How will they rule ??!

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The Chinese are going to be surprised when this POTUS doesn't bend over like the last one.

I can't help but agree with you

And some of this stuff isn't complicated -- Germany wasn't paying the 2% of GDP dues to NATO that the agreement requires
Trump called them out on it and RIGHTFULLY SO - Germany owed money to NATO and they need to come up with it....

I also tend to think it's time we LEAVE NATO and let Europe handle their own collective security - BUT - if we're going to be IN THE DAMN CLUB - don't just sit there and say nothing when you're fielding the most military and others aren't paying or pulling their weight

Merkel being a former communist was no doubt miffed by such a bourgeoise stance
However - we're just asking her to give from her ability in order to meet the needs of Greece and/or Estonia......[laughing]

So China - yeah - I'm NOT a OOOOORAH-go to war guy at all

but we're in a serious f'ing situation right now with China
3 times the amount of oil compared to the Suez canal - that's what's flowing through that portion of the S China seas -- to our ALLIES

if "Allies" means a damn thing - then we HAVE to back China down on this
They've been dealing with a fellow comrade for 8 years now so other than the occasional lone B52 flying overhead.....there's not been much resistance

In a limited conflict we could mop the damn floor with China (Call Japan off the bench though and SUIT 'EM UP LIKE ITS 1942)

problem would be what happens next
and POSSIBLY -- what North Korea may do

hell --- our own people would probably start rioting and blowing shit up on the west coast....:beer:
I don't think for one second that he's out of his depth

I think what you have is "THE POLITICAL CLUB" rejecting an outsider when and wherever possible

He has more enemies than any other President since maybe Washington?

seriously -- he's scaring the shit out of both parties
Iran and China are running wild
Russia has been pushed CLOSE to the brink of war by Obama
E/U is pissed
Soros, Bush, Clintons, all the damn Revez brothers at UT --- hell ---- McCAIN is speaking against him while in Europe and the Pope has repeatedly made veiled comparisons to HITLER

know what they're really mad at?

you and me --- the ppl who elected him!

and we need to do it again after h3's done ---
Just checking in to see how all that winning is going? Are you as excited as I am that telecoms can sell my usage data without my knowledge, thanks to your buddies?

I'm just happy to see you guys sell out the environment for a couple hundred coal jobs. Which will end up a net negative anyway since solar and wind(more jobs, higher wages) are the ones who get hurt when the WH picks winners and losers. You can't eat nostalgia.

Literally the Know Nothing Party rising up again.
Recuse yourself from this thread.
[laughing] This is seriously some of the dumbest shit I have ever read.

The man who kicked 16 GOPers asses, the democrat parties ass, the medias ass and the deep states ass, is the one 'out of his depth'

Yes, hes the one thats clueless, not the people hes been ass kicking.
The Trump presidency is in a hole

And that is bad for America—and the world

"Mr Trump is hardly the first tycoon to discover that business and politics work by different rules. If you fall out over a property deal, you can always find another sucker. In politics you cannot walk away so easily. Even if Mr Trump now despises the Republican factions that dared defy him over health care, Congress is the only place he can go to pass legislation.

The nature of political power is different, too. As owner and CEO of his business, Mr Trump had absolute control. The constitution sets out to block would-be autocrats. Where Mr Trump has acted appropriately—as with his nomination of a principled, conservative jurist to fill a Supreme Court vacancy—he deserves to prevail. But when the courts question the legality of his travel order they are only doing their job. Likewise, the Republican failure to muster a majority over health-care reflects not just divisions between the party’s moderates and hardliners, but also the defects of a bill that, by the end, would have led to worse protection, or none, for tens of millions of Americans without saving taxpayers much money.

Far from taking Washington by storm, America’s CEO is out of his depth. The art of political compromise is new to him. He blurs his own interests and the interests of the nation. The scrutiny of office grates. He chafes under the limitations of being the most powerful man in the world. You have only to follow his incontinent stream of tweets to grasp Mr Trump’s paranoia and vanity: the press lies about him; the election result fraudulently omitted millions of votes for him; the intelligence services are disloyal; his predecessor tapped his phones. It’s neither pretty nor presidential."
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Read it and weep, libtards.

U.S. officials say a months-long FBI counterintelligence investigation into Russian attempts to manipulate the U.S. election, did not bring up enough evidence to charge anyone criminally, according to a report from Circa.

Agents who investigated claims of computer server activity tied to Russia and then President-elect-Trump’s businesses in New York’s Trump Tower came to the conclusion that no disreputable contacts, financial transactions or encrypted communications occurred with the Russians, according to Circa.
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What this is coming down to is a fight for who wants it more

I STILL freakin believe that regular citizens who know better than to trust a system of supra-national government - can somehow get us back on keel

It's going to take more irregular candidates so to speak .... hell, as long as they aren't representative of the "War at all costs" Ultra Right or the "Marxism Promises to be Good THIS time" Ultra Left -- I'm not sure I care about the details --

just need to continue electing people that understand that the constitution is the highest law of the land, the government should be limited w/checks and balances and we aren't the world's policemen!
(there are other details of course.....)

the media is going to do everything POSSIBLE to get people to lose heart and lose faith in what we're doing

tune those brain dead sumsabeeches out

THINK FOR YOURSELF and DEMAND accountability
Pledge to start doing at least one little thing differently in the coming week --- we don't have to all suddenly become "always on" ardent political agents.....there are SO DAMN MANY LOGICAL, SMART LEFT / RIGHT TYPES that could make SUCH an impact by just changing the way you speak or communicate or vote or read --- A LITTLE

the out of control asshats that want their new world order ARENT here to serve you as a black man, a lesbian, a hispanic immigrant, a gay doctor, a labor union/legal rep, defense contractor, musician, preacher, mom or dad.....they are after capital and the means of production

they WILL abandon their current vanguard political groups once they obtain their goals (with the possible exception of some violent criminals -- historical marxists liked to use them to spread terror in russia

some of the first executions after the communists took power in Russia -- were the socialists who helped them seize power (can quote "Gulag Archipelago" if you're interested)

you are NOT being more open minded / more fair more just / more progressive (in any normal sense) by going along with what the Left has are FAILING (like a LOT of Americans) to do your homework....we're on the verge of a serious f'ing conflict here.

shat......I still have writing to do tonight.....back later, gatos
I'll tell you what, starting the day seeing a video of a fat white girl getting triggered and raging in a restaurant because a guy kissed his girlfriend in public, followed by listening to the 911 call of the execution of the guy in Cincinnati, OH, where the dad is reassuring his 4 year old son, "I killed him. It's OK. I killed him," in order to calm his son down really sucks the energy out of the day and reaffirms the thought that most Americans truly are shitty people.

Edit: Fat white girl was on Reddit. 911 call was on if anyone wants to join the fun.
[laughing] This is seriously some of the dumbest shit I have ever read.

The man who kicked 16 GOPers asses, the democrat parties ass, the medias ass and the deep states ass, is the one 'out of his depth'

Yes, hes the one thats clueless, not the people hes been ass kicking.

That's what they want us to believe. The ongoing attacks are to burn Trump to the ground so the establishment stays in place. Trump is a threat and if they don't stop him some other non career politician will come along and destroy their big lies again.

The propaganda is already having some in this thread start to question him. Exactly what the establishment wants.
(Bill/Cincinnati story) Well, that's an awful story. One of the many troubling aspects of the story is that the shooter did not realize and/or did not care (both equally disturbing) that he was going to the clink for the rest of his life.

Somehow we have got to correct that. Ramp up the death penalty to the point every thug, white trash, or esse (sp?) knows they're done the moment they kill someone.

Ftr, I'm anti death penalty....just a little more anti people that have no qualms about capping folks. I work every day in Portland/West End and have actually come to love it and the people, I also realize my odds of being indiscriminately gatted are through the roof compared to most. West End has been particularly gun-rangey the last two years.

Respecting life needs to be at the expense of offing those that don't #yesirony
That's what they want us to believe. The ongoing attacks are to burn Trump to the ground so the establishment stays in place. Trump is a threat and if they don't stop him some other non career politician will come along and destroy their big lies again.

The propaganda is already having some in this thread start to question him. Exactly what the establishment wants.
Couldn't agree more. While there are a few good politicians like Rand Paul, and maybe a handful of others, the only person in DC that I trust 100% is Trump. I believe hes genuine when he says he wants to fix this country. Nothing wrong with having a concern here or there, hell I have them sometimes myself, but theres nobody more trustworthy than him.

Its funny how several times (dating back before the election) that we would hear how doomed Trump is, only for it to work out in Trumps favor. This happens every time when hes supposedly in 'trouble'

Trump didn't become worth 10 billion dollars by being a complete imbecile. He knows what hes doing.
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I'll tell you what, starting the day seeing a video of a fat white girl getting triggered and raging in a restaurant because a guy kissed his girlfriend in public, followed by listening to the 911 call of the execution of the guy in Cincinnati, OH, where the dad is reassuring his 4 year old son, "I killed him. It's OK. I killed him," in order to calm his son down really sucks the energy out of the day and reaffirms the thought that most Americans truly are shitty people.

Edit: Fat white girl was on Reddit. 911 call was on if anyone wants to join the fun.
Fat white girl is the face of the New Democratic Party. You try to force your opinion on everyone and when they resist you shout the most idiotic things you can think of along with the words/statements harassment, racism, call the police and this is public property lol. All while being completely wrong about all of it.
(Bill/Cincinnati story) Well, that's an awful story. One of the many troubling aspects of the story is that the shooter did not realize and/or did not care (both equally disturbing) that he was going to the clink for the rest of his life.

The 911 call really is crazy to get a look into that world.

Can't imagine trying to comfort my 4 year old son by telling him I murdered a guy, but to each his own I guess.
Can't find that Reddit link.

The Cincinnati story is sad - don't think it was even his fault he hit the kid, went to check on her, in the middle of the day on his lunch break. Life over moments later.
Can't find that Reddit link.

The Cincinnati story is sad - don't think it was even his fault he hit the kid, went to check on her, in the middle of the day on his lunch break. Life over moments later.

Whale gets triggered over human kissing at restaurant, gets sent back to Pacific Ocean
Putin spokesman: US-Russia relations 'maybe worse' now than Cold War

Good going, libs.

I read that article and the spokesman cites the PREVIOUS Admin expelling dozens of Russian diplomats as one example of what really chaps their Slavic Asses about us

There wasn't much beef to it

And the "Cold War" includes a wide range of extremes --- the Korean War, Vietnam, Cuban Missile Crisis (only time we've EVER been to DEFCON2), Hungarian Revolution, Takes Drawing Down on Each Other in Berlin, Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan,,,,,,

and then there were lighter moments.....SALT I & I under Carter....Soviets showcase 3 very old and fairly senile Premiers in as many years before deciding that Communism just "QUIT"...periods in the 70's where the USSR was probably a little more focused on China and the USA on OPEC / Iran

My point is that "The Cold War" wasn't a steady "mood" or "pulse"

where'd they GET that guy?
  • Like
Reactions: screwduke1 and read the replies. How did all those check marked / verified trump haters and regular folk trump haters get to the top? They all had their phones on ready to rock? I mean, zero trump supporters even thong he has a trillion on twitter?

It's almost like Twitter is doing that on purpose...

(Please disregard if twitter has previously announced they were open with their propaganda and I haven't seen it) and read the replies. How did all those check marked / verified trump haters and regular folk trump haters get to the top? They all had their phones on ready to rock? I mean, zero trump supporters even thong he has a trillion on twitter?

It's almost like Twitter is doing that on purpose...

(Please disregard if twitter has previously announced they were open with their propaganda and I haven't seen it)

Just the other day there was a screenshot of tons of troll accounts tweeting the exact same thing at the exact same time. Some of them were even verified.

Twitter and Facebook, along with apple and google, were in bed with obama and the nsa by giving the government back doors to all our info.

They knew they needed hillary to win or it would be exposed, just like it was. Although since they control the information a minimal amount of people saw any reports exposing it. and read the replies. How did all those check marked / verified trump haters and regular folk trump haters get to the top? They all had their phones on ready to rock? I mean, zero trump supporters even thong he has a trillion on twitter?

It's almost like Twitter is doing that on purpose...

(Please disregard if twitter has previously announced they were open with their propaganda and I haven't seen it)

Again whether or not you believe in the whole pizzagate conspiracy the manipulation and censorship of social media is real. Twitter, facebook, reddit, and etc. are social engineering sites. Crazy to think I have to come to an echo chamber like the paddock to get somewhat real conversations. I know most of the posters on here from way back to the Brooks, Tubby, BCG era of shitposting. Most on here have an actual opinion instead of an algorithm of bot controlled group think. I don't agree with everybody but at least I know their agenda.
Is Bushy Bill Z?

That guy is the same way about all the evidence against a flat earth as Z is when you prove to him his list of pediatricians that support global warming is retarded.

And I think Z is the only poster we've had on Catpaw persistently crazy enough to keep that thread going.
Is Bushy Bill Z?

That guy is the same way about all the evidence against a flat earth as Z is when you prove to him his list of pediatricians that support global warming is retarded.

And I think Z is the only poster we've had on Catpaw persistently crazy enough to keep that thread going.
All I know is who TF ever it is, is a GD dumbass. Good god, gravity is f*cking real. Trust me.
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