How will they rule ??!

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John, you ignorant slut! Your country lives under the umbrella of safety that my country provides and you have the audacity to criticize the manner in which we provide it. You need us on that border, you want us on that border. Excuse me if I just say, STFU.
Both countries that border us enjoy not only our protection but a lot of our monetary success.
And you redneck idiots are "led" by a reality tv star.

I've got news for you clowns. At the end of Trump's presidency, your life probably won't have changed much. If you're a loser now, you'll still be a loser 4-8 years from now. Same thing if you're successful now. And the same would be true had Hillary or Cruz or Sanders or anyone else won the election.

Ha. If you would like to compare w2s, this redneck without a college education would put you to shame. Just for shits and giggles though, I paid $3127 bucks in taxes last......

Week. I could rent your wife with the taxes I pay in one week you worthless Canadian.

Berkeley is a hell hole

Canadians. Smh.
Ha. If you would like to compare w2s, this redneck without a college education would put you to shame. Just for shits and giggles though, I paid $3127 bucks in taxes last......

Week. I could rent your wife with the taxes I pay in one week you worthless Canadian.

Canadians. Smh.

I'm down. Where do you want to post them?
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The left pushed way too far. They got way too effing crazy and naturally, you're seeing pushback.

The left still hasn't realized that people are sick of them. They're sick of being told how to think, sick of being told how to speak, sick of a billion genders, sick of having every movie and show have some gay aspect, sick of being told that whites suck and everyone else are victims, sick of being called "racist" any time we disagree, sick of seeing them attack everyone and destroy a city when they throw a fit, sick of their news media being so one-sided, sick of the promoting of Islam and on and on.

Basically, eff this group. These nuts lose their shit over Trump and Chick-Fil-A while being cool with Che, Castro and Islam.
Kristin Fisher on Fox is hotter than microwaved piss.
This is funny. First off, I live in Lexington. Second, Canada doesn't need your help - Canada doesn't meddle where they don't belong and as such nobody is out plotting to kill Canadians. America is hated because of the holier than thou, better than you attitude most Americans have. Oh, and the Christianity thing - what a load of BS that is.
Canada does not have to, no one will mess with them because of us. You guys are so self righteous because you can be. if you had to protect yourselves you would either all be dead or in every rotten corner of the world making sure they don't come to your land. Sanctimonious idiot
Ha. If you would like to compare w2s, this redneck without a college education would put you to shame. Just for shits and giggles though, I paid $3127 bucks in taxes last......

Week. I could rent your wife with the taxes I pay in one week you worthless Canadian.

Canadians. Smh.
You probably would not get your money's worth, look who she picked for a sucker. A Canadian whiner. Poor me, I am among heathens because the worthless Canadian economy can't support me. He is probably here running from the Canadian tax man because he has not paid his fair share in years.
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C'mon, now. I get it, @JohnKBA is a corny ass, low T cracker. I've even had a few choice words for him myself (although it looks like a mod deleted the post), but it's probably best to leave the man's old lady out of it. That's getting a little too personal, if you ask me. Just my two pennies worth.

He can cry to my boss...

When you come in here talking the crap he has, nothing is off limits.
Plenty of time to photoshop them.

No. See when I post mine I won't be a p***y and get some fake ass generated webshot with no confirming info.

I'll post mine with a picture of my hand shooting you the bird. Just have to get them from attorney.
No. See when I post mine I won't be a p***y and get some fake ass generated webshot with no confirming info.

I'll post mine with a picture of my hand shooting you the bird. Just have to get them from attorney.

It was taken from a secure website within a few minutes of you swinging your dick. If you have me crushed, good for you. If not the two day delay in coming up with a picture gives you plenty of time to make sure you do.
When you come in here talking the crap he has, nothing is off limits.
Let me be clear. No offense, but I couldn't give a shit less about any of the three of you. I'm not here to defend him or his wife, nor am I here to control what you say. I'm not telling you to stop doing what you're doing. You're a grown man, you make your own decisions. If you want to be that guy, then by all means, be that guy. I was simply giving my opinion on how I see it. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Carry on.
Let me be clear. No offense, but I couldn't give a shit less about any of the three of you. I'm not here to defend him or his wife, nor am I here to control what you say. I'm not telling you to stop doing what you're doing. You're a grown man, you make your own decisions. If you want to be that guy, then by all means, be that guy. I was simply giving my opinion on how I see it. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Carry on.

And it's a perfectly fine opinion and one I respect. I didn't get upset at you.

But yeah I definitely have a problem with not stooping to an idiots level.
And it's a perfectly fine opinion and one I respect. I didn't get upset at you.

But yeah I definitely have a problem with not stooping to an idiots level.

Honestly, chances are pretty good that if I intersected with any of you guys in real life, we wouldn't even realize how different we are on the political spectrum. I'm not typically outspoken politically but was surprised by some of the extreme attitudes I see here because I never hear them from co workers and friends, many of whom are Trump supporters. To each their own.
It was taken from a secure website within a few minutes of you swinging your dick. If you have me crushed, good for you. If not the two day delay in coming up with a picture gives you plenty of time to make sure you do.

Cool story

I learned at a very early age to not judge a man based on appearance, language, clothes. Etc etc.

Apparently you have not. Point is a bunch of these"rednecks" that you despise so much could own you.

Myself, no I couldn't. But do have you beat but unexpectedly even an idiot can make a good income in this country you loathe so much. Ain't America great.
Honestly, chances are pretty good that if I intersected with any of you guys in real life, we wouldn't even realize how different we are on the political spectrum. I'm not typically outspoken politically but was surprised by some of the extreme attitudes I see here because I never hear them from co workers and friends, many of whom are Trump supporters. To each their own.

Maybe so.. but there has been next to zero serious posts that are anywhere near to the level you claim.
On a serious note, though. All that grandstanding and shit taking fat, lil' Kim was doing, after this embarrassment, someone, possibly several someones, won't live to see the sunset.