How will they rule ??!

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Haven't been a big Ted Cruz fan, but comparing the Dem debate to a debate between the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks made me smile.
Q3 GDP anemic at 1.5%....excessive sunniness likely to blame. Janet gonna need to keep that printing press humming
Yeah, somebody respond to Moe's inane ramblings and stats with no links!

Fuzzyq is in love.
Didn't think it was such a hard question...just don't think any of you want to answer it...thing is, we all know the answer.

And it's quite typical of you and your brethren that when you don't like the question you attack the person who asks.
Didn't think it was such a hard question...just don't think any of you want to answer it...thing is, we all know the answer.
No, it's because the logic is f'ing stupid. "hey it was bad before, so don't complain that we passed something not quite as bad costing an unknown amount of money to both policy holders and future govt debt".

Iraq was far more bi-partisan than UCA, btw
No, it's because the logic is f'ing stupid. "hey it was bad before, so don't complain that we passed something not quite as bad costing an unknown amount of money to both policy holders and future govt debt".

Iraq was far more bi-partisan than UCA, btw
Still can't answer the question...smh.
Care to explain to this idiot what the difference is if I kill someone with a gun, knife, poison or a car? Murder is murder. Your turn. However, I am going to be more adult than you and not call you a name.
Listen, I will explain, but it wont go through. It is called a false analogy. Its the same thing when you compare swimming pools to guns, or anything else like that. Its basic logic that should have been taught to you at some point, but unfortunately, it appears it wasn't. "The fallacy consists in assuming that because two things are alike in one or more respects, they are necessarily alike in some other respect."

Here is a basic wikipedia page that will help you:

This will cover basic concepts such as strength of argument and degrees. Just because something shares one property doesnt mean they are alike or need to be compared.

"Hitler was an idiot. You are an idiot, therefore you are like Hitler." You are not like Hitler, but goes to show you that under your logic, I can compare any two items and as long as they share on characteristic, they are alike. However, that is a weak argument.

Here is another classic example: "Employees are like nails. Just as nails must be hit in the head in order to make them work, so must employees."

Hopefully this will be a learning moment for you, as I can see you are eager to understand. This will help make your future arguments stronger. Good Luck
just made it to the 20min mark. Of the ones who have talked significantly so far, i'm ranking it:
1. Kasich
2. Trump
3. Fiorina
4. Carson

I swear I saw Jeb up on that stage somewhere, but maybe I'm mistaken.

EDIT: aaaaand at the 23:00 mark Rubio has rocketed up to the top. Coming in hot

Rubio won the debate last night as far as I was concerned. The losers last night were the atrocious moderators and Jeb Bush.
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Worldwide tax rates:

I'll never understand why people think high taxes are good; all of these countries with higher tax rates historically have lower GDP (growth) and higher unemployment than the US.
Pretty good debate. After Cruz hit the home run attacking the moderators, they all banded together, stopped the sniping, played to the crowd and went all in on the media bias. When you've got guys from the Washington Post complaining about abusive, loaded questions, you know something is going on.

Or, on the other hand, maybe people really need to know whether Rubio cashing out that $68,000 IRA early, incurring penalties and interest, reflects on his ability to handle the full US economy - while that measly missing $50 million from Hilary and the financial questions surrounding the Clinton Foundation were, of course, not really appropriate in the Dem debate.

As long as the mods are consistent (and clearly they're not) questions about personal finances are fair game IMHO.

I do think that if Carly could give a better answer to her failures at HP and her previous campaign she could be a front runner... although I'm not sure there is a good answer.

Christie's best performance by far but it might be too late.
Answered better than you did, dipshit.
Didn't see that I had any outstanding questions waiting a response.

Here, I'll review...
What really happened with ACA is now the hospitals will get paid for those visits because the public is paying for it, but ER visits will continue to rise.
To which Moe replied...

As for the public now paying for it, who do you think paid for it before?

The ball is in your court, dipshit.
I said I answered better than you. You have added nothing other than a reacharound to your muse, moez. I stated my views on the idiotic logic and lack of data he was stating his opinion. Add something or EAD, fuzzyq. And pay Brady, welcher.
Repeated for emphasis.

A fact lost on the libs.
What does one have to do with the other? ...and more relevant to the point...what relevance does Iraq or who supported "UCA" have to do with the question being asked?
The awesome irony of Harcourt screwing up and showing his ass toward Rubio's tax plan is that he already did it on twitter a few weeks ago and had to issue a correction.

John HarwoodVerified account‏@JohnJHarwood
CORRECTING earlier tweet: Tax Foundation says Rubio benefits lowest 10% proportionally more (55.9) than top 1% (27.9%). Avg for all: 17.8%.
Yeah repugs, step it up. We need you to answer the loaded and unsupported by logic or data question by the guy likely on his 6-8th username and championed by the guy who famously had to change his username twice due to embarrassing himself on the football board while losing a $1k bet. DO IT!

(also ignore yesterdays ramblings about which bills and issues had bi-partisan support, lol)
I said I answered better than you. You have added nothing other than a reacharound to your muse, moez. I stated my views on the idiotic logic and lack of data he was stating his opinion. Add something or EAD, fuzzyq. And pay Brady, welcher.
You didn't answer, nor did you even address the you hardly answered anything "better" than me. You've only tried to redirect the conversation.
Idiot logic? It was your compodre Bill Derington who rendered the logic. Moe just asked a question. I'm just sitting back enjoying watching you squirm and trying to dance around a simple question.

...and the personal attacks...tis, tis, tis.
Cruz with an epic rant against the liberal media and debate moderators.

Im definitely not a fan of Cruz, but that was incredible.

What I actually found funny was bigblueinsanity seemed to be saying you and Fuzz are the same person, much like someone yesterday suggested Deefense and myself are the same person posting in different accounts. Because, surely there can't be that many people out there who do not toe the conservative line.

Theres no doubt in my mind some of you are running multiple accounts. Spelling errors sentence structure, and logic are the exact same amongst a few accounts on here. As Bill Cosby pointed out, a unique misspelling that occurs multiple times across different accounts is no coincidence.

Sad/funny thing is, the sheep mentality works with the average voters. "Hey looks like everyone likes Hillary, I guess I should too". Problem is, anyone who takes enough time to post in a political thread arent your average sheeple. So spare us the duplicity, and use one account only.

If I saw the right response, I believe he claimed the assertion was over the shared misspelling of a word. I was actually impressed that someone could remember such things.

That wasnt me. But it was a great observation.

shame on the RNC & Reince for thinking giving a debate to CNBC was a good plan. Get what you deserve.

Pretty much. Who thought it would be a good idea to have CSNBC moderate a debate? Anyone with average intelligence knew this would be a disaster.
As for the public now paying for it, who do you think paid for it before?

fuzzy, this is the loaded question you are wetting yourself about getting answered. really?

Of course we were paying for it before, that does not mean what came afterward was net improvement in the longterm and worth ramming through Congress.
As for the public now paying for it, who do you think paid for it before?

fuzzy, this is the loaded question you are wetting yourself about getting answered. really?

Of course we were paying for it before, that does not mean what came afterward was net improvement in the longterm and worth ramming through Congress.

Of course it's a loaded question.

I'll answer it. We're were paying for it. We're still paying for it, while also paying more for own insurance.

To summarize, lower income status folks still get theirs, while the folks paying for it have to pay more their own.
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I know there is a big trend with white knights and social justice warriors.

'It's hip"
I think Mike Huckabee, someone I could never vote for won this debate for being the only one to give honest answers on Social Security and Medicare.

I thought it was nothing short of outrageous that Cristy and Paul (maybe others) were up there advocating "means testing" of social security. What that means is giving the government the authority to decide if you really "need" the money you have been sending them all your life. Your money that was suppose to go into a supplemental retirement fund now Christy and others have declared it "gone" "stolen".

When I was in high school I worked at McDonalds part time for 75 cents an hour to buy gas for my car to get to school, the government reached in and took some of that money before I ever saw it and has been doing so all my life, just like everyone else. Now some jackass like Chris Christy stands up there and says "sorry sucker we aint' paying you because you make too much". When government needs money for any other reason like funding a multi-trillion dollar foreign adventure in the Mideast then, they go out and borrow the money. They just raised the debt limit again in order to pay their debt becasue they say defaulting on debts would ruin our credit. Why should the "debts" they own their own citizens not being considered? In effect their argument is we will borrow money to pay all of our debts except the debts to citizens becasue they know they are powerless to fight back.

Only Mike Huckabee stood up and dressed them down for advocating such a dishonest and criminal policy
I also think he hit the right point on Medicare being a health issue as opposed to a health care issue. Prevention of disease is what will help drive down the cost of insurance not more regulations.
That's confusing Deeee. You're siding with the 1% these days? That's kinda shocking.

May be that's the problem Social Security needs to fix. It was never meant as a retirement plan. So maybe, folks that make enough just don't pay into the system, but they get nothing when they retire.
Its nice to see the GOP (for once) actually band together and attack someone else instead of each other. Cruz won a lot of points with people last night. The moderators were a disgrace.
Theres no doubt in my mind some of you are running multiple accounts. Spelling errors sentence structure, and logic are the exact same amongst a few accounts on here. As Bill Cosby pointed out, a unique misspelling that occurs multiple times across different accounts is no coincidence.

Sad/funny thing is, the sheep mentality works with the average voters. "Hey looks like everyone likes Hillary, I guess I should too". Problem is, anyone who takes enough time to post in a political thread arent your average sheeple. So spare us the duplicity, and use one account only.


I was sure the other guy was the only one delusional enough to think Dee and myself are the same.

Believe what you want to believe - but my, that's real paranoia.
Libs, cons, dems, blah blah blah. Eff group think and rah rah rah my team is better than yours. It's all a farce. Dumb.
I was sure the other guy was the only one delusional enough to think Dee and myself are the same.

Believe what you want to believe - but my, that's real paranoia.

I dont know whos the same. But some of you are.

Its not paranoia. I really dont care. Im not the sad person(s) making multiple accounts.
That's confusing Deeee. You're siding with the 1% these days? That's kinda shocking.

May be that's the problem Social Security needs to fix. It was never meant as a retirement plan. So maybe, folks that make enough just don't pay into the system, but they get nothing when they retire.

Yea that would be nice but the problem is the entire system was poorly constructed initially. Instead of money being set aside in a trust fund it was spent, and future payments to retirees were set up to be funded by the current working population instead.

Anyway I just call each issue as I see it regardless of who is supporting it and if I think someone is right about something and being honest, I'll give them the thumbs up. Hey I'll even give Cruz, my most despised candidate, props for calling out John Hardon last night for being a dick with his questions.
That's confusing Deeee. You're siding with the 1% these days? That's kinda shocking.

May be that's the problem Social Security needs to fix. It was never meant as a retirement plan. So maybe, folks that make enough just don't pay into the system, but they get nothing when they retire.

The entire structure of social security and SSI/Disability needs a huge makeover or blown up and done away with. I have family that teach in SE Ky and all have said they have multiple students that draw disability/SSI by basically failing at school on purpose or per parent instruction. People who never worked or paid into the system, basically gaming the system to never work and get paid by the system. And before someone chimes in that this is just a small issue, that's absolutely not true.
I think Mike Huckabee, someone I could never vote for won this debate for being the only one to give honest answers on Social Security and Medicare.

I thought it was nothing short of outrageous that Cristy and Paul (maybe others) were up there advocating "means testing" of social security. What that means is giving the government the authority to decide if you really "need" the money you have been sending them all your life. Your money that was suppose to go into a supplemental retirement fund now Christy and others have declared it "gone" "stolen".

When I was in high school I worked at McDonalds part time for 75 cents an hour to buy gas for my car to get to school, the government reached in and took some of that money before I ever saw it and has been doing so all my life, just like everyone else. Now some jackass like Chris Christy stands up there and says "sorry sucker we aint' paying you because you make too much". When government needs money for any other reason like funding a multi-trillion dollar foreign adventure in the Mideast then, they go out and borrow the money. They just raised the debt limit again in order to pay their debt becasue they say defaulting on debts would ruin our credit. Why should the "debts" they own their own citizens not being considered? In effect their argument is we will borrow money to pay all of our debts except the debts to citizens becasue they know they are powerless to fight back.

Only Mike Huckabee stood up and dressed them down for advocating such a dishonest and criminal policy
I also think he hit the right point on Medicare being a health issue as opposed to a health care issue. Prevention of disease is what will help drive down the cost of insurance not more regulations.

Good post. One thing is clear - todays governement cant spend enough money. Theyll tax us into oblivion (and already have), so the next move is to take money theyve been holding in trust for us. Theyve already borrowed against it and can never pay it back. So this is their next move. Disgusting.

The real issue, as always, is entitlements. Too many people are taking too much, while providing nothing. Its breaking the system. It wont change until this stops. This wont stop because these people vote religiously, and control the outcomes of elections.

Thats where we are.
Im definitely not a fan of Cruz, but that was incredible.

Theres no doubt in my mind some of you are running multiple accounts. Spelling errors sentence structure, and logic are the exact same amongst a few accounts on here. As Bill Cosby pointed out, a unique misspelling that occurs multiple times across different accounts is no coincidence.

Sad/funny thing is, the sheep mentality works with the average voters. "Hey looks like everyone likes Hillary, I guess I should too". Problem is, anyone who takes enough time to post in a political thread arent your average sheeple. So spare us the duplicity, and use one account only.

That wasnt me. But it was a great observation.

Pretty much. Who thought it would be a good idea to have CSNBC moderate a debate? Anyone with average intelligence knew this would be a disaster.

"Who thought it would be a good idea to have CSNBC moderate a debate?"

They did show some restraint though. I think they originally wanted Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton and Rachel Maddow to be the moderators.
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"Who thought it would be a good idea to have CSNBC moderate a debate?"

They did show some restraint though. I think they originally wanted Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton and Rachel Maddow to be the moderators.
Do MSNBC and CNBC share like that.

Anyways, looks like FiveThirtyEight is giving Jeb the kiss of death. Smart money is on Rubio right now.
Yea that would be nice but the problem is the entire system was poorly constructed initially. Instead of money being set aside in a trust fund it was spent, and future payments to retirees were set up to be funded by the current working population instead.

So we should just keep making shoddy improvements to a 1979 single wide trailer?

That makes no sense.

True reform is going to hurt. You can't keep adding roses to a pile shit and ignore it.
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I dont know whos the same. But some of you are.

Its not paranoia. I really dont care. Im not the sad person(s) making multiple accounts.
The entire structure of social security and SSI/Disability needs a huge makeover or blown up and done away with. I have family that teach in SE Ky and all have said they have multiple students that draw disability/SSI by basically failing at school on purpose or per parent instruction. People who never worked or paid into the system, basically gaming the system to never work and get paid by the system. And before someone chimes in that this is just a small issue, that's absolutely not true.

As I have said. Legalize marijuana and prostitution and let those who partake in those vices pay for social welfare.

That takes tax payers off the hook for social welfare. There would be more than enough to pay for that.

Give tax refunds to healthy people who don't use medical appts that cause a drain to tax payers.

Use a negative universal based income that promotes ambition.