How will they rule ??!

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Even Bill Maher evidently is saying that the CNBC guys were biased. Houston, a problem. You know the only person who thinks they did a good job? John Kasich:

"This year, it’s no secret who the media likes. A CNBC profile of Kasich in September wasn’t subtle. Its headline was “Is John Kasich the GOP Media Darling Who Could Finally Win?” CNBC noted that the three candidates — McCain, Huntsman, and Kasich — all had the same consultant for their White House bids. He’s John Weaver, a moderate Republican who has described his party as “a bunch of cranks.” Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin told CBS last month that Kasich is “the media’s favorite candidate, and that is a dirty little secret.” As Kasich proved after the CNBC debate, the admiration is mutual.
Read more at:"

At times all the politics in politics, all the dirty little secrets, are exhausting. Maybe Willy is right, they are all crooks, and we're doomed.....heh

Kasich has a very charming veneer, but he's as big a jerk as the rest of the GOP field. You guys should definitely go for someone who satisfies your most elemental blood lusts. The more savage the better.
The most "savage" candidate in either party right now is far and away Hillary Clinton. Just Ask the poor women that Bill raped.....
[QUOTE="Teachable Moe, post: 2574191, member: 12964"]And complaining about "Gotcha Questions" is a way that candidates to escape from having to explain contradictions in their campaigning. Candidates sometimes cynically tell different constituencies different things Sometimes they give poorly considered responses when they're tired and should use the question as an opportunity for clarity. Some pretend to expertise they don't have. Some get flustered or get nasty. Some show poise. Some show an inner bully. Blaming the media is a dodge.[/QUOTE]

I don't agree totally with this, but I can see some relevancy in it.
Rand Paul has talked about this before. It's not about listening to the other side anymore, it's all about set-up questions and "I gotcha! hahaha"

You know the sad thing is, Paul is probably the one candidate that has the best combination of common sense, intelligence and a viable plan to fix us but he doesn't stand a chance in this stacked deck.
"Democratic operatives with bylines"- That's pure gold. I like that line.

Let's hear AS OF TODAY, your top 3 or top 5 (who's running) that you would vote for?
If it weren't a serious situation, it would be laughable to hear Rose say "But why Senator, why would she lie about whether it was a terrorist attack?" It's almost like Charlie was asleep for those few weeks when Susan Rice was saying "It was a video!" and people were publicly arguing about it and it was a big topic in the Romney/Obama debate and Candy Crowley interject to save Obama - he's right!! - only later to apologize. Almost like old Charlie didn't know it happened. What does it matter anyway indeed.....

Yeah, Obama had absolutely nothing to lose in confessing the obvious truth that it was a terrorist event.....

They are Democratic operatives with bylines. Simple. I don't care if the liberals understand it or believe it, I don't care if our resident "independents" believe it. But every Republican must understand it, and it's clear that Rubio, Christie and Cruz, at least understand it. Punch back, and twice as hard. Or, as a peace-loving former community activist and white house resident once said “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun”......
Susan Rice was saying "It was a video!"

As in, not Hillary Clinton. Let's spend millions of dollars more on this witchhunt, now longer and more exhaustive than Watergate hearings. Talk about politicizing the death of Americans.
You know the sad thing is, Paul is probably the one candidate that has the best combination of common sense, intelligence and a viable plan to fix us but he doesn't stand a chance in this stacked deck.

I know man. It's a shame. He's the true gov't reform guy. No other candidate wants to actually reform anything. Actually Gary Johnson wants reform as well
Susan Rice was saying "It was a video!"

As in, not Hillary Clinton. Let's spend millions of dollars more on this witchhunt, now longer and more exhaustive than Watergate hearings. Talk about politicizing the death of Americans.

I wouldn't mind probing the question of why the original explanation was the video, which by the way was documented as part of the initial CIA intelligence estimate, instead of an organized terrorist attack, but it appears to me that there is not been much of any effort or energy in finding ways to improve security at foreign embassies and improve communications inside government agency's etc. in order to prevent future incidents, something that would actually be beneficial.
And complaining about "Gotcha Questions" is a way that candidates to escape from having to explain contradictions in their campaigning. Candidates sometimes cynically tell different constituencies different things Sometimes they give poorly considered responses when they're tired and should use the question as an opportunity for clarity. Some pretend to expertise they don't have. Some get flustered or get nasty. Some show poise. Some show an inner bully. Blaming the media is a dodge.
They're complaining because they get questions about fantasy football while Hillary gets a complete pass from the mainstream media while 4 dead Americans lie in a grave indirectly due to her incompetency.
I forget who it was, some conservative pundit used to always talk about Obama's statements - anything he says basically - having an expiration date. Thought of him this morning, as we announce we're sending special forces into Syria. In September 2013, Obama said "I will not put American boots on the ground in Syria." I expect a grilling later today of Obama by CNN, by the way.

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WATCH: Hillary shuts down aggressive audience member: "Go back and read the history"

Lol at the lead is the question:

“You said earlier that you wanted to end corruption, but how can you do that after the Whitewater scandals, Benghazi and deleted emails?” a questioner asked, drawing perturbed groans from the crowd.
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WATCH: Hillary shuts down aggressive audience member: "Go back and read the history"

Lol at the lead is the question:

“You said earlier that you wanted to end corruption, but how can you do that after the Whitewater scandals, Benghazi and deleted emails?” a questioner asked, drawing perturbed groans from the crowd.

Anything short of rolling out the red carpet for this bitch will get tossed aside. Those ignorant effing cows clapping is why I hate the majority of people. It's like we're in the movie Idiocracy.

Can anyone recall any candidate having this much baggage? If the Republicans can't win with this sorry ass Dem candidates then they will never win again.
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I know man. It's a shame. He's the true gov't reform guy. No other candidate wants to actually reform anything. Actually Gary Johnson wants reform as well

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't see how you can make as assertion like that. What has Rand Paul done that elevates his assertions to Truth? He seems as fatuous as any candidate you might want to name.

I really wish we had a parliamentary form of government where the party's platform and legislative ideas were the controlling issues. Unicameral legislature. Prime minister is the head of the party. Votes of No Confidence to bring on a new government. You screw up bad enough and you're gone. You want to eliminate the social safety net? Campaign on exactly that and have at it if you win. You've got the votes because you've formed the government. You want to collect illegal immigrants with a front loader and dump them in the sea? Campaign on that. Spell it out. What does Rand Paul really believe? Well, who knows because he gets to be a member of a party and play at being a maverick while he hides behind a facade of platitudes. Voters should vote for a platform of ideas and politicians should form governments from those with similar ideas. With fixed terms, you get a whole lot of noise and post-election hedging. Either you produce the legislation you promised or out comes the vote of No Confidence.
What does Rand Paul really believe? Well, who knows because he gets to be a member of a party and play at being a maverick while he hides behind a facade of platitudes.

Really? Looking at how the whole effing party has pretty much blackballed him. You think Fox news likes the Pauls? I'll answer that for you. No. They hate him worse than they do Trump. Paul is riding with the Republicans because America is too stupid to vote for anything but repub or dem. He is prolly more closer to being a Libertarian than anything. The guy has a lot of great ideas, but you think puppet gov't of dems and repubs are going to allow a guy like that to actually make gov't transparent? hahaha No. Audit the Fed is just one of many. Anybody who says the Fed can't be audited is just as criminal as the dem and repub party and should not be trusted.
Really? Looking at how the whole effing party has pretty much blackballed him. You think Fox news likes the Pauls? I'll answer that for you. No. They hate him worse than they do Trump. Paul is riding with the Republicans because America is too stupid to vote for anything but repub or dem. He is prolly more closer to being a Libertarian than anything. The guy has a lot of great ideas, but you think puppet gov't of dems and repubs are going to allow a guy like that to actually make gov't transparent? hahaha No. Audit the Fed is just one of many. Anybody who says the Fed can't be audited is just as criminal as the dem and repub party and should not be trusted.

There are lots of reasons he could be hated. One is that he's just a light-weight who likes to air fatuous opinions. Republican politicos also hate Ted Cruz. I could imagine it being for similar reasons.

And you think voicing an opinion about the Fed being auditable is criminal. Well, I'll keep that in mind.
And to no ones surprise, the RNC takes their ball and goes home. I guess they're hoping for another softball tournament on Fox News.

Would sure hate for them to have to come up with actual policies that will work. Because they refuse to defend what little policies they have actually come out with.

Republicans going to get rolled in 2016
You know the sad thing is, Paul is probably the one candidate that has the best combination of common sense, intelligence and a viable plan to fix us but he doesn't stand a chance in this stacked deck.

This is true.

Susan Rice was saying "It was a video!"

As in, not Hillary Clinton. Let's spend millions of dollars more on this witchhunt, now longer and more exhaustive than Watergate hearings. Talk about politicizing the death of Americans.

They all said it was a video. They even marched the man to prison while making him wear a black hood. Remember? That's something people never bring up: They revoked a mans supervised release and put him in jail for causing this; when they knew he didn't cause anything. That was our President and SOS folks.

Nevermind the fact, in one of her emails, she discussed that they knew it wasn't that video. All while lying, and letting a man stay in jail.

WATCH: Hillary shuts down aggressive audience member: "Go back and read the history"

Lol at the lead is the question:

“You said earlier that you wanted to end corruption, but how can you do that after the Whitewater scandals, Benghazi and deleted emails?” a questioner asked, drawing perturbed groans from the crowd.

Hahah perfect. Remember the fallout when Trump threw the obviously planted latino reporter (whos daughter works for Hillary) out for trying to ransack his press conference? Ill be waiting on the fallout for Hillary ridiculing this perfectly legitimate question.
There are lots of reasons he could be hated. One is that he's just a light-weight who likes to air fatuous opinions. Republican politicos also hate Ted Cruz. I could imagine it being for similar reasons.

And you think voicing an opinion about the Fed being auditable is criminal. Well, I'll keep that in mind.

Oh good grief Teachable. Compared to the lies of Hillary and Bernie. I'll take Paul's "fatuous" opinions all day every day.

The fact you think gov't is A-Ok hunky dory, well, I'll keep that in mind.
And complaining about "Gotcha Questions" is a way that candidates to escape from having to explain contradictions in their campaigning. Candidates sometimes cynically tell different constituencies different things Sometimes they give poorly considered responses when they're tired and should use the question as an opportunity for clarity. Some pretend to expertise they don't have. Some get flustered or get nasty. Some show poise. Some show an inner bully. Blaming the media is a dodge.
No, not when it is clear that the media in question does not give the same type of questions to the opposition. I don't think you fully understand how the media really influences the weak mind. Which is why you probably think the way you do.
Even Bill Maher evidently is saying that the CNBC guys were biased. Houston, a problem. You know the only person who thinks they did a good job? John Kasich:

"This year, it’s no secret who the media likes. A CNBC profile of Kasich in September wasn’t subtle. Its headline was “Is John Kasich the GOP Media Darling Who Could Finally Win?” CNBC noted that the three candidates — McCain, Huntsman, and Kasich — all had the same consultant for their White House bids. He’s John Weaver, a moderate Republican who has described his party as “a bunch of cranks.” Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin told CBS last month that Kasich is “the media’s favorite candidate, and that is a dirty little secret.” As Kasich proved after the CNBC debate, the admiration is mutual.
Read more at:"

At times all the politics in politics, all the dirty little secrets, are exhausting. Maybe Willy is right, they are all crooks, and we're doomed.....heh
Uh they are all crooks. One party. Bought elections. United States of the 1%.
And to no ones surprise, the RNC takes their ball and goes home. I guess they're hoping for another softball tournament on Fox News.

Would sure hate for them to have to come up with actual policies that will work. Because they refuse to defend what little policies they have actually come out with.

Republicans going to get rolled in 2016

Are the democrats going to appear on fox for a debate? Thanks for any info on this in advance...
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This is the complete summary of the Moderators from the debate...

"Don't you think the government should get involved..."

On everything. This is why they are the worst and they use the poor and the idiots to exploit to stay in power and then eff the rest of us.
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I enjoyed Huckabee's jab about taking on the Clintons and living to tell about it. That got a good laugh. Too bad the 18-24 year old girls will be total morons and no recollection of any of her past.
This is the complete summary of the Moderators from the debate...

"Don't you think the government should get involved..."

On everything. This is why they are the worst and they use the poor and the idiots to exploit to stay in power and then eff the rest of us.
They were bad - the chick questioning Carsons tax plan was bad during that line of questioning..

"Dr. Carson, tell me how your tax plan will work...because it wont, I did the numbers...but please explain (starts explaining)(cuts Carson off) but the number will have to be 28%, I did the math...(Carson starts explaining other cuts)(cuts off) but that wont work...but explain how it will work..ok thanks?!

I don't know whether Carsons plan will work - but asking someone a question only because you want to tell them how wrong they are isn't moderating...
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"Mr. Trump, do you think Governor Christie would ruin all of Michelle Obamas work dealing with school lunches?"
No, not when it is clear that the media in question does not give the same type of questions to the opposition. I don't think you fully understand how the media really influences the weak mind. Which is why you probably think the way you do.

Everybody gets gotcha questions.

(Love the attempt at patronizing me. "I don't think you fully understand ... " Funny stuff.)
They were bad - the chick questioning Carsons tax plan was bad during that line of questioning..

"Dr. Carson, tell me how your tax plan will work...because it wont, I did the numbers...but please explain (starts explaining)(cuts Carson off) but the number will have to be 28%, I did the math...(Carson starts explaining other cuts)(cuts off) but that wont work...but explain how it will work..ok thanks?!

I don't know whether Carsons plan will work - but asking someone a question only because you want to tell them how wrong they are isn't moderating...

Same thing happened with Trump's appearance on 60 minutes. Sadly there are loads of examples.
And to no ones surprise, the RNC takes their ball and goes home. I guess they're hoping for another softball tournament on Fox News.

Would sure hate for them to have to come up with actual policies that will work. Because they refuse to defend what little policies they have actually come out with.

Republicans going to get rolled in 2016
Yep because I see all of the Democrat candidates getting on Fox for interviews and debates. Last time I checked all of the Republican candidates are getting on all the liberal rag networks and taking their BS questions and all. What are the Dems afraid of with little ole Fox News? If their policies and all are that superior then they should be able to handle Fox just fine.
Yep because I see all of the Democrat candidates getting on Fox for interviews and debates. Last time I checked all of the Republican candidates are getting on all the liberal rag networks and taking their BS questions and all. What are the Dems afraid of with little ole Fox News? If their policies and all are that superior then they should be able to handle Fox just fine.
Frankly there's no reason for the Dems to go on Fox... or even hold any other debates.

Everybody knows their policy (yep, that's right SINGULAR): raise taxes!

If I ever hear of a Dem lowering taxes or cutting spending it will be a first in my lifetime (I'm 52).
If I ever hear of a Dem lowering taxes or cutting spending it will be a first in my lifetime (I'm 52).

President Obama signed into law the Making Work Pay tax credit that was part of the economic stimulus of 2009 and a temporary reduction in Social Security payroll taxes that went into effect in 2011. Bill Clinton pushed through the TaxPayers Relief Act of 1997 which reduced marginal tax rates & cap gain taxes.
What the hell was redacted?

Lisa Kudrow or Cameron Diaz?

In a January 2012 email from Anne-Marie Slaughter, the former top aide told Abedin that her son "said S [Secretary Clinton] looks like Lisa Kudrow! High praise indeed... pse pass it on."

"Truly, Alexander, the younger, watched her walk in to Congress and said: 'she looks like Lisa Kudrow —you know, on Friends....'," she added.

Abedin then passed along the message to Clinton, writing, "This is a nice compliment[.] Lisa is an attractive actress!"

Clinton's response is fully redacted.

Abedin's response to that email: "[Redacted] certainly thinks you are cameron diaz!! [redacted]


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