How will they rule ??!

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All I know is the healthcare plan put forth by Trump sucked. Nothing close to what was promised on the trail.

Basically "Obamacare part Deux". Total poop ball of a bill.

Maybe I'm a suspicious WOP by nature, but I don't believe for one second in part 2 or part 3 containing all the good stuff.
Our favorite college prof rides again: Drexel Professor: 'I Tried Not to Vomit' When Passenger Gave Up Seat to Soldier.

A Pennsylvania college professor said he wanted to "vomit" after an airline passenger gave up a first-class seat for a uniformed member of the armed forces, Heat Street reported.

Drexel University Professor George Ciccariello-Maher, who was criticized last Christmas for saying the only gift he wanted was "white genocide", said he wanted to "yell about Mosul" when he saw the act of kindness on the plane

Maybe I'm a suspicious WOP by nature, but I don't believe for one second in part 2 or part 3 containing all the good stuff.
The way I'm understanding it is any bill put forward has to go in phases because they are trying to pass it as a budget bill. If they include all the "good stuff" from the very beginning it'll be s reconciliation bill, allowing Democrats to filibuster the bill once it reaches the Senate, never allowing a vote to take place.

Doesn't matter how good the bill is or how many majority votes they have if Democrats filibuster and stop a vote from happening.

Same people who love this "yay #noesdehombres" are the same ones who are like #buildbridgesnotwalls ...Trump is such a pig how dare he speak about Mexican illegal immigrants in such a way...:flushed:
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Incidentally - I've learned a valuable and SIMILAR lesson this week ... and that's
Never eat at the table alone - with NO Pants on - when hot lasagna is is what you're eating....

So -- me and the Veep have THAT in common

I just got a bad picture of a limp noodle.
Drexel Professor: 'I Tried Not to Vomit'

I take this to mean that since he only tried not to, that he did. Correct?

some people need to come face to face with REAL struggle and REAL problems

This asshat is one of them

Same guy that wanted "white genocide" for Christmas
Yep --- that's pretty cool there, Bucky

Wonder why he's begging for attention so much?
I'll bet his performance is slipping and he's trying to garner KUDOS from the academic system by railing against their common class enemy

I'm only half joking
He probably has some real interesting STUFF going on in his life if one were to dig deep enough

*tranny porn 90% certain*
Oh make no mistake, when something is acutely critical stuff can get built in a blink, all else be damned.

Anything below that the studies and environmental shutdown takes over. Simply put, America can still kick ass as long as it's not handcuffed.

So why can't the most powerful nation on earth just say DO OVER and go back to what we had
Setting up transition teams to help people GO BACK TO WHAT WE HAD **HAS** to be chapter than where we're headed

Hell I was on here joking about just adding a clause that exempts citizens like our proivledged politicians are and being done with it

about 2 weeks later one of the elected wisenheimers made a similar remark -- just add a clause saying "it's cancelled"


it's like we've suddenly become Rome without the damn brains
Just checking in to see how all that winning is going? Are you as excited as I am that telecoms can sell my usage data without my knowledge, thanks to your buddies?

I'm just happy to see you guys sell out the environment for a couple hundred coal jobs. Which will end up a net negative anyway since solar and wind(more jobs, higher wages) are the ones who get hurt when the WH picks winners and losers. You can't eat nostalgia.

Literally the Know Nothing Party rising up again.
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All I know is the healthcare plan put forth by Trump sucked. Nothing close to what was promised on the trail.

Basically "Obamacare part Deux". Total poop ball of a bill.

Maybe I'm a suspicious WOP by nature, but I don't believe for one second in part 2 or part 3 containing all the good stuff.
So just what did Trump ever promise on the campaign trail? "It will be great!"...was about as specific as he ever got.

Trump said repeatedly that he would repeal and replace Obamacare. I'd challenge you to find one clip where he mentions repealing and doesn't immediately follow those words with "replace".

Trump said repeatedly that "everyone must be covered". While he rarely offered any specifics, because we know he never had any...whenever he was pressed to give details on his replacement he always said that "everyone must be covered". While the actual Trumpcare proposal fell far short of that it still maintained 10 of the 12 most expensive aspects of Obamacare.

BTW, Did I and others not predict to you that Trumpcare would be 95% of Obamacare? The actual proposal ended up only being about 90%.
@fuzz77 ,go talk a little sense into these guys

How many are they hiring? And the over/under on how long they will be employed?

I still maintain that there will be a net loss of mining jobs over the next 4-8 years. Relaxing of regulations may allow some mining operations to be more competitive over others...but the jobs gained here will be lost over there.
As I said, nobody is going to build any new coal fired power plants. Operators who see a long term future for their operations will replace workers with technology.
Nobody is saying they want to move backwards - but we also don't need the Gov hand to shut down something that is still be useful and adds value. It will also drive more competition and innovation. This should also push solar and wind innovators to get their stuff in gear to better themselves.
The people voted for Trump in support of his agenda
Just what was his agenda? He never gave more than 2 sentences of detail to anything.
"You're gonna love it. It's going to be great!" was his response to about everything. Voter's applied their own meanings...meaning "their" agenda, not Trump's because no such agenda ever existed.
All I know is the healthcare plan put forth by Trump sucked. Nothing close to what was promised on the trail.

Basically "Obamacare part Deux". Total poop ball of a bill.

Maybe I'm a suspicious WOP by nature, but I don't believe for one second in part 2 or part 3 containing all the good stuff.
Paul Ryan put it forth, not Trump. Yes it did suck, but thats because Paul Ryan sucks.

If Trump liked the bill, he would've put his name on it. It would've been called Trumpcare, not Ryancare.
People in this thread really need to read 'The Art of the Deal'.

He tells people in that book how he does his negotiations and deals. He even says in his book that the best way to make a deal is to walk away from one (using leverage) to make a better deal. Which IMO is exactly what hes doing with health care. Hes done deals pretty much his entire life like this.

Go buy the book. He tells you how he does this stuff in his own words, he ain't hiding it from anybody.
Just checking in to see how all that winning is going? Are you as excited as I am that telecoms can sell my usage data without my knowledge, thanks to your buddies?

I'm just happy to see you guys sell out the environment for a couple hundred coal jobs. Which will end up a net negative anyway since solar and wind(more jobs, higher wages) are the ones who get hurt when the WH picks winners and losers. You can't eat nostalgia.

Literally the Know Nothing Party rising up again.

The spy/police state is unacceptable - you are right

but it didn't start under Trump

Bugging the UN SEC GEN, Germany, Israel, interfering w/the French 2012 election etc etc

Bush Jr made a LOT of headway with the police state infrastructure as well

I'd like to see trump dismantle some of it --- hopefully he DOES!

It's still early, comrade!
People in this thread really need to read 'The Art of the Deal'.

He tells people in that book how he does his negotiations and deals. He even says in his book that the best way to make a deal is to walk away from one (using leverage) to make a better deal. Which IMO is exactly what hes doing with health care. Hes done deals pretty much his entire life like this.

Go buy the book. He tells you how he does this stuff in his own words, he ain't hiding it from anybody.


he's got China next week right?

I'd like to think that the South China Seas are going to be high on the agenda

as in --- get the F off those artificial islands before we're forced to engage in a limited war with your communist ass
Just checking in to see how all that winning is going? Are you as excited as I am that telecoms can sell my usage data without my knowledge, thanks to your buddies?

I'm just happy to see you guys sell out the environment for a couple hundred coal jobs. Which will end up a net negative anyway since solar and wind(more jobs, higher wages) are the ones who get hurt when the WH picks winners and losers. You can't eat nostalgia.

Literally the Know Nothing Party rising up again.

I'm ready for a cocktail

I just placed a tall, sexy, 16 oz-tall-ice cold-big old MILLER HIGH LIFE THE CHAMPAGNE OF BEERS --- in the freezer, sarge

I shall now take a shower

Upon completion - that brew-ha-ha is going to make my teeth hurt it'll be so cold


then I'm gonna string up the Les Paul --- mymymymymy

he's got China next week right?

I'd like to think that the South China Seas are going to be high on the agenda

as in --- get the F off those artificial islands before we're forced to engage in a limited war with your communist ass
The meeting with China will definitely be an interesting one. Would love to be a fly on the wall during that one.
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he's got China next week right?

I'd like to think that the South China Seas are going to be high on the agenda

as in --- get the F off those artificial islands before we're forced to engage in a limited war with your communist ass
The Chinese are going to be surprised when this POTUS doesn't bend over like the last one.
Just what was his agenda? He never gave more than 2 sentences of detail to anything.
"You're gonna love it. It's going to be great!" was his response to about everything. Voter's applied their own meanings...meaning "their" agenda, not Trump's because no such agenda ever existed.
Vote for hope and change was all Obama was selling and boy did he change us from bad to worse until we were hoping time would pass quickly.
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The Trump presidency is in a hole

And that is bad for America—and the world

"Mr Trump is hardly the first tycoon to discover that business and politics work by different rules. If you fall out over a property deal, you can always find another sucker. In politics you cannot walk away so easily. Even if Mr Trump now despises the Republican factions that dared defy him over health care, Congress is the only place he can go to pass legislation.

The nature of political power is different, too. As owner and CEO of his business, Mr Trump had absolute control. The constitution sets out to block would-be autocrats. Where Mr Trump has acted appropriately—as with his nomination of a principled, conservative jurist to fill a Supreme Court vacancy—he deserves to prevail. But when the courts question the legality of his travel order they are only doing their job. Likewise, the Republican failure to muster a majority over health-care reflects not just divisions between the party’s moderates and hardliners, but also the defects of a bill that, by the end, would have led to worse protection, or none, for tens of millions of Americans without saving taxpayers much money.

Far from taking Washington by storm, America’s CEO is out of his depth. The art of political compromise is new to him. He blurs his own interests and the interests of the nation. The scrutiny of office grates. He chafes under the limitations of being the most powerful man in the world. You have only to follow his incontinent stream of tweets to grasp Mr Trump’s paranoia and vanity: the press lies about him; the election result fraudulently omitted millions of votes for him; the intelligence services are disloyal; his predecessor tapped his phones. It’s neither pretty nor presidential."