How will they rule ??!

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It sounds like Trump is sticking with Hegseth and Kash. I would say recess appointments get more traction if these RINO's hunker down in opposition. Milley and Austin got overwhelming support... so did Wray.
These Senators really want these nominees to come in and kiss the ring, so to speak. They want to be pampered and told how important they are. Well, that and they want to keep making all kinds of shady money off the military industrial complex and never-ending wars.

I wish Pete would come out and publicly state how he’s not going to kiss any of their scummy asses to get this job. I know he can’t, but it would be absolutely bad-ass and also help shine a light on how freaking petty some of these people in Congress are.
You can't rehearse raw emotion and both whites and blacks interviewed at the scene made it obvious that he was being a hero. This is going to set a horrible precedent if they don't clear him of any wrongdoing as it will say "take the subway, but don't expect madmen to pay any consequences for anything they do, sorry".

Whites should stop doing good deeds for strangers. It's all about race now.
Unfortunately there’s a lot of truth in this. And this will 100% make other potential do-goood’ers rethink stepping in to help someone in need in the future.
Imagine being in "Big Law" and turning a blind eye to this totally preventable disgrace that was done INTENTIONALLY to try and change the voting map and rule forever.

You might or might not be uneducated but you are without any doubt a TERRIBLE excuse for a human being.


It sounds like Trump is sticking with Hegseth and Kash. I would say recess appointments get more traction if these RINO's hunker down in opposition. Milley and Austin got overwhelming support... so did Wray.
Trump needs to go "scorched Earth" in every possible way.

They already pushed out Gaetz: fight harder.
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Liberals are jealous: they're lazy, unintelligent, and envious of anyone who has success.

Concepts like "work ethic" and "intelligence" are liberals kryptonite.
Liberal lawyers are THE worst. They SEETHE at anyone succeeding in another field and want your life to collapse. They'll even help expedite it if they can. Crappiest humans on the face of the earth.
Imagine being in "Big Law" and turning a blind eye to this totally preventable disgrace that was done INTENTIONALLY to try and change the voting map and rule forever.

You might or might not be uneducated but you are without any doubt a TERRIBLE excuse for a human being.

Thanks Joe and Kamala for letting this garbage come in to the US so easily.
Unions served a purpose once upon a time. But now there are all kinds of departments & programs protecting workers rights such as OSHA, EEOC, DOL, FLSA, OWCP, SHARE, MSHA, etc…(I could have filled up the entire page and half of another)

Also, seniority (which promotes wage gap based solely on years of employment) and job protection for bad employees are staples of “strong” unions. That doesn’t exactly align with your “true meritocracy” ideals. It also doesn’t align with “best practices” business models.

Speaking of wage gaps, here’s a backwater (or port water) anecdotal story for you…

ILA union leader salary 2023: $728,000
ILA union VP salary 2023: $700,000
(ILA union leader’s son)

Longshoreman top earners 2023: $81,000
(Base rate…doesn’t include OT)

That’s one helluva wage gap!!! I thought all wage gaps were bad. If you want to promote “strong unions” on this site then take your “wage gap” bitching and moaning elsewhere.
Yes, this is the reason I was anti-union for the longest time... Until I saw the corrosion of worker rights dealing with my dad and his job with RECC. I've also seen our right to work state battle with teachers. My feet are pretty dug in at this point so we might have to agree to disagree. While I agree that union leader is overpaid, the pay difference is not as egregious (28x vs 399x) as the average CEO and lowest paid worker. In the 1960's, that gap was 50x. I wouldn't have a problem with this either if it was structured so that 50x was the top, and then subsequent ladders also scaled down. This would allow for menial workers to take home more.
Many plants right here in Kentucky have had unions negotiate very nice wages for their employees…only to see the plant shut down & move to Mexico for cheaper labor costs. That little cable manufacturer from Wayne Co. you so eloquently evoked in your anecdotal post earlier is a shining example. That plant is now in Mexico. Go ask your buddy Jim Bob if he would rather have his job back at a little bit lesser rate or if he is happy with the few minuscule years he got with higher wages coupled with losing his job forever and scraping to get by today.

Also, if you are going to promote “strong unions” then you best get on board with Trumps tariffs and with tax breaks for corporations to level the playing field. Best two ways to combat the cheap labor in countries where they don’t have union wages, safe working conditions, worker’s rights, etc…That’s just the reality of the situation.

Re: tax breaks. People like you & AOC don’t understand this very simple concept. If a plant is paying union wages you best be giving them significant tax breaks if you want them to build in/stay in your community. If not…they gone. You were the same type of people giving Martha Layne Collins a hard time back in the 80’s for traveling to Japan and wooing Toyota to Georgetown. Furious about the tax breaks that they were going to get. Look what Toyota has meant for the economy in not just G-Town but in all of central Kentucky (multiple feeder plants and metal stamping plants) since Toyota & their evil tax breaks set up shop.

Final note: Remember Obama? The guy you voted for twice. He said eff the US manufacturing industry. He said “those jobs are never coming back” and “learn to code”. Trump, the guy you didn’t vote for either time, brought some of those manufacturing jobs back during his first term. He will bring more back during his second term. My advice to you Mr. Pro Strong Union Guy is to vote for JD Vance during the next two elections to keep those jobs in the US so that conversations about unions will even be able to remain relevant. YWIA

Merry Christmas, komrade!!!
The grocery chain Eagle also negotiated themselves into bankruptcy as well. I celebrated with right to work came to Kentucky. I enjoy the safety net that unions provide, but I also feel like bargaining should go both ways.

I’m on record saying I am cautiously optimistic about his second tenure. I understand how tax breaks work, but my confidence have wavered with time, partially to do with my time at dollar tree, and seeing poverty in the schools.

First presidential election I could vote in was 08. In 12, I campaigned for Andy Barr. I would have voted for Romney, but didn’t want to drive for Monticello. 16, I told my buddies that I was going to vote for Gary Johnson, but I was living in Lexington and perm address was Monticello. 20 and 24 have been the only elections i have voted in.
Looks like POS Alvin Bragg is trying to get them to throw out the manslaughter charge and then have the jury go back and deliberate the charge that gets him a 4 year sentence. Basically bullying the jury into "settling" on the lessor charge.

This POS can't fathom the thought of falling on his face and striking out completely on this sham trial as well.
Clearly. Finally a real poll.

Then a 4 way tie between 2 Bushes, Obama, and Clinton (since they all sold out our country to China)

Nixon's scandal in hindsight is nothing compared to 2 Dems who massacred civilians/citizens, and a scandal-ridden fraud and a liar, who also got our soldiers killed and started another needless war.
That’s the problem, right. You don’t read because you already “know”. I’m spouting my POV, but I do listen in good faith and change my opinion when new info arises. CEO’s should be paid, and handsomely might I add, but 399x over is egregious.

Of course I already know what you're gonna post; there's nothing there.

That's the problem.

And no, you most certainly do not listen nor post in good faith.
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It's fun to watch the leftist media as they now must eat their words. Will they? Hell no. They are disgusting liars who simply shill for the Democrats. Is there anyone who still believes that the MSM is anything but the PR wing of the Dem party. Pushers of disinformation.

It's fun to watch the leftist media as they now must eat their words. Will they? Hell no. They are disgusting liars who simply shill for the Democrats. Is there anyone who still believes that the MSM is anything but the PR wing of the Dem party. Pushers of disinformation.

The liberal media are like a bunch of cows with BSE that keep puking their words back up to rechew them, and never make any milk. They eat their own and want yours too. They tell you what they are with every accusation they spew against others.
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Trump won Iowa by 13 points. Ernst won by 6.... I think people need to quit sucking up to the RINO's and instead of them doing the threatening we need to do the threatening. Iowa wouldn't be close at all if people like Ernst actually believed in the stuff they run on. She wanted to be Trumps VP in '16 and his Sec Def this time. She's buthurt he didn't pick her. She can get on board or get primaried.

Fk that. Ship has sailed. Get her out of there. She's not a Republican.
It's incredible what you have to deal with when you're a Republican compared to a Democrat.

If you're a Republican, you get to take on the machine where the DNC gets to use their toys in intel agencies and the media to run you through the ringer--pay some POS to accuse you of sexual assault--run that story repeatedly--senators using it to try and get something out of it for themselves or block it to serve their masters.

Who ever deals with this shit but Republicans? And no evidence or source is ever credible and it doesn't matter- it's the accusation and they will run that 24/7. Democrats can be murderers, rapists, pedos, and GOP rubberstamps that shit, media doesn't quesiton any of that. But when you're a Republican, prepare to get the Kavanaugh, Thomas, Pete or Trump treatment.

It should already be a foregone conclusion that the Democrats will do this all the time.
Then a 4 way tie between 2 Bushes, Obama, and Clinton (since they all sold out our country to China)

Nixon's scandal in hindsight is nothing compared to 2 Dems who massacred civilians/citizens, and a scandal-ridden fraud and a liar, who also got our soldiers killed and started another needless war.
I love Reagan but man, he had some big eff ups with getting played with amnesty.

The absolute worst dog shit right here.

1. Biden
2. Obama (culturally effed this nation beyond fixing)
3. Carter
4. W Bush
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It's incredible what you have to deal with when you're a Republican compared to a Democrat.

If you're a Republican, you get to take on the machine where the DNC gets to use their toys in intel agencies and the media to run you through the ringer--pay some POS to accuse you of sexual assault--run that story repeatedly--senators using it to try and get something out of it for themselves or block it to serve their masters.

Who ever deals with this shit but Republicans? And no evidence or source is ever credible and it doesn't matter- it's the accusation and they will run that 24/7. Democrats can be murderers, rapists, pedos, and GOP rubberstamps that shit, media doesn't quesiton any of that. But when you're a Republican, prepare to get the Kavanaugh, Thomas, Pete or Trump treatment.

It should already be a foregone conclusion that the Democrats will do this all the time.

YES!! Was saying this at lunch today. You NEVER ever hear about the fkd up stuff the left does until AFTER they get in officenor in a bureaucratic position.
You can't rehearse raw emotion and both whites and blacks interviewed at the scene made it obvious that he was being a hero. This is going to set a horrible precedent if they don't clear him of any wrongdoing as it will say "take the subway, but don't expect madmen to pay any consequences for anything they do, sorry".

Whites should stop doing good deeds for strangers. It's all about race now.

They want desperately to segregate people just like they always have. Isolate them to create crises and pit them against each other. Hope more people come to their senses and help put an end to it.
They want desperately to segregate people just like they always have. Isolate them to create crises and pit them against each other. Hope more people come to their senses and help put an end to it.
Leftism has always thrived on this. It's also why they have been hellbent on migration. It's imported tribalism but then give them a common enemy---whites.
Tell me you don’t know how Government civilian employment works without actually telling me. And yeah this is the dumbest thing ever. Eliminating people based off their SSN? You don’t actually believe this moron Vivek do you?

I do know I ran payroll for a government organization of over 500 employees as a temp job as a college student. Once I got caught up from the useless state govt worker, I literally could process the pto, vacation and sick time forms daily in about 20 minutes.

The rest of the day I did nothing work related. Read novels, comics, newspapers, etc. This was pre-internet and cell phones.

His wealth is every bit of the problem as excess government spending. I’m totally in favor of reducing government and its spending. Don’t let my silence on this lead you to believe I disagree. The 400 or so families that have 50% of all wealth in America is where my concern lies. We’ve got to have a system put in place to target these individuals.

No u.

Theres a lot of people here that are very bright that have a difference of opinions with me. You’re not one of them.

Son, go play with some coal dust and leave the intellectual discussions to those that have actually accomplished things.

Not sat around a college dorm lobby pontificating a bunch of bullshit all night long.

Everyone here knows your archetype. Silly commie boy.
a little less than that, but I signed up for that.

lol, cashiers at dollar tree don’t even sniff that kind of money.

I worked at 4 DT. Each one had one full time employee (manager). Usually two assistant managers (they work about 28-32 hours a week) and ideal circumstances 7 cashiers (all working sub 20 hours a week). I worked from 06-12 at DT. Last few years, I’d quit in the summertime so that I could work at camp earl wallace. Even taking into account the money I made at CEW, I was only making between 9-11k a year. That’s okay for a student, but unlivable to an adult.

The CEO of DT was given 136 million dollars in salary, bonus, and stock options.

Clearly, quite the brilliant scholar!

Worked for 7 years at 4 different dollar trees!

And cries about what the CEO made. Why weren't you the ceo? You're sooo smart! They should have bestowed that position to you on day one!
IGNORE! lol, its so weak to announce this. Just do it or don't.

But I will answer this to perhaps an empty theater. I think the fair thing to do is support these full time employees with a livable wage. People should be given a livable wage and work livable hours. 35K should be minimum threshold for full time workers. If they did this, I'd be fine paying first year teachers 38K (my first year salary). In doing this, they would also need to fix the CEO and executives pay. CEO's should not make 399x what the lowest employee makes.

Why is it that the posters here who claim to be teachers/educators, are the absolute dumbest sons of bitches in the thread. And consistently?

You idiots are begging the populace to abolish the entire department of education when you start revealing how incredibly stupid you all are.
Why is it that the posters here who claim to be teachers/educators, are the absolute dumbest sons of bitches in the thread. And consistently?

You idiots are begging the populace to abolish the entire department of education when you start revealing how incredibly stupid you all are.
Yet KY voters prefer public schools.
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Why is it that the posters here who claim to be teachers/educators, are the absolute dumbest sons of bitches in the thread. And consistently?

You idiots are begging the populace to abolish the entire department of education when you start revealing how incredibly stupid you all are.