This review seems fairly accurate…
I was sick today and wasn't feeling up to it. Of the four matches I was hyped for, I decided the one I would go out of my way for was Mox vs Cope for the world title. I've been hyped for them to go at it since Cope returned, as he is my second favorite wrestler and Mox is Mox.
F*** me for making that decision.
For starters, the crowd. I dunno I've been to livlier funerals. A spear off the apron and a stomp on the concrete earned golf claps, there was maybe one or two chants during the match, and the pops were tiny. I get it was a smaller crowd for a ppv, but it was also LA, which isn't exactly a quiet town.
The match itself moved at a snails pace that can be best described as "slow”.I understand what they were trying to do, but the pacing of this match makes peak "Blandy Borton" (he's so good I hate this was even a thing) look like Will Ospreay. The first five or so minutes was a strike fest, which can work when the crowd is into it. Watching two guys punch each other in the face in a room so quiet you can hear the impacts just ain't it. Cope quite frankly looked like sh** compared to just a year ago when he was TNT champ, and Mox was wrestling like a parody of himself. Deliberately slow, deliberately no selling everything, deliberately methodical.
And then there's the finish. Holy s***. I dunno who Christian pissed off, but they f***ing buried him tonight. And I know that phrase gets overused, but I don't know what else to call it. He cashes in the contract he's held for six months, and then gets dominated by Mox in about four minutes. Like, are you shi**ng me? All that build, all that hype, the fact that Mox didn't have his group, didn't even need to be pinned, and you f**king jobbed Christian out?
Where does this even lead? Cope looks like a broken old man, Mox looks the exact same as he normally does, and Christian looks like a joke. Of course the one guy to come out on top at the end was Will Washington's nepopushed cousin. He probably beats Mox too doesn't he? Ya know, f*** it I don't care if he does, anything to end this abysmal reign.