How will they rule ??!

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Keyboard awesome.

i love the internet. free porn and crazy message board banter is awesome. you are scared. i don't want you to be scared. go be somewhere where you aren't scared. or offended. it will be better for you. i am trying to help you.

crazy rednecks are awesome. you are missing out on fun. pull the butt plug out dude
i love the internet. free porn and crazy message board banter is awesome. you are scared. i don't want you to be scared. go be somewhere where you aren't scared. or offended. it will be better for you. i am trying to help you.

crazy rednecks are awesome. you are missing out on fun. pull the butt plug out dude

The good thing about crazy rednecks is that they are too dumb to really be harmful.
Cultural Marxism

Bingo, Jed! (had a liiiight on....)

Really - it's full blown Marxism

Politically - this nation is like a person who's either in denial about how sick they are --- or they're deeply ignorant and somehow lost the ability to discern the indicators of good and bad health

When they finally start to realize that SOMETHING is wrong however - the evaluation shows that they're eaten up with cancer in all major organs
(no offense intended to anyone who's had to deal with that nasty disease)

We're so far down the road to Marxism's final revolution -- and the parties have been so perverted and twisted from what they should be.....

I believe Communism also faked its own death in the late 80's as well
So maybe you can write me off as crazy

but if I'm crazy -- watch how the highjacked (Marxist) Left continue to press for
a) overthrow of our legally elected President
b) more and more cultural 'transformations'

and isn't it obvious that under-age sex is next?

but the end goals are the same as they've always been
NOT - make "boys who kiss boys" happy
or ensure that "girls who think they're boys" can go to any bathroom

the GOALS are
1) Capital
2) The Means of Production

don't kid yourself on that, comrades....
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Bingo, Jed! (had a liiiight on....)

Really - it's full blown Marxism

Politically - this nation is like a person who's either in denial about how sick they are --- or they're deeply ignorant and somehow lost the ability to discern the indicators of good and bad health

When they finally start to realize that SOMETHING is wrong however - the evaluation shows that they're eaten up with cancer in all major organs
(no offense intended to anyone who's had to deal with that nasty disease)

We're so far down the road to Marxism's final revolution -- and the parties have been so perverted and twisted from what they should be.....

I believe Communism also faked its own death in the late 80's as well
So maybe you can write me off as crazy

but if I'm crazy -- watch how the highjacked (Marxist) Left continue to press for
a) overthrow of our legally elected President
b) more and more cultural 'transformations'

and isn't it obvious that under-age sex is next?

but the end goals are the same as they've always been
NOT - make "boys who kiss boys" happy
or ensure that "girls who think they're boys" can go to any bathroom

the GOALS are
1) Capital
2) The Means of Production

don't kid yourself on that, comrades....

PS: I'm trying to find a US Media outlet that's reporting the positive policy shift that was announced in regards to Syria

I can't see how either party and traditional conservatives/liberals wouldn't AGREE on this -- the US is saying, for the first time since 2011, that we do not adhere to the idea that Assad MUST GO in order to move forward in Syria.

that's been accounted by both Tillerson and Haley in the past 24 hours or so....

I believe that's good for 2 reasons:

1) we're taking a step back and NOT repeating the same policies that have failed both Bush and Obama so badly .... regime change / destabilization etc etc

2) even if it's just for ONE LITTLE SPOT ON THE EARTH -- we're stepped back from being the f'ing World Police......I KNOW our military appreciate that

Hats off to Democrat Senator T. Gibbered from HI who's been in front of this issue for a while as well

There's NO REASON at all this can't be acknowledged as a nice policy change by this admin......

I've linked a Turkish News Site showing where R. Tillerson was meeting there

A second Russian site also includes the comments from our UN Amb, Nikki Haley (who probably said it thru gritted teeth!)

also added it to the blog but you're getting the gist of it here -
the move reminds me of Woodrow Wilson a bit
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Paid trolls working overtime. Notice one is even a verified account.

I'd so love a part-time gig as a paid troll for our side. Too bad such positions are few and far between.
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PS: I'm trying to find a US Media outlet that's reporting the positive policy shift that was announced in regards to Syria

1) we're taking a step back and NOT repeating the same policies that have failed both Bush and Obama so badly .... regime change / destabilization etc etc

2) even if it's just for ONE LITTLE SPOT ON THE EARTH -- we're stepped back from being the f'ing World Police......I KNOW our military appreciate that

The policies didn't fail both Bush and Obama badly. Those policies were in place under H.W. and carried out by Clinton. W and Obama completed their part successfully. Hildabeast was the final dagger to the goal of global government and currency. Regime change/destabilize put in a corrupt leader to run their drugs, oil, and human trafficking ratlines. Use mass immigration of refugees to destabilize the middle class of other countries.

The policies failed the american people but not the corrupt leaders who have hijacked our country and liberties.
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The Republican establishment agenda was overwhelmingly rejected by voters in such a way that a bumbling fool who did nothing but ramble about greatness was elected POTUS simply because he wasn't the Republican establishment.

Drain the swamp. Repeal and replace. Tax reform. Yep.

I guess at least we'll probably get Gorsuch on the bench and not a Clinton appointee. However, at the rate things are going these days, I fully expect Paul Ryan to convince Gorsuch to take a turn left of Ginsburg.
I have to admit, I always assumed that the psychos commenting on Infowars stories HAD to be fake. The fact that the same psychos permeate this thread is pretty troubling. I need to find a new state to live in - being surrounded by conspiracy theorist rednecks is scary. It's hardly a wonder the rest of the country thinks UK fans are mouth breathing idiots - the sad thing is, they're all right.

Sounds like you support pedophilia to me.
Hopefully the horrific traffic that's going to be caused by a collapsed interstate in Atlanta will get some of these jackass politicians out of the way so a new Brent Spence can finally be built.

Not looking forward to my commute once it collapses into the river.
The policies didn't fail both Bush and Obama badly. Those policies were in place under H.W. and carried out by Clinton. W and Obama completed their part successfully. Hildabeast was the final dagger to the goal of global government and currency. Regime change/destabilize put in a corrupt leader to run their drugs, oil, and human trafficking ratlines. Use mass immigration of refugees to destabilize the middle class of other countries.

The policies failed the american people but not the corrupt leaders who have hijacked our country and liberties.

Good points - and:

a) You're totally correct to go back to Bush Sr "Mr New World Order" -- can't believe I overlooked that 'origin' for this type of 'foreign policy'.....Clinton even more so with the BALKANS ..... nice job pointing that out......EVERY ONE of those admin's had someone openly clamoring for the emerging NEW WORLD ORDER as well.....Im still not sure if we're dealing with an ultra left and right wing that's in conflict and wants to remake the world in their image....OR mostly a bunch of (increasingly trite and transparent) ka-buki theater --- they're ultimately the same "team" taking money from a lot of the same places......I tend to believe the later

b) the nuance of noting that the policies did EXACTLY what they were intended to do (i,e, destabilization / crisis / solution .... correct me if I"m interpreting you wrongly!) .... is the better point of the two.....I failed to note that one as well and am GLAD you did.

you're right - those policies didn't fail at ALL

if we think they're supposed to be part of an accountable framework of govt that serves the electorate -- then it would APPEAR they're failed or are "out of control"

I'm afraid it's a little worse than that......our politicians IMO -- since 9/11 ESPECIALLY - have basically been taking sledge hammers to the hull of our Republic......sandgrinders to our Rep-Democracy ... and are banking on being a part of the BIG BIG GOVT to come.

nice stuff, big-blue-fat-spliffycat

PS: I don't want to start the talk TOO early......but this UK Football team is going for at least 8 WINS YOU MOTHERTRUCKERS!!!!!!!!
added another small article about 4am-ish

I took the notions that:
a) our election was interfered with by the Russians - and that's BAD
b) Russians are 'hacking' at various things around the planet - and that's BAD
c) Trump's accusations of bugging were an enormous faux pas and he owes apologies etc

(as always / no pop ups / no $ being made)

then I pulled a few wikileaks links in with older headlines and noted how our Federal Govt was caught red handed:
1) bugging the United Nations - including the Secretary General (plus the Germans and Italians as a bonus move)

2) Caught spying on / interfering with the 2012 French election

3) launch something like 300,000 hacks per day via NSA -- and just built a new facility so they can basically watch......EVERY-DAMN-THING

the hypocrisy and INSANITY of it is ..... ALMOST funny

seems to me that, aside from the irrational hatred of this Presidential Admin, the media was doing everything they could to divert away from the outgoing admin (Bush Jr surely did it as well - possibly on the same scale?) and how they are GUILTY OF EVERYTHING THEY'RE ACCUSING THIS ADMIN OF DOING!!

So I ask -- how can someone who's ideologically honest -- NOT notice that?
How can any traditional / logical "Liberal" not see what's happening and call the media out for their charade

that doesn't even start to touch on the leaking of classified info
this admin really SHOULD find out who all was involved and make an example out of a handful of media members.......jail time.......

hell, Trump and his A/G should say they're going to try them under the Military Commissions Act so they can be labeled "Enemy combatants" with no due process.....

then drop that and move to kill the whole damn Directive like he did TPP

......but someone should get the same EXACT treatment that an enlisted solder, sailor, airman or marine would receive if they took classified info and shared it around as "A SCOOP"

how can anyone disagree with punishing that behavior?
PS: I'm trying to find a US Media outlet that's reporting the positive policy shift that was announced in regards to Syria

I can't see how either party and traditional conservatives/liberals wouldn't AGREE on this -- the US is saying, for the first time since 2011, that we do not adhere to the idea that Assad MUST GO in order to move forward in Syria.

that's been accounted by both Tillerson and Haley in the past 24 hours or so....

I believe that's good for 2 reasons:

1) we're taking a step back and NOT repeating the same policies that have failed both Bush and Obama so badly .... regime change / destabilization etc etc

2) even if it's just for ONE LITTLE SPOT ON THE EARTH -- we're stepped back from being the f'ing World Police......I KNOW our military appreciate that

Hats off to Democrat Senator T. Gibbered from HI who's been in front of this issue for a while as well

There's NO REASON at all this can't be acknowledged as a nice policy change by this admin......

I've linked a Turkish News Site showing where R. Tillerson was meeting there

A second Russian site also includes the comments from our UN Amb, Nikki Haley (who probably said it thru gritted teeth!)

also added it to the blog but you're getting the gist of it here -
the move reminds me of Woodrow Wilson a bit

"PS: I'm trying to find a US Media outlet that's reporting the positive policy shift that was announced in regards to Syria"
I wouldn't hold your breath, it's not going to happen. I have concluded long ago that the media is the voice of the statist Democratic Party OR the Democratic Party is the voice of the media, haven't decided which is the case. The so-called "Deep State" may also be working in collusion with the media to oppose anything this administration does, and will cover up any good news. Assad is needed in Syria (for now) and once the Islamist trash known as Al-Nusra and Daesh is kicked out of Syria, a peaceful transition to free and fair elections can take place, but only when the country is pacified (if that will ever happen?).

I honestly think it's about time we gradually start, or at least threaten to start, withdrawing forces from Europe if some of these Democratic Socialist countries of western Europe don't contribute their fair share to NATO.

Could a possible "Frexit" occur if Le Pen wins in May? The globalist EU's heads will explode if she wins.
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HA -- I just caught a "NYMAG" article noting the policy shift

they quickly point out that this policy change

a) undermines the "moderate rebels"
(cause that's been working SO WELL for us all.....BTW....didn't we confirm about 2 years ago that these particular MODERATE REBELS included members of Al-Queda?)

and .....GUESS what else they noted about this new non-interventionist approach with Surian leadership......wait for it.......

you can FEEL it can't ya?


Yes - as in --
cooperating WITH Russia to eliminate ISIS

here's a link to that crap....they could have AT LEAST commented on the "let Syrian People chose their own leaders" as a NICE CHANGE from the previous.......5 (or so) Presidents

OH BUT HELLLLLNO --- someone who owns their ass would CHAP and whatnot

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"PS: I'm trying to find a US Media outlet that's reporting the positive policy shift that was announced in regards to Syria"
I wouldn't hold your breath, it's not going to happen. I have concluded long ago that the media is the voice of the statist Democratic Party OR the Democratic Party is the voice of the media, haven't decided which is the case. The so-called "Deep State" may also be working in collusion with the media to oppose anything this administration does, and will cover up any good news. Assad is needed in Syria (for now) and once the Islamist trash known as Al-Nusra and Daesh is kicked out of Syria, a peaceful transition to free and fair elections can take place, but only when the country is pacified (if that will ever happen?).

I honestly think it's about time we gradually start, or at least threaten to start, withdrawing forces from Europe if some of these Democratic Socialist countries of western Europe don't contribute their fair share to NATO.

Could a possible "Frexit" occur if Le Pen wins in May? The globalist EU's heads will explode if she wins.

I listened as Le Pen was made to sound like the 2nd coming of the 3rd Reich for years
Then I finally went to their website and spent some time reading their policies

I didn't get into EVERYTHING of course --and I'm still ignorant on their history (although I'd wager that they're a counter-globalist type movement that's emphasizing FRENCH Govt etc)

I swear I couldn't really find anything worse than --- they want to be in charge of their own borders and culture ..... NOT someone in Brussels etc etc

in fact -- they sound more like our founding fathers than anyone from the E/U

If Le Pen were to win any significant control of their govt -- and I'm not 100% sure how this wold work - but you can BET they'd be moving to local/more accountable/French govt decision makers if not a complete removal from the EU

My hunch is that a LOT of regular Europeans agree on that approach
When I lived in Germany I didn't know ANY German that liked the idea of being in the EU I'm going to go make coffee and set fire to a huge stack of wood behind my house .... talk to you again later, friends and comrades........

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The good thing about crazy rednecks is that they are too dumb to really be harmful.

Dare you to put that theory to the test. Drive to your nearest redneck bar, pick out the dumbest looking, least likely to be harmful redneck in the place, then insult his mother.

This may have been the final nail in the coffin of any optimism I had for Trump...

Maybe they should have kept their word to him instead of reneging. First bill up and they turn into disloyal backstabbers. I wouldn't trust them either if I was Trump. If they don't want to be loyal to Trump, help get his agenda passed, then he has no choice but to campaign against them to get someone voted in who will actually help him get his agenda passed.

Not to mention, Trump isn't an ideologue. He couldn't give a shit less about their far right conservatism. Just like he couldn't give a shit less about Ryan's fake establishment conservatism. He cares only about his agenda, and those who are willing to play ball and give him votes.
Hopefully the horrific traffic that's going to be caused by a collapsed interstate in Atlanta will get some of these jackass politicians out of the way so a new Brent Spence can finally be built.

Not looking forward to my commute once it collapses into the river.
Pseudo-political side note... I was living in Birmingham when 20/59 collapsed onto 65 when that tanker exploded under the overpass. If memory serves, they had that thing open again within a month by working night and day and outsourcing contracts to any and everybody. I'm thinking some ATL companies were utilized. May have taken a bit longer, regardless, they got it up much faster than expected and quicker than I thought possible.
Maybe they should have kept their word to him instead of reneging. First bill up and they turn into disloyal backstabbers. I wouldn't trust them either if I was Trump. If they don't want to be loyal to Trump, help get his agenda passed, then he has no choice but to campaign against them to get someone voted in who will actually help him get his agenda passed.

Not to mention, Trump isn't an ideologue. He couldn't give a shit less about their far right conservatism. Just like he couldn't give a shit less about Ryan's fake establishment conservatism. He cares only about his agenda, and those who are willing to play ball and give him votes.
Just read this...
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The Republican establishment agenda was overwhelmingly rejected by voters
This is only partly true. All Republican agendas were rejected, including the Freedom Caucus'. I specifically voted for Trump because he's not either one. He's not a modern day Democrat like some in the establishment, and he's not archaic like some in the Freedom Caucus.

Voters voted for Trump because he said F you to all sides and is willing to put the people first with his agenda. But in order to do that he has to have the votes

The establishment, for the most part, has taken their ass whooping, swallowed their pride, and gotten on board the Trump train. The Freedom Caucus is still whining, holding out, being the group of "no". They are "never Trumpers".
Maybe they should have kept their word to him instead of reneging. First bill up and they turn into disloyal backstabbers. I wouldn't trust them either if I was Trump. If they don't want to be loyal to Trump, help get his agenda passed, then he has no choice but to campaign against them to get someone voted in who will actually help him get his agenda passed.

Not to mention, Trump isn't an ideologue. He couldn't give a shit less about their far right conservatism. Just like he couldn't give a shit less about Ryan's fake establishment conservatism. He cares only about his agenda, and those who are willing to play ball and give him votes.

For the 1,000 time F UCK being loyal to Trump. They need to be loyal to the people that put them in office. Trump, along with all the Republicans, ran promising an agenda of REPEALING Obamacare, not renewing it. So why the hell should they be loyal to Trump once his agenda turns to renewing Obamacare?

You know who will happily get a Paul Ryan type agenda passed? A shitload of people with Ds next to their name who are currently sitting at home because the voters were promised something different.

I know Trump doesn't give a shit about conservativism. That's why I didn't vote for him. But I was optimistic because EVERYONE ran on REPEAL Obamacare and getting true tax reform accomplished. I was optimistic that someone from outside the Beltway could get it done. Obviously I was wrong.

What is Trump's agenda? Please tell me. At this point, all I have to go on is the shit he said during the campaign. You're so dead set on getting Trump's agenda passed, what exactly is that agenda you want passed if it isn't what he promised during the campaign?

Those are rhetorical questions. I don't expect answers, because your only answer is to blindly sign on to anything Trump does regardless of what he does. That's worse than any Obama voter because you've presumably had 8 years to watch those idiots do the same thing and should have learned from it.
For the 1,000 time F UCK being loyal to Trump. They need to be loyal to the people that put them in office.
A lot of those same people are the ones who put Trump in office. It's now their job to work with Trump, not get their feelings hurt and sabotage him. If they want to continue to be "never Trumpers", then good luck come '18.

The people voted for Trump in support of his agenda, not the Republican agenda, not Democrat agenda, and definitely not the Freedom Caucus agenda.

The only people who have threatened Trump's agenda are Democrats and the Freedom Caucus. Hell, the bills for the wall, tax reform and infrastructure haven't even been written in full, and the Freedom Caucus is already threatening to sabotage them and vote no.

What is Trump's agenda? Please tell me. At this point, all I have to go on is the shit he said during the campaign.

And he's trying to do everything single thing he said on the campaign, but Democrats are going above and beyond to block him, and if not them, the Freedom Caucus from his own party.

You talked about "draining the swamp" in your earlier post. The Freedom Caucus has become part of the swamp. Ted Cruz fan boys only worried about their big money, "never Trump" donors, willing to sabotage the president and hurt the country to please them.

So why the hell should they be loyal to Trump once his agenda turns to renewing Obamacare?
Then they should have never agreed to do so. They had several negotiation meetings where they said you give us this, this and this and we're in. Trump gave them everything they asked for. It was never enough. They kept coming back for more.

If it was all about their "principles" they should have said no from the very start. That's not what happened, though. They didn't say no until they realized Trump wasn't going to allow them to take advantage of him. They made a deal then reneged on it.

They are the exact type of slimy politicians this country is fed up with. It's politicians like them why nothing ever gets done in Washington.
Last edited:
I really just don't get it. I paid a good deal of attention to the election. I heard promises from the Republicans. I heard promises from Trump. I would label those promises the "agenda" that was voted in.

It makes no sense to me, now that the candidates are in office and shitting all over their promises, that they should be supported because that's "their agenda".

What has Trump tried to do, that he promised on the campaign, and was blocked by the Freedom Caucus. The only big example I see of the Freedom Caucus blocking anything is them not signing on to the Obamacare renewal that was placed in front of them. That bill, 100% without a doubt and unequivocally, was counter to what was promised in Trump's campaign and all of the Republicans who were voted in in November's campaigns.

Please, it was rhetorical before, but I would like for you to explain to me some specifics of "Trump's Agenda". What is it? So far I've had to base my expectations for his agenda on campaign promises. I never got an answer for what "Hope and Change" was from the left, so maybe you can explain to me "Trump's Agenda" that must be supported at all costs.
Perfect example. You see, some members of the Freedom Caucus were men of their word, conducted themselves like mature adults. They negotiated, came to an agreement, made a deal, then held true that deal.

Trump isn't calling out the entire Freedom Caucus, only the lying cowards who tried to take advantage of him, then reneged on their deal because Trump wouldn't give them 100% their way.

We'll never know who they all are, but those involved know exactly who they are. Why should Trump trust the people? His first time working with them on a major bill and they stab him in the back.

Palmer, who has been to the White House three times in recent weeks, switched from a no vote earlier last week to a yes after a meeting last Friday at the White House.

“I voted against the American Health Care Act in the House Budget Committee because, in my opinion, the underlying bill was not sufficient to address our healthcare crisis,’’ he said in a statement after the meeting. “The Trump Administration and Republican Leadership have since made a number of concessions that I believe would improve the bill, improvements that President Trump assured me he supports and that justify my support.”
I really just don't get it. I paid a good deal of attention to the election. .....

Please, it was rhetorical before, but I would like for you to explain to me some specifics of "Trump's Agenda". What is it? .....

I think I know this one -- it's kind of like "double speak"
The ones who KNOW they're supporting a globalist / NWO (call it what you will) Agenda understand that Trump is a Nationalist

His "Agenda" is a reference to countering the globalist aims of those within both parties (and plenty outside of those parties) that want to usher in this new era of supra-national government ......

Since he's contrarian, an authority figure AND doesn't want to go to war with a Russian leader who's ALSO supporting his nation's borders, culture, & really LOOKS like an "AGENDA" to Agenda to THWART THEIR AGENDA..... - we're dealing with people and institutions that have been using words as weapons for at least 30-40 years......"Agenda" always sounds more conniving than "PLAN"

But you're tight -- there are no surprises here -- not even the set backs IMO

if you pay real close attention though....a lot of opportunities are being created by the blatant logical loopholes, revisionist histories, contradictions and obfuscations......

at some point -- I believe our society can obtain a kind of critical mass where the good folks on the traditional Left - join others who are speaking up and start consistently calling out the revolutionary type activities and calls for removal of a President that's been legally elected etc. Also, it makes sense that the traditional / logical members of the Left and Right would agree on bringing jobs back to the USA, disentangling from insane treaties like TPP and hopefully standing down on the world police thing

there's A LOT of ground to agree on and there's never been a more urgent time to find that common ground!

like my favorite "Leftist" once said .... "in times of universal deceit - telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act"
Republicans were very clear that they were going to REPEAL and REPLACE Obamacare. Trump said the same thing hundreds of times during the campaign.

I will be the first person to say I do not have a great understanding of healthcare. Have always gotten mine through my employer and have had good plans and reasonable costs. I am still fairly young so I do not worry too much about it. I am trying to educate myself about healthcare but it is a complex issue. Frankly, for me, it was not the biggest election priority. Tax cuts and deregulation (economy) were my most important issues with illegal immigration/National Security and Military right behind it.

What I keep hearing is that they needed to do this in three stages to get it done. I think this comes down to trust and there are factions in the GOP who simply do not trust each other and especially do not trust Ryan.

What pisses me off is these Republican dbags had 7 F'n years to have this ready to go for Trump to sign. A big part of me knew they would screw it up because that is what these folks do.
Republicans were very clear that they were going to REPEAL and REPLACE Obamacare. Trump said the same thing hundreds of times during the campaign.

I will be the first person to say I do not have a great understanding of healthcare. Have always gotten mine through my employer and have had good plans and reasonable costs. I am still fairly young so I do not worry too much about it. I am trying to educate myself about healthcare but it is a complex issue. Frankly, for me, it was not the biggest election priority. Tax cuts and deregulation (economy) were my most important issues with illegal immigration/National Security and Military right behind it.

What I keep hearing is that they needed to do this in three stages to get it done. I think this comes down to trust and there are factions in the GOP who simply do not trust each other and especially do not trust Ryan.

What pisses me off is these Republican dbags had 7 F'n years to have this ready to go for Trump to sign. A big part of me knew they would screw it up because that is what these folks do.

I'm still amazed that we can pass laws that no one reads -- that are too complex to revoke....and yet Congress is exempt from following them


is THAT???
I think I have a better shot at convincing Bushy Bill the earth is round than I do to convince Moe elected officials should keep promises to voters, not promises to the random agendas of other elected officials.
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Pseudo-political side note... I was living in Birmingham when 20/59 collapsed onto 65 when that tanker exploded under the overpass. If memory serves, they had that thing open again within a month by working night and day and outsourcing contracts to any and everybody. I'm thinking some ATL companies were utilized. May have taken a bit longer, regardless, they got it up much faster than expected and quicker than I thought possible.
Oh make no mistake, when something is acutely critical stuff can get built in a blink, all else be damned.

Anything below that the studies and environmental shutdown takes over. Simply put, America can still kick ass as long as it's not handcuffed.
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This no longer has anything to do with the bill. Everyone knows it was shit, including Trump. It's about the politics. The Freedom Caucus wasn't a no vote because they're upstanding men, keeping promises, refusing vote against their "principles", standing up for their constituents. You have to be one gullible imbecile to believe that mess.

If that were the case, it would have been "no" from the get go. They wouldn't have negotiated against their principles/promises, and ultimately agreed to offer support against their principles/promises.

They tried to take advantage of Trump, lying to him saying yes if their demands were met, seeing how much they could get, when their answer was always no. It had absolutely nothing to do with their principles/promises.

This was a power play within the party, plain and simple. They won in the end, now Trump is firing back.