How will they rule ??!

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36 people killed by a $16mm bomb? Two dorks in Colorado did more damage at Colombine. Nice work Trump.
Projected lives saved are probably a lot more. Plus, the message sent will save even more than that. Nice try Dorkus.
Actually doofus, we speak American not real English. Hard to take you seriously when you can't see the distinction between what we speak and what the English speak.
In no dialect of the English language is "Your not a man" proper English. I'd explain it to you but it's more fun to simply laugh at your ignorance rather than try to reteach you what you should have learned in 3rd grade.
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Projected lives saved are probably a lot more. Plus, the message sent will save even more than that. Nice try Dorkus.

Yeah, those guys were doing lots of damage to American residents in that cave they were camped out in. Gotta love the nationalist hero Trump playing world police. He's already in somebody's pocket.
In no dialect of the English language is "Your not a man" proper English. I'd explain it to you but it's more fun to simply laugh at your ignorance rather than try to reteach you what you should have learned in 3rd grade.
At no point did I say that you were wrong about your/you're, I simply pointed out that if you were going to rag on someone else about English perhaps you should yourself learn about what we speak. But, you missed that point all together which should not surprise anyone since you miss most points brought up on this site. Carry on confused one.
Yeah, those guys were doing lots of damage to American residents in that cave they were camped out in. Gotta love the nationalist hero Trump playing world police. He's already in somebody's pocket.
Yeah, I guess you knew what their future plans were being you think you are omnipotent.
How fricking hard is it for you to understand or accept that if "your people" communicate with people who are being watched that "your people" and what "your people" do/say in those communications will also be picked up?
It does very little good to listen to simply one side of a communication.

Good Lord, the depths to which some of you bury your collective heads in the sand is astonishing.
"picked up"....smh. This was initiated *well* before the election took place and Trump was certainly not expected to win. Hope Fake Indian Liz Warren (FILW) is ready for some pre election surveilling!!!1 After all, talking to any foreign official we deem surveilable is grounds for getting your ass surveilled!!!1

Ohhhhhhhhhhh and the unmasking part. If it was "incidental" why did Suzy Rice need to unmask? Hope Trump turns into an unmasking son of a bitch on the Ds (actually I really don't, that's a horrific misuse of power but point made).

If you think for one second Obama admin wasn't surveilling the shit out of Trump ( and Hillary for that matter) I just don't know what to tell you.
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Those must have been some AWESOME tunnels. Were they planning to dig their way to New York to launch an attack?
How would a Canadian know anything about fighting. YOU TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE ENEMY TO KEEP THEM FROM COMING HERE. Now, with that being said I understand why you would not know that. Since we have been a super power, no one messes with our bordering neighbors because they don't want to mess with us. You guys have been safe for many years now and have no clue why. You are welcome.
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Has Trump been turned? Steve Bannon is on the verge of being fired, he's hiring policy makers that are big time free traders, he's getting involved in foreign wars, etc. I have also noticed in the last week or so the national media has pivoted away from their 24/7 Trump bashing and have even been somewhat complimentary of him.

I like what he has done thus far but if hes goes against his nationalist promises and turns into another globalist elite I'm more than willing to vote his ass out in 2020.
Has Trump been turned? Steve Bannon is on the verge of being fired, he's hiring policy makers that are big time free traders, he's getting involved in foreign wars, etc. I have also noticed in the last week or so the national media has pivoted away from their 24/7 Trump bashing and have even been somewhat complimentary of him.

I like what he has done thus far but if hes goes against his nationalist promises and turns into another globalist elite I'm more than willing to vote his ass out in 2020.

Once you get the power, it's probably pretty exhilarating being able to pound air strips with missiles, drop gigantic bombs on people, act like an omniscient god who can dictate all market forces, etc.

I'd make a terrible POTUS too. It's easy to have principles and make promises when you're sitting at a keyboard on Catpaw, put if I actually had the power, I'd would exercise that goddam power.
I meant omnipotent, you have put yourself above all of us Kentucky educated people with your self proclaimed higher education level therefore proclaiming a God like status. But please, choose the word you actually feel you are.

I chose the word that correctly fit the point you were trying to make since you proved incapable of doing it yourself.
Has Trump been turned? Steve Bannon is on the verge of being fired, he's hiring policy makers that are big time free traders, he's getting involved in foreign wars, etc. I have also noticed in the last week or so the national media has pivoted away from their 24/7 Trump bashing and have even been somewhat complimentary of him.

I like what he has done thus far but if hes goes against his nationalist promises and turns into another globalist elite I'm more than willing to vote his ass out in 2020.

Yep. He's just another Bush/Obama now.
How would a Canadian know anything about fighting. YOU TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE ENEMY TO KEEP THEM FROM COMING HERE. Now, with that being said I understand why you would not know that. Since we have been a super power, no one messes with our bordering neighbors because they don't want to mess with us. You guys have been safe for many years now and have no clue why. You are welcome.

How many ISIS guys from Syria have come here and done any damage to our country? I'll sit back and let you get out the calculator so you can come up with an accurate number.
How many ISIS guys from Syria have come here and done any damage to our country? I'll sit back and let you get out the calculator so you can come up with an accurate number.
Islamic Attacks on America - The Religion of Peace
Be it ISIS or any other form of Islamic terrorism, Islam is still the major face of it no matter what they call themselves. You really can't be this dumb given your self proclaimed educated status.
My reply was based on the statement "YOU TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE ENEMY TO KEEP THEM FROM COMING HERE." Not my words, the guy from Mobilhoma said that.
I guess you did not understand the part "TO KEEP THEM FROM COMING HERE". I don't see how you can be anywhere near as smart as you claim to be. You must really work and live around some dumbasses. Their low level of intelligence makes you think and feel smart.
My reply was based on the statement "YOU TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE ENEMY TO KEEP THEM FROM COMING HERE." Not my words, the guy from Mobilhoma said that.
False, your overall tone and argument is that we should do nothing. You are pro-genocide.
False, your overall tone and argument is that we should do nothing. You are pro-genocide.

There are many, many other countries where atrocities are happening. If we stick our nose in Syria, it would by hypocritical to not stick it in every other country where similar things are going on.
There are many, many other countries where atrocities are happening. If we stick our nose in Syria, it would by hypocritical to not stick it in every other country where similar things are going on.
Another false equivalence, some are more important longer term and more devastating shorter term than others. Pro-genocide and small thinker, not exceptional as self-labeled. Myopia does that to people.
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retail sales down again...worst in 2 years

Add that to the meager job report for March...not much talk about the stock market either after the sugar high. We'll probably be in recession by the end of the year. Along with being engaged in a few more wars. But hey, maybe there will be 200 more coal jobs.
That would be due to Obama's policies then. I mean, you guys blamed Bush almost up to Obama's last few months.
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Either our CINC was a phony the entire time


He's being blackmailed with something

There's no other good reason I can think of for the sudden 180-shift on several issues

I don't seriously believe we can chalk it up to him being 'dumb' or 'inexperienced'

Something really REALLY bad has happened and it may well lead to a war with North Korea or even worse

*IF* either of those two possibilities turns out to be true - then our military needs to stage a coup and remove the President from power.

If we see a preemptive strike on NK then there's going to be a war like this generation has never seen --
That can't REALLY be about to happen.......this admin. HAS to be bluffing on that

I feel like we're living through a sequel to Dr Strangelove or the like.....[laughing]
