How will they rule ??!

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- CIA's secret hacking division produced a huge amount of weaponized malware to infest Iphone, Android phones AND lost control of it.

Just saw a report about an ex CIA agent explaining how they lost control of this. He said this should have been classified and only shared/used on secure government networks, but doing it that way it couldn't have been covert from oversight, so what they did was declassify it, enableing them to share/use it on any network, secured and unsecured, leaving it exposed to any and all random hackers.
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Report that, during the election, an Iraqi insurgent, who fought against Americans in the war, bragged about killing Americans, entered the country as a refugee under a false name.

Senator Johnson notified Obama's DOJ of this and they refused to investigate because, according to him, it would make Hillary look bad and prove Trump right. The insurgent has since disappeared and no one knows where he is at any longer.

This story is just breaking so unable to find anything on the net yet. Supposedly Senator Johnson wrote a letter to the DOJ, Congress, etc... laying this all out and it has been leaked.
At what point do things stop being "leaked" and start being "published"?

Is it possible to leak information that's fully intended to go public?
I asked myself the same question. You'd think a letter from a Senator concerning a major national security threat would have been public domain.

But, it's safe to say, if true, this is definitely something Obama's administration would want to hide, especially since it was happening during the election.
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We ain't even solved or attempted to solve leaks from years ago. So excuse me if idgaf about these latest leaks...a lot of which is just telling us things that have already been leaked. As long as it's not real to our govt, it doesn't matter. Just more bs to make us forget about the previous bs we ignored. It's so silly.
The Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said he planned to hold a series of public hearings as part of its probe on Russian interference in the US election, beginning with a session on March 20. According to Reuters, among those invited to attend are listed below:

  • FBI Director James Comey
  • NSA Director Mike Rogers
  • Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper,
  • Former CIA Director John Brennan
  • Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates
  • Two executives from CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity company originally investigating the DNC hacks and which first "found" Russian involvement.
"At this time, we are not going to subpoena anyone for that March 20th hearing," Nunes said. "But if we have to, we will subpoena all information that is pertinent to this investigation if people either ... don't want to appear or if the appropriate agencies do not provide the information we ask for."

Republican Representative Devin Nunes said if Trump's assertion were true, the leaders of Congress and chairmen of its two intelligence committees, known collectively as the "Gang of Eight," should have been briefed.

"I have not seen that evidence," Nunes told a news conference. "I think the bigger question that needs to be answered is whether or not Mr. Trump or any of his associates were in fact targeted by any of the intelligence agencies or law enforcement authorities."

"We are supposed to be kept up to speed on any pertinent counterintelligence investigation," Nunes said. "If Trump or any other political campaign, or anybody associated with Trump, was under some type of investigation, that clearly should have risen to the Gang of Eight level."
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So they're going to do something about it, pretty much? Allegedly might likely do something?
The FBI has pretty much admitted that Trump was spied on.

Hard to believe the Dems think the American people are so stupid that they can throw terms like "nazis" around without people fully understanding just who the f'n American nazi party would be.

against free speech
against second amendment
pro - abortion
pro - "socialized government"
surveillance of opposition
propagandized media
propagandized educational system

All arms of the original nazis. Hitler thought American conservatism / capitalism was a cancer.
The FBI has pretty much admitted that Trump was spied on.

The fact that one was spied on does not preclude their not being reasons for doing that spying.
Here is a fact... you don't know if those reasons exists anymore than do I. When it comes to that kind of information it the circle of people who know the truth is very small and sources and methods will be protected.
Trump's ties to Russia go way further back than the election. Knowing that Trump has always been less than a truly honest business man...Trump U, 100's of lawsuits for failure to pay contractors who have worked on his projects for work performed, hiring undocumented workers...perhaps if his tax returns are always audited it is because he has repeatedly given the IRS reasons to do so. And before you go claiming political reasons for tax audits don't forget he was one of HRC biggest donors when she was running for Senate, that he gave Chelsea Clinton a $150,000 automobile for a wedding gift. Anyone who totally dismisses any possibility that he would employ any means necessary to expose dirt on his rivals is naïve.
The fact that one was spied on does not preclude their not being reasons for doing that spying.
Here is a fact... you don't know if those reasons exists anymore than do I. When it comes to that kind of information it the circle of people who know the truth is very small and sources and methods will be protected.
Trump's ties to Russia go way further back than the election. Knowing that Trump has always been less than a truly honest business man...Trump U, 100's of lawsuits for failure to pay contractors who have worked on his projects for work performed, hiring undocumented workers...perhaps if his tax returns are always audited it is because he has repeatedly given the IRS reasons to do so. And before you go claiming political reasons for tax audits don't forget he was one of HRC biggest donors when she was running for Senate, that he gave Chelsea Clinton a $150,000 automobile for a wedding gift. Anyone who totally dismisses any possibility that he would employ any means necessary to expose dirt on his rivals is naïve.
Theres no way that you honestly believe any of that is true.
Fuzz, Trump wasn't being listened to because of past dealings with Russia, or IRS crap. They were simply listening for anything that could "leak" that would damning politically for him, that's it.
You can blow smoke, and try to convince yourself that wasn't the case, but bottom line is that is what they were listening for.

Hillary herself was quoted as saying if Trump wins " we'll all hang", we all thought she meant the Clintons, it's becoming apparent it was much bigger than that.
Democrats employed repeated delay tactics on the House floor Wednesday to protest the GOP’s decision to plow ahead with committee markups of a proposal to repeal and replace ObamaCare without an independent analysis of its cost and effects.


That is like fuzz complaining that another poster asks too many stupid questions.
The fact that one was spied on does not preclude their not being reasons for doing that spying.
Here is a fact... you don't know if those reasons exists anymore than do I. When it comes to that kind of information it the circle of people who know the truth is very small and sources and methods will be protected.
Trump's ties to Russia go way further back than the election. Knowing that Trump has always been less than a truly honest business man...Trump U, 100's of lawsuits for failure to pay contractors who have worked on his projects for work performed, hiring undocumented workers...perhaps if his tax returns are always audited it is because he has repeatedly given the IRS reasons to do so. And before you go claiming political reasons for tax audits don't forget he was one of HRC biggest donors when she was running for Senate, that he gave Chelsea Clinton a $150,000 automobile for a wedding gift. Anyone who totally dismisses any possibility that he would employ any means necessary to expose dirt on his rivals is naïve.

I find it annoying how hypocritical alt leftist are. If George Bush had presided over Obama's headquarters being tapped and cited radical affiliations with terrorist groups such as the weather underground, you would lose your shit. And you know it. Or how did you feel when Obama was caught on a hot mic telling Russia, "I'll have more leverage after the election". If Russia has been trying to interfere with American elections, do you think it just started with Trump? Or did Obama know that already, which he did, and was playing political chess WITH Russia? Why didn't Obama go after Russia sooner when they were hacking and exploiting American intel and interest for his entire presidency. And wouldn't it be crazy to know, they made expansion gains as well.

You're a media driven mouthpiece for a political party. You know damn well before the media got started on their "explanations" for Clintons loss, you hadn't said the word Russia in a lifetime. And furthermore, are you advocating war with Russia? Because the alt left mainstream media is pushing it.

Trump was being spied on because he was a political foe, nothing about Russia. your party is corrupt.
Theres no way that you honestly believe any of that is true.
Not sure how you can say "any of it"?
What I presented as fact is indeed fact. Trumps business dealings, the lawsuits, Trump U, his donations to Hillary, his gift to Chelsea...oh, and that you don't know any more about what reasons the FBI or NSA may have had on Trump than do I...those things are all 100% factual.

The reasons for tax audits...speculation.
The fact that one was spied on does not preclude their not being reasons for doing that spying.
This is true. There very well could have been reasons, but what are they? Give us the reasons. Show us the evidence.

Every single person involved in the investigation or that has been briefed on the investigation, an investigation that's been going on for almost a year, all say the same exact thing; there is zero evidence of collusion. So, again I ask, what were their "reasons"? Where is their "evidence"?

Not to mention, even if they had their "reasons" for the investigation, they still didn't follow protocol, and kept the investigation a secret from people in the government who are supposed to know. Makes me think they were doing things they weren't supposed to be doing.

"I think the bigger question that needs to be answered is whether or not Mr. Trump or any of his associates were in fact targeted by any of the intelligence agencies or law enforcement authorities."

"We are supposed to be kept up to speed on any pertinent counterintelligence investigation," Nunes said. "If Trump or any other political campaign, or anybody associated with Trump, was under some type of investigation, that clearly should have risen to the Gang of Eight level."
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This is true. There very well could have been reasons, but what are they? Give us the reasons. Show us the evidence.

Every single person involved in the investigation or that has been briefed on the investigation, an investigation that's been going on for almost a year, all say the same exact thing; there is zero evidence of collusion. So, again I ask, what were their "reasons"? Where is their "evidence"?

Not to mention, even if they had their "reasons" for the investigation, they still didn't follow protocol, and kept the investigation a secret from people in the government who are supposed to know. Makes me think they were doing things they weren't supposed to be doing.

"I think the bigger question that needs to be answered is whether or not Mr. Trump or any of his associates were in fact targeted by any of the intelligence agencies or law enforcement authorities."

"We are supposed to be kept up to speed on any pertinent counterintelligence investigation," Nunes said. "If Trump or any other political campaign, or anybody associated with Trump, was under some type of investigation, that clearly should have risen to the Gang of Eight level."

They have nothing. Trump might have just blown the lid off of the Obama legacy. Obama's ego might catch up to him. He's got no capital with Trump.
Fuzz, Trump wasn't being listened to because of past dealings with Russia, or IRS crap. They were simply listening for anything that could "leak" that would damning politically for him, that's it.
You can blow smoke, and try to convince yourself that wasn't the case, but bottom line is that is what they were listening for.

Hillary herself was quoted as saying if Trump wins " we'll all hang", we all thought she meant the Clintons, it's becoming apparent it was much bigger than that.
Bill, you're sucking in that smoke if you've convinced yourself that you know any of the above. You my friend are speculating and that is all. You have no basis to do anything other than speculate.
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This is true. There very well could have been reasons, but what are they? Give us the reasons. Show us the evidence.

Every single person involved in the investigation or that has been briefed on the investigation, an investigation that's been going on for almost a year, all say the same exact thing; there is zero evidence of collusion. So, again I ask, what were their "reasons"? Where is their "evidence"?

Not to mention, even if they had their "reasons" for the investigation, they still didn't follow protocol, and kept the investigation a secret from people in the government who are supposed to know. Makes me think they were doing things they weren't supposed to be doing.

"I think the bigger question that needs to be answered is whether or not Mr. Trump or any of his associates were in fact targeted by any of the intelligence agencies or law enforcement authorities."

"We are supposed to be kept up to speed on any pertinent counterintelligence investigation," Nunes said. "If Trump or any other political campaign, or anybody associated with Trump, was under some type of investigation, that clearly should have risen to the Gang of Eight level."

moe, every investigation into Benghazi said that HRC did nothing wrong yet y'all seemed convinced that she did.

Forgive me if I don't put a lot of faith in the public comments of officials when it comes to these type matters. At some point people will have to shit or get off the pot. Formal investigations will run their course and we'll get an answer.

Believe what you want to believe, just don't fool yourself into thinking that you KNOW anymore than anyone else. You have an opinion and that is all.
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moe, every investigation into Benghazi said that HRC did nothing wrong yet y'all seemed convinced that she did

Not really. Those were Democrats lying, making up phony conspiracies like a YouTube video to protect their own asses and cover up for one of their own. The truth eventually came out.

Believe what you want to believe, just don't fool yourself into thinking that you KNOW anymore than anyone else. You have an opinion and that is all.

No, I know what the guy who was in charge of the full and complete Obama investigation said. No evidence of collusion. I also know what members of the Intelligence Committee are saying. No evidence of collusion.

And these aren't all Republicans trying to protect Trump. They're Obama loyalists and Democrats. The only people still pushing the Russia collusion narrative are loony liberal politicians such as Pelosi, the liberal media, and those brainwashed by their propaganda.
Bill, you're sucking in that smoke if you've convinced yourself that you know any of the above. You my friend are speculating and that is all. You have no basis to do anything other than speculate.

There is absolutely NOTHING that shows collusion with Trump and Russia in the election, there is proof from the leaks that the Govt was listening to Trumps campaign, leaks intended to damage.
The only person that has actually spoke out against Trumps claim themself is a man that lied under oath to congress.

The Obama admin was out of control if ANY of the Wikileaks dump is true. They were allowed to run rampant because the same media hammering Trump failed to do their main job under Obama. Keep the GD Govt in check, that's it, that's their sole purpose of constitutional protection.
Fewer fat people now have any intention on trying to lose weight (possibly) due to the fat acceptance movement.

To bad the heart, joints, brain, etc. haven't joined in on the fat acceptance movement.

Don't worry Social medicine from the Rino Repubs will make sure all you gym rats pay your fair share to compensate. I can't wait to pay more money for another cocaine epidemic. Saw it is back on the rise. I guess it is from the heroin Flynn cut off before they axed him.
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