How will they rule ??!

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Msm still beating that Russian boogeyman drum. So prepare for months more of trump Russia nonsense.

I'm 100% against what they did here and not condoning it at all. But where's the first story about Muslims and their gay hate?
No doubt the hysteria about Russia is bad, but imagine how much worse it would be if Hillary won. Another reason to be thankful she lost, we might have got in a nuclear war with them.
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No doubt the hysteria about Russia is bad, but imagine how much worse it would be if Hillary won. Another reason to be thankful she lost, we might have got in a nuclear war with them.

If hillary won there would be zero hysteria.

Russia would be treated as some 1980s joke in throwback movies. We already saw that from Obama in the debates.

The irony is her and Podesta would actually be colluding with the russians, with no media scrutiny. Instead we get daily fabricated nonsense about trump.

This is why I don't mind trumps golf trips nearly as much. He's mostly using golf as a way to get things done. Did Obama ever do any business on the course? I don't recall if he did.

Excessive personal golf trips are nonsense because it's a burden on taxpayers.
This is why I don't mind trumps golf trips nearly as much. He's mostly using golf as a way to get things done. Did Obama ever do any business on the course? I don't recall if he did.

Excessive personal golf trips are nonsense because it's a burden on taxpayers.

Yes Obama did plenty of business on the course but not for the American people.
If hillary won there would be zero hysteria.

Russia would be treated as some 1980s joke in throwback movies. We already saw that from Obama in the debates.

The irony is her and Podesta would actually be colluding with the russians, with no media scrutiny. Instead we get daily fabricated nonsense about trump.
This Russia probe is absolute nonsense. I'm so embarrassed that dumb ass Republicans are even giving this any credibility. They should all unite that this is some insane bs. Unite behind one message. How effing hard is that? The message is that the libs are traitors and need to be in strait jackets. ALL OF THEM
This Russia probe is absolute nonsense. I'm so embarrassed that dumb ass Republicans are even giving this any credibility. They should all unite that this is some insane bs. Unite behind one message. How effing hard is that? The message is that the libs are traitors and need to be in strait jackets. ALL OF THEM

Agreed. It's such clear bs they should shut down any discussion of it whatsoever. Unfortunately there's enough greedy power hungry GOP to try and score cool points with the msm and sjws to entertain this.

They need primaried. The whole lot of them
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This is why I don't mind trumps golf trips nearly as much. He's mostly using golf as a way to get things done. Did Obama ever do any business on the course? I don't recall if he did.

Excessive personal golf trips are nonsense because it's a burden on taxpayers.
I don't mind it either. Trump actually gets things done unlike Obama, hes very busy. One golf day per week ain't gonna hurt nothing, especially since Trump uses them to meet with people. Its not like hes golfing just to golf like Obama would.

I find it interesting hes golfing with Rand today. One would think they both are working on a health care plan
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This Russia probe is absolute nonsense. I'm so embarrassed that dumb ass Republicans are even giving this any credibility. They should all unite that this is some insane bs. Unite behind one message. How effing hard is that? The message is that the libs are traitors and need to be in strait jackets. ALL OF THEM

Nonsense in the sense that there's not going to be any actual evidence and everything is being hyped up to distract from previous hacking, bugging, spying AND election interference from the last admin -- yes. I agree

Nonsense in the sense that there's no aim behind it or legitimate ideological divide - thats different

It's like were in a weird "in between stage" that's NOT politics as normal -- but it's not QUITE a coup nor a full-fledged-revolution just yet

Trump is far from perfect - and he'll make mistakes like any other president -- but I think he legitimately opposes the "supra-national" government aims of the "new world order crowd" .....

I really think THATS why there's SO MUCH concentration of opposition against him
Otherwise, why WOLDNT the tone be more like :

"finally - a real outsider in the office"

"we've tried professional political for so many years - Trump -- and others like him to come -- represent a new approach to handling our economy, foreign policy etc"

or maybe something REALLY ideologically honest like:

"The US since 9/11 has really launched a whole new LEVELof spying, bugging, police state type activity -- that includes topping foreign goat's and investing in 'moderate muslims' who we have no real control over --- to oppose/kill leaders we don't like.......THIS President, as of yet, hasn't been proven to be guilty of anything that we **KNOW** Obama and Bush-Jr were both maybe we should at least GIVE HIM A CHANCE TO SUCCEED AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS"

I know - I live in like......strawberry fields forever / astronomy domine / fairy tale land.....

ultimately someone's probably going to get caught doing something REALLY egregious that can't be hidden and a wide swath of Citizens are going to organize their frustration against THE POLITICAL SUPERSTRUCTURE (even more) --- AS OPPOSED TO EACH OTHERE

until then -- here's a picture I like, I thought I'd share relaxes me so I hope it does the same for you

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Agreed. It's such clear bs they should shut down any discussion of it whatsoever. Unfortunately there's enough greedy power hungry GOP to try and score cool points with the msm and sjws to entertain this.

They need primaried. The whole lot of them

I've read theories from others -- NOT saying I agree with this -= but it's interesting.....

the theories are about North Korea and it goes something like this:

  1. NK shouldn't be able to continue to exist and support themselves as they had over the decades without substantial external support
  2. The "support" isn't entirely coming from China - some portion (?) of the support comes from the same "new world order" types that ultimately want to bring goat-economics (and IMO- religion) under one umbrella....
  3. They are also isolated enough - and deemed "crazy" enough that if they weren't willing to start a war -- someone ELSE could -- and blame NK......very few would question the idea (?)
  4. Team-NWO is doing this because NK can serve as the ultimate wildcard when the time is right - they're a wild dog type of threat that can inflict substantial damage to the US and other nations in the Pacific -- and they could easily light the fuse for an even worse 3rd World War
  5. Therefore -- if NK ever actually kicks off a 2nd Korean war -- or they're attacked by the USA -- then we are quite likely seeing the outbreak of WW 3
Like I said - the idea isn't mine but I've been thinking about it a bit --

Like every other foreign relationship (good / bad / otherwise) we have a WHOLE NEW DYNAMIC going on with the Trump......seems more likely to me that we may soon see:

1) A foreign nation test us to a breaking point since they believe the US lacks military resolve (and there's also a committed Marxist element within our borders they can count on to oppose and perhaps even sabotage any war effort this admin may see develop)

2) The Trump admin may have the resolve (for better or worse) to launch a pre-emptive strike against someone like NK (that exact subject has been in the recent rhetoric from both sides) -- and shock the whole world into just how different things really are....

3) This admin may well have their hand FORCED into conflict as well- that's my opinion and I primarily base that on a) The South China Sea debacle and .... to a lesser extent....b) "Iran" (and our potential increased support to the Saudi's war in Yemen etc)
I've read theories from others -- NOT saying I agree with this -= but it's interesting.....

the theories are about North Korea and it goes something like this:

  1. NK shouldn't be able to continue to exist and support themselves as they had over the decades without substantial external support
  2. The "support" isn't entirely coming from China - some portion (?) of the support comes from the same "new world order" types that ultimately want to bring goat-economics (and IMO- religion) under one umbrella....
  3. They are also isolated enough - and deemed "crazy" enough that if they weren't willing to start a war -- someone ELSE could -- and blame NK......very few would question the idea (?)
  4. Team-NWO is doing this because NK can serve as the ultimate wildcard when the time is right - they're a wild dog type of threat that can inflict substantial damage to the US and other nations in the Pacific -- and they could easily light the fuse for an even worse 3rd World War
  5. Therefore -- if NK ever actually kicks off a 2nd Korean war -- or they're attacked by the USA -- then we are quite likely seeing the outbreak of WW 3
Like I said - the idea isn't mine but I've been thinking about it a bit --

Like every other foreign relationship (good / bad / otherwise) we have a WHOLE NEW DYNAMIC going on with the Trump......seems more likely to me that we may soon see:

1) A foreign nation test us to a breaking point since they believe the US lacks military resolve (and there's also a committed Marxist element within our borders they can count on to oppose and perhaps even sabotage any war effort this admin may see develop)

2) The Trump admin may have the resolve (for better or worse) to launch a pre-emptive strike against someone like NK (that exact subject has been in the recent rhetoric from both sides) -- and shock the whole world into just how different things really are....

3) This admin may well have their hand FORCED into conflict as well- that's my opinion and I primarily base that on a) The South China Sea debacle and .... to a lesser extent....b) "Iran" (and our potential increased support to the Saudi's war in Yemen etc)

I think those theories are plausible. Both north Korea and Iran were able to obtain and develop nuclear capabilities/weapons while Obama did nothing. Well besides make them promise to stop.

As with his refugee program: this is either gross incompetence or deliberate behavior. Nothing in between.

I believe it's deliberate behavior. No one is that incompetent. Since it's deliberate, what's the purpose? Political wind socking? Owing favors to Russia? An appeasement to soros?

Not sure
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ok - on more post b4 I crack open another CHAMPAGNE OF BEERS and play that Strat.....

here's how desperate and amateurish the whole "Tie Trump to Russia SOMEWAY" effort has become ....

The Center for American Progress has started a new project where they're "sourcing the internet" for input .... and evidence

So .... they've launched a site where ***ANY-ONE**** can make a profile and upload *****ANY-THING**** as long as they provide ........"Corroborating evidence"

Here's the media link where I found the story (don't see it in American media YET -- maybe the champions of this complex RESEARCH know how how the it sounds like .....a bad high school effort to get Susie-Rotten-Crotch elected as Prom Queen???):

and here's the source link to the CFAP site and / "EVIDENCE INTAKE MACHINE"

If I weren't getting on a plane in the a/m -- I'd stay up ALL NIGHT loading this thing down with AWESOME STORIES

probably will do it when I get back from AZ
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How many leaks does it take for you to understand that everything he does gets released to the press?

You're an idiot. He isn't going to go golfing with Rand Paul because there are leaks in the White House. Jesus, use some common sense. That's why he's golfing every weekend? So he can have private meetings outside of the safest building in the world?
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You're an idiot. He isn't going to go golfing with Rand Paul because there are leaks in the White House. Jesus, use some common sense. That's why he's golfing every weekend? So he can have private meetings outside of the safest building in the world?

It's not about being safe. It's about leaks. Why do you think he canned Katie Walsh?

If true, obama could go down.

Obama overreached as badly as he did because he knows the game. First black president is safe. No one will go after him not even trump imo. Not now. It sucks but it's the reality. And it's just more of the same in a long line of soft bigotry. The left has created an atmosphere where black men are perceived unable to attain a certain standard that everyone else does.

This is the same group that wants to push Darwinism as fact, and his findings about the hierarchy of races is still alive and well in their minds today. Men like Murray who use scientific data to surmise conclusions about races and outcomes are silenced while the same ones screaming racist send our kids into classrooms to learn about Darwinism. Oh the irony.
ok - on more post b4 I crack open another CHAMPAGNE OF BEERS and play that Strat.....

here's how desperate and amateurish the whole "Tie Trump to Russia SOMEWAY" effort has become ....

The Center for American Progress has started a new project where they're "sourcing the internet" for input .... and evidence

So .... they've launched a site where ***ANY-ONE**** can make a profile and upload *****ANY-THING**** as long as they provide ........"Corroborating evidence"

Here's the media link where I found the story (don't see it in American media YET -- maybe the champions of this complex RESEARCH know how how the it sounds like .....a bad high school effort to get Susie-Rotten-Crotch elected as Prom Queen???):

and here's the source link to the CFAP site and / "EVIDENCE INTAKE MACHINE"

If I weren't getting on a plane in the a/m -- I'd stay up ALL NIGHT loading this thing down with AWESOME STORIES

probably will do it when I get back from AZ

Lmao that's crazy. The Moscow Project. Hahahaha.
ok - on more post b4 I crack open another CHAMPAGNE OF BEERS and play that Strat.....

here's how desperate and amateurish the whole "Tie Trump to Russia SOMEWAY" effort has become ....

The Center for American Progress has started a new project where they're "sourcing the internet" for input .... and evidence

So .... they've launched a site where ***ANY-ONE**** can make a profile and upload *****ANY-THING**** as long as they provide ........"Corroborating evidence"

Here's the media link where I found the story (don't see it in American media YET -- maybe the champions of this complex RESEARCH know how how the it sounds like .....a bad high school effort to get Susie-Rotten-Crotch elected as Prom Queen???):

and here's the source link to the CFAP site and / "EVIDENCE INTAKE MACHINE"

If I weren't getting on a plane in the a/m -- I'd stay up ALL NIGHT loading this thing down with AWESOME STORIES

probably will do it when I get back from AZ

I remember deadspin and another major media sites openly begging people for anti trump stories. Willing to pay even. Openly saying that on twitter.

Given that and the constant monitoring by cia, etc; it's pretty crazy that "grab em by the pu**y" from 30 years ago was all they could come up with.

As a few of us noted when it became clear trump was a serious candidate, all of trumps skeletons had been on full display his entire adult life. He led a very public life and never hid anything, even the bad. The clinton camp were pros at finding skeletons. They could never get leverage. And trump never put on an image that he was perfect or a choir boy of any sort.

Even when that audio dropped, it didn't really effect him because it didn't shock anyone he said that.

That's one of the many things that made trump such a unique candidate. In contrast, can you imagine the skeletons floating around in the closets of Rubio or Cruz?
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I remember deadspin and another major media sites openly begging people for anti trump stories. Willing to pay even. Openly saying that on twitter.

Given that and the constant monitoring by cia, etc; it's pretty crazy that "grab em by the pu**y" from 30 years ago was all they could come up with.

As a few of us noted when it became clear trump was a serious candidate, all of trumps skeletons had been on full display his entire adult life. He led a very public life and never hid anything, even the bad. The clinton camp were pros at finding skeletons. They could never get leverage. And trump never put on an image that he was perfect or a choir boy of any sort.

Even when that audio dropped, it didn't really effect him because it didn't shock anyone he said that.

That's one of the many things that made trump such a unique candidate. In contrast, can you imagine the skeletons floating around in the closets of Rubio or Cruz?

That's why they are scared of him. He is about to open the door and turn the light on.
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You're an idiot. He isn't going to go golfing with Rand Paul because there are leaks in the White House. Jesus, use some common sense. That's why he's golfing every weekend? So he can have private meetings outside of the safest building in the world?

He's golfing because he likes to do so, can't deny that - but the safest building in the world is probably a huge stretch right now...a couple years off a nutjob with a knife hopping the fence and actually entering the WH...complete leaked Transcripts of phone calls w/other foreign leaders...couple more fence hopping nuts getting a little too close.

They are raising the fencing for a reason - probably making quite a few adjustments to the WH in the near future.
I remember deadspin and another major media sites openly begging people for anti trump stories. Willing to pay even. Openly saying that on twitter.

Given that and the constant monitoring by cia, etc; it's pretty crazy that "grab em by the pu**y" from 30 years ago was all they could come up with.

As a few of us noted when it became clear trump was a serious candidate, all of trumps skeletons had been on full display his entire adult life. He led a very public life and never hid anything, even the bad. The clinton camp were pros at finding skeletons. They could never get leverage. And trump never put on an image that he was perfect or a choir boy of any sort.

Even when that audio dropped, it didn't really effect him because it didn't shock anyone he said that.

That's one of the many things that made trump such a unique candidate. In contrast, can you imagine the skeletons floating around in the closets of Rubio or Cruz?
Pretty amazing too that Trump was under surveillance since July and they found absolutely nothing. Not even a bad word, we know if they did it would've leaked out by election day.
He's golfing because he likes to do so, can't deny that - but the safest building in the world is probably a huge stretch right now...a couple years off a nutjob with a knife hopping the fence and actually entering the WH...complete leaked Transcripts of phone calls w/other foreign leaders...couple more fence hopping nuts getting a little too close.

They are raising the fencing for a reason - probably making quite a few adjustments to the WH in the near future.
I said it several pages ago but if they start shooting those assholes fence jumping, I bet that shit would stop very quickly. What if one of them had a bomb or something? God forbid they get into the damn WH. Shoot them.
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People who ridicule him playing golf probably have never played the game.

Obama did it with no objective in mind but to goof off with friends and to lower his HC.

Trump does it because he makes deals on the course. That is what business people do. I have established many great relationships and deals on the course. Been able to form friendships with people I would never have known if not for playing golf with them. You learn a lot about a person on the golf course. Someone like Trump will use that to his advantage.

I would be all for more people in Congress to get out together to play golf. Get away from the BS and start forming meaningful relationships which do not exist between the sides.
I said it several pages ago but if they start shooting those assholes fence jumping, I bet that shit would stop very quickly. What if one of them had a bomb or something? God forbid they get into the damn WH. Shoot them.
Have to do something about it no doubt. Probably not unreasonable to shoot at people hopping the WH fence to be honest - it does need to be the safest place.
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People who ridicule him playing golf probably have never played the game.

Obama did it with no objective in mind but to goof off with friends and to lower his HC.

Trump does it because he makes deals on the course. That is what business people do. I have established many great relationships and deals on the course. Been able to form friendships with people I would never have known if not for playing golf with them. You learn a lot about a person on the golf course. Someone like Trump will use that to his advantage.

I would be all for more people in Congress to get out together to play golf. Get away from the BS and start forming meaningful relationships which do not exist between the sides.

I love golf more than pretty much anything, but this is a huge rationalization. We don't have much of an idea who Obama did or didn't play with or what he did while on the course any more than we do Trump. As far as I know, I'm not sure either finalized any major legislation on the back 9 though. To say Obama was just playing for fun but Trump is playing with a business purpose is party homerism at its finest. One of Trump's most publicized rounds while President was with Rory McIllroy. And if was playing golf and closing deals, you can bet his side would be trumpeting that a little more. He's playing golf because he really likes it.

That being said, I don't care if either of them play. Presidents have to relax throughout the week too. They're easily accessible on the course. The only reason this is an issue is because Trump was merciless on Obama for doing the exact same thing. Even the biggest Trump supporters have to admit it's hypocritical even if the whole thing is silly.
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