How will they rule ??!

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Saw this on Twitter. Hillary's alma mater, Wellesley College newspaper editorial, on free speech.

Shutting down rhetoric is not a violation of free speech. The spirit of free speech is to protect the suppressed, not to protect a free-for-all where anything is acceptable. If people refuse to adapt their beliefs, then hostility may be warranted.
The quagmire lies in determining "acceptable" protected free speech vs. "unacceptable" unprotected free speech. Because the power to suppress opinion/dissent/foes lies with whoever gets to make that determination.

Which is why, if you try to take away my free speech, or make me "adapt" to your "beliefs," you bet your @ss "hostility" will be "warranted" against your groupthink feminazi freedom-of-speech-stripping claptraps.

Now shave your pits, put on a bra, shut your mouth and make me a sammich you nassssssty woman.

Even though they are now starting to realize what has happened, they still don't get it. It was all deliberate. Obama got exactly what he wanted.

Ex-Obama officials say hesitation to use force in Syria, elsewhere, emboldened adversaries

News of President Trump’s response to the Syrian chemical attack left several Obama administration officials with a sense of frustration and a reluctant feeling of vindication.

Trump’s decision to act swiftly and decisively, with an airstrike, was what they had wanted to see Barack Obama do in 2013 when he was president and the world learned of the Syrian government’s chemical attack that killed some 1,400 people, including hundreds of children.

But Obama, they say, was too hesitant and too guided by a belief that dialogue was the way to deal with rogue leaders. He preferred the olive branch to the stick in his efforts to appeal to leaders with dangerous instincts, they say.

“I think he left a more dangerous world,” Barry Pavel, senior director for defense policy and strategy on the U.S. National Security Council staff from 2008 to 2010 said.

“In Syria, a major mistake was treating it like a humanitarian crisis, when it was a major national security crisis that has caused destabilization on our closest allies in Europe,” Pavel said, “Syria has been a source of terrorist attacks in Europe and the United States, and future attacks. I worry about that very much.”

“Potential adversaries know we had the capability, but not the will”
to strike out at aggressive actions by certain nations against their neighbors or their own people, Pavel, who is director at Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security at the Atlantic Council, said. “Because they knew that the Obama administration would never use military force for any purpose, they felt free to conduct their coercive actions in the South China Seas, the Russians went into Iran and Syria and North Korea accelerated their nuclear arms program.”
Even though they are now starting to realize what has happened, they still don't get it. It was all deliberate. Obama got exactly what he wanted.
In a way, I am glad that Obama did not use force, because he did not have the resolve or the constitution to follow through with greater force if necessary. He preferred compromise over the use of force, and the Bashar al-Assad's and the Kim Jong-Un's of the world thrived in his extreme hesitation to use force. Obama is Chamberlain to Trump's Churchill.
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It's asking me to login. Never done that.

Not sure why Wordpress is doing that -
I'll go in and double check my settings but I'm 99% sure it's not my side of things

Marxists/ Communists are on record in more than one place openly / clearly stating that they believe the family structure (as we know it - father-mother-raising their children) -- should be eliminated.

My hypothesis is that the ultimate motive behind the overwhelming transgender movement (and the rest that's yet to come) is in line with the Marxists/communists original goals.

Destroy the FOUNDATION of society -- so a new one can be ushered in

They're not the bastions of 'tolerance' they proclaim to be

Along the way there are well intentioned / "traditional Leftists" who have aligned with them
I think it's important to show the connection between the social movement and the Marxists / Communists stated goals --- that allows people to make more educated decisions socio-politically

I can upload quotes / sources if interested in hearing more
We can walk through it very methodically if interested

Probably not the "issue of the weekend" though -- I understand that as well

It's the most interesting thing to me. You can see it every day. There's all sorts of parts to this.

And it's not just family, it's your community, your state. All that little shit is being diminished for THE GREATER GOOD OF THE WORLD!!!
I'm just laughing at how big of a hypocrite you guys are, why would I be happy about you saying he plays too much golf now just to save face?

Oh, the hypocrisy is on us but not the group who didn't say shit for eight years but is now concerned with money and budgets? Haha.

We already established that spending money on vacations like that is wrong no matter who it is.
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Huma Abedin seeking a tell all Hillary campaign book deal for 2 million. Wonder if she's really ready to "tell all" or if this is just a money grab?
Will she talk about munching Hillary's disgusting box and serving as a mole for the muzzle brotherhood?

If Not, it isn't a tell all.
Exactly. Obama made every move possible to try for anything to justify holding on to power. And he didn't stop until the swearing in.

If there was anything, ANYTHING, to the trump and Russia (or anything else shady about trump) wed already known.

Think about it. Because of that, Trump is probably the most well vetted president in us history.

Also shows you how desperate DC is to destroy any outsider to their bullshit.
They are turning this into a zero sum game, I don't think they'll like the outcome if they continue down this path.

The left pushed way too far. They got way too effing crazy and naturally, you're seeing pushback.

The left still hasn't realized that people are sick of them. They're sick of being told how to think, sick of being told how to speak, sick of a billion genders, sick of having every movie and show have some gay aspect, sick of being told that whites suck and everyone else are victims, sick of being called "racist" any time we disagree, sick of seeing them attack everyone and destroy a city when they throw a fit, sick of their news media being so one-sided, sick of the promoting of Islam and on and on.

Basically, eff this group. These nuts lose their shit over Trump and Chick-Fil-A while being cool with Che, Castro and Islam.
It's asking me to login. Never done that.

Not sure why Wordpress is doing that -
I'll go in and double check my settings but I'm 99% sure it's not my side of things

Marxists/ Communists are on record in more than one place openly / clearly stating that they believe the family structure (as we know it - father-mother-raising their children) -- should be eliminated.

My hypothesis is that the ultimate motive behind the overwhelming transgender movement (and the rest that's yet to come) is in line with the Marxists/communists original goals.

Destroy the FOUNDATION of society -- so a new one can be ushered in

They're not the bastions of 'tolerance' they proclaim to be

Along the way there are well intentioned / "traditional Leftists" who have aligned with them
I think it's important to show the connection between the social movement and the Marxists / Communists stated goals --- that allows people to make more educated decisions socio-politically

I can upload quotes / sources if interested in hearing more
We can walk through it very methodically if interested

Probably not the "issue of the weekend" though -- I understand that as well

No surprise here, it tends to go hand in hand with planned parenthood.
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The left pushed way too far. They got way too effing crazy and naturally, you're seeing pushback.

The left still hasn't realized that people are sick of them. They're sick of being told how to think, sick of being told how to speak, sick of a billion genders, sick of having every movie and show have some gay aspect, sick of being told that whites suck and everyone else are victims, sick of being called "racist" any time we disagree, sick of seeing them attack everyone and destroy a city when they throw a fit, sick of their news media being so one-sided, sick of the promoting of Islam and on and on.

Basically, eff this group. These nuts lose their shit over Trump and Chick-Fil-A while being cool with Che, Castro and Islam.
Liberals are the enemies of America.

They despise those who actually built this country and won't be happy until we're another South Africa.
It cost a lot more than that to train, equip, and mobilize a soldier to go over there and take one out.
Not to mention if just one soldier loses a leg or an arm (or a life, God forbid)... the economic cost, the social cost, possibly a lifetime of care etc. etc.

It's hard to fathom how much better we, the middle east, and the rest of the world would be right now if Saddam and his nutty sons were still in power...
An NBC news report did an analysis of how much it cost to take one Marine from civilian to combat ready. Almost $45,000.00 and that is before you spend the money to mobilize him/her. They also said they were low balling the cost.
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His "leader" is Cuckdeau, the burka-loving muzzie-apologist dandy.

And you redneck idiots are "led" by a reality tv star.

I've got news for you clowns. At the end of Trump's presidency, your life probably won't have changed much. If you're a loser now, you'll still be a loser 4-8 years from now. Same thing if you're successful now. And the same would be true had Hillary or Cruz or Sanders or anyone else won the election.
And you redneck idiots are "led" by a reality tv star.

I've got news for you clowns. At the end of Trump's presidency, your life probably won't have changed much. If you're a loser now, you'll still be a loser 4-8 years from now. Same thing if you're successful now. And the same would be true had Hillary or Cruz or Sanders or anyone else won the election.
John, you ignorant slut! Your country lives under the umbrella of safety that my country provides and you have the audacity to criticize the manner in which we provide it. You need us on that border, you want us on that border. Excuse me if I just say, STFU.
The ironic thing about most of these idiot liberals marching to demand to see Trumps tax returns, have probably not paid a dime in taxes themselves.

Trump pays more in taxes in 1 year than most of them have their entire lives.
He pays more in taxes in one year than they'll even EARN in their entire lives.
John, you ignorant slut! Your country lives under the umbrella of safety that my country provides and you have the audacity to criticize the manner in which we provide it. You need us on that border, you want us on that border. Excuse me if I just say, STFU.

This is funny. First off, I live in Lexington. Second, Canada doesn't need your help - Canada doesn't meddle where they don't belong and as such nobody is out plotting to kill Canadians. America is hated because of the holier than thou, better than you attitude most Americans have. Oh, and the Christianity thing - what a load of BS that is.
The ironic thing about most of these idiot liberals marching to demand to see Trumps tax returns, have probably not paid a dime in taxes themselves.

Trump pays more in taxes in 1 year than most of them have their entire lives.

What's ironic is that the Bible thumping necks that swept the president into power call liberals idiots while at the same time blindly believing in an imaginary Jew. You can't make that kind of stuff up.
This is funny. First off, I live in Lexington. Second, Canada doesn't need your help - Canada doesn't meddle where they don't belong and as such nobody is out plotting to kill Canadians. America is hated because of the holier than thou, better than you attitude most Americans have. Oh, and the Christianity thing - what a load of BS that is.
The post you are responding to went right over your head.

Canada doesn't have to involve itself in the world militarily because America has taken on the burden of filling that role. And given that you moved here, work here, live here, and are raising a family here, you must recognize that America affords a better opportunity for those who are willing to work for it...and even for those who aren't.

You think if the USA didn't exist, the world would just "live and let live?" Canada would be a world of sunshine and happiness? Think again. Without this nation that you reside in and benefit from but apparently feel superior to, Canada would be somebody's bitch 3 times over. We are playing the role of the "ugly American" so you don't have to. You're welcome, you thankless POS.
This is funny. First off, I live in Lexington. Second, Canada doesn't need your help - Canada doesn't meddle where they don't belong and as such nobody is out plotting to kill Canadians. America is hated because of the holier than thou, better than you attitude most Americans have. Oh, and the Christianity thing - what a load of BS that is.
You may live in Lexington, but you are not American. You are basically a carpetbagger who came here to earn money off the system you want to decry. That makes you a hypocrite as well. Bastards like you are the first to whine when there is a natural disaster anywhere in world, "where is America, why can't they do more to help these people"?

Oh, and the Christianity thing - you're barking up the wrong tree pal. Your powder is wet using that one on me.