How will they rule ??!

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Lighten up seargant. I was only joking about you being a pedophile. Geez. Political correctness these days.. Burnin' are cuntry ta hale!!

And your daughter is eleven but 5th grade (I assume) is not to the point of indoctrination yet. It's just the basic facts at that point. Presidents, states, wars, colonization. Just the basic stuff. If you look at the work she brings home and think 'This Common Core crap is poising the mind of our kids' then you're the problem.
Common core is a problem. You can't see that because you are too close to it. However, I can still see the wrong views being put out by teachers. They do not have to be high school or college (in which I have one son as well) to have to liberal a stance. You see only what is in front of you and not what is out there.
Ryan didn't want the job in the first place, had to be arm-twisted to take it.

Gowdy's experience and talents are in prosecution. Can he build a coalition, can he fashion together deals when constituencies are all over the place and hostile to one another? That's the guy we need.

If that's not Gowdy's strength, we don't want him.
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Republicans and the Freedom Caucus need to come to grips and learn how to govern. A lot of them were elected in '10. All they've ever known is Obama and being the opposition. When you're the opposition it's easy. You can oppose everything, be hard headed, and want it only your way or no way.

When you're the majority party, the lawmakers who are governing, you cannot be that way and expect to get anything done. You have to compromise, sacrifice, come together to make sure you keep the majority in order to advance your agenda.

Getting your feelings hurt because you only got 50 - 75% of what you wanted instead of 100%, threatening to go against your party and vote with the Democrats only harms the agenda and isn't going to cut it.
Good read here on Scott Adam's blog. Created Dilbert, got some notoriety this election cycle by predicting Trump would win, based on his 'powers of persuasion'. Was interviewed by Bloomberg, and he knew going in it was a hit piece. And it was. I know everyone knows how media bias works, but for an interesting blow by blow of how it falls into place, this is a good read....
Republicans and the Freedom Caucus need to come to grips and learn how to govern. A lot of them were elected in '10. All they've ever known is Obama and being the opposition. When you're the opposition it's easy. You can oppose everything, be hard headed, and want it only your way or no way.

When you're the majority party, the lawmakers who are governing, you cannot be that way and expect to get anything done. You have to compromise, sacrifice, come together to make sure you keep the majority in order to advance your agenda.

Getting your feelings hurt because you only got 50 - 75% of what you wanted instead of 100%, threatening to go against your party and vote with the Democrats only harms the agenda and isn't going to cut it.

I agree. The Freedom Caucus needs to sacrifice its principles, unite with the Republican establishment so they can pass a Democrat agenda for the sake of "governing."

How about the Republican establishment sacrifices it's Democrat principles and unites with conservatives for the sake of governing?
I agree. The Freedom Caucus needs to sacrifice its principals, unite with the Republican establishment so they can pass a Democrat agenda for the sake of "governing."

How about the Republican establishment sacrifices it's Democrat principals and unites with conservatives for the sake of governing?
Both have to sacrifice. That's how you govern from power. If the establishment gets their way, the Freedom Caucus will hold out. If the Freedom Caucus gets their way, the establishment and moderates will hold out.

Both end the same way; not enough votes to pass, then no one gets anything, and they all look like a bunch of amateurs. Opposing everything unless you get it 100% the way you want it works only when you're the opposition, but when you're the party in power, trying to work, that's gets you voted out.
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BTW, the only ones who have been unwilling to sacrifice and compromise on this bill are the Freedom Caucus. Trump has had several negotiation meetings with them, resulting in several amendments, giving them exactly what they asked for and wanted.

Every time he did they came back "Well, but only if they'll change this". That got changed and they came back again "Well, but only if they'll change that." There's a reason he called them out today and gave them a take it or leave it ultimatum. He's thrown them plenty to celebrate a victory over, and they're not going to get it 100% their way, regardless of their feelings. That's not the way this works.
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Both have to sacrifice. That's how you govern from power. If the establishment gets their way, the Freedom Caucus will hold out. If the Freedom Caucus gets their way, the establishment and moderates will hold out.

Both end the same way; not enough votes to pass, then no one gets anything, and they all look like a bunch of amateurs. Opposing everything unless you get it 100% the way you want it works only when you're the opposition, but when you're the party in power, trying to work, that's gets you voted out.

I would bet every single Republican in Congress included repealing Obamacare in their campaigns. Hell, I'll give fuzz $1,000 dollars for every Republican he can find that hasn't mentioned repealing Obamacare.

So no, holding strong because you want to repeal Obamacare like you promised your constituents isn't going to get you voted out. "Compromising," meaning signing on to the agenda of the establishment that was just told to pound salt in favor of the wild card Trump, is not going to keep you in office. And who gives a shit about staying in office if it means you govern like a Democrat.

I argued all day long that Lundercunt Grimes would have been better in the long run than McConnell since he's part of the old guard and needs to finally be put out to pasture.
Trump says Charter to invest $25 billion in U.S., hire 20,000 workers

U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday touted Charter Communications Inc decision to invest $25 billion in the United States and its previously disclosed plan to hire 20,000 workers over four years.

At a White House event with the second-largest U.S. cable company's Chief Executive Thomas Rutledge and Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Trump praised Charter for planning to close its offshore call centers and move them to the United States.

On a number of occasions, Trump has touted job announcements at the White House that had been planned or announced previously.

Much of the Charter announcement was not new. The company said in October it planned to add 20,000 jobs as part of its acquisitions of Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks.

The company said in February 2016 it planned to close foreign Time Warner Cable call centers and move the jobs to the United States.
I'd prefer the Republicans do something about entitlement healthcare rather than concede it's here to stay. You know, the exact goddam thing they promised and were elected to do.

You think a Republican establishment agenda is going to keep seats in a couple years? After voters just put in Donald Trump as a middle finger to the establishment? After voters have consistently voted out establishment candidates in favor of "Tea Party" candidates?

If the options for the country are the Republicans passing a shitty reform of Obamacare, and Obamacare collapsing, collapse is 100% without a doubt the better option for the country. I don't really give a shit what happens as far as seats go at that point.
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I'd prefer the Republicans do something about entitlement healthcare rather than concede it's here to stay
I agree 100%. I'm no fan of Ryan's bill either, but if it's not his bill, then it's Obamacare; Trump's words. And when Obamacare fails, no one will have a choice but to vote for Ryan's bill, so if it's not now, then it's definitely later.

Trump is tired of fuvking around with the Establishment Rep. and Freedom Caucus. They've both basically hampered his agenda, and sabotaged his first 100 days with this, something that they've all been working on for seven years, yet none of them have an answer.

Hillary kept using the term "nothing marked as classified or marked classified." That was a key "out." As we all know there is no marking that simply states - classified. So technically she was not lying with that particular statement. But she absolutely violated her SF 312 and OF 109, but that is a story we have beat to death.

Same thing here in my opinion. They keep emphasizing there was no physical wiretap. Physical is the key word that keeps them from the possibility of being caught in a lie.

Don't trapped into thinking the surveillance had to be physical. I have no doubt that the powers that be are telling the absolute truth that there is not evidence of physical wiretapping.

I 100% believe there was surveillance occurring. There are many ways of doing surveillance that does not require anything physical in Trump tower.

Google TEMPEST, there is some interesting reading out there.

I agree...

But I am not Rick. :)
Much of the Charter announcement was not new.
[laughing] Does it ever end? Every time Trump announces something like this the liberal media goes wild, firing of article after article about how those companies were bringing those jobs back anyways, they're not new, and that Trump had absolutely nothing to do with it. It's happened every single time.

Then, weeks later, the CEO of said company publicly comes out and credits Trump, his policies and the confidence/excitement they have brought to the market, etc... as the reason(s), and it's always ignored by the same liberal media. A retraction/apology/I'm a partisan, opinionated hack is never written, and the anti narrative rolls on to the next one.
There's the conundrum they're facing. By voting "no" today, even though with good reasons and intentions, they're doing the exact opposite of what they promised their constituents and voting to keep OC.

No, doing the opposite of what they promised their constituent would be to vote to tweak Obamacare and then take ownership of the inevitable failure.

Anything other than repeal is the opposite of what they promised.
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Yes. That's why they should vote no to keep and tweak.

Absolutely. I totally get why they would be against this. Unfortunately they don't have much of a choice. Voting yes to outright keep OC is much worse and much more damaging.

Only people who could be for that are insured through their employer and are delusional of the destruction of OC. People purchasing independently are getting reemed. Arizona is down to 1 provider and facing 150% increases. Try telling them let's keep as is. Anything is better.

The option to repeal Obamaare is not on the table today. So they either vote no and Obamacare stays, or they vote yes and own Obamacare staying.

And it's never going to be on the table. This is it. They have two choices -vote for this bill and own it; or go directly against Trump and vote to keep OC, then own both of those. That's it. Much safer choice is option 1.
A vote against this bill is not a vote to keep Obamacare. It's a vote against this bill.

Just the same as a vote for Trump was not a vote against Clinton. It was a vote for Trump.

A vote for Gary Johnson was not a vote against Clinton and Trump, it was a vote for Gary Johnson.

I've said it a thousand times, doing anything just for the sake of doing something is far worse than doing nothing.

I strongly prefer Obamacare collapsing on itself as is. The Republicans change one letter of that shit pile and everything is their fault.
Isn't keeping the opposite of repealing? Which is the opposite of what they promised? Like the saying goes. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

It's important that this crashes so Dems and the media can go eff themselves with their BS of how awesome Obamacare is. That means they get to own it and don't pass the failure off to Republicans, which they would do.

It would be like selling a car that is about to crap out and then five minutes after it's off the lot, it falls apart then blame the buyer for it. That's what Dems are trying to do with healthcare.

The media is basically a PR firm for Democrats.
On the bright side, Kaepernik just signed.

A vote against this bill is not a vote to keep Obamacare
Umm...yes, it is. There isn't another bill. This really is it. Ryancare or Obamacare are the only choices. If you vote against Ryancare, then you're voting to keep Obamacare.

I strongly prefer Obamacare collapsing on itself as is.
What do you not get about this is it. There's not another bill. If OC stays, Trump is over it and moving on, so when it collapses, we'll be right back to RC.
Umm...yes, it is. There isn't another bill. This really is it. Ryancare or Obamacare are the only choices. If you vote against Ryancare, then you're voting to keep Obamacare.

What do you not get about this is it. There's not another bill. If OC stays, Trump is over it and moving on, so when it collapses, we'll be right back to RC.

we need to get rid of every cuck Repub who opposes Trump. It's not Trump. It's a senate full of POS GOP bastards
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Bill was just pulled. Obamacare is here to stay. Tax reform is in serious danger now. 9 billion in taxes from Obamacare was going towards tax reform as to not add to the budget.
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Bill was just pulled. Obamacare is here to stay. Tax reform is in serious danger now. 9 billion in taxes from Obamacare was going towards tax reform as to not add to the budget.

Yep. It's been pulled. I have no clue what this means.

If I'm trump, I use Twitter to roast Paul elephant ears Ryan. What a POS cuck.

How could you possibly mess up getting rid of one of the worst legislation known to mankind?
Umm...yes, it is. There isn't another bill. This really is it. Ryancare or Obamacare are the only choices. If you vote against Ryancare, then you're voting to keep Obamacare.

Once again, a vote against Ryancare is a vote against Ryancare. Obamacare was voted on and approved years ago. No one votes for that today. The yes or no votes are regarding Ryancare. Voting yes to Ryancare even though it sucks just because the Dems rammed something that also sucks up the county's ass isn't an excuse.

What do you not get about this is it. There's not another bill. If OC stays, Trump is over it and moving on, so when it collapses, we'll be right back to RC.

If the no's win the day, it's the end of Paul Ryan and Obamacare will collapse on itself and 100% because of Obamacare and not anything the Rs did.

I actually find that pretty appealing.
Yep. It's been pulled. I have no clue what this means.

If I'm trump, I use Twitter to roast Paul elephant ears Ryan. What a POS cuck.

How could you possibly mess up getting rid of one of the worst legislation known to mankind?

Repeal and replace. It was repeated a million times and that's all that needed to be done.

Repeal the entire goddam horseshit law, and replace it.
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