Definitely for politicians but imo not for regular folk. I know i admit being wrong about it as do many other posters. I don't think i saw anyone in this thread admit to being wrong even after all the dirt came out about usaid manipulation of the entire thing.
Ukraine isn't just the wrong war and unwinnable
It was a cesspit for human trafficking , and probably narcotics as well
Unbelievably shameful how US resources and manpower have been used around the planet since 9/11 - but involvement there is just shameless naked greed from a nation that's been used and abused by British & Israeli interests -- at the expense of its own people and security
and now we are almost all used up
and there won't be anyone coming to help
Should never have been like this
Our people aren't war mongers or pirates of the weak
But thats what we were turned into & there is NO goodwill left to be found
Exit the old order
Enter the new order
You know why you think you're seeing "hitler salutes"?
Its a ROMAN salute - Nazis adopted the salute from the Roman Empire
Nazi Germany was the THIRD Reich right?
Old Rome - and the latter Holy Roman Empire we're the first and second
We are going to have a Revived Roman Empire IMO - power and influence rapidly shifting to Europe and the ME
France and Germany uniting similar to Charlemagne
This is how you get a FOuRTH Reich
Aka - fourth beast of Daniel
Aka - the final Gentile empire
I bet it unites the world in a living new universal language (Georgia Guidestones and Babel) - via our best little god Elon and his neuralink
Its a lot isn't it
Theres a cargo ship AND a US tanker burning off the British coast
Russia bombed ALL of Ukraine between last night and today
US B-52s went active last night as well & we now have dumbass NATO pilots flying close observation with Russian Tu95 bombers - basically begging for a reason
Fked up that ANYONE would want this war
hopefully there's no draft - Germany is "considering" compulsory service again - and wants to be Nuclear armed
France says Russia must he "pacified"
Russianl still remembers Napolean saying similar things before he launched his attacks
Completely avoidable and utterly Fkked up
ALLof it
Thanks for letting me rant - I swear im not crazy nor am I suicidal