How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
How come that bitch murdered a 3 year old defenseless white boy and not some dude that looks like a pro athlete? ??

It's because she is not crazy...

Saw the family is suing the giant eagle grocery where she stole the knife used because they let her walk out with it knowing she stole it. According to the plaintiff attorneys.
I do have to say, I had NO idea the October Surprise would be self inflicted, and probably has the most effect on the staunchest left bloc, white liberal women.

Kill babies or adorable rescue furries?

I bet their heads are spinning in despair right now.

Unreal! I love it! Fell bad for P'Nut and Fred though. Horrible awful sick bureaucrats and Karen's.

This one is worse than Harambe, and 4 days before the election! !
Late (beyond the legal deadline) ballot dropoffs in Georgia


That’s eerily similar to how I envision UK football’s offensive playbook. Except, in crayon.
There were dozens of posts here claiming he unironically endorsed Kamala. Such unabashed liars.

Don’t remember ever claiming that myself. He’s been ready to cut a deal for awhile imo, the US is the one refusing.

And btw Dion, where you been? Been reading about Kamala marxist roots w her father/grandfather/etc. is that your brand of Marxism?
i don’t place much significance on the number of trump signs i see everyday—and i see a bunch everywhere i go. pretty much the same atmosphere as ’20–car/truck caravans, boat rallys etc, yet look what happened.

Usually I'd agree but PA has seen huge change from '20 to '24 in a few heavy Dem counties. She just doesn't appeal to working class blue collar old school democrats.
Well that's not very nice. How are we going to form a vibrant online community with you hurling those sorts of hurtful words around? I might retreat into my own little bubble and only seek out news which affirms my own ignorant opinions? Then what, backslaps and like buttons replace the search for enlightenment and knowledge? That I descend into a weak minded plebe capable of only mimicking other like minded plebes until we're little more than a school of plebes in our own little pond walled off from the entire learned world? Seems weak and... pathetic?
If they steal this one I'm never voting again. Period. This whole thing is nothing but a fiction.
If they steal this one, it is over anyway. The invasion will continue on the southern border, prices going up will continue, and the use of the DOJ against political opponents will increase. No one will be able to stop them because they have not faced consequences for their actions not will they.
If they steal this one, it is over anyway. The invasion will continue on the southern border, prices going up will continue, and the use of the DOJ against political opponents will increase. No one will be able to stop them because they have not faced consequences for their actions not will they.
Serious question here for the dumb shit lefties.

When Kamala is installed later this month, and everything goes further down the toilet, who do you blame? You blame Trump from 2017-2020 or do you just gaslight yourselves that everything is awesome and that the globalist commies are the good guys?
While history does have a lot of facts it also has a lot of story telling as well. Stories are always told to highlight certain spects and other aspects are forgotten. So the story of history does not always contain all the facts or in many cases align with the facts.

Did you ever wonder why after middle school your basic idea of the United States was that our country is the agent of all that's good in the world and our military is extremely powerful and the only source of our freedom? That's because good little boys and girls need to be willing to sign their lives over at 18 so that the politicians controlling our country have someone to fight for their geopolitical interests. The last time the US Military fought for anyone's freedom was World War II. Since then they have only fought to maintain geopolitical order and thus keep the economy humming. While you can argue that this is also worthwhile, it's not the image we present to recruits and the public.
Fast forward to the real world....

A vote for Harris, as with Biden, is a vote to allow an anonymous unelected committee to continue to set US Policy. Much like a Politburo. Sam likes this, Dreadlox loves this and it makes Dion cream his pants. Dreaming of the day he will serve on it and have his vengeance on the nasty capitalists.