How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
These same bad actors keep coming up in every election. Benson, Griswold, Raffensberger, Hobbs. If they’re not corrupt then they’re inept. Why have they not been removed? The only explanation is a rigged system. We’re entering Venezuelan level types of conduct.
These same bad actors keep coming up in every election. Benson, Griswold, Raffensberger, Hobbs. If they’re not corrupt then they’re inept. Why have they not been removed? The only explanation is a rigged system. We’re entering Venezuelan level types of conduct.
Position=power=money. It all boils down to that. The dims and rinos have made a lot of money and so have their close friends and relatives. The regular American be damned.
He's not wrong. You people need to fix yourselves before you go around "fxing" everyone else. Fix yourselves while you still have time.

The way that video ended, it almost looked like he was reaching for a piece/weapon/etc.

Here's a nugget of wisdom: If you're going to approach someone you don't know, talk in a threatening manner etc. it is a REALLY bad idea to reach for your pocket/waist like that. That movement, along with your filmed provocation can land you in an ambulance.

Some of these mouthy nitwits are going to learn that in the absolutely hardest way possible, if they don't start to calm down.

They're lucky that Trump voters walk away from violence etc.
Saw the family is suing the giant eagle grocery where she stole the knife used because they let her walk out with it knowing she stole it. According to the plaintiff attorneys.
Am surprised the dad hasnt taken justice against the "not crazy freak" and her attorneys. I know that is dangerous and i am not recommending ppl do that, but the JustUs system is failing America.
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Serious question here for the dumb shit lefties.

When Kamala is installed later this month, and everything goes further down the toilet, who do you blame? You blame Trump from 2017-2020 or do you just gaslight yourselves that everything is awesome and that the globalist commies are the good guys?
If recent history is telling, he will gaslight himself. This is fine.

What will his motto be? Sucking with Kamala?
Probably fine. Most Trump supporters can't run more than three steps.

Even, for the sake of argument,we say that is true (which is absurd, based on the "Men of Kamala" we've seen), it's going to be difficult to run in a state of unconsciousness. LOL You're right about one thing though; a flimsy "sucker slap" followed by running away is EXACTLY what I would expect from "them". 🤣
Biden/Harris ADDED jobs EVERY month for 4 years. That is a fact.
Here's another fun fact....
** Newsflash from the 'Lying Liars and the GD Lies They Tell' Department **

4.1% rate

Private Sector Jobs: - 28,000 (NEGATIVE 28,000). "We were looking for 90,000 added"

Factory Jobs: "A loss of 46,000 jobs"

Government Jobs: "We added 40,000 jobs"

I'll leave this right here.

Trump needs volunteers and lawyers out the ass, in every "metropolitan area" in AZ,NV,NC,GA,MI,WI, and PA by tomorrow morning.

And they need to be straight up Saul Goodmans, every man jack of them. Complete hard-nosed bastards.
They already have it. Lara Trump said they were working on getting 100k volunteers for election week and they ended up with 200k. The reason PA lawsuit was filed so quick is because of how many lawyers and watchers they have on the ground in every county.

'BREAKING GEORGIA UPDATE: Deep-blue Gwinette County....'

Moved to Gwinnet about 40 years ago. At the time it was in the Top 10 counties in the country in growth and average income.
And it was dark, dark Red.

Moved in the mid-90s and you could see it changing, but still dark Red.

Am told now that it is basically a s**thole. I could see it creeping in from the south and east (DeKalb county).
Glad I moved.
This is your chance, you've been pushing Rasmussen all cycle. Trump getting 30% of the Black vote and winning Hispanics by 5 points is a hell of a prediction. You've put yourself out on a limb, so careful juggling those saws, clown.

Out of curiosity, I did a keyword search on Rasmussen. I have posted exactly two polls of his in this entire election cycle. The only other times I've even mentioned him were in response to SOME of your posts about them (all of which pretty much followed this same vein LOL) And let me tell you, you've mentioned Rasmussen more than anyone ON HERE. LOL In addition, I don't believe that I have commented on the veracity, pro or con of Rasmussen's accuracy.

How much rent do you charge "Rasmussen" for living in your head?

Don't believe me? Look it up. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
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** Wise Words Department **

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy."

-- Winston Churchill
"Churchill was the chief villain of the Second World War." - Darryl Cooper, chosen guest handpicked by Tucker Carlson for his podcast
72.18 million early votes cast as of today out of a likely 155 million (2020 total). That's 46.5 % of likely total votes that have already been cast. All swing states with the exception of WI and MI are done with early voting after today. Those other two have one more day of early voting.