How will they rule ??!

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I could see Christie being asked to be the Attorney General if he does not win the nomination or VP nod.
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Do MSNBC and CNBC share like that.

Anyways, looks like FiveThirtyEight is giving Jeb the kiss of death. Smart money is on Rubio right now.

Which is pretty surprising, considering he was their runaway favorite to get the nomination until a day or so ago.

True reform is going to hurt. You can't keep adding roses to a pile shit and ignore it.

Would be political suicide. Would require a non career politician in the white house, along with non career politicians in congress. Which is why itll never happen.

Would you be fine with knowing your money is going to help people receive health care who other wise wouldn't have any health care?

They could pay for their own healthcare you know. Just a thought. The only exception are those who are truly disabled.

Uncle Ben, per deeeee the other day.

Not a fan of Carson at all but will be interesting to see how the machine goes at him.

Im interested too. I dont know theyll hammer him that much, because I think the dems would love to run against him. Hes said some pretty goofy stuff so far. Much of it wouldve put most candidates out of the race altogether. If he continues to rise though, that could change.

Id say Rubio and Trump are their main targets.

I enjoy the contradictions by the left. Hilarious.

If you trashed Obama, you're a racist. However, Ben Carson is fair game by the left and it's totally okay to bash him without being labeled racist.

If you point out what a criminal past Hillary has, you're "afraid of a woman president." However, this same bunch said some of the most vile stuff about Palin non-stop.

The very best is when they point out how rich the republican candidates are. As if Hillary isnt rich.

What I'm talking about is real, and on the record. Recognized names colluding about how to trash a Republican - going so far as Joe Klein saying "OK, here's my latest piece, I've tried to cobble together the various themes you guys have presented, tell me what you think." There is nothing imagined or paranoid about that. Yes, there are good journalists out there - I'm not sure what that has to do with the point.

You have that and the emails to HIllary where 60 minutes producers were coordinating exactly what to do to make her happy.
BBI is loving this multiquote function for sure. He probably scans down thru this thread after work every evening like he's picking items off a menu, then addresses each and every one in a neat and tidy fashion.
BBI is loving this multiquote function for sure. He probably scans down thru this thread after work every evening like he's picking items off a menu, then addresses each and every one in a neat and tidy fashion.

Hahah basically what I do. Respond to everything before work, lunch, and after work.
Media bias is a red team cop out for shitty candidates. The "mainstream media" thing is hilarious, given most conservatives only watch Fox, which in itself is an insulated right wing propaganda machine operating in a bubble. If you say it's not, you're stupid. (MSNBC is the same way for the left; CNN is slight-left and who cares about network news?)

Republicans should hope Jeb gets nominated. The GOP hasn't won the White House without a Bush or Nixon on the ticket since 1928. If they nominate Trump or Carson, candidates who say dumb shit at different levels of volume, Canlkes' ugly ass waddles into the White House easily.

And as usual, you cheerleaders are awful.
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I could see Christie being asked to be the Attorney General if he does not win the nomination or VP nod.

Yea he could probably recruit his former close aids Bridget Anne Kelly and Bill Baroni as assistant AGs - oh wait, they've been indicted they might be in prison by then. :D
I'll bet you that not one person on here believes that if Hillary is the Dem candidate, you won't vote for her.
couldn't you turn the tables and say the same thing about every GOP candidate except maybe Trump?

[directed at random conservative] "I'll bet you that not one person on here believes that if [GOP candidate] is the Republican nominee, you won't vote for him/her."
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Media bias is a red team cop out for shitty candidates. The "mainstream media" thing is hilarious, given most conservatives only watch Fox, which in itself is an insulated right wing propaganda machine operating in a bubble. If you say it's not, you're stupid. (MSNBC is the same way for the left; CNN is slight-left and who cares about network news?)

Republicans should hope Jeb gets nominated. The GOP hasn't won the White House without a Bush or Nixon on the ticket since 1928. If they nominate Trump or Carson, candidates who say dumb shit at different levels of volume, Canlkes' ugly ass waddles into the White House easily.

And as usual, you cheerleaders are awful.

Biden and Obama provided an endless examples of saying dumb shit but never got chastized for it.

You complain about Fox pushing the right side but the left has MSNBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, Hollywood, NY Times, LA Times, academia and more.

It's not a cop out to point out the constant liberal bias. They're constantly being promoted and never get held accountable. So Fox is lone wolf of propaganda against all of those other outlets of leftist propaganda.

The media is the gatekeeper for the masses of sheep. If the media reports something a certain way or pushes something or omits something, that becomes truth to the majority and that is why most voters are total idiots.
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couldn't you turn the tables and say the same thing about every GOP candidate except maybe Trump?

[directed at random conservative] "I'll bet you that not one person on here believes that if [GOP candidate] is the Republican nominee, you won't vote for him/her."

The Republicans are filled with RINOs. However I absolutely will vote for he GOP based off the fact that the left wants to give us a socialist or Hillary. I'll take someone that's less radical, less criminal and has some common sense. The left has NO ONE to offer.
The "mainstream media" thing is hilarious, given most conservatives only watch Fox, which in itself is an insulated right wing propaganda machine operating in a bubble.
I've read this 3 times now, still not sure what you're trying to say.

Is it your understanding that those making complaints about media bias mean to say that conservatives will be tricked into voting for a Democrat?
Hilary is the go-to girl of Wall Street and a former board member of Wal-Mart and Sanders identifies as a socialist of the Nordic Welfare State variety.


You had better look it up
Biden and Obama provided an endless examples of saying dumb shit but never got chastized for it.

You complain about Fox pushing the right side but the left has MSNBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, Hollywood, NY Times, LA Times, academia and more.

It's not a cop out to point out the constant liberal bias. They're constantly being promoted and never get held accountable. So Fox is lone wolf of propaganda against all of those other outlets of leftist propaganda.

The media is the gatekeeper for the masses of sheep. If the media reports something a certain way or pushes something or omits something, that becomes truth to the majority and that is why most voters are total idiots.
Moronic post by megablue. I don't know if he is too dumb to see it or just agrees with the tactic.
Listen, I will explain, but it wont go through. It is called a false analogy. Its the same thing when you compare swimming pools to guns, or anything else like that. Its basic logic that should have been taught to you at some point, but unfortunately, it appears it wasn't. "The fallacy consists in assuming that because two things are alike in one or more respects, they are necessarily alike in some other respect."

Here is a basic wikipedia page that will help you:

This will cover basic concepts such as strength of argument and degrees. Just because something shares one property doesnt mean they are alike or need to be compared.

"Hitler was an idiot. You are an idiot, therefore you are like Hitler." You are not like Hitler, but goes to show you that under your logic, I can compare any two items and as long as they share on characteristic, they are alike. However, that is a weak argument.

Here is another classic example: "Employees are like nails. Just as nails must be hit in the head in order to make them work, so must employees."

Hopefully this will be a learning moment for you, as I can see you are eager to understand. This will help make your future arguments stronger. Good Luck

Last time I drove a swimming pool, it did alright. Timothy McVey killed 100's of people in OKC using diesel fuel and fertilizer. Again, I will ask you, is it the method someone uses or the act itself? Is it murder, or is it only a problem for you if the murderer uses a gun?
I've read this 3 times now, still not sure what you're trying to say.

Is it your understanding that those making complaints about media bias mean to say that conservatives will be tricked into voting for a Democrat?

Yes. 3/4 of Obama voters are actually staunch conservatives tricked by the MSM to vote liberal.

I was just trying to (poorly) point out that those who complain about a biased media usually tend watch an openly biased network that reports as if it existed in a world where everyone has the same worldview. (Just like MSNBC.)

Biden and Obama provided an endless examples of saying dumb shit but never got chastized for it.

You complain about Fox pushing the right side but the left has MSNBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, Hollywood, NY Times, LA Times, academia and more.

It's not a cop out to point out the constant liberal bias. They're constantly being promoted and never get held accountable. So Fox is lone wolf of propaganda against all of those other outlets of leftist propaganda.

The media is the gatekeeper for the masses of sheep. If the media reports something a certain way or pushes something or omits something, that becomes truth to the majority and that is why most voters are total idiots.

It's ALL for sheep. It just depends on what trough you eat out of. I cut my cable a year ago and I never watched cable news much to begin with. The people who do watch that garbage know who they're going to vote for anyway.

And I don't disagree that media tends to lean left, but I don't think it's a big reason the GOP has struggled some in the two most recent presidential races. Bad candidates were the problem. McCain is old as hell and his running mate was a MILF who happened to be insane and Romney was red team John Kerry, just a stiff ass lurch with the personality of toast.

I've never paid attention to network news because they (at least used to) get most of their stuff from the AP wire, which seems pretty down the middle to me, as I used to edit their copy and they usually presented both sides of a story.

I've worked in media. You've worked in media, so you should be familiar with the game. They all pander to the people who are paying for the ads. I've been employed by liberal and conservative publishers, so I've played for both teams in this game. It's sad because the watchdog has turned into a corporate shill, but who isn't these days?

I would prefer all news networks to be neutral in their reporting, but most "news organizations" are "entertainment companies" these days, which means they pander to an audience who will support their product.
I would say, "you can't be serious", but I know you really think that.

"Hardball" host Chris Matthews came to the moderators' defense to close the interview, calling the pair "totally straight reporters who had to take the crap” from candidates.
Yes. 3/4 of Obama voters are actually staunch conservatives tricked by the MSM to vote liberal.

I was just trying to (poorly) point out that those who complain about a biased media usually tend watch an openly biased network that reports as if it existed in a world where everyone has the same worldview. (Just like MSNBC.)

It's ALL for sheep. It just depends on what trough you eat out of. I cut my cable a year ago and I never watched cable news much to begin with. The people who do watch that garbage know who they're going to vote for anyway.

And I don't disagree that media tends to lean left, but I don't think it's a big reason the GOP has struggled some in the two most recent presidential races. Bad candidates were the problem. McCain is old as hell and his running mate was a MILF who happened to be insane and Romney was red team John Kerry, just a stiff ass lurch with the personality of toast.

I've never paid attention to network news because they (at least used to) get most of their stuff from the AP wire, which seems pretty down the middle to me, as I used to edit their copy and they usually presented both sides of a story.

I've worked in media. You've worked in media, so you should be familiar with the game. They all pander to the people who are paying for the ads. I've been employed by liberal and conservative publishers, so I've played for both teams in this game. It's sad because the watchdog has turned into a corporate shill, but who isn't these days?

I would prefer all news networks to be neutral in their reporting, but most "news organizations" are "entertainment companies" these days, which means they pander to an audience who will support their product.
Your own bias does not allow you to see what is obvious to many including some democrat politicians who are now calling out CNBC moderators for their biased attacks.
how bout that liberal media bias, just an excuse.

Leading GOP candidates aren’t at war with the press. They just have a problem with the truth.
Presented with facts and figures that didn’t fit their story, the leading Republican candidates accused the moderators of malice and deceit.

You are using this guy for your proof? [roll]
For those of you who think there is no liberal media bias - and you're in the minority, by the way, as a majority of Americans think that's the case, according to Gallup - perhaps you can point to situations going the other way. Maybe where a group of presumed objective journalists are caught colluding against a liberal? Or maybe an obvious case of disparate treatment - where a liberal and a conservative experience a similar set of facts in a similar context, and the media treats the liberal harshly while not covering or covering with kid gloves the conservative?

Because we can talk all day about examples going the other way.

"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you" - appropo.
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Yeah source, RED state. And just like the rest of Republicans, attack the source instead of responding to the questions.

Republicans love to attack the media when they don't want to answer a question. It's their go to move. Cruz didn't want to answer the question so he instead attacks the questions, none of which were actually the questions he is whining about. Because through what 3 debates, I don't think there's been but one or two actual policy answers, just diversions. Trump is the best at this, he is the king of the non-answer answer.
Pretty crazy that our resident independents think the media is juuuuuust fine in their reporting....... Considering almost 70 % of independents don't trust them nationwide.

You'd think that percentage would reflect at least a little bit with our cats paw centrists.
Yep, having morning show guys like Charlie Rose and Chris Cuomo "educating" the masses on issues has no affect, just repug whining. Some of the arguments here rival card chronicle in taking up for Pitino.

Here is good old Charlie, indignantly defending HRC while interviewing Rubio. These lemmings have no ability to ask a question without dripping sarcasm and disrespect for the opposite opinion itself.
In fairness, ALL the debate moderators from both primary races have tried to play the gotcha game with some of their questioning. FOX, CNN (twice) and CNBC all did it. It's a ratings and soundbite game right now, unfortunately.
In fairness, ALL the debate moderators from both primary races have tried to play the gotcha game with some of their questioning. FOX, CNN (twice) and CNBC all did it. It's a ratings and soundbite game right now, unfortunately.

Rand Paul has talked about this before. It's not about listening to the other side anymore, it's all about set-up questions and "I gotcha! hahaha"
Yep, having morning show guys like Charlie Rose and Chris Cuomo "educating" the masses on issues has no affect, just repug whining. Some of the arguments here rival card chronicle in taking up for Pitino.

Here is good old Charlie, indignantly defending HRC while interviewing Rubio. These lemmings have no ability to ask a question without dripping sarcasm and disrespect for the opposite opinion itself.
If it weren't a serious situation, it would be laughable to hear Rose say "But why Senator, why would she lie about whether it was a terrorist attack?" It's almost like Charlie was asleep for those few weeks when Susan Rice was saying "It was a video!" and people were publicly arguing about it and it was a big topic in the Romney/Obama debate and Candy Crowley interject to save Obama - he's right!! - only later to apologize. Almost like old Charlie didn't know it happened. What does it matter anyway indeed.....

Yeah, Obama had absolutely nothing to lose in confessing the obvious truth that it was a terrorist event.....

They are Democratic operatives with bylines. Simple. I don't care if the liberals understand it or believe it, I don't care if our resident "independents" believe it. But every Republican must understand it, and it's clear that Rubio, Christie and Cruz, at least understand it. Punch back, and twice as hard. Or, as a peace-loving former community activist and white house resident once said “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun”......
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Even Bill Maher evidently is saying that the CNBC guys were biased. Houston, a problem. You know the only person who thinks they did a good job? John Kasich:

"This year, it’s no secret who the media likes. A CNBC profile of Kasich in September wasn’t subtle. Its headline was “Is John Kasich the GOP Media Darling Who Could Finally Win?” CNBC noted that the three candidates — McCain, Huntsman, and Kasich — all had the same consultant for their White House bids. He’s John Weaver, a moderate Republican who has described his party as “a bunch of cranks.” Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin told CBS last month that Kasich is “the media’s favorite candidate, and that is a dirty little secret.” As Kasich proved after the CNBC debate, the admiration is mutual.
Read more at:"

At times all the politics in politics, all the dirty little secrets, are exhausting. Maybe Willy is right, they are all crooks, and we're doomed.....heh
Rand Paul has talked about this before. It's not about listening to the other side anymore, it's all about set-up questions and "I gotcha! hahaha"

And complaining about "Gotcha Questions" is a way that candidates to escape from having to explain contradictions in their campaigning. Candidates sometimes cynically tell different constituencies different things Sometimes they give poorly considered responses when they're tired and should use the question as an opportunity for clarity. Some pretend to expertise they don't have. Some get flustered or get nasty. Some show poise. Some show an inner bully. Blaming the media is a dodge.