How will they rule ??!

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The ones who want to come here are trying to ESCAPE that shithole. Now, they may still be Muslim but most keep it to themselves. You have it in your mind that Islam is a terrorist religion and

Why tag me and blast me with racist arguments? I may be in the minority in a god damn KENTUCKY community, but the rest of the country is acceptant to Islam. Remember, the majority voted democrat..

Please note the following verses from the koran. The author of the religion espoused terrorism. So a poor muslim refugees come over here. It would be one thing if they would assimilate into our culture, but if they are "good" muslims and follow the directives of muhammed they would be far from a peaceful people. islam has NEVER been a peaceful religion.
(1) “Fight against those who do not obey Allah and do not believe in Allah or the Last Day and do not forbid what has been forbidden by Allah and His messenger even if they are of the People of the Book until they pay the Jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” 9:29 (2) “When the sacred months have passed, then kill the Mushrikin wherever you find them. Capture them. Besiege them. Lie in wait for them in each and every ambush but if they repent, and perform the prayers, and give zacat then leave their way free.” 9:5 (3) “Kill them wherever you find them and drive them out from where they drove you out. Persecution is worse than slaughter.” 2:191 (4) “When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks.” 47:4 (5) “When your Lord revealed to the angels, ‘Truly I am with you. So, keep firm those who have believed. I will strike terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved. So, strike them at the necks and cut off their fingers.’” 8:12 (6) “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women because Allah has made one superior to the other and because they spend to support them from their means. Therefore, righteous women are obedient and they guard in the husband’s absence what Allah orders them to guard. And, as to those women from whom you fear disobedience, give them a warning, send them to separate beds, and beat them.” 4:34
(7) “Oh you who believe, fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you and let them find harshness in you.” 9:123
(8) “Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. Those who follow Him are merciful to one another but harsh to the disbeliever.” 48:29 (9) “They wish that you would reject faith as they have rejected faith unless that you would all be equal. So, don’t take protectors from them unless they emigrate in the way of Allah but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them.” 4:89
The KKK was pretty bad, maybe that's just me. Several abortion clinics terrorized by Christian militias over the years. Several attacks on minority groups.

And just recently a Babtist, Dylan Roof murdered everyone in a black church. The fact that you actually thought Christians were terrorist-free says a lot about your lack of knowledge. Some of the worst things imaginable have been done in the name of God. Islam is not alone in that sense.

Bombing abortion clinics was not a Christian act, nor was it in line with the faith. Absolutely NO act of murder has been a "Christian" act. Christ, the author of Christianity did not promote such behavior. While Christian people are capable of doing as much bad stuff as anyone else, when they do, it's not representative of the faith.
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But, when it comes to social issues, you never support government decisions that oppose your views. LGBT rights, abortion, religious freedom.

Freedom of religion is in the Constitution. Trying to compare it to the rest of your examples doesn't cut it.

As for the rest, the federal government shouldn't be making blanket decisions on social issues that affect the entire country. They're not meant to be your mommy and daddy, someone you go cry to and demand a fix every time you think life is unfair.

Social issues, and rightfully so, should be left up to the states. That way, the folks who live in those states can decide what's best for them. If California residents want to allow men to use the women's restroom, then so be it, but that doesn't mean Texas, North Carolina, etc... residents have to agree and allow it, too.
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Honestly, I value the lives of foreigners as much as Americans. I don't think Americans are better than the rest of the world. Sorry if my view of human equality offends you.

Nice try. Nobody said better. And nobody said to harm foreigners.

Bringing refugees here who share a violent ideology is not worth risking one American life.
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Please note the following verses from the koran. The author of the religion espoused terrorism. So a poor muslim refugees come over here. It would be one thing if they would assimilate into our culture, but if they are "good" muslims and follow the directives of muhammed they would be far from a peaceful people. islam has NEVER been a peaceful religion.
(1) “Fight against those who do not obey Allah and do not believe in Allah or the Last Day and do not forbid what has been forbidden by Allah and His messenger even if they are of the People of the Book until they pay the Jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” 9:29 (2) “When the sacred months have passed, then kill the Mushrikin wherever you find them. Capture them. Besiege them. Lie in wait for them in each and every ambush but if they repent, and perform the prayers, and give zacat then leave their way free.” 9:5 (3) “Kill them wherever you find them and drive them out from where they drove you out. Persecution is worse than slaughter.” 2:191 (4) “When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks.” 47:4 (5) “When your Lord revealed to the angels, ‘Truly I am with you. So, keep firm those who have believed. I will strike terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved. So, strike them at the necks and cut off their fingers.’” 8:12 (6) “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women because Allah has made one superior to the other and because they spend to support them from their means. Therefore, righteous women are obedient and they guard in the husband’s absence what Allah orders them to guard. And, as to those women from whom you fear disobedience, give them a warning, send them to separate beds, and beat them.” 4:34
(7) “Oh you who believe, fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you and let them find harshness in you.” 9:123
(8) “Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. Those who follow Him are merciful to one another but harsh to the disbeliever.” 48:29 (9) “They wish that you would reject faith as they have rejected faith unless that you would all be equal. So, don’t take protectors from them unless they emigrate in the way of Allah but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them.” 4:89
You want to dissect religious books? The bible is pretty cruel at times.

Two children laughed at a bald man, so god sent two bears to kill the children.

Gays were stoned, as god said they should be.

Women were killed if they were caught in an affair. Men were unpunished.

Not comparing them. Just making a point.
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You want to dissect religious books? The bible is pretty cruel at times.

Two children laughed at a bald man, so god sent two bears to kill the children.

Gays were stoned, as god said they should be.

Women were killed if they were caught in an affair. Men were unpunished.

Not comparing them. Just making a point.

a moron, the difference there are several million muslims ready to follow their doctrine verbatim. that means word for word.
The ones who want to come here are trying to ESCAPE that shithole. Now, they may still be Muslim but most keep it to themselves. You have it in your mind that Islam is a terrorist religion and

Why tag me and blast me with racist arguments? I may be in the minority in a god damn KENTUCKY community, but the rest of the country is acceptant to Islam. Remember, the majority voted democrat..
First, the majority did not vote Democrat. Clinton did not win a majority of the popular vote; no candidate did. Moreover, there are more elections than the Presidential election. The GOP dominates the House; has a slight edge in the Senate; has an overwhelming edge among state houses and Senates; and has almost two gubernatorial seats to the Democrats one.

Second, regardless of what political party is or is not more popular with the majority, I have no idea to what extent the rest of the country is "acceptant to Islam", nor do I even understand what that means. It makes no sense on its face. That aside, the issue of whether one is "acceptant to Islam" is not the same issue as the specific issue regarding refugees.
You want to dissect religious books? The bible is pretty cruel at times.

Two children laughed at a bald man, so god sent two bears to kill the children.

Gays were stoned, as god said they should be.

Women were killed if they were caught in an affair. Men were unpunished.

Not comparing them. Just making a point.

If you would like to dissect the books, I'm more than willing.
Give me the specific verses and the context in which they are written. Would you like to discuss the difference in teachings between the OT and the NT? I bet you a cup of coffee that not single one of the reference you give was attributed to a directive of Jesus.
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Growing signs of trouble for Trump’s border wall
President Donald Trump’s plan for a border wall is showing more cracks.

Trump is claiming that the ambitious — and hugely controversial — construction plan is “way, way, way ahead of schedule,” but in reality, there is growing evidence that Trump's central campaign pledge is in political peril.

Illegal crossings are down at the U.S.-Mexico border, removing some of the justification for erecting the wall as soon as possible. Trump’s budget chief says the administration still doesn’t know what the wall will be made out of. Trump's executive order directing federal agencies to identify costs savings to fund the wall sparked a diplomatic crisis with Mexico's president during his first week in office but so far only found $20 million in existing funds to finance what is likely a $20 billion-plus project. Now, his administration is floating controversial cuts to the Transportation Safety Administration and the Coast Guard in order to fund the wall's construction.

McConnell on Mexico paying for the border wall: 'Uh, no'
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday threw cold water on President Donald Trump’s insistence that Mexico will pay for his proposed border wall.

“Uh, no,” McConnell said flatly, asked whether he thinks Mexico will foot the bill in an interview with POLITICO Playbook’s Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer.
Growing signs of trouble for Trump’s border wall
President Donald Trump’s plan for a border wall is showing more cracks.

Trump is claiming that the ambitious — and hugely controversial — construction plan is “way, way, way ahead of schedule,” but in reality, there is growing evidence that Trump's central campaign pledge is in political peril.

Illegal crossings are down at the U.S.-Mexico border, removing some of the justification for erecting the wall as soon as possible. Trump’s budget chief says the administration still doesn’t know what the wall will be made out of. Trump's executive order directing federal agencies to identify costs savings to fund the wall sparked a diplomatic crisis with Mexico's president during his first week in office but so far only found $20 million in existing funds to finance what is likely a $20 billion-plus project. Now, his administration is floating controversial cuts to the Transportation Safety Administration and the Coast Guard in order to fund the wall's construction.

McConnell on Mexico paying for the border wall: 'Uh, no'
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday threw cold water on President Donald Trump’s insistence that Mexico will pay for his proposed border wall.

“Uh, no,” McConnell said flatly, asked whether he thinks Mexico will foot the bill in an interview with POLITICO Playbook’s Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer.
Sorry, but regardless of who pays for it, the wall is being built. It's the number one campaign promise. Could even argue the reason he got elected. Too late to turn back now. The people have spoken. Any Republican who decides to side with the Democrats on the issue, good luck getting reelected.
If you would like to dissect the books, I'm more than willing.
Give me the specific verses and the context in which they are written. Would you like to discuss the difference in teachings between the OT and the NT? I bet you a cup of coffee that not single one of the reference you give was attributed to a directive of Jesus.
I'm not going to research the verses of the Bible. But I know the Bible is the "perfect" book, according to Christianity. All I'm gonna say is there's plenty of mistakes to be found in it. In parts where they quote god, some of the things he said were just false.
General says no bad decisions were made in Yemen raid, probe is over

The top U.S. commander for the Middle East told senators Thursday that he has completed an exhaustive review of the Yemen raid that killed a Navy SEAL, and has concluded there were no lapses in judgment or decision-making surrounding the operation.

Gen. Joseph Votel, who heads U.S. Central Command, said he sees no need for additional investigations into the January mission that triggered debate in Washington over what went wrong and whether important intelligence was actually gathered.
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I'm not going to research the verses of the Bible. But I know the Bible is the "perfect" book, according to Christianity. All I'm gonna say is there's plenty of mistakes to be found in it. In parts where they quote god, some of the things he said were just false.
If you don't know what verse you lose credibility. That has always been the thorn in the side of people like you. Because of the teachings of Jesus and the NT Christians realize the wrong doings of the past and have since moved on. Translations of words and a closer study of their meanings will reveal the that you are very wrong about your stance on the rightness or wrongness of the bible. But, I expect you will not get that since your education has been curtailed to a specific agenda and not of the diversity you claim.
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General says no bad decisions were made in Yemen raid, probe is over

The top U.S. commander for the Middle East told senators Thursday that he has completed an exhaustive review of the Yemen raid that killed a Navy SEAL, and has concluded there were no lapses in judgment or decision-making surrounding the operation.

Gen. Joseph Votel, who heads U.S. Central Command, said he sees no need for additional investigations into the January mission that triggered debate in Washington over what went wrong and whether important intelligence was actually gathered.

but but Rachael Maddow said during one of her rants that Trump's timing of his first executive order on immigration, which he signed the day before the raid took place, probably pissed of the yemeneze and thus may have compromised the mission because those on the yemen side of things may have been angry thus giving up the security and knowledge of the raid leading to the death of the navy seal. she also called the raid, the one which was ordered by Obama, a disaster and utter failure. and it was all Trump's fault.

can't make this shit up
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If you don't know what verse you lose credibility. That has always been the thorn in the side of people like you. Because of the teachings of Jesus and the NT Christians realize the wrong doings of the past and have since moved on. Translations of words and a closer study of their meanings will reveal the that you are very wrong about your stance on the rightness or wrongness of the bible. But, I expect you will not get that since your education has been curtailed to a specific agenda and not of the diversity you claim.
Yep, all that liberal propaganda in Kentucky. So many liberals spreading the word! Man this state is lacking in good ol American conservatives. If only my parents were conservatives then I wou-- Wait...
I'm not going to research the verses of the Bible. But I know the Bible is the "perfect" book, according to Christianity. All I'm gonna say is there's plenty of mistakes to be found in it. In parts where they quote god, some of the things he said were just false.
With all due respect I can tell you don't know your way around the Bible very well. You also probably don't realize the stark differences in the Old and New Testaments. Even if you don't believe in the ministry of Christ, and his significance, you'd be able to realize that his teachings (NT) aren't something that would create jihad.

I've also read the Quran. I'm coming from a much more educated place on this than you. When you're ignorant, which differs from stupid, on subject matter it's best to not interject it into debate.
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With all due respect I can tell you don't know your way around a the Bible very well. You also probably don't realize the stark differences in the Old and New Testaments. Even if you don't believe in the ministry of Christ, and his significance, you'd be able to realize that his teachings (NT) isn't something that would create jihad.

I've also read the Quran. I'm coming from a much more educated place on this than you. When you're ignorant, which differs from stupid, on subject matter it's best to not interject it into debate.
You could be full of shit, but I'll take your word for it. But I'm in luck, because you don't have to be a Bible scholar to know something's up. Numerous failed prophecies, guaranteed by God, himself. Lack of geographical knowledge; battle lasted over a day with sun still up. Explain these errors to me.
I'm not going to research the verses of the Bible. But I know the Bible is the "perfect" book, according to Christianity. All I'm gonna say is there's plenty of mistakes to be found in it. In parts where they quote god, some of the things he said were just false.
Such as?
Okay, ricky, I'm going to give you a break. What is written in the OT and how it is interpreted depends upon the lens through which one views God. Personally, I believe God to be a God of love (of all people). Thus, when in the OT He is attributed with directing his people to wipe-out certain groups, I believe the following:
1. I'm confident God had given those people an opportunity to know Him and adopt His ways;
2. In those days, there was a lot of heinous crap going on...child sacrifice, etc...One of the reasons God chose Abraham and ultimately Israel was to show humans a better/right way to live. IMO, those groups that had to be wiped out were peoples that practiced that type crap...and if they mixed with God's people, they would have lured them into evil. islam would have fit the bill as one of those groups.
muslims killing in the name of islam are being obedient to their faith. Christians that kill, bomb abortion clinics, etc... are sinning according to their faith.

As for the NT, I defy you to find one incident in which Christians are taught by either Jesus Christ or the writers to commit atrocities. Give me one. Where many of us screw up is that the most fundamental teaching of Christ is to love others as we love our selves. That includes muslims. The challenge is to avoid accepting their faith while loving them.
Yep, all that liberal propaganda in Kentucky. So many liberals spreading the word! Man this state is lacking in good ol American conservatives. If only my parents were conservatives then I wou-- Wait...
It's liberal propaganda in the schools...such as teaching that Christians were the cause of the Crusades...that they were the aggressors. I have first hand experience.
You could be full of shit, but I'll take your word for it. But I'm in luck, because you don't have to be a Bible scholar to know something's up. Numerous failed prophecies, guaranteed by God, himself. Lack of geographical knowledge; battle lasted over a day with sun still up. Explain these errors to me.
List out these failed prophecies and battles and we can debate them individually. Don't use vague coffee shop/hippie talking points.

Also list the book it was referenced to and let's create a timeline.

Some things can't be explained. God is outside of time and limitless. We aren't capable of comprehending all that God is. If you chose to believe.

If you don't believe that's fine. A large portion of science is based in theory, which is essientially you having faith in a thesis. Not incredibly different than someone relying on faith in God.
You could be full of shit, but I'll take your word for it. But I'm in luck, because you don't have to be a Bible scholar to know something's up. Numerous failed prophecies, guaranteed by God, himself. Lack of geographical knowledge; battle lasted over a day with sun still up. Explain these errors to me.
How do you know they are errors? Simply because you can't fathom such things?
Okay...tell me one failed prophecy that was guaranteed by God. Lack of geographical knowledge?...enlighten me.
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And when will people realize, once Nafta is renegotiated, which it most definitely is going to be, if the 60 billion deficit with Mexico is cut to just 40, that's 20 billion that the United States gains from Mexico.

Mexico might not have handed that money over to directly pay for the wall, but it's still 20 billion dollars, from Mexico, that can be used to pay back the wall.

That's assuming Mexico does not adjust their amount of goods and services imported from the U.S. And that 20 billion is in goods and services. Tax dollars will pay for the wall not goods and services.

Here's a look at US trade with Mexico
Yep, all that liberal propaganda in Kentucky. So many liberals spreading the word! Man this state is lacking in good ol American conservatives. If only my parents were conservatives then I wou-- Wait...
I think his point is that anyone can say anything, but if you can't back up your accusations with proof, you have no credibility. All you have done is make statements about the Bible and you have not provided anything to back it up. When challenged you acted like you didn't have any proof and were just going off something you had been told. The bottom line is that you shouldn't be making critical statements about anything if you can't back up what you are saying. Therefore, no credibility.
And when will people realize, once Nafta is renegotiated, which it most definitely is going to be, if the 60 billion deficit with Mexico is cut to just 40, that's 20 billion that the United States gains from Mexico.

Mexico might not have handed that money over to directly pay for the wall, but it's still 20 billion dollars, from Mexico, that can be used to pay back the wall.
You idiot, that's the trade deficit, not money we owe them. And if tariffs are imposed on goods being imported the cost of those tariffs will be passed on to the consumers meaning the American people will pay.
And if tariffs are imposed on goods being imported the cost of those tariffs will be passed on to the consumers meaning the American people will pay.
And if this happens, I'll start buying a case of Corona, per night, as my contribution to the wall.