If the transition team had done anything wrong they would have said so before the inauguration so this should be a non story anyway.
Of course they didn't do anything wrong, nor illegal, or threaten national security. Their names should have never been unmasked, and were done so illegally.
You know how I know? Because if they did, the leakers would have also leaked the transcripts of the communications to the press, and not just their names because that would have been way more damaging, and possibly led to Trump's impeachment. A real impeachment, not a Pelosi pipe dream impeachment.
But since there is zero evidence of wrongdoing and/or collusion, leaking the transcripts of said communications only hurts the narrative by proving there wasn't collusion, and also proves that the Obama administration didn't have sufficient cause/evidence to unmask their names, but did so anyways, illegally.
Also, by only leaking their names, knowing there's zero evidence of collusion, it allows the liberal MSM and Democrats to drum up the Russian collusion conspiracy, reporting/saying pretty much whatever they want about it, knowing that no one privy to the
real facts can comment on the investigation and correct the record.