added another small article about 4am-ish
I took the notions that:
a) our election was interfered with by the Russians - and that's BAD
b) Russians are 'hacking' at various things around the planet - and that's BAD
c) Trump's accusations of bugging were an enormous faux pas and he owes apologies etc
(as always / no pop ups / no $ being made)
then I pulled a few wikileaks links in with older headlines and noted how our Federal Govt was caught red handed:
1) bugging the United Nations - including the Secretary General (plus the Germans and Italians as a bonus move)
2) Caught spying on / interfering with the 2012 French election
3) launch something like 300,000 hacks per day via NSA -- and just built a new facility so they can basically watch......EVERY-DAMN-THING
the hypocrisy and INSANITY of it is ..... ALMOST funny
seems to me that, aside from the irrational hatred of this Presidential Admin, the media was doing everything they could to divert away from the outgoing admin (Bush Jr surely did it as well - possibly on the same scale?) and how they are GUILTY OF EVERYTHING THEY'RE ACCUSING THIS ADMIN OF DOING!!
So I ask -- how can someone who's ideologically honest -- NOT notice that?
How can any traditional / logical "Liberal" not see what's happening and call the media out for their charade
that doesn't even start to touch on the leaking of classified info
this admin really SHOULD find out who all was involved and make an example out of a handful of media members.......jail time.......
Trump and his A/G should say they're going to try them under the Military Commissions Act so they can be labeled "Enemy combatants" with no due process.....
then drop that and move to kill the whole damn Directive like he did TPP
......but someone should get the same EXACT treatment that an enlisted solder, sailor, airman or marine would receive if they took classified info and shared it around as "A SCOOP"
how can anyone disagree with punishing that behavior?