I’d prefer a system with strong unions and worker rights, but if Trump is able to deliver in a different way, but relief the burden of everyday life I’ll stay in my lane and be very gracious.
Unions served a purpose once upon a time. But now there are all kinds of departments & programs protecting workers rights such as OSHA, EEOC, DOL, FLSA, OWCP, SHARE, MSHA, etc…(I could have filled up the entire page and half of another)
Also, seniority (which promotes wage gap based solely on years of employment) and job protection for bad employees are staples of “strong” unions. That doesn’t exactly align with your “true meritocracy” ideals. It also doesn’t align with “best practices” business models.
Speaking of wage gaps, here’s a backwater (or port water) anecdotal story for you…
ILA union leader salary 2023: $728,000
ILA union VP salary 2023: $700,000
(ILA union leader’s son)
Longshoreman top earners 2023: $81,000
(Base rate…doesn’t include OT)
That’s one helluva wage gap!!! I thought all wage gaps were bad. If you want to promote “strong unions” on this site then take your “wage gap” bitching and moaning elsewhere.
Many plants right here in Kentucky have had unions negotiate very nice wages for their employees…only to see the plant shut down & move to Mexico for cheaper labor costs. That little cable manufacturer from Wayne Co. you so eloquently evoked in your anecdotal post earlier is a shining example. That plant is now in Mexico. Go ask your buddy Jim Bob if he would rather have his job back at a little bit lesser rate or if he is happy with the few minuscule years he got with higher wages coupled with losing his job forever and scraping to get by today.
Also, if you are going to promote “strong unions” then you best get on board with Trumps tariffs and with tax breaks for corporations to level the playing field. Best two ways to combat the cheap labor in countries where they don’t have union wages, safe working conditions, worker’s rights, etc…That’s just the reality of the situation.
Re: tax breaks. People like you & AOC don’t understand this very simple concept. If a plant is paying union wages you best be giving them significant tax breaks if you want them to build in/stay in your community. If not…they gone. You were the same type of people giving Martha Layne Collins a hard time back in the 80’s for traveling to Japan and wooing Toyota to Georgetown. Furious about the tax breaks that they were going to get. Look what Toyota has meant for the economy in not just G-Town but in all of central Kentucky (multiple feeder plants and metal stamping plants) since Toyota & their evil tax breaks set up shop.
Final note: Remember Obama? The guy you voted for twice. He said eff the US manufacturing industry. He said “those jobs are never coming back” and “learn to code”. Trump, the guy you didn’t vote for either time, brought some of those manufacturing jobs back during his first term. He will bring more back during his second term. My advice to you Mr. Pro Strong Union Guy is to vote for JD Vance during the next two elections to keep those jobs in the US so that conversations about unions will even be able to remain relevant. YWIA
Merry Christmas, komrade!!!