How will they rule ??!

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CMS is set to give the green light to physician compensation for end-of-life planning.

The infamous death panels finally won!
Anything short of rolling out the red carpet for this bitch will get tossed aside. Those ignorant effing cows clapping is why I hate the majority of people. It's like we're in the movie Idiocracy.

Can anyone recall any candidate having this much baggage? If the Republicans can't win with this sorry ass Dem candidates then they will never win again.

If the Repubs cannot defeat HRC in 2016, we'll know for certain that the demographics have shifted so drastically that a Repub will not likely ever again win a presidential election.
CMS is set to give the green light to physician compensation for end-of-life planning.

The infamous death panels finally won!

So are you saying we got the green light for Romney to push granny off that cliff?
CMS is set to give the green light to physician compensation for end-of-life planning.

The infamous death panels finally won!

great - maybe a few 85+ terminally ill seniors might be convinced that racking up $500,000 of medicare bills to stay artificially alive for an extra 9 months may not be a good idea.
great - maybe a few 85+ terminally ill seniors might be convinced that racking up $500,000 of medicare bills to stay artificially alive for an extra 9 months may not be a good idea.
that's an extreme example that isn't very relevant, but yeah that would apply, too, i suppose. However, the oncologist (or whoever) involved in that type of situation is already getting paid beaucoups of money to have those conversations.

this is more about making sure every U.S. senior has at least seen a POLST before they're in need of one. that whole "ounce of prevention" thing...
Dirty failing arena deal, slush fund for overpaying loyalists and himself, paid whores used by the bball program, etc etc.......and it's a sombrero on Halloween that gets protests at Ramsey's office and in national news
Still feel the same a Trump/Rubio ticket wins in a landslide. Rubio could honestly be the best republican out there but there are a lot of people so fed up that trump is just too appealing.
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Still feel the same a Trump/Rubio ticket wins in a landslide. Rubio could honestly be the best republican out there but there are a lot of people so fed up that trump is just too appealing.

I like Rubio but I want someone with a very strict immigration policy. That should be our top priority. Get our finances in order, keep entitlements down and illegal immigration down.
So many smart people in here. So many clueless people in here. Funny how the clueless ones usually have takes that are in opposition to the smart ones and vice versa.
So many smart people in here. So many clueless people in here. Funny how the clueless ones usually have takes that are in opposition to the smart ones and vice versa.

Very curious about which ones are the "smart people" when discussing political issues on here.

I assume the Democrats.
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Matt Bevin would be a great Govenor. Don't believe the lies in the despicable Democrat ads. Please vote for him on Tuesday.
Honestly the only negative thing these people can come up with is that Bevin took advantage of a loophole and he won't talk about property taxes...........but they won't discuss his politics.

Meanwhile his opponent is as crooked as Hiliary Clinton and it's well known. But he supports the unions so he will get a lot of votes.
Bevin always looks like he has a papercut on his ass. Sort of reminds me of that guy from "Red Eye" on Fox:

Heisman I understand your logic in what you say, but I promise you Mexicans aren't in America because Americans are willing to work. You have to realize most Mexicans are here roofing, cutting grass, in construction at some level or in the restaurant industry.

I promise making them leave is not the answer. However Trump is correct in making them leave but allowing them back legally so they pay taxes. That's the issue, millions of non tax paying immigrants sending money to Mexico.

That's the real issue, no one cares that they are here.

America is the biggest business in the world, I'll take Trump as CEO with a politician as Vice all day and twice on Sunday.

We as Americans are so caught up on stupid BSthat we miss the big picture most of the time.
If America wants to do something they'll boycott the election and stay at home. Whoever wins will only serve the interest of the ones who got them there and I don't mean the people who voted but the ones who paid the way. Stop electing big business.
Heisman I understand your logic in what you say, but I promise you Mexicans aren't in America because Americans are willing to work. You have to realize most Mexicans are here roofing, cutting grass, in construction at some level or in the restaurant industry.

I promise making them leave is not the answer. However Trump is correct in making them leave but allowing them back legally so they pay taxes. That's the issue, millions of non tax paying immigrants sending money to Mexico.

That's the real issue, no one cares that they are here.

America is the biggest business in the world, I'll take Trump as CEO with a politician as Vice all day and twice on Sunday.

We as Americans are so caught up on stupid BSthat we miss the big picture most of the time.

Living in SoCal I see a lot of this first hand with my family's business. We have so many illegals here who never assimilate or bother to even learn English. Like you said, they make money and send it back to Mexico and never put into the pot like the rest of us.

However, it's not only that. In SoCal because they have so many illegals here, they have a hit and run average that is 4x higher than the national average. There's also the fact of the crime aspect and the property value that decreases due to how many neighborhoods turn to absolute garbage. I can't tell you how many times I see a new Latino gang tag on sidewalks, buildings and more. It gets old.

I don't mind legal immigration. Our best friends are from Germany and Slovakia and did t the right way and are proud Americans. They're more upset about illegal immigration than I am.

There's a popular saying here in regards to people coming over from Mexico. "Their stomachs are in America but their hearts are in Mexico." Basically saying they don't give a shit about this country and simply come here and use up our resources and Illegals cost Californians tons of money and I'm not even factoring in anchor babies.

If you cut out the benefits and punish people severely for hiring illegals, this place won't be as appealing to them. I don't understand why we don't take an approach more in line with Japan's? They don't give a crap about multiculturalism and are very protective of their borders.
I've been a republican since I was able to vote. I'm also a state employee. Bevin is TERRIBLE. If you are a state worker or a teacher and you vote for that moron, you deserve whatever shitstorm he rains down on you. I'm not saying Conway is any better but he's at least from Kentucky. It's a joke that this is the two best that the two parties can throw out there. Neither one of them have any real ideas. I was a Jamie Comer supporter in the primary but that carpetbagger (Bevin) slipped through the backdoor when Comer and Heiner were having their spat.

I'm voting for Drew Curtis. He's a guy with real ideas and real solutions. If he had a R or a D in front of his name he would win by a landslide. He's been held down and locked out of debates because he's an independent. Most people don't know him or know nothing about him because of it. I think if you are able to make it on the ballot, you should be allowed in all the debates. It's a shame a normal citizen really has no shot of winning anything. The sheeple will just go make the rooster crow or push over the log cabin on election day and won't use their brains.
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I work for the State and there is nothing Bevin could do to that would be anything worse than the bullshit that's been going on there for the last 40 years.
Congrats... I award you, Post of the Day........ POD Award:)
I had been a lifelong registered Democrat...until I came to the conclusion that the Party with a "D" in it, no longer represented me on many levels of governing... As an Independent I haven't felt the love from the "R" Party either.... As W.F. Buckley once stated, "support the most viable conservative candidate "......... That ain't a Democrat in this election.
I work for the State and there is nothing Bevin could do to that would be anything worse than the bullshit that's been going on there for the last 40 years.
If you've worked for the state for any significant amount of time and have paid into the pension system, then yes, there are things that he can and will do worse if he gets the chance. The guy's "solution" to the pension crisis is a joke. If' he gets the chance, he will send it to a death spiral way quicker than what it will be if they don't fund it like they should in future legislative sessions. The solution is to put the money in it that they should have paid in and didn't since 2003.
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Both weasels. Conway will win and the worst pension system (ILL worse in some ratings) in the country will be safe...we will borrow money via bonds to keep it going despite its projections continuing to bottom out (% funded is in the teens and going down).
Calf, where do you want to take the money from?

Perhaps they should not have allowed people to buy service years thus retiring in their 40s and getting close to their ending salary for the rest of their lives (avg 50 year old lives to mid 80s), plus a strong healthcare plan, plus survivor benefits.

And they doubled down in the early 2000s and allowed non state govt groups to join the debacle.
Calf, where do you want to take the money from?

Perhaps they should not have allowed people to buy service years thus retiring in their 40s and getting close to their ending salary for the rest of their lives (avg 50 year old lives to mid 80s), plus a strong healthcare plan, plus survivor benefits.

And they doubled down in the early 2000s and allowed non state govt groups to join the debacle.

Start by scrapping all the pork projects. They have had the money over the years to pay in the the system as they were required to do but they CHOSE not to. They wasted it on other things to keep themselves in the legislature. Political favors in KY are paid with blacktop, and building projects. That's why they it's in the shape it is in.

It's not the state employees' fault. That is what you are promised when you are hired. That is part of your benefits package. You take way less salary as a state employee as someone would in the private sector for the benefits.

And you don't get anywhere close to your ending salary. You get about roughly half if that. I will get a hefty $21K per year when I retire if I'm lucky. Look out!
I've been a republican since I was able to vote. I'm also a state employee. Bevin is TERRIBLE. If you are a state worker or a teacher and you vote for that moron, you deserve whatever shitstorm he rains down on you. I'm not saying Conway is any better but he's at least from Kentucky. It's a joke that this is the two best that the two parties can throw out there. Neither one of them have any real ideas. I was a Jamie Comer supporter in the primary but that carpetbagger (Bevin) slipped through the backdoor when Comer and Heiner were having their spat.

I'm voting for Drew Curtis. He's a guy with real ideas and real solutions. If he had a R or a D in front of his name he would win by a landslide. He's been held down and locked out of debates because he's an independent. Most people don't know him or know nothing about him because of it. I think if you are able to make it on the ballot, you should be allowed in all the debates. It's a shame a normal citizen really has no shot of winning anything. The sheeple will just go make the rooster crow or push over the log cabin on election day and won't use their brains.

Not trolling, honest question: doesn't the first part of your post at least tacitly accept that the state employees are essentially a special interest group that gets it way at the expense of the rest of the state? I think most of the electorate sees it that way, there's just no political will to do anything about it. But, something absolutely has to be done about it. And probably something that feels very radical and extreme to the state employees.
Your postings suggest otherwise. Are you kin to Deee?
See above homeboy. Do I lean left on some issues? Yes. Will you ever see me join in on the right wing circle jerk that is this board? No. I hate group think. I despise partisanship. Democrats and republicans are all the same to me.
I know someone getting near six figures and his wife gets it when he passes. Saying this is just a funding issue is laughable. Read up on any failed pension and you find backroom deals where people vote themselves these unworkable benefits. In turn the one party ruling in Frankfort has gotten money and support back.

The chamber did a study where we could send an addl billion for the next 20 years and still not get it funded. Gonna have to cut major services and significantly raise taxes.
Not trolling, honest question: doesn't the first part of your post at least tacitly accept that the state employees are essentially a special interest group that gets it way at the expense of the rest of the state?
We don't "get our way." If that were the case, we would have gotten raises that were supposed to get for the last 7 years. I don't get where people think that state employees are living in castles and make tons of money. We just want what little is owed to us. Every business/employer has benefits that are used to attract quality employees, be it a healthy salary, health insurance, or some type of pension/retirement fund. As a state employee you have the pension that is the best part of your benefit package. It sure ain't the salary or the insurance.
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I will say too about this private vs public pay....the gap isn't nearly what it once was. Especially at universities. And the federal pay and pension is very generous, way above the private sector.
I know someone getting near six figures and his wife gets it when he passes. Saying this is just a funding issue is laughable. Read up on any failed pension and you find backroom deals where people vote themselves these unworkable benefits. In turn the one party ruling in Frankfort has gotten money and support back.

The chamber did a study where we could send an addl billion for the next 20 years and still not get it funded. Gonna have to cut major services and significantly raise taxes.
If you know someone getting 6 figures as a normal front line state employee, I want to know what department the work for because I'm going to transfer.

It is a funding issue. in 2003 the system was 125% funded. Then, they stopped budgeting for the ARC payments and then 2008 hit. If they would have funded like they were required, then 2008 crash could have been weathered better and it would be back healthy today.

States that have moved from defined benefits plans to 401 style plans are doing no better. West Virginia went back to a defined benefit plan after they found that the other way was losing more money.

In addition to funding, the KRS board is an absolute joke. The way they invest is an absolute joke. Many of the KRS heads need to be in prison.