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What being a SJW feels like


What being a SJW looks like

The Benghazi committee was a bi-partisan committee of 7 Republicans and 5 Democrats.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...whenever investigations don't produce the conclusion you want it's always because the committee is lying and covering their asses or they're scared of someone. You've always got an excuse.

I also know that people from both parties are saying that further investigation is needed.
Look, if this thing ever goes down it will be like a sledgehammer to the head of democracy. All the i's will be dotted and t's crossed and it will be a shit storm the likes we have never seen. For the sake of our nation, I hope nothing is found. But I will withhold judgment until the formal inquiry takes place.
Fuzz benghazi doesn't need an investigation. It was 9 11 we were attacked and Obama Hillary tucked tail and let Americans die.
moe, every investigation into Benghazi said that HRC did nothing wrong yet y'all seemed convinced that she did.

Forgive me if I don't put a lot of faith in the public comments of officials when it comes to these type matters. At some point people will have to shit or get off the pot. Formal investigations will run their course and we'll get an answer.

Believe what you want to believe, just don't fool yourself into thinking that you KNOW anymore than anyone else. You have an opinion and that is all.

For me, HRC should have been more proactive regarding the requests for help in Benghazi. This part is more incompetence that corruption, IMO.

Lying to everybody as to the motive for the attacks, because of the upcoming election, is corruption IMO.
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Fuzz benghazi doesn't need an investigation. It was 9 11 we were attacked and Obama Hillary tucked tail and let Americans die.
For me, HRC should have been more proactive regarding the requests for help in Benghazi. This part is more incompetence that corruption, IMO.

Lying to everybody as to the motive for the attacks, because of the upcoming election, is corruption IMO.
it's not the act that was the crime. It was the cover up. It always is. They sat there on national tv 7 times and tried to tell us it was over a video. Then they throw the video maker in jail. Then Obama and Hillary stand before the coffins and lie about why they were not there to protect them. That is an evil I can't comprehend.
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These are the people libtards like @fuzz77 and @rqarnold @cardkilla @BigBlueRick want to bring to our country.'t Stop Sharing Women‬

This is a woman calling for raping of young girls. Just SICK ASS PEOPLE. hell not even people, sick ass POS that needs to be eradicated.
No, I don't want HER. I want a thorough vetting process; then, thousands of refugee lives will be saved.
After their Russian conspiracy theories were unequivocally shot down, looks like the libs and msm moved on to a new boogeyman:

No, I don't want HER. I want a thorough vetting process; then, thousands of refugee lives will be saved.
Why can't refugees go to Muslim countries? Their lifestyles are not compatible with the west. Why are we not the world's police militarily but we should take in every refugee fleeing a war that will NEVER stop. It will never stop b/c that side of the world believes in fundamental Islam. Fundamental Islam teaches radical beliefs. You want to import those believers here? Why ?
Conservatives who are bitching the new plan isn't conservative enough: stop.

You're right it's isn't conservative enough. But rolling back something this gigantic requires taking steps. It's nothing short of a miracle we're getting a roll back at all.

Focus on the end game. Not the steps it takes to get there.
Why can't refugees go to Muslim countries? Their lifestyles are not compatible with the west. Why are we not the world's police militarily but we should take in every refugee fleeing a war that will NEVER stop. It will never stop b/c that side of the world believes in fundamental Islam. Fundamental Islam teaches radical beliefs. You want to import those believers here? Why ?
B/c he cries at night.
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No, I don't want HER. I want a thorough vetting process; then, thousands of refugee lives will be saved.

Lol. Oh naive little snowflake. Maybe they can live in Moms basement with you.

Wait never mind, your parents are too smart. You'll have to pay for the residence. And then when they have settled in, they will kill you. Don't bring any females over unless u want them raped. And definitey don't bring your boyfriend over. They will kill you.
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Conservatives who are bitching the new plan isn't conservative enough: stop.

You're right it's isn't conservative enough. But rolling back something this gigantic requires taking steps. It's nothing short of a miracle we're getting a roll back at all.

Focus on the end game. Not the steps it takes to get there.

Yeah. Let's take one of the worst pieces of legislation in US history that we promised we'd repeal, tweak it a little bit so it's more beneficial for our donors, claim we're "rolling it back but can't do it all at once," promise we'll repeal and replace it at a later time then laugh behind closed doors at how stupid the R base is.

It's not nothing short of a miracle to roll it back at all. Every one of those goddam Rs was put into office specifically to get rid of Obamacare. I'd be willing to bet every single R that's been elected to office over the past 4 years has mentioned getting rid of Obamacare.

So don't tell me it's a f*cking miracle that these jackasses are now reneging on the promises that got them in office.
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Rolling back Obamacare literally consists of voting on it

OMFGZ WE CANT POSSIBLY REPEAL IT, TOO DIFFICULT!!!! Here's our 4000 page replacement with 2000 page appendix that required about 10,000 man hours to complete. CANT REPEAL! VOTING IS TOO HARD!!11!!!
Yeah. Let's take one of the worst pieces of legislation in US history that we promised we'd repeal, tweak it a little bit so it's more beneficial for our donors, claim we're "rolling it back but can't do it all at once," promise we'll repeal and replace it at a later time then laugh behind closed doors at how stupid the R base is.

It's not nothing short of a miracle to roll it back at all. Every one of those goddam Rs was put into office specifically to get rid of Obamacare. I'd be willing to bet every single R that's been elected to office over the past 4 years has mentioned getting rid of Obamacare.

So don't tell me it's a f*cking miracle that these jackasses are now reneging on the promises that got them in office.

If you think it benefits donors, that's an entirely different argument. Not one I was addressing.

If you think it isn't a miracle that this beast is being rolled back, answer me this: what's the last large government program that was rolled back or eliminated?

I'll do one better - what's the last government program of any size that was rolled back or eliminated?

It isn't just about having the votes. It's about not creating a vacuum, making change counterproductive
Why can't refugees go to Muslim countries? Their lifestyles are not compatible with the west. Why are we not the world's police militarily but we should take in every refugee fleeing a war that will NEVER stop. It will never stop b/c that side of the world believes in fundamental Islam. Fundamental Islam teaches radical beliefs. You want to import those believers here? Why ?
The ones who want to come here are trying to ESCAPE that shithole. Now, they may still be Muslim but most keep it to themselves. You have it in your mind that Islam is a terrorist religion and
Lol. Oh naive little snowflake. Maybe they can live in Moms basement with you.

Wait never mind, your parents are too smart. You'll have to pay for the residence. And then when they have settled in, they will kill you. Don't bring any females over unless u want them raped. And definitey don't bring your boyfriend over. They will kill you.
Why tag me and blast me with racist arguments? I may be in the minority in a god damn KENTUCKY community, but the rest of the country is acceptant to Islam. Remember, the majority voted democrat..
The ones who want to come here are trying to ESCAPE that shithole. Now, they may still be Muslim but most keep it to themselves. You have it in your mind that Islam is a terrorist religion and

Why tag me and blast me with racist arguments? I may be in the minority in a god damn KENTUCKY community, but the rest of the country is acceptant to Islam. Remember, the majority voted democrat..
I have it in my mind that ISlam is a terrorist religion? Yeah you have me on that one pal. Stoning, mercy killing, beheading, 9/11 When was the last Baptist beheading? When did a nightclub of gays get mowed down by a an alt righter? You're nuts pal.
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The ones who want to come here are trying to ESCAPE that shithole.

Most don't want to come here. They don't care as long as they get some stability. Most would actually be more comfortable remaining somewhat close to home.
Most don't want to come here. They don't care as long as they get some stability. Most would actually be more comfortable remaining somewhat close to home.
they don't care as long as they have their necessities provided for them at someone else's expense.
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The ones who want to come here are trying to ESCAPE that shithole. Now, they may still be Muslim but most keep it to themselves. You have it in your mind that Islam is a terrorist religion and

Why tag me and blast me with racist arguments? I may be in the minority in a god damn KENTUCKY community, but the rest of the country is acceptant to Islam. Remember, the majority voted democrat..
the majority voted democrat b/c the democrats are the bridge to over taking the United States with Islamic infiltration. It's their Trojan horse with the Islamaphobia bullshit. Christianity went thru a reformation where barbaric acts were modified. ISlam desparately needs that. It's amazing your little shit know it all ass thinks that Islam is NOT an organization aimed at world dominance. You need to wake up.
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The ones who want to come here are trying to ESCAPE that shithole. Now, they may still be Muslim but most keep it to themselves. You have it in your mind that Islam is a terrorist religion and

Why tag me and blast me with racist arguments? I may be in the minority in a god damn KENTUCKY community, but the rest of the country is acceptant to Islam. Remember, the majority voted democrat..

No buddy. The majority of the country is not in agreement.

Los Angeles and NYC may be. But the majority of the country didn't vote. And then we subtract fraud.

It's not racist. Muslim isn't a race. Sorry.
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For me, HRC should have been more proactive regarding the requests for help in Benghazi. This part is more incompetence that corruption, IMO.

Lying to everybody as to the motive for the attacks, because of the upcoming election, is corruption IMO.
Ok, fair. But couldn't the very same thing be said about every target that is hit?
I'd venture to say that most every military base, embassy and government office in the world requests more money, more resources for security most every year. The State Dept requested more money and those requests were cut. Resources are finite and if I give more to one then I must take from somewhere else.
Is it also fair to criticize, claim incompetence the case where any facility or base is successfully attacked? Especially if we can show that there were requests for additional resources prior to that attack?
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I have it in my mind that ISlam is a terrorist religion? Yeah you have me on that one pal. Stoning, mercy killing, beheading. When was the last Baptist beheading? When did a nightclub of gays get mowed down by a an alt righter? You're nuts pal.
The KKK was pretty bad, maybe that's just me. Several abortion clinics terrorized by Christian militias over the years. Several attacks on minority groups.

And just recently a Babtist, Dylan Roof murdered everyone in a black church. The fact that you actually thought Christians were terrorist-free says a lot about your lack of knowledge. Some of the worst things imaginable have been done in the name of God. Islam is not alone in that sense.
The KKK was pretty bad, maybe that's just me. Several abortion clinics terrorized by Christian militias over the years. Several attacks on minority groups.

And just recently a Babtist, Dylan Roof murdered everyone in a black church. The fact that you actually thought Christians were terrorist-free says a lot about your lack of knowledge. Some of the worst things imaginable have been done in the name of God. Islam is not alone in that sense.
buddy im not saying Christians are terrorist free. What I am saying is that in those Christian terrorist instances as you claim they are. They are not motivated by a larger group that trains or funds these terrorist attacks. If there is a link to a group of the south Carolina Church Massacre , let it be known. Go after that group and deal with them. The same applies to Islam, when someone performs a terrorist attack, they do so motivated by a specific organization of people who endoctrinate these Muslims based on the whacked out interpretations of fundamental Islam. They organize themselves in mosques and they plan on multiple attacks. Can you really not see the difference?

Dillian Roof is not specifically proveable by the courts associated with some greater white supremist movement. Was there a Church he went to that told him to do this? I'd bet not. But these muslim terrorists make trips over seas (funded by someone) to train come back and carry out the attack. It (Muslim terrorism) will continue until

a. Fundamental Islam is reformed
b. we wage all out war on Fundamental Islamic countries.
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The KKK was pretty bad, maybe that's just me. Several abortion clinics terrorized by Christian militias over the years. Several attacks on minority groups.

And just recently a Babtist, Dylan Roof murdered everyone in a black church. The fact that you actually thought Christians were terrorist-free says a lot about your lack of knowledge. Some of the worst things imaginable have been done in the name of God. Islam is not alone in that sense.

11 people have died in the history of abortion clinic attacks. When is the last time the KKK killed someone? 40 years ago? 50? I mean, many more people are killed in the name of Islam each week than those 2 groups put together in the past 50+ years.

Great comparison!
11 people have died in the history of abortion clinic attacks. When is the last time the KKK killed someone? 40 years ago? 50? I mean, many more people are killed in the name of Islam each week than those 2 groups put together in the past 50+ years.

Great comparison!
You wanna talk about who's killing more people right now? You know damn well that trapping the peaceful Muslims over in Middle East is the same as killing them. When a huge lot come over, maybe one American will be shot, on average. I've heard countless conservatives say they'd rather a thousand Muslims die than one American. I'm guessing your one.
The left siding with Islam over Christianity is just a huge indication of what pieces of shit the left are. Let's see, study the life of Jesus vs Muhammad. Hmm, which one was a total psychopath who murdered, raped and had sex with children? Which religion continues to be barbaric up to modern day?

Oh, Christians don't want to bake cakes for a gay wedding and believe in traditional marriage? What monsters. Better align with the group who throws gays off of rooftops, stones women, wants you dead for leaving the religion, has honor killings, commits terrorist attacks all over the world, oppresses women, wants to conquer and kill everyone not like them.

It shows the left and Muslims are pure evil. They can try and justify it all they want. That's reality.
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You wanna talk about who's killing more people right now? You know damn well that trapping the peaceful Muslims over in Middle East is the same as killing them. When a huge lot come over, maybe one American will be shot, on average. I've heard countless conservatives say they'd rather a thousand Muslims die than one American. I'm guessing your one.

"Trapping"? Terrorist Muslims are killing other Muslims, Christians, Jews, etc there and you're blaming these deaths on the US/Christians somehow?

Please name just one conservative that's said that.

You have serious issues.
You wanna talk about who's killing more people right now? You know damn well that trapping the peaceful Muslims over in Middle East is the same as killing them. When a huge lot come over, maybe one American will be shot, on average. I've heard countless conservatives say they'd rather a thousand Muslims die than one American. I'm guessing your one.

Oh, you mean the west doesn't want Muslims to conquer them with their barbaric bullshit?

"Peaceful Muslim" is always the phrase used before an inevitable rape and terrorist attack. Their culture is shit and they're a virus and it infects the west when it is brought here. Just take a look at Minnesota. Take a look what occurred in Lebanon. No one should want that virus to grow.

Honestly, you're a moron. You're the dumbass who wants to open the emergency exit on a plane while we are in the air as you take us all down due to your stupidity.