How will they rule ??!

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how is trump responsible for that? That's the problem of fundamental Islam. They all kill each other. My goodness. I know I know wasting my time.
He proposed a new executive order that's only slightly better than his previous one. It's trapping everyone in those countries, left for dead. If you get all your morals from the Bible, you would be acceptant to other religions and value all lives, not just Americans.
You wanna talk about who's killing more people right now? You know damn well that trapping the peaceful Muslims over in Middle East is the same as killing them. When a huge lot come over, maybe one American will be shot, on average. I've heard countless conservatives say they'd rather a thousand Muslims die than one American. I'm guessing your one.

America's founding documents:

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America and The Constitution of the United States.

Young man, I have underlined a couple of things above that should give you a subtle hint as to where priories of the United States should be focused.

I am not saying we as Americans should not help others out, but to suggest what you did above - IMNSHO you need help.

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Trump chose to allow them to die over there. That's effectively killing them

Man. That's rich. Yep trump is the leader of ISIS. unfortunately you're a waste of time Hopefully every HVAC company sees your posts before deciding to hire you. I'm afraid you're in the wrong line of WORK. need a cushy job at an organic market or something.
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He proposed a new executive order that's only slightly better than his previous one. It's trapping everyone in those countries, left for dead. If you get all your morals from the Bible, you would be acceptant to other religions and value all lives, not just Americans.

You realize it effects like 1% of muslims? Man you really need to get out some.
He proposed a new executive order that's only slightly better than his previous one. It's trapping everyone in those countries, left for dead. If you get all your morals from the Bible, you would be acceptant to other religions and value all lives, not just Americans.
I :pray: for you , kiddo.
He proposed a new executive order that's only slightly better than his previous one. It's trapping everyone in those countries, left for dead. If you get all your morals from the Bible, you would be acceptant to other religions and value all lives, not just Americans.

Most people with daddy issues lash out by drinking or acting a fool.
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Trump chose to allow them to die over there. That's effectively killing them

Any concern about Hillary's approach to Libya that has completely torn apart their country, displaced millions and killed thousands? Or Obama's approach to Syria which helped create the quagmire that is now Syria?

Trump is trying to create save havens within their country for these people to escape to. Much like the Northern Iraq no fly zone, or Turkish refugee camps in the late 80's and early 90's. And as someone said before, why aren't all other Muslim countries taking in refugees? Would seem like a much better alternative than sending them to a completely different culture and World. (There are some Muslim countries that have taken in refugees so it's not an all or nothing thing.)

Either you are incredibly naive, intentionally trolling or unwilling to learn more about what's really happening. Or maybe, all of the above.....
Libs are like an idiotic kid who decides to bring home thousands of venomous snakes into his parents home. "Oh, hey mom.these are peaceful snakes. I had to save them. It's totally safe. Don't be bigots."

It's funny that you nuts hate the west so much and don't believe in American exceptionalism and you think whites are the devil. Meanwhile you're incapable of being critical of other cultures, Muslims and non-white people. You hate this place so much yet you won't leave, you don't live in these people's neighborhoods and when you threaten to leave the county, it's never to go to Muslim countries or African countries or Mexico.
I like the airplane reference better. Nobody brings venomous snakes home. But I do worry about some clown opening that damn door at 35,000 feet
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He proposed a new executive order that's only slightly better than his previous one. It's trapping everyone in those countries, left for dead. If you get all your morals from the Bible, you would be acceptant to other religions and value all lives, not just Americans.

I am sure you can sponsor some needy people to live with you. You could start w/a homeless American and if that goes well maybe you could go international.
The ones who want to come here are trying to ESCAPE that shithole. Now, they may still be Muslim but most keep it to themselves. You have it in your mind that Islam is a terrorist religion and

Why tag me and blast me with racist arguments? I may be in the minority in a god damn KENTUCKY community, but the rest of the country is acceptant to Islam. Remember, the majority voted democrat..
You are really naïve. Do some real research on what happens when the numbers get to the point where they start pushing their agenda's.
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Libs are like an idiotic kid who decides to bring home thousands of venomous snakes into his parents home. "Oh, hey mom.these are peaceful snakes. I had to save them. It's totally safe. Don't be bigots."

It's funny that you nuts hate the west so much and don't believe in American exceptionalism and you think whites are the devil. Meanwhile you're incapable of being critical of other cultures, Muslims and non-white people. You hate this place so much yet you won't leave, you don't live in these people's neighborhoods and when you threaten to leave the county, it's never to go to Muslim countries or African countries or Mexico.
I don't hate this country. I think it's the best place to live on Earth. But, some of the people are so terrified by Progressive America, and they reject any belief other than there own.

I respect your alls opinion, because I know you feel the same passion about your political beliefs as I do with mine. That also applies to religious beliefs. I associate with people just like you every day, I know you're good people.
Rick, skip college for now and earn some money for college in the Army and then go. By then maybe, you will have enough life experience to stave off the ignorance you are learning from liberal teachers. Grow up to be a man not a wuss.
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Rick, skip college for now and earn some money for college in the Army and then go. By then maybe, you will have enough life experience to stave off the ignorance you are learning from liberal teachers. Grow up to be a man not a wuss.
I would be happy to visit the Navy recruiter with him here in NKY if he is interested. I am not being a smart ass here, I would be glad to help any young person weed through the BS as best I can and should be able to help when it comes to selecting a good Rate and Schools.
I don't hate this country. I think it's the best place to live on Earth. But, some of the people are so terrified by Progressive America, and they reject any belief other than there own.

I respect your alls opinion, because I know you feel the same passion about your political beliefs as I do with mine. That also applies to religious beliefs. I associate with people just like you every day, I know you're good people.
And some people are so progressive that they are blind to the fact that if we continue on our present course, there we be a no point of return. Nothing is free, someone pays for it. We have millions in our country we are not taking care of. Take care of them first. Learn about other cultures enough to know what you are getting into before you let the masses in unfiltered.
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He proposed a new executive order that's only slightly better than his previous one. It's trapping everyone in those countries, left for dead. If you get all your morals from the Bible, you would be acceptant to other religions and value all lives, not just Americans.

Hey genius, why do you think those countries suck? Why do some countries and cultures suck and why are others better with better results?

Do you understand that open borders and importing these savages and uneducated third world rats is like a dog welcoming fleas?

Do you fail to see that if you import more and more people from shit cultures, that will ruin the good places?

Perfect analogy

What do you think would happen to a nice neighborhood if lots of poor third world people and criminals started moving in? Probably wouldn't be a nice place much longer, would it?
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You wanna talk about who's killing more people right now? You know damn well that trapping the peaceful Muslims over in Middle East is the same as killing them. When a huge lot come over, maybe one American will be shot, on average. I've heard countless conservatives say they'd rather a thousand Muslims die than one American. I'm guessing your one.
The "peaceful Muslims" need to assert themselves and not let the extremists take over and run them out. Take care of their own selves, their own country, their own future, and not be dependent on the generosity of other countries to take them in.
Trump chose to allow them to die over there. That's effectively killing them

You've seriously lost your mind. There are 150 other countries in the world, many predominantly Muslim that can step up. The US isn't responsible for every tragedy in the world and they certainly aren't responsible to take care of everyone that suffers hardship.
You must be trolling
You've seriously lost your mind. There are 150 other countries in the world, many predominantly Muslim that can step up. The US isn't responsible for every tragedy in the world and they certainly aren't responsible to take care of everyone that suffers hardship.
You must be trolling
He's a teenager. And teenagers know everything.
And some people are so progressive that they are blind to the fact that if we continue on our present course, there we be no point of return. Nothing is free, someone pays for it. We have millions in our country we are not taking care of. Take care of them first. Learn about other cultures enough to know what you are getting into before you let the masses in unfiltered.
In a capitalist country, your always going to have rich and poor. Personally I like capitalism as long as there are some restrictions. But, if you want to help all the minorities, maybe you're not so conservative.
Lots of difference between Islam and Christianity. One of the more telling ones is the difference between what happens to an apostate Christian vs what happens to an apostate Muslim. Especially among their families.
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About the trove of CIA information being released by Wikileaks: This is a subject on which I am a bit of a radical. We claim the US of A is this beacon of light to all the world, yet we are exploiting software, bugging, hacking, spying, infiltrating, sabotaging, being dirty and underhanded as hell to gather intelligence. The CIA always trots out the equivalent of Jack Nicholson's "you need me on that wall" speech from A Few Good Men, saying "we are doing this to protect you from terrorism/other malevolent countries, we're doing it to them before they do it to us." Well, I for one do not believe that the end justifies the means, and I am glad that the CIA is being exposed in all its ugliness.

Also (think GEICO commercial), if you are the CIA, you keep secrets; it's what you do. This breach is a colossal, COLOSSAL failure on the part of the CIA. Don't blame Wikileaks, blame yourselves.

What really concerns me is that other countries will catch up to us in technology, and it will be us in a few years that are getting our utilities sabotaged, our leaders bugged, etc., and we will have absolutely no moral high ground to complain because we did it in the first place. Hell, we pioneered it, made it our modus operandi, made it acceptable and expected.
You wanna talk about who's killing more people right now? You know damn well that trapping the peaceful Muslims over in Middle East is the same as killing them. When a huge lot come over, maybe one American will be shot, on average. I've heard countless conservatives say they'd rather a thousand Muslims die than one American. I'm guessing your one.
Who does the government of the United States have the responsibility to protect? This government should never make a decision based on the criteria you laid out. Our government has no responsibility to protect any foreign persons, but has all the responsibility to protect citizens of this country. If it was your son or daughter who was killed, would you be willing to make that trade? Our government needs to act in the best interest of our citizens, period. Any help we provide to others should come at no risk to our own.
Simple questions for Rick or anyone. Please give me a simple answer if you know:

1) Why do Muslim refugees(or any Muslim immigrants for that matter) not resettle in more prosperous and "stable" Islamic countries? Saudi Arabia, UAE, Dubai, Qatar, even Egypt come to mind. I'm sure there are others even not in the Middle East, like Indonesia?

Why do they wish to come to Western counties with which they have relatively little in common?

Is it because they believe life is better for them in Western countries?

Or is it because the other Islamic countries don't want them? If so, why not?

And, if that is the case, why aren't these other Islamic countries doing more to help? And why isn't the world press giving them hell over it?

I mean, if they go to Western countries and refuse to adopt even some of the values and customs of those countries, what really is the point? Wouldn't they be happier where their religion and values are dominant..and in fact in most of those countries even required?

What could be making them arrive at this seemingly odd and counterintuitive choice?
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