Unions served a purpose once upon a time. But now there are all kinds of departments & programs protecting workers rights such as OSHA, EEOC, DOL, FLSA, OWCP, SHARE, MSHA, etc…(I could have filled up the entire page and half of another)
Also, seniority (which promotes wage gap based solely on years of employment) and job protection for bad employees are staples of “strong” unions. That doesn’t exactly align with your “true meritocracy” ideals. It also doesn’t align with “best practices” business models.
Speaking of wage gaps, here’s a backwater (or port water) anecdotal story for you…
ILA union leader salary 2023: $728,000
ILA union VP salary 2023: $700,000
(ILA union leader’s son)
Longshoreman top earners 2023: $81,000
(Base rate…doesn’t include OT)
That’s one helluva wage gap!!! I thought all wage gaps were bad. If you want to promote “strong unions” on this site then take your “wage gap” bitching and moaning elsewhere.