How will they rule ??!

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Build the Wall - complete joke. Watered down. Mexicans never going to pay for it. Mitch admitted it. Strike one on phony big campaign promises that are watered down to nothing. Just market the shit out of it like you were actually doing something.

Rounding up all the illegals and deporting them - complete joke. Watered down. Strike two on phony big campaign promises that are watered down to what was already being done. Just market the shit out of it like you were actually doing something.

Moslim Ban - B*^* slapped by the courts. Complete joke. Watered down. Strike three on phony big campaign promises that are watered down. Just market the shit out of it like you were actually doing something.

Repeal Obamacare - complete joke. Watered down. Strike four on phony big campaign promises that are watered down to just another giveaway to the rich. Just market the shit out of it like you were actually doing something. Only this one is going to be devastating to the very middle class that he conned into thinking he would champion.

Trillion Dollar Infrastructure program - complete joke. Senate already promised it was DOA. Strike five on phony big campaign promises that are watered down to what was already being done. Just market the shit out of it like you were actually doing something.

Folks, not a single teeny tiny bit of legislation has been passed by the Big Orange Golfer in Chief? All this WORK he keeps bragging about is what, signing pointless hollow unenforceable EO's and having a parade of business people come in so you can take credit for every job they advertise in what was already a strong recovery?

This.... THIS... is what you elected your phony reality TV star to do? Put on a shit-show that does nothing except humiliate the United States on a daily basis with a parade of lies and press conferences that are so outrageous SNL can't skewer them roundly enough?

This is all a sham. A con. Spitball politics. Dumbed down to reality TV star level. Bowling night is every night in this White House.

There is much to be said for absolutely no shame. When you can descend to the level whereby basic decency is abandoned and the law of the Jerry Springer show and how much spittle-flecked insult you can hurl are your low water marks for success.

We're not even a proper "Idiocracy" we're more pathetic than that. We have been given what we deserve. A shit President for a shit dying culture of stupid babbling rubes that laughably thought a used car salesman was going to save them. And you even paid extra for the undercoating.
Build the Wall - complete joke. Watered down. Mexicans never going to pay for it. Mitch admitted it. Strike one on phony big campaign promises that are watered down to nothing. Just market the shit out of it like you were actually doing something.

Rounding up all the illegals and deporting them - complete joke. Watered down. Strike two on phony big campaign promises that are watered down to what was already being done. Just market the shit out of it like you were actually doing something.

Moslim Ban - B*^* slapped by the courts. Complete joke. Watered down. Strike three on phony big campaign promises that are watered down. Just market the shit out of it like you were actually doing something.

Repeal Obamacare - complete joke. Watered down. Strike four on phony big campaign promises that are watered down to just another giveaway to the rich. Just market the shit out of it like you were actually doing something. Only this one is going to be devastating to the very middle class that he conned into thinking he would champion.

Trillion Dollar Infrastructure program - complete joke. Senate already promised it was DOA. Strike five on phony big campaign promises that are watered down to what was already being done. Just market the shit out of it like you were actually doing something.

Folks, not a single teeny tiny bit of legislation has been passed by the Big Orange Golfer in Chief? All this WORK he keeps bragging about is what, signing pointless hollow unenforceable EO's and having a parade of business people come in so you can take credit for every job they advertise in what was already a strong recovery?

This.... THIS... is what you elected your phony reality TV star to do? Put on a shit-show that does nothing except humiliate the United States on a daily basis with a parade of lies and press conferences that are so outrageous SNL can't skewer them roundly enough?

This is all a sham. A con. Spitball politics. Dumbed down to reality TV star level. Bowling night is every night in this White House.

There is much to be said for absolutely no shame. When you can descend to the level whereby basic decency is abandoned and the law of the Jerry Springer show and how much spittle-flecked insult you can hurl are your low water marks for success.

We're not even a proper "Idiocracy" we're more pathetic than that. We have been given what we deserve. A shit President for a shit dying culture of stupid babbling rubes that laughably thought a used car salesman was going to save them. And you even paid extra for the undercoating.
So angry! Just calm down a little bit. I know Trump makes you so mad but i don't want you stroking out with anger the next 16 years...
Gandhi, if you mean, "they can't walk on water", you are correct. Otherwise, you are judging an entire group with this self righteous taunt. Jesus might recommend that you do some self reflection before you cast stones at others. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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You wanna talk about who's killing more people right now? You know damn well that trapping the peaceful Muslims over in Middle East is the same as killing them. When a huge lot come over, maybe one American will be shot, on average. I've heard countless conservatives say they'd rather a thousand Muslims die than one American. I'm guessing your one.

From this Christian's perspective: We should be concerned about the struggles of those people, but bringing them into this country is not the only answer. If fact, I'd guess those people would rather be in their own homelands but without the violence and persecution.
IMO, that's where we come in. I believe we, the USA, are the only political hope oppressed people have. I believe it's our God given responsibility to act when we see people being mistreated. In the case of Syria, again in my opinion, I believe we should be involved at a sufficient level to eliminate the powers that cause people to seek refuge in other nations.
In a nutshell, IMO, our responsibility is not to take them in (that's not what they really want). It's our responsibility to eliminate the powers of evil that oppress them.
Build the Wall - complete joke. Watered down. Mexicans never going to pay for it. Mitch admitted it. Strike one on phony big campaign promises that are watered down to nothing. Just market the shit out of it like you were actually doing something.

Rounding up all the illegals and deporting them - complete joke. Watered down. Strike two on phony big campaign promises that are watered down to what was already being done. Just market the shit out of it like you were actually doing something.

Moslim Ban - B*^* slapped by the courts. Complete joke. Watered down. Strike three on phony big campaign promises that are watered down. Just market the shit out of it like you were actually doing something.

Repeal Obamacare - complete joke. Watered down. Strike four on phony big campaign promises that are watered down to just another giveaway to the rich. Just market the shit out of it like you were actually doing something. Only this one is going to be devastating to the very middle class that he conned into thinking he would champion.

Trillion Dollar Infrastructure program - complete joke. Senate already promised it was DOA. Strike five on phony big campaign promises that are watered down to what was already being done. Just market the shit out of it like you were actually doing something.

Folks, not a single teeny tiny bit of legislation has been passed by the Big Orange Golfer in Chief? All this WORK he keeps bragging about is what, signing pointless hollow unenforceable EO's and having a parade of business people come in so you can take credit for every job they advertise in what was already a strong recovery?

This.... THIS... is what you elected your phony reality TV star to do? Put on a shit-show that does nothing except humiliate the United States on a daily basis with a parade of lies and press conferences that are so outrageous SNL can't skewer them roundly enough?

This is all a sham. A con. Spitball politics. Dumbed down to reality TV star level. Bowling night is every night in this White House.

There is much to be said for absolutely no shame. When you can descend to the level whereby basic decency is abandoned and the law of the Jerry Springer show and how much spittle-flecked insult you can hurl are your low water marks for success.

We're not even a proper "Idiocracy" we're more pathetic than that. We have been given what we deserve. A shit President for a shit dying culture of stupid babbling rubes that laughably thought a used car salesman was going to save them. And you even paid extra for the undercoating.
Z, this post is a complete joke. To be honest, it seems a little watered down.
Trump should have let Obamacare fail so the left couldn't claim it was "awesome."

"HeWillNotDivideUs" as we assault you and call you a Nazi. "

The left never fails to show their insanity.
The reality is this, more people will be without affordable health care. If you have no sympathy for lower-class, this is the plan for you.
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Z, this post is a complete joke. To be honest, it seems a little watered down.
I didn't read Zidiot's post because I didn't need to. I know exactly what it says even though he does not. It says "look at me, I'm pissed off because I've been proven wrong yet again".

Today is the 49th day in the process of making America great again. 49 DAYS. Z continues to prove his hatred of America. Some of you may not know this, but Z doesn't even live in America. He lives in Mexico. Must have been the water that addled his brain.
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The reality is this, more people will be without affordable health care. If you have no sympathy for lower-class, this is the plan for you.

Most people I speak with have no ill-will for poor people. The problem is how to pay for something we can't afford. Taxation is not the answer, for we are already over-taxed. Besides, that's only robbing from one group of people and giving to another.
Before the unaffordable healthcare act, my wife had insurance that cost around $75 per month. It met her needs; it was what WE wanted. Ofcourse, obammer told us we could keep it. Guess what happened...the company had to drop that plan...but offered her another plan that cost significantly more. We now pay $450 per month to cover her....and compared to what some pay, that's a good deal.
Why should my wife have to pay 6 times more just so others can have insurance????????????????????????????????????????????????????

It's not the government's job to provide for the health, nutrition, housing, etc...needs of citizens.
The reality is this, more people will be without affordable health care. If you have no sympathy for lower-class, this is the plan for you.
The reality is, neither of us knows what the new plan will be at this time. I seriously doubt that "more" people will be without affordable health care. Remember, it was Obama who said that we should "budget better" if we think it's not affordable. I didn't like it when he said it and I won't appreciate any republican who says something like this.
The reality is this, more people will be without affordable health care. If you have no sympathy for lower-class, this is the plan for you.

Haha. Aw yes, virtue signaling from millennials who still have parents footing the bill for them and have no sense of economics nor real experience in the world.

By "lower class" you mean "The group who gets to benefit while the middle class works their asses off to pay for it?"

You are a great example of a brainwashed kid with a savior complex. The irony is, is that you're talking about having sympathy while you belong to a party who supports and promotes abortion.

The truth is, people like you see big government as awesome and the answer for everything. You love concepts of socialism and anything that steals from those who produces and gives to those who just consume. You want your virtue signaling to be government mandated because like most clueless kids, you have no real concept of working for something and simply think you're owed everything.

By all means, go out and sponsor some Syrian Muslims to come live with you and give all of your money to the lazy who makes horrendous choices. Make sure to personally fund all of their healthcare, education, shelter, food and their offspring instead of demanding everyone else do it simply because you think it's virtuous.
I didn't read Zidiot's post because I didn't need to. I know exactly what it says even though he does not. It says "look at me, I'm pissed off because I've been proven wrong yet again".

Today is the 49th day in the process of making America great again. 49 DAYS. Z continues to prove his hatred of America. Some of you may not know this, but Z doesn't even live in America. He lives in Mexico. Must have been the water that addled his brain.
I was a stab at him because he used "complete joke, watered down" in nearly each of his points.
The reality is this, more people will be without affordable health care. If you have no sympathy for lower-class, this is the plan for you.
The reality is, Obamacare was failing to provide people with affordable health care. If you have no sympathy for the lower-class, that was the plan for you.
Most people I speak with have no ill-will for poor people. The problem is how to pay for something we can't afford. Taxation is not the answer, for we are already over-taxed. Besides, that's only robbing from one group of people and giving to another.
Before the unaffordable healthcare act, my wife had insurance that cost around $75 per month. It met her needs; it was what WE wanted. Ofcourse, obammer told us we could keep it. Guess what happened...the company had to drop that plan...but offered her another plan that cost significantly more. We now pay $450 per month to cover her....and compared to what some pay, that's a good deal.
Why should my wife have to pay 6 times more just so others can have insurance????????????????????????????????????????????????????

It's not the government's job to provide for the health, nutrition, housing, etc...needs of citizens.
So true!
Because of Obamacare, my family's plan will no longer be offered as of 12/31/17.
Why couldn't we have a coop system for regular health care. You pay a monthly subscription. See the doctor as you see fit. Doctors could have say 750 patients paying 75 per month plus costs of drugs. Drugs would be negotiated by the coop at much cheaper rates. Doctors would be taking in roughly 55k per month. Have 4 or so doctors at each practice. Seems like a badass solution to me.

Get a catastrophic insurance policy to go along with it if you want.
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Haha. Aw yes, virtue signaling from millennials who still have parents footing the bill for them and have no sense of economics nor real experience in the world.

By "lower class" you mean "The group who gets to benefit while the middle class works their asses off to pay for it?"

You are a great example of a brainwashed kid with a savior complex. The irony is, is that you're talking about having sympathy while you belong to a party who supports and promotes abortion.

The truth is, people like you see big government as awesome and the answer for everything. You love concepts of socialism and anything that steals from those who produces and gives to those who just consume. You want your virtue signaling to be government mandated because like most clueless kids, you have no real concept of working for something and simply think you're owed everything.

By all means, go out and sponsor some Syrian Muslims to come live with you and give all of your money to the lazy who makes horrendous choices. Make sure to personally fund all of their healthcare, education, shelter, food and their offspring instead of demanding everyone else do it simply because you think it's virtuous.
I know everything there is to know about Health Care.
I suggest anyone thinking we should all pay more for healthcare to take care of the "less fortunate" just go to a hospital sometime and mirror a nurse who has to put up with these entitled pricks who think we owe them everything because they are poor. Yes, there are those who have bad luck, are grateful for the help, etc. but there are a ton who mooch off the system and think healthcare professionals should treat them like VIP's at their beckon call.
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Well hold on to your boots because the republicans are dead set to match awfulness.
The final bill will be improved. The negotiations are already happening over it and Trump will get most of what he wants. Which is what happens almost every time Trump negotiates anything.
BigBlueRick will not with any semblance of intellectual honesty be able to identify some magical mystical fountain of "authority" that gives ME the right to do something to YOU that you do not have the right to do to ME. You have the right to defend yourself against me because I do not have a right to assault you! We are equal! I have no right to take your sandwich, and you have no right to take mine: we are equal! I.e.,If Ed assaults Shiela, I can pound Ed in her defense because Ed overstepped his 'political' authority. So, here it is…The government does not have any legitimate source of authority to "make you" or "prohibit you" or "tax you" or "regulate you" that you do not possess with respect to your neighbor and vice versa. This is the acid test: if you would feel good about forcing "it" on your neighbor, then you should have no problem with the government forcing "it" on you. Concretely: if you would have no problem with someone taking $100 out of your wallet every month to give to their sick grandmother, then you could support "welfare". On the other hand, if you scream and call security, but supports welfare, you're a hypocrite. The military is a different case (for reasons I can explain easily if you like). At this point libs will scream and caterwaul about all kinds of ridiculous cases (storing open nuclear waste next door to a nursery, blah blah). All this is easily swept away….

This is the foundational idea that the writers of the constitution spoke of when they said "all men are created equal", and it is the foundational idea upon which all our true liberties are based. In reality, there is only one right: the right to be left alone. And there is only one obligation: the one you freely take on. Unless you are religious, in which case you will argue in favor of the idea that you're obligated to fulfill the will of your god(s).

Lastly. More foundationally, this idea that all men are equal is based on the idea that YOU own YOU. YOU own your body, your mind, your TIME, your life, AND…all the results (good and bad) that you achieve through the use of your mind, body, and time. The foundational argument of all modern liberals is that we are all slaves to each other. If there are 8 billion people on the planet, then everyone on the planet owns 1 8billionith of each of everyone else. It is from this foundation that liberals derive the ability to tell you what to do and take your stuff. They OWN you! The fruits of your labor don't belong to you because YOU don't belong to you! YOU belong to everyone else, and everyone else belongs to you. Kumbyah… Unfortunately, most liberals are hypocrites and so this won't help you in your dating life. Actually, this would be a livable view if reality didn't set in. The reality is, while liberals may screech that you belong to them, they also implicitly understand the truth that they belong to themselves. When YOU recognize that you belong to YOURSELF, you are a selfish greedy bastard. Therefore, you must be forced to give to the liberal what belongs to him (ie. You and your stuff). Because he can't force you himself, he is in his 'rights' to hire the government to do it for him. From this, all oppression flows. You will note that with regard to taxation, for example, Democrats ALWAYS approach the problem with the base attitude that ALL of your money belongs to them and the argument is how much they let you keep—and the keeping it they will call "expenditure" or "spending on tax breaks". You will also note that Republicans approach the problem with the assumption that it all belongs to you, and they have to convince you to not get upset when they take more of your stuff.