How will they rule ??!

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No shit, idiot. Who said it was a deficit?
The money that goes between Mexico and US goes between consumers, not the government. It's the government that will have to pay for the stupid wall. Cutting the trade deficit does nothing to put more money in the government's hands.
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First, the majority did not vote Democrat. Clinton did not win a majority of the popular vote; no candidate did. Moreover, there are more elections than the Presidential election. The GOP dominates the House; has a slight edge in the Senate; has an overwhelming edge among state houses and Senates; and has almost two gubernatorial seats to the Democrats one.

Second, regardless of what political party is or is not more popular with the majority, I have no idea to what extent the rest of the country is "acceptant to Islam", nor do I even understand what that means. It makes no sense on its face. That aside, the issue of whether one is "acceptant to Islam" is not the same issue as the specific issue regarding refugees.
Going back to the assertion that the majority voted Democrat- aside from the fact that there was no majority vote going to any one party, the majority of the popular vote in the nation did, in fact, go to right leaning parties (GOP, Constitution, Libertarian) and candidates (McMullin) than to left leaning parties (Dem and Green and whatever other assorted moonbat parties that were too insignificant to be listed on the final tallies).

So, Rick, there are still more of us than there are of you.
How do you know they are errors? Simply because you can't fathom such things?
Okay...tell me one failed prophecy that was guaranteed by God. Lack of geographical knowledge?...enlighten me.
Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. --- Damascus isnt a ruinous heap, it's population is over 1 million.
Isaiah 19:18 In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one shall be called, The city of destruction. --- Canaan has never been spoken in Egypt.
Jonah 3:4 And Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown. --- Nineveh was never overthrown because God changed his mind, despite the Bible saying he never changes his mind.
And if tariffs are imposed on goods being imported the cost of those tariffs will be passed on to the consumers meaning the American people will pay.

And if this happens, I'll start buying a case of Corona, per night, as my contribution to the wall.

Won't be necessary.


Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto told an assembly of top diplomats last week that “Mexico of course will not pay” for Donald Trump’s wall. His predecessor, former president Vicente Fox, put it more bluntly in a tweet storm last week, declaring: “TRUMP, when will you understand that I am not paying for that [f----n] wall.”

They are both wrong. Trump absolutely can make Mexico pay. And the answer lies in a provision of the corporate tax-reform plan House Republicans are planning to take up after Trump’s inauguration — the so-called “border adjustment.” It would force Mexico to give us every penny we need to pay for the wall, and then some.

The House Republicans’ plan would lower the corporate tax from 35 percent to 20 percent and apply the tax based on the location of consumption rather than the location of production. It would do this through a “border adjustment” that exempts exports while taxing imports. Under the plan, all imports coming into the United States would be subject to the 20 percent tax, but exports would have the tax refunded — making them tax-free.

Supporters see it as a way for Trump to follow through on his campaign pledge to tax imports and support exports without resorting to tariffs that would provoke a massive global trade fight. Right now, more than 160 countriesaround the world have a “border adjusted” value-added tax (VAT). So unlike tariffs, a border adjustment should be able to pass muster with the World Trade Organization.

Here is where the wall comes in: As economist Martin Feldstein explains, the border adjustment would raise hundreds of billions in tax revenue — not from U.S. consumers or corporations, but from our foreign trading partners. Under the border adjustment, the United States would refund the tax on exports and charge it on imports — so the net revenue would be negative if we had a trade surplus, and positive if we had a trade deficit. Because the United States has a trade deficit, Feldstein calculates the border adjustment would bring in about $120 billion a year, or $1 trillion over a decade.

One of the countries with whom we have a large trade deficit is . . . Mexico. The U.S. trade deficit in goods with Mexico was $60.7 billionin 2015 and is expected to be around $65 billion in 2016. So if Mexican imports are taxed at a rate of 20 percent, the United States would raise about $13 billion a year in revenue from Mexico via the border adjustment.
here's a question with a very narrow scope - first a statement

I believe that Trump (at least with the data available as of today - could change tomorrow for all I know) has a genuine "anti New World Order" agenda ---- he's clearly focusing on the borders, economy and sovereignty of the USA.......he's already killed TPP and has plans to renegotiate NAFTA .... NATO is going to have to be more self supporting as well

Given the fact that an uber-wealthy / behind the political scenes guy like George Soros is pushing for a more borderless type of world -- (keeping it simple) and given the fact that Soros has lost control and capital in Russia because of Putin's decisions to limit the activities for foreign NGO's

isn't it sensible to conclude that:

1) Trump is going to catch a lot of flak in any media outlet that's influenced by Soros - or others like him - that are focused on their "NWO" ..., and that negative media emphasis is, in fact, an unfair bias -- because of differing views of how the world should "evolve"?

------ I know I only said one question --- stop picking at me, you mean-butt-bullies -------

1B) Can't the same be said for the negative coverage of Russia?
Isn't it clear that they were being turned into a manufactured enemy well before Trump came along?

I'm not saying that the Trump admin won't go off the rails -- I'm not saying all their ideas are right.....

....but can't everyone else see the very VERY artificial effort to smear both Putin and Trump ?

Am I the only one that sees it as painfully obvious?

I think anyone with average intelligence that invests some time to look at a bit of the facts --- has to conclude that there are moneyed interests at war here and we're getting precious little more than Propaganda (and it's not even particularly GOOD) when it comes to these two topics......
Won't be necessary.


Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto told an assembly of top diplomats last week that “Mexico of course will not pay” for Donald Trump’s wall. His predecessor, former president Vicente Fox, put it more bluntly in a tweet storm last week, declaring: “TRUMP, when will you understand that I am not paying for that [f----n] wall.”

They are both wrong. Trump absolutely can make Mexico pay. And the answer lies in a provision of the corporate tax-reform plan House Republicans are planning to take up after Trump’s inauguration — the so-called “border adjustment.” It would force Mexico to give us every penny we need to pay for the wall, and then some.

The House Republicans’ plan would lower the corporate tax from 35 percent to 20 percent and apply the tax based on the location of consumption rather than the location of production. It would do this through a “border adjustment” that exempts exports while taxing imports. Under the plan, all imports coming into the United States would be subject to the 20 percent tax, but exports would have the tax refunded — making them tax-free.

Supporters see it as a way for Trump to follow through on his campaign pledge to tax imports and support exports without resorting to tariffs that would provoke a massive global trade fight. Right now, more than 160 countriesaround the world have a “border adjusted” value-added tax (VAT). So unlike tariffs, a border adjustment should be able to pass muster with the World Trade Organization.

Here is where the wall comes in: As economist Martin Feldstein explains, the border adjustment would raise hundreds of billions in tax revenue — not from U.S. consumers or corporations, but from our foreign trading partners. Under the border adjustment, the United States would refund the tax on exports and charge it on imports — so the net revenue would be negative if we had a trade surplus, and positive if we had a trade deficit. Because the United States has a trade deficit, Feldstein calculates the border adjustment would bring in about $120 billion a year, or $1 trillion over a decade.

One of the countries with whom we have a large trade deficit is . . . Mexico. The U.S. trade deficit in goods with Mexico was $60.7 billionin 2015 and is expected to be around $65 billion in 2016. So if Mexican imports are taxed at a rate of 20 percent, the United States would raise about $13 billion a year in revenue from Mexico via the border adjustment.

I've gotta say, if that's what they have in mind it's pretty genius.
Without Evidence, Maxine Waters Says Salacious Allegations About Trump In Russian Dossier Are True

Then we should apply the same to former AG's gun running into Mexico....which he was held in contempt w/Congress for refusing to share the SAME standard.....

Any fair minded person who wants to have intelligent political discourse KNOWS that shit like this from Maxine Waters (or John McCain for that matter) is:

a) low brow / low rent excuse for political dialogue
b) hypocritical to the point of ALMOST making me feel embarrassed FOR her
c) her role.....she's playing her role in a system that's rotten to - the DAMN CORE

THIS is why you're seeing people across the globe rise up and push back on their goat's

At this point - I still believe the "Trump phenomena" is a real response to the growing # of highly concerned Americans (all races, across a wide political spectrum) -- that see that we either SEIZE THE WHEEL.....or we let the fake / kabuki theater political system walk us into a disastrous COLLAPSE of the economy and a highly probable 3rd World War shortly after that......

all with the intent of creating their ultimate idol -- the New World Order
(Bush Sr just got so happy he fondled another tot)

after all these years.....let ME be your collective political may have to snap me back on track here or there....but I hope you listen tonight as I plan to be awake ......pretty much all night

tomorrow,, I drive to Rocky Top to serve in MY role as a hostile 'sleeper cell' in a room of non-UK fans.......
So maybe I'm just a straight up kind of guy, but what's wrong with saying "Healthcare on this scale is deep, and instead of rushing something through we will take a little longer than expected and work out details, sorry"

And go home in April with a message that they would prefer to get the right thing done even if it takes a little longer and some negotiations. Instead of cramming something through just to say we did it!!
Not sure what to make of the "sending B52's" (and at least one B1?) to South Korea....

I GET the idea of sending a msg -- but.....granted I've not read anything past the headlines yet so I should do my homework (and will) -- but here are some quick thoughts:

1) you don't NEED to place strategic bombers on the peninsula to be within range off NK.....unless you ALSO wanted to send a msg to China --- but, again, you can do BOTH by sending the bombers to Japan or Diego Garcia and they wouldn't be within range of NK forces

2) I managed a defense contract that 'upgraded' the B52's via a well known "prime" defense contractor......the result was enhanced reach for the aging bomber .... it's a cheaper way of modernizing an old war horse that can still provide I KNOW that plane doesn't need to be in SK to do its job (plus my USAF time - even as a non pilot - you learn things from others)

3) the nuclear capability of the B52's is such that MANY of the old-school ALCM's could be released well outside of NK airspace and the tactical nukes would be on their way......if we're going to seriously talk about a second Korean war --- then you'd better get used to the idea that ---- IF YOU WANT TO WIN --- you're going to see us use Nukes in a limited role

4) Are they bait? Surely NOT......I mean .... that's sick

5) Obama did something similar when he sent B52's to Germany while threatening Russia.... in my humble opinion both moves were meaningless --- BUT the B52's to Germany made a little more tactical sense......

Might be time for a separate thread on 'modern war making'

People tend to think we're still trotting stealth tech and small nukes out there as the latest/greatest thing that can be done..........

more in a few......gotta pee
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Trump chose to allow them to die over there. That's effectively killing them

Congrats on probably the dumbest post on here. That's quite the achievement.

Agree. Meets 3 campaign promises (Wall, Mexico paying, tax imports/support exports without resorting to tariffs) and it uses our trade deficit to our advantage.

Yep. And if trade surplus, it's uneffected
Obama DOJ Failed to Stop Mexican Cartel Murder of ICE Agent with Smuggled Guns

The Obama administration had numerous opportunities to arrest Mexican drug and weapons traffickers before murdering a federal U.S. agent and seriously wounding his partner but opted for the hands-off approach, a new federal audit reveals. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), which operates under the Department of Justice (DOJ), should have stopped the traffickers—members of the Los Zetas organization—long before the Immigration and Customs (ICE) agents were ambushed in Mexico with firearms smuggled south of the border thanks to a once-secret Obama administration gun-running operation.

Instead, on February 15, 2011, ICE agents Victor Avila and Jaime Zapata were assaulted while returning to Mexico City from Matehuala, Mexico in their government-issued armored sports utility vehicle. Both agents were on assignment in Mexico and their SUV displayed diplomatic license plates. After passing through a toll booth on Mexican Route 57 in the early afternoon the agents noticed that two vehicles were following them, one of which passed and blocked the agents’ SUV from the front, forcing it to stop. Approximately eight assailants approached the SUV armed with various firearms, including assault weapons (AK-47s and AR-1Ss) and handguns. Two of the assailants gained access to the interior of the SUV through a partially open window and shot Zapata and Avila. Zapata died and Avila was seriously wounded.

Authorities determined that members of the renowned drug trafficking organization Los Zetas carried out the attack with weapons that had been purchased in Texas as part of a scandalous Obama administration operation that that allowed guns from the U.S. to be smuggled into Mexico so they could eventually be traced to drug cartels. The whole thing blew up when federal law enforcement officers lost track of hundreds of weapons which have been used in an unknown number of crimes, including the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol agent in Arizona.

In this case the buyers, Otilio Osorio and his brother, Ranferi Osorio, had long been on the ATF radar for trafficking guns to Mexico. In fact, more than a year before the ICE agents were attacked the ATF witnessed the Osorio brothers “complete a transfer of 40 firearms” to Mexico, according to a report issued this month by the DOJ Inspector General. “There clearly was probable cause to arrest both Osorio brothers,” the report states after ATF witnessed the Osorios complete a transfer of more than three dozen firearms on November 9, 2010.

Even when ATF agents found guns that they were legally entitled to seize at the Osorio brothers’ house in Lancaster, Texas they didn’t. Two of those weapons were later found at crime scenes in Mexico, the DOJ watchdog writes in its report. “Overall we found numerous problems with ATF’s assimilation of information concerning the Osorio brothers…and the timeliness of ATF’s response to mounting evidence that they were committing firearms offenses,” the report states. “We determined the ATF’s Dallas Field Division had collected sufficient facts to investigate further before Otilio Osorio purchased the gun used in the Mexico ambush.
FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes

Intelligence sources say that the FBI investigated a computer tied to Donald Trump's business but there's no evidence to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates.

The months-long FBI counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election but has not gathered evidence of election tampering to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates, Circa has learned.

Widespread frustration

U.S. officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the information, said there is widespread frustration among intelligence professionals who have watched in horror as a normally secretive process has been distorted by media leaks.

It's about Russia more than Trump

Many of the leaks have surfaced since former President Barack Obama in his waning days in office had his intelligence leadership brief a wider than normal audience about the sensitive Russia surveillance. Those leaks have created a false narrative that the FBI has been predominantly focused on Trump ties to Russia, officials said.

In fact, any FBI activity involving the president’s associates or advisers was mostly ancillary to a wider counterintelligence probe into Russian efforts to influence the election or curry favor with U.S. figures, the sources said.

“The (Trump-Russia) narrative in the media hasn’t been our primary focus and mostly involves pieces of information that came in incidentally. We check them out and we move on,” one official said, adding most of the work has involved old-fashioned investigative tactics and not surveillance.

Added another official: “I’ve never seen a case so misrepresented and leaks so damaging to a process that was meant to be conducted in secret so that foreign powers don’t know what we know and people’s reputations aren’t tarnished unfairly.”

The Flynn connection

The sources said Flynn exchanged a handful of calls or text messages to the Russian ambassador in December, including holiday wishes and condolences for recent Russian tragedies.

What Flynn and Kislyak talked about

For instance, after the Russian ambassador sent a text message seeking a phone call, Flynn and Kislyak talked about sanctions imposed by Obama on Russia on Dec. 29, but the message the American official gave was mostly that a new sheriff was about to take over the White House and Russians shouldn’t react to the new sanctions in a way that would foreclose better dialog in the future under a Trump administration, sources said.

Currently, no evidence against Flynn

There was also a discussion of a possible conference about Kazakhstan the next month, they added. To date, the FBI has not found anything that rises to criminal activity in the Flynn conversations, though the ultimate decision will reside with prosecutors in the Justice Department, the sources said.

Obama and Trump briefed

At Obama’s request, a highly classified briefing was prepared for the outgoing and incoming presidents, which was given to both men over the December holiday break. Obama, who had received updates through 2016 on the issue, used his detailed briefing as the final justification for the new sanctions on Moscow announced on Dec. 29, which included expelling three dozen Russians from America.

Trump used his briefing to dispel what he saw was a myriad of “fake news” reports suggesting his team was complicit with Russians in trying to hijack the election.

The FBI contributions to the briefing included mention of the uncorroborated Russian dossier created by the British intelligence agent.

The FBI chose to include the information to educate the new president in particular to the tactics of Russian intelligence agencies, including the planting of false stories in documents like the dossier and the use of money and sex to compromise Western leaders or to leave them open to bribery, sources said.

Until that point, the FBI surveillance process was mostly free of political interference and followed the normal rigors of a counter-intelligence investigation closely monitored by a supervisory court of federal judges and other intelligence apparatus.

The leaks begin

But the start of the New Year brought with it an unexpected politicizing of the intelligence gathered in secret. Congress was briefed in early January, as were many other government officials.

Separately, the Obama administration amended a long-standing executive order allowing information intercepted through FISA warrants or by the National Security Agency to be shared to a wider audience in 16 government agencies as Obama was leaving office.

Intelligence normally reserved for just a handful of intelligence leaders was spread through briefings to scores of workers, and soon leaks began appearing in news media, often in stories lacking the context of how national security investigations are actually conducted. The leak of the Flynn conversations with the Russian ambassador alarmed career FBI officials, who knew it had been gathered using the most sensitive of surveillance powers.

Mortified over leaks

Some U.S intelligence officials were also mortified that the leak tipped off the Russian ambassador to which of his phones might be monitored by U.S. intelligence, harming future surveillance efforts.
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Here are some bite sized quotes and excerpts from Vol II of Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago" - the intent is to display information from a previous Marxist Revolution and note similarities with the US Political climate - but also warn about where that Revolution led:

  • "By 1921 concentration camps were already in full flower" (Lenin was already using that term in his telegrams as early as 1918)

  • Following the teaching's of Marx (i.e. "bourgeois machinery had to be broken up") and the communists who took charge - and counting "from the beginning of the October Revolution up to 1959....a total of 66-Million Lives" were exterminated.

Terror tactics, violence and intimidation were used to ensure that a small minority of devoted radicals could suppress and dictate to much larger masses.

  • The Golgotha-Monestary was turned into a concentration camp - any sick or dying prisoners were cured "by murdering them". ... the doctors would often give them strychnine......they had to stack the bodies UPRIGHT in the monastery in order to preserve space.....

.....the book details the systematic use of torture, starvation and slave-driving work - A.S. notes his own experiences and also records notes from former guards as well.....some excerpts regarding how badly they were starved / tortured:

  • Prisoners were so famished that they ate the week-long dead corpse of a horse...I will spare you the explicit detail he gives on the condition of the horse.
  • At the Utiny Goldfields - the prisoners ate a barrel of lubricating grease
  • "Working in 50 below Zero conditions" with the lagging weak being beaten and/or torn by dogs
  • Those who didn't meet their work quota were stripped naked, had cold water poured over them and were ordered to run back to camp.....then they'd get smaller rations of bread and solitary confinement - often beaten with rifle butts.
  • others were taken from solitary confinement and then crammed into a 'death carriage' which was a frame of 16 x 10 x 6 feet pulled by a was made of rough beams and had only a small door - no windows......they'd be suffocating in there ... they'd be driven 2-3 miles from one of the camps and parked by a deep vale.
They'd be left there for a day......then the guards would take out the corpses and toss them into the gorge for the winter snows to bury.
That that lived went back on work detail......

  • A new Chief arrived at one of the camps and liked to pick out a work brigade at random -- he'd empty his pistol clip at the helpless prisoners while shouting happy phrases.....he ordered that the corpses be left unburied...."in May they used to decompose - and that the point the weakest prisoners would be summoned to cover them exchange for slightly more rations"
  • At Camp Serpantinka "They used to shoot from 30 to 50 men every day..."

All of these examples were under Lenin -- before Stalin took control and radically expanded the arrests and scope of the it soon became EXPONENTIALLY WORSE ...

These were the early years after the SOCIALIST WORKERS REVOLUTION ....when there were still Western socialists who were openly supportive (and wholly ignorant - or else, monsters) of the Revolution and the emerging system....


Why should we trust anyone who promotes this political idea -- ever again?

More to come on how things "progressed" under Stalin

F. Engels (Marx's co-author of the Manifesto) - took his convictions to their natural conclusion and so you get a glimpse into the logic behind the Marxists/Communists and how they justified exterminating people in their camps.....

Vol II (Chpt 5) notes that:

"Engels discovered that the human being had no arisen through the perception of a moral idea and not through the process of thought, but out of happenstance and meaningless work (an ape picked up a stone - and with this - everything began)."

-- So you have a succinct description of how they view human beings -- biological accidents. No purpose or higher order behind our being souls, no gods of any kind to answer to ..... no right, no wrong, no guilt..........people are only 'carriers of ideas'.

Marx...."declared with equal conviction that the one and only means of correcting offenders was ... PRODUCTIVE LABOR"

(note that he had never taken up a pick or shovel himself....never worked a mine, never filed trees, pushed a wheelbarrow....)

So "for his followers - everything now fell into place".

"To compel a prisioner to labor every day was HUMANE and would lead to his correction"

it should be note however that , "immediately following the October Revolution they paid little heed to these subtitles, and it seemed even more humane simply to SHOOT THEM"

The early prisoners were detained "not to correct them - but to quarantine them"

The early camps were " a measure of social defense" to insulate and protect the communist ideology.....once the Russian Civil War ended and there was no more organized resistance....the Marxist ideology held fast.....the governing political party held that there was "no guilt and no punishment - but there IS social danger and social defense"

from me:
Think about those concepts when you read the news headlines

Think about those concepts when you listen to "social justice warriors" and read their webpages....

Once their mask comes off for you -- and it will sooner or later --- and you realize who some of these people are .... your resistance (or the depth of your head in the sand) will galvanize and strengthen.
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Because all this stuff gets conveniently left out while teaching how great equality is. That's why.

Damn straight, sarge......we've been MADE ignorant (Solzhenitsyn would agree with you)

Control the past and we control the present
Control the present and we control the future

George Orwell used fiction to describe that exact idea in "1984"
he was considered a "liberal" but even HE could see the insanity of how the Marxist/Communist doctrines led to MASSIVE HOLOCAUST in Russia.......and no one did ANYTHING

So --- why wouldn't that god awful period of history be taught to others?

Why do you think that is?

Why doesn't the History channel run the same amount of Socialist / Death camp type documentaries like they do ad nauseous for the Nazis'?

Why would anyone POSSIBLY want to leave that chapter off the radar?

Ignorance takes us only so far......

Isn't it weird that the people who perpetuated the Nazi atrocities are clearly labeled - even these decades later......I'll bet almost everyone in this thread can name one or two Nazi death camps in fact!

but the people who INTRODUCED humanity to concentration camps --
the political system that ran them for decades before and AFTER Hitler --

they're still promoting their ideology .....they're running for office in this nation
their more radical partners are openly partnering or adopting the mantle of COMMUNISM

History MATTERS --- that's why I'm spelling this shit out ALL YEAR LONG on here and in my blog **
(happens to be the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution as well so it weeks out symbolically I guess....)

** there are NO financial incentives with my blog - no ad's - no money being made......just an attempt to share bits of history that are Tragically ignored and --- VERY much in play / relevant to this nation RIGHT NOW
Leo Tolstoy talked about the importance of remembering history like this -- Solzhenitsyn quotes him in Vol II of "Gulag"......

"What do you mean - why remember?"

"If I have had a terrible illness, and I have succeeded in recovering from it and have been cleansed of it, I will always remember gladly.

The only time I will refuse to remember is when I am still ill and have got worse, and when I wish to deceive myself. If we remember the old and look it straight in the face, then our new present violence will also disclose itself."

So -- he's saying you'd be better able to recognize what's happening in the US (& Elsewhere) if you understood the nature of the 'disease' that brought about the Marxist concentration camps and mass exterminations.....

You'd SEE IT festering HERE - NOW
You'd be familiar with their tactics - how they think
Possibly what options they have on the table for their next moves

Maybe how to counter them.....

But there's NO effort to educate you on that front
Because THATS how the New World Order will be built


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Speaking of the manipulation of history and information --- has anyone been reading the w-leaks doc's that were coming out on our intel agencies tactics and policies etc?

A lot more to come from what I understand ---

Sounds like both the little-Bush and Comrade Obama admin's have NO room to talk about anyone else's dirty laundry

as far as I can tell we REALLY started setting a whole new benchmark for dirtiness after the Cold War ended and then tripled that after 9/11
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The same book records how the Marxist left DID NOT ALLOW critical thought or cross inspection of their ideas...

"in our country they do not permit any information to be x-rayed through and through, not ANY discussion to encompass all the facets of a subject......all this is invariably suppressed at the very beginning."

" light can fall on the body of truth. And all this is piled up in one formless heap covering many years, where it languishes for whole decades - until all interest and all means of sorting out ...the trash .... are lost"

With that single fact ALONE (and there are others) you can sort the "Traditional Left" from the "Marxist Left" pretty quickly

We need more on the Left to acknowledge what is happening -- get up to speed on history -- get smart -- and call out / immobilize these Insane Hi-jackers .....

No one's saying you have to join the damn R-party to do it
You don't have to 'become conservative'

Just look back and learn from history -- then take a close look at what's happening in your party

I pledge to do the same with the "make the world safe for democracy (by waging preemptive war) types that infected conservative thinking"

Seriously -- if we all just start doing ONE LITTLE THING DIFFERENTLY -- we can derail this.....

Stop being a chess piece

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Progressivism being the Marxist doctrine that it is..... you build on the gains you've made.....conflict is your tool for achieving success ,... and there's always another round of conflict to be generated or capitalized on .....

Does that sound familiar?
Use of conflict (crises) before the prime opportunity passes ("never let it go to waste")

Now we progress to Stalin.....the laws are expanded and intensified.....the camps are erupting everywhere....if you lived NEXT to someone who was turned in by their children and you weren't on record for reporting....YOU will get a visit - typically given no more than 30 min's to grab what you can as you're arrested and crammed into an overcrowded "Black Maria" or something similar....

  • The Ukraine resists seizure of private property and so Stalin makes an example of them....6 million are starved to death.....entire villages are empty of life......bodies lay in the streets and on porches.... human remains are sold as meat. Bodies are exhumed to be eaten......and WW2 hasn't even started yet.....6 MILLION DEAD because they resisted State Confiscation of private property....

  • At the Adak camp the guards have learned that it's easier to transport larger #'s of prisoners via a new method ..... you take weakened, living prisoners and "cram rags in their mouths then have their arms stopped behind their backs....they were piled onto carts and driven off to the "Gorka" (camp cemetery). There they'd be tipped into huge pits and buried alive."
They learned it was much easier to avoid the dragging and lifting that a dead corpse required of a, at Adak, this process went on night after night after night......

  • In 1939 Stalin did his part to massacre the Poles while cooperating with his Nazi allies....the world always remembers how Germany invaded Poland to kick off hostilities in Europe for WW2 .... but I guess it just complicates the narrative to mention that the Marxists invaded from the East as well......

A.S. notes that within the camps there were penalty compounds where unique punishment or torture was meted out....he worries that the record will never see the light of day as all historical elements to this ongoing Holocaust was "being erased"

  • The favored candidates for the penalty compounds were: Religious believers and stubborn prisoners ... they had entire barracks of nuns
The nuns would often refuse to work for such an inhumane system and their christian beliefs weren't to be tolerated at all ....
So.....In Autumn of 1941-- at the Pechora State Camp -- the Communists charged the nuns with "Economic counterrevolution" and had them all shot.

  • The penalty camp at Kraslag - reveille was at 4:30am -- you'd get back to the camp from hard labor about 8pm
Many were wearing rope sandals in the winter there -- working with unprotected feet in cold that reached 76 below zero.

  • Those who were starting to weaken would have the dogs set on them to bite, tear and claw....once that was over the guards would take clubs and beat the prisoners until they either died or agreed to work.
  • In 1946-1947 there were well documented and long-standing incidents of cannibalissm recorded at the camp.
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Here's an experiment - go take a look at the damn "black lives matter" website and read their "About Us" section --- here's a link to that Marxist filth

First - read through some of their defining points and notice how they openly declare war on the nuclear family model.

So they don't represent any black people that value the father/mother/raising their children model of family At All.

Neither do they accept any explanation of the problems in black society other than "State Violence"

Just as Marxists taught that their murderers and street thugs weren't CRIMINALS - but rather, victims of an unjust social, in their words, ....

2.8 million Black people are locked in cages in this country is state violence.

in other words -- every single black person who's in prison is there UNJUSTLY

and now -- here's an excerpt from how the Communists handled "Crime" from the Gulag Series Vol II:

"...according to the Progressive doctrine criminal activity arises only from the presence of classes, we have no classes in our country therefore there is no crime."

So - communists well tell you that the SYSTEM created the unjust conditions that placed every single black man behind bars.

Don't forget - there's NO SUCH THING as morals, right/wrong, guilt or innocence.

So what normal people would call criminals - are used as allies by communists in their revolutionary activities -- the book notes that street criminals "were our allies in building communism"

That's just one angle / one slice on a clear example of a contemporary, American Marxist organization (BLM) - working hard on a revolution.

Their open attack on family structure is another clue to their political identity

Repeated use of the term "patriarchal" as a pejorative term to describe anything that (non communist) males create -- is another

The whole angle of "women are enslaved through marriage" and the "patriarchal society must GO" -- comes primarily from Engels -- the co-author of the Manifesto)

Check it out -- here's one of the BLM website quotes on that topic:

How Black queer and trans folks bear a unique burden from a hetero-patriarchal society that disposes of us like garbage and simultaneously fetishizes us and profits off of us, and that is state violence.

...and here are the words of Friedrich Engels and the Communist stance
(source: "Marx for Beginners" by Rius)

The struggle for women changed with the patriarchal family and even more with the monogamous individual family. The [relationships] lost their public character and became private service. The wife became the first domestic servant...

The modern individual family is based on the open or disguised domestic enslavement of the woman and modern society is MASS COMPOSED solely of individual families as its molecule.

So -- think about this
Communists acknowledged that the tradional family unit was THE basis for the structure of society.....

THATS why its under attack

THATS why groups like BLM will go out of their way to highlight "trans black folk" before FATHERS

The hard left doesn't give ANY MORE OF A SHIT about whether a boy kisses a boy or a girl kisses a girl

They've long since learned to use RACE and SEXUAL IDENTITY as vanguard political groups to attack CAPITALISM

See it yet?
Listen to their WORDS --- sometimes they're so arrogant they can't help but flaunt who they are

Sometimes they just have a torrettes like moment of HATE and let their masks slip

Don't be deterred by the damn name calling though --- learn to SEE the Marxists and how they're working right now to destabilize this country ......

Remember - they believe that their crowning political moment is IMMINENT.....

Topple the US dollar / usher in Global Socialism (and a good deal of bloodshed along the way)

FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes

Intelligence sources say that the FBI investigated a computer tied to Donald Trump's business but there's no evidence to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates.

The months-long FBI counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election but has not gathered evidence of election tampering to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates, Circa has learned.

Widespread frustration

U.S. officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the information, said there is widespread frustration among intelligence professionals who have watched in horror as a normally secretive process has been distorted by media leaks.

It's about Russia more than Trump

Many of the leaks have surfaced since former President Barack Obama in his waning days in office had his intelligence leadership brief a wider than normal audience about the sensitive Russia surveillance. Those leaks have created a false narrative that the FBI has been predominantly focused on Trump ties to Russia, officials said.

In fact, any FBI activity involving the president’s associates or advisers was mostly ancillary to a wider counterintelligence probe into Russian efforts to influence the election or curry favor with U.S. figures, the sources said.

“The (Trump-Russia) narrative in the media hasn’t been our primary focus and mostly involves pieces of information that came in incidentally. We check them out and we move on,” one official said, adding most of the work has involved old-fashioned investigative tactics and not surveillance.

Added another official: “I’ve never seen a case so misrepresented and leaks so damaging to a process that was meant to be conducted in secret so that foreign powers don’t know what we know and people’s reputations aren’t tarnished unfairly.”

The Flynn connection

The sources said Flynn exchanged a handful of calls or text messages to the Russian ambassador in December, including holiday wishes and condolences for recent Russian tragedies.

What Flynn and Kislyak talked about

For instance, after the Russian ambassador sent a text message seeking a phone call, Flynn and Kislyak talked about sanctions imposed by Obama on Russia on Dec. 29, but the message the American official gave was mostly that a new sheriff was about to take over the White House and Russians shouldn’t react to the new sanctions in a way that would foreclose better dialog in the future under a Trump administration, sources said.

Currently, no evidence against Flynn

There was also a discussion of a possible conference about Kazakhstan the next month, they added. To date, the FBI has not found anything that rises to criminal activity in the Flynn conversations, though the ultimate decision will reside with prosecutors in the Justice Department, the sources said.

Obama and Trump briefed

At Obama’s request, a highly classified briefing was prepared for the outgoing and incoming presidents, which was given to both men over the December holiday break. Obama, who had received updates through 2016 on the issue, used his detailed briefing as the final justification for the new sanctions on Moscow announced on Dec. 29, which included expelling three dozen Russians from America.

Trump used his briefing to dispel what he saw was a myriad of “fake news” reports suggesting his team was complicit with Russians in trying to hijack the election.

The FBI contributions to the briefing included mention of the uncorroborated Russian dossier created by the British intelligence agent.

The FBI chose to include the information to educate the new president in particular to the tactics of Russian intelligence agencies, including the planting of false stories in documents like the dossier and the use of money and sex to compromise Western leaders or to leave them open to bribery, sources said.

Until that point, the FBI surveillance process was mostly free of political interference and followed the normal rigors of a counter-intelligence investigation closely monitored by a supervisory court of federal judges and other intelligence apparatus.

The leaks begin

But the start of the New Year brought with it an unexpected politicizing of the intelligence gathered in secret. Congress was briefed in early January, as were many other government officials.

Separately, the Obama administration amended a long-standing executive order allowing information intercepted through FISA warrants or by the National Security Agency to be shared to a wider audience in 16 government agencies as Obama was leaving office.

Intelligence normally reserved for just a handful of intelligence leaders was spread through briefings to scores of workers, and soon leaks began appearing in news media, often in stories lacking the context of how national security investigations are actually conducted. The leak of the Flynn conversations with the Russian ambassador alarmed career FBI officials, who knew it had been gathered using the most sensitive of surveillance powers.

Mortified over leaks

Some U.S intelligence officials were also mortified that the leak tipped off the Russian ambassador to which of his phones might be monitored by U.S. intelligence, harming future surveillance efforts.
Quiet, please. You'll cause Z to experience a cardiac episode.
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last night's posts churning up a new article on the blog here - condensed the quotes and info on 'family' stuff and made a more succinct article from the strands and pulses etc...

again, no ulterior motive with the blog -- just attempting to spread what I think I've learned....I feel like the guy in "THEY LIVE" who sees their real faces.....


gotta love that "HE will not divide us shit"

no......that's the job of the Marxists, right?
I mean .... taking federal money from NC because they disagreed with the activist style stance on opening all bathrooms to all people based on .....whatever

yeah....nothing divisive there

the list goes on --- I'm not 100% sure that the American version of Marxism would figure this out on their own.....but their words REALLY have lost so much power from overuse and general ridiculousness,,,,,,,I'm sure Soros and his minions and that asshat-terrorista Bill Ayers will help them figure it out

going to have to move on to pedantry soon, Marxists -- you're running out of material

from there it's a slippery slope to necrophilia, you vermin

of course you could have another "women's march" (for the white, euro-male political concept of Marxism....with lotsa funding from Daddy Soros.... on another Communist holiday......organized by maybe.....I dunno -- Lady Gaga this time?

Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. --- Damascus isnt a ruinous heap, it's population is over 1 million.
Isaiah 19:18 In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one shall be called, The city of destruction. --- Canaan has never been spoken in Egypt.
Jonah 3:4 And Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown. --- Nineveh was never overthrown because God changed his mind, despite the Bible saying he never changes his mind.

Looks like you've been doing some homework. You cite some interesting passages.
Let's take Jonah 3:4. Why was Jonah sent to Nineveh to begin with? Apparently, God, in spite of Jonah's dismay, wanted to give the people an opportunity to repent. According to the next verse, they did. So, did God change His mind or was He giving the people the option of accepting Him/repenting or being destroyed? Whose mind changed??? The minds of the people of Nineveh. Those people were given the same option that we're given. His desire was for the people to change. He didn't change they did.
Is 17:1 is part of judgment against Judah and her neighbors for their sins. 2 Kings 16:10 you can begin reading of Tilglath-Pileser who took Damascus and its people captive. Taking many to the land of Kir. The city wasfurther beseiged by Shalmaneser ( you can read later in chp 17. We know the city was rebuilt because it was later prophesied against by Jeremiah. Remember, we're talking about a cycle of God's people (Judah/Israel at the time) obeying, falling away, repenting, being blessed. As per the previous discussion of Jonah, is this an issue of God changing His mind or the people changing their's?
Is 19:18 It's a tough one. You might read Benson's commentary. He suggests this means the people will one day speak the same spiritual language as God's people. The language of Canaan was Hebrew, the language of the Jewish people. IMO, this is saying Egypt (like all other lands/people) will one day worship the one true God, which is the God of Israel and Christians.
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