How will they rule ??!

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Absolutely not if they can't agree to some basic principals. The same goes with any refugee, regardless of religion.

Why would you want to bring people in this country permanently who disagree with the laws?

I don't want any Muslims at all in the west. I was stating that your stipulation would eliminate all of them because they're incapable of changing.
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The KKK was pretty bad, maybe that's just me. Several abortion clinics terrorized by Christian militias over the years. Several attacks on minority groups.

And just recently a Babtist, Dylan Roof murdered everyone in a black church. The fact that you actually thought Christians were terrorist-free says a lot about your lack of knowledge. Some of the worst things imaginable have been done in the name of God. Islam is not alone in that sense.

I may have missed it but Did Dylan roof say he murdered those people in the name of religion?

There is a difference between a murderer being a baptist and a murderer killing in the name of his religion, or because his religious book says to kill all infidels.
Instead of coddling him, they need to pull his head out of his ass and slap some sense into it.
You people seems so distraught that I'm on here arguing with you guys, but deep down this is what you live for. Jesus Christ, you patrol a Kentucky message board, hunting liberals.
I want to thank you for being so nakedly honest in that you value the lives of foreigners over your countrymen.

If cancer could talk, it would sound like you and your fellow travelers.
Honestly, I value the lives of foreigners as much as Americans. I don't think Americans are better than the rest of the world. Sorry if my view of human equality offends you.
I may have missed it but Did Dylan roof say he murdered those people in the name of religion?

There is a difference between a murderer being a baptist and a murderer killing in the name of his religion, or because his religious book says to kill all infidels.
Never said he did. I even put them in different parts of the paragraph. He was still a self-identified Babtist.
You people seems so distraught that I'm on here arguing with you guys, but deep down this is what you live for. Jesus Christ, you patrol a Kentucky message board, hunting liberals.
Cuz you are young there is hope for you. You have been indoctrinated but fear not grasshopper we will save you.
In a capitalist country, your always going to have rich and poor. Personally I like capitalism as long as there are some restrictions. But, if you want to help all the minorities, maybe you're not so conservative.
I want to help all Americans first. Most people on both sides do but, you help the ones who really need it and not the ones who scam the system. Also, when it comes to children, we need be sure that they get taken care of regardless. No one wants children to suffer but that does not make me not so conservative, that just makes me caring for the innocent.
Cuz you are young there is hope for you. You have been indoctrinated but fear not grasshopper we will save you.
I'm not some pot-smoking, beanie-wearing, rebellion-driven teen without a care in the world. I know that's the picture of every liberal, but it's just not true. I mean, just look at all them rich folks in Hollywood. Don't you wish you could be just like em?
Nah. He lives in his republican parents house. They are also footing the bill for him to attempt to be educated.

<----Lives this. Hour long discussion last night with my oldest daughter about current political affairs. A whole lot of, "yes but.." replies to expand on and correct some of the BS crap she's been fed by only reading headlines and mostly liberal leaning media.

I posted a link to a Rolling Stone article that is a perfect example of where and how a lot individuals get their opinions and mindset. I post a number of articles on here and have no idea if anyone reads them or not, but if you haven't already--I encourage you to read it. Very telling.
I don't know what the **** they're teaching kids these days, but I don't like it.
Well all students take Environmental Science junior year. Basically teaching global warming for a year. And communism isn't frowned upon anymore. It's just an alternative political party. Your worst nightmares have come true lol.
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Grew up in a family owned retail business, you learn to hate the general public very quickly.

They forced us to do service hours in school to gain perspective, which I always thought were bullshit. Oh, those people are grateful when you're handing them free stuff? No shit.

Spend a day dealing with them in a retail setting when they're picking up their merchandise paid for with government benefits or trying to steal from you. You get a bit of a different perspective on people when you aren't giving them shit for free.

I guess my point is I never grew up a naïve wide eyed liberal. I've always seen reality for what it is.
The KKK was pretty bad, maybe that's just me. Several abortion clinics terrorized by Christian militias over the years. Several attacks on minority groups.

And just recently a Babtist, Dylan Roof murdered everyone in a black church. The fact that you actually thought Christians were terrorist-free says a lot about your lack of knowledge. Some of the worst things imaginable have been done in the name of God. Islam is not alone in that sense.
Even by teenage standards, which are very low, you are exceptionally ignorant. Can't see myself wasting any more time on you, please go play in the street.
I'm not some pot-smoking, beanie-wearing, rebellion-driven teen without a care in the world. I know that's the picture of every liberal, but it's just not true. I mean, just look at all them rich folks in Hollywood. Don't you wish you could be just like em?

Sorry but liberalism is dead. Communism fueled by propaganda has taken it's place. Freedom of speech is sacred to liberalism. The left's attack on anybody that disagrees with their radical beliefs is clearly contrary to the very principles of liberalism.
<----Lives this. Hour long discussion last night with my oldest daughter about current political affairs. A whole lot of, "yes but.." replies to expand on and correct some of the BS crap she's been fed by only reading headlines and mostly liberal leaning media.

I posted a link to a Rolling Stone article that is a perfect example of where and how a lot individuals get their opinions and mindset. I post a number of articles on here and have no idea if anyone reads them or not, but if you haven't already--I encourage you to read it. Very telling.
I read every one of them because if you think it's good enough to post, then I know it's good enough to read. Glad you're not a liberal or I'd be reading some crazy shit.
Simple questions for Rick or anyone. Please give me a simple answer if you know:

1) Why do Muslim refugees(or any Muslim immigrants for that matter) not resettle in more prosperous and "stable" Islamic countries? Saudi Arabia, UAE, Dubai, Qatar, even Egypt come to mind. I'm sure there are others even not in the Middle East, like Indonesia?

Why do they wish to come to Western counties with which they have relatively little in common?

Is it because they believe life is better for them in Western countries?

Or is it because the other Islamic countries don't want them? If so, why not?

And, if that is the case, why aren't these other Islamic countries doing more to help? And why isn't the world press giving them hell over it?

I mean, if they go to Western countries and refuse to adopt even some of the values and customs of those countries, what really is the point? Wouldn't they be happier where their religion and values are dominant..and in fact in most of those countries even required?

What could be making them arrive at this seemingly odd and counterintuitive choice?

BB Rick, I would value your thoughts on these questions, if you care to tackle them.
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Honestly, I value the lives of foreigners as much as Americans. I don't think Americans are better than the rest of the world. Sorry if my view of human equality offends you.
This is where you are confused. This isn't a question of human equality or morality. This is a question about what is the appropriate action of an elected government. If you as an individual citizen want to take risks in order to help someone, that's your right and your responsibility. However, this government was elected by the people to protect them from threats and to act in their best interest, not the interest of foreign born people. It is illogical to expect a government to put the very people it was elected to protect at risk based on some idea of equality or morality. Those ideas are for individuals to decide for themselves, not for government to impose upon them.
You should really try to help out the less fortunate, less skilled students in class after your work is finished.

What you describe is the result OF his work. Last thing they need is some low-ambition school teacher negatively affecting them further, particularly one more skilled at / interested in creating attention for himself than his is at maintaining the attention of youth.
What you describe is the result OF his work. Last thing they need is some low-ambition school teacher negatively affecting them further, particularly one more skilled at / interested in creating attention for himself than his is at maintaining the attention of youth.
He is a supposed student - but my post was really an illustration of him wanting to help the world, when he wont even use his free time to help a neighbor.
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Never said he did. I even put them in different parts of the paragraph. He was still a self-identified Babtist.

So your comparing those who kill in the name their religion, who yell Allah Akbar as they are slaughtering innocent people to a murderer who happens to be a Baptist. That's moronic because there is no known connection between him being a self identified baptist & his killing.
Speaking of Islam, a German train station was attacked by an axe wielding man. And some people want us to be letting more in. Insane.
Still waiting for the first Trump supporter attack to be proven true. What is this now? 6 of 7 debunked, with the 7th being the Seattle arm-shot liar, which is still in limbo with no proof and odds against the story being true shrinking by the hour?
How absolutely sorry these people are as humans.

Stupid **** cut her own face. LMAO. And folks hitch their wagon to these misfits and have the audacity to defend them?

I give up. Losing battle. Can't help stupid if it wants to remain stupid.
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He is a supposed student - but my post was really an illustration of him wanting to help the world, when he wont even use his free time to help a neighbor.

using you as a prompt. You can get a lot back with a "you've got me all wrong" rant. good entertainment potential
No, I don't want HER. I want a thorough vetting process; then, thousands of refugee lives will be saved.

It's impossible to properly vet these people. Their countries don't have dependable governments. They have no papers, no fingerprints on file, no anything. Regardless of what you think, there's no way knowing who they really are. The more that get let in, the more this type of thing happens.

Iraqi insurgent fighter allegedly lied about identity, got through 'extreme' vetting

The ones who want to come here are trying to ESCAPE that shithole. Now, they may still be Muslim but most keep it to themselves

The one who are coming here make up 30% of all US terrorism investigations. The FBI is investigating 1,000 people for terrorism right now, 300 of them are refugees.

300 refugees subjects of FBI terror investigations, U.S. officials say
I'd without a doubt hire a violent convicted felon before I'd consider hiring someone who got arrested at a political protest.

Yup but..... I would hire anyone who decides to give Antifas an Atomic Wedgie at a Trump Rally!

This is where you are confused. This isn't a question of human equality or morality. This is a question about what is the appropriate action of an elected government. If you as an individual citizen want to take risks in order to help someone, that's your right and your responsibility. However, this government was elected by the people to protect them from threats and to act in their best interest, not the interest of foreign born people. It is illogical to expect a government to put the very people it was elected to protect at risk based on some idea of equality or morality. Those ideas are for individuals to decide for themselves, not for government to impose upon them.
I can understand that completely. But, when it comes to social issues, you never support government decisions that oppose your views. LGBT rights, abortion, religious freedom. Conservatives and liberals are both guilty.