends just in 2015. They totaled nearly $2 million, or $20,000 per hole, the Washington Examiner calculated.

In February, for instance, Obama spent President's Weekend golfing with male friends in Palm Springs. At $206,000 per flight hour, that trip set taxpayers back $1.03 million. That does not include other costs such as security and transportation.

The Obamas have "traveled more than any other first family, often with Mrs. Obama's mother and her friends. By the summer of 2014 the Obamas had taken 31 international trips lasting 119 days. At the same point in his presidency, Ronald Reagan had taken 14 such trips over 73 days.

"When the family visited Ireland in 2013, taxpayers were hit for just under $8 million, including a quarter-million dollars for a two-day side-trip to Dublin for the Obama women. They chose a $3,500-per-night hotel suite in addition to 29 other rooms for their traveling party at the five-star hotel.


The happy travelers. (Olivier Douliery/Newscom)

"Last year when Mrs. Obama, her mother and two daughters toured China, they stayed in a Beijing hotel suite costing $8,400 per night."
Outrageous! took BO 5 years to invite Boehner to play golf with him even though he was also an avid golfer (and similar weak-minded lazy smoker).
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He plays too much....feel better? And he should be in DC more with all the open positions not filled. When he does play golf I hope he uses it more to meet with swing Dems and business leaders and not his buddies.
I'm just laughing at how big of a hypocrite you guys are, why would I be happy about you saying he plays too much golf now just to save face?
    • I'm just laughing at how big of a hypocrite you guys are, why would I be happy about you saying he plays too much golf now just to save face?

      How many smug jackass threads you got going now? Since you like researching go look up my history regarding Trump. Obama's golf was just part of his overall aloofness to governing and building basic relationships. Even his own party complained (see NYT below). I know though that context and stuff like that are lost on weirdos like you though that use the board to balance your real life loser status.

      To Democrats in Congress who have worked with Mr. Obama, the indifference conveyed to Mr. Reid, one of the president’s most indispensable supporters, was frustratingly familiar. In one sense, Mr. Obama’s response was a reminder of what made him such an appealing figure in the first place: his almost innate aversion to the partisan squabbles that have left Americans so jaded and disgruntled with their political system. But nearly six years into his term, with his popularity at the lowest of his presidency, Mr. Obama appears remarkably distant from his own party on Capitol Hill, with his long neglect of would-be allies catching up to him.

      In interviews, nearly two dozen Democratic lawmakers and senior congressional aides suggested that Mr. Obama’s approach has left him with few loyalists to effectively manage the issues erupting abroad and at home and could imperil his efforts to leave a legacy in his final stretch in office.

The first mention of "obama" by keyser in this thread, which goes back Feb 14, 2017 and now he is here demanding everyone jump on Trump. What a smug loser.
Nah man, I care about policies, not golf. Again, you're the golf guy and the hypocrite.

It's asking me to login. Never done that.

Not sure why Wordpress is doing that -
I'll go in and double check my settings but I'm 99% sure it's not my side of things

Marxists/ Communists are on record in more than one place openly / clearly stating that they believe the family structure (as we know it - father-mother-raising their children) -- should be eliminated.

My hypothesis is that the ultimate motive behind the overwhelming transgender movement (and the rest that's yet to come) is in line with the Marxists/communists original goals.

Destroy the FOUNDATION of society -- so a new one can be ushered in

They're not the bastions of 'tolerance' they proclaim to be

Along the way there are well intentioned / "traditional Leftists" who have aligned with them
I think it's important to show the connection between the social movement and the Marxists / Communists stated goals --- that allows people to make more educated decisions socio-politically

I can upload quotes / sources if interested in hearing more
We can walk through it very methodically if interested

Probably not the "issue of the weekend" though -- I understand that as well

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You can quote multiple posts. No need for all the quote whoring.

Nah man, I care about policies.

If that's the case, then you should have said something about Obama much sooner that 2017, because most of his policies were horrible.

On top of that, the few good ones, like removing all chemical weapons from Syria, were straight up lies.