How will they rule ??!

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I’d be all for Congress passing a ~15week European style law that I believe most voters would support.

I get your point on the abortion issue, but how long before that 15 week turns to 20, to 30, and then to full term? And make no mistake, abortion on demand at any stage is what they want no matter what they say.

As we’ve seen with gun laws and everything else, you cant give the left an inch because they’re just never satisfied until they have it all. The goal posts always get moved back. Chipping away at your principles, your rights, morals, or to get what they want is their MO. If the right keeps just moving to the left for the hopes of a W here and there, eventually we just become the left.
They're just trying to piss you off. Makes them feel good.

You aren't just debating illogical "arguments," but veritable mental illness.

The sad thing is that the Left wears mental illness or whatever syndrome they are diagnosed with as a badge of honor. It ups their victimhood, and in their world that’s a good thing.

I don’t get it, and most anyone with a logical brain doesn’t. But to them it makes them even more special.
Was curious but your answer makes sense. I could tell you had some knowledge on the topic.

You probably dont work onsite, but if so, you should share with those miners your thoughts on their white privilege right as they're coming back on the mantrip from a long hard shift underground. Im sure theyd love to hear your thoughts.
You'd be surprised. People in this part of the country know they've been exploited. You even see that from some here in the thread. Populism is on the rise in both wings of the parties. Among social conservatives and social liberals.
Yep, as Dion likes to tell you, "you were brainwashed to work hard and get ahead!" The dems are just gonnat ake it from you lol!
Dion and Sam's hang up with Republicans is that they perceive Republicans as anit-gay. Outside of gay marriage and adopting kids most Republicans I know don't give a hoot about someone being gay. But we all know Dems are about identity politics which is why 95% of gays vote Democrat.
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You'd be surprised. People in this part of the country know they've been exploited. You even see that from some here in the thread. Populism is on the rise in both wings of the parties. Among social conservatives and social liberals.

There are definitely some bernie supports in letcher co (mainly whitesburg), harlan, and bell. Maybe as much percentage wise as anywhere in the state.

Louisville has the most dems but they wont waste their vote as they see it by voting for a Bernie type. They just want to beat Republicans.
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There are definitely some bernie supports in letcher co (mainly whitesburg), harlan, and bell. Maybe as much percentage wise as anywhere in the state.

Louisville has the most dems but they wont waste their vote as they see it by voting for a Bernie type. They just want to beat Republicans.
I can assure you outside of small pockets of support, Eastern Kentucky is Trump country. They're some hardcore Dem supporters that vote Dem regardless of policy positions but they're a dying breed.
Man, you're a preachy little bitch. Guess what?

You're neither of those either. Why do you care soooo much? You act like abortion is going to personally affect you, and you're a dude.

Shut up, ffs.
You're the fascist little mid wife passing laws and sticking your nose into complete stranger's uteruses not me.
What's your next job for controlling women's bodies??? Gotta be Maxi Pad quality inspector or maybe dildo designer?
Right now. Because there are no federal laws on the books. Yet. Dobbs does not block such legislation in any way. You made an assumption that wasn't there based on the media's reporting of the thing, not the thing itself.

No they don’t. Not federally. That was another quirk of Dobbs since it removed the viability standard. Combined with your take last night I really think you didn’t read it. And you should be questioning your sources if this is the kind of information they gave you about it.

Are you claiming the Commerce Clause would give the federal government the power to enact such a law? The argument is that the 10th Amendment reserves such rights to the states. The Court’s rulings on the Commerce Clause would suggest a federal law would be unconstitutional as an abortion is not an economic act, as the Court has defined that.
I will raise my hand and say that it is only Marijuana for me. I was a very frequent user in my early 20's, back in the mid-70's, but haven't been high in well over 40 years now. Joints were cool, but bong hits were the thing for me, back in the day. Regards alcohol, I will have a social drink every now and then, but certainly do not consider myself a drinker. My drink of choice is Jameson on the rocks. If weed and/or alcohol completely left the planet forever, I would not be fazed.

Your weed is not the weed of 2024.
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There are definitely some bernie supports in letcher co (mainly whitesburg), harlan, and bell. Maybe as much percentage wise as anywhere in the state.
I can assure you outside of small pockets of support, Eastern Kentucky is Trump country. They're some hardcore Dem supporters that vote Dem regardless of policy positions but they're a dying breed.
Like I said, populism on both ends.
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I can assure you outside of small pockets of support, Eastern Kentucky is Trump country. They're some hardcore Dem supporters that vote Dem regardless of policy positions but they're a dying breed.
My best friend's boomer mom is like this. "My grand daddy was a Democrat. My daddy was a democrat and I'll be a Democrat." But personally is against abortion, BLM, and all of that stuff. So never mind that this isn't remotely the same party as your grand daddy had, let's just keep voting for it.
It basically is. Just takes significantly less of it now. You only need a small hit instead of half a joint.

You smoked dope 40 years ago? Doubtful pup.

It’s not the same, as the THC content has been bred to be much higher by understanding the relationship between female and male plants. But, if you say drinking a light beer is the same as drinking bourbon, you just can drink more. Then, okay.
Maybe this is an attempt to buy votes like student loan debt cancellation?
Not buying votes. Employees have social security taxes withheld from their paychecks and they aren’t allowed to take a tax deduction for this. However, they must pay income tax on this same money when they receive it many years later after they retire. Current tax law is unfair and needs to be corrected.
Are you claiming the Commerce Clause would give the federal government the power to enact such a law? The argument is that the 10th Amendment reserves such rights to the states. The Court’s rulings on the Commerce Clause would suggest a federal law would be unconstitutional as an abortion is not an economic act, as the Court has defined that.
It’s in the for-profit healthcare system. The Commerce Clause covers nigh on everything; this court may be conservative, but they aren’t THAT conservative. Of course it could be regulated like any other economic activity.
You smoked dope 40 years ago? Doubtful pup.

It’s not the same, as the THC content has been bred to be much higher by understanding the relationship between female and male plants. But, if you say drinking a light beer is the same as drinking bourbon, you just can drink more. Then, okay.
Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. The THC %s were generally in the low single digits back then for dirt weed(seeds, means pollinated). Now everything is sinsemilla(no seeds, unfertilized) and has been bred up, so a strong strain is generally between 20 and 30%. Same stuff, just need significantly less, just like I said. So many ounces of beer equals not as many ounces of wine equals even fewer ounces of liquor.
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I can assure you outside of small pockets of support, Eastern Kentucky is Trump country. They're some hardcore Dem supporters that vote Dem regardless of policy positions but they're a dying breed.

Yes. Given the complete swing, the amount of Bernie support still sort of surprises me. Then again its from a group that mostly pretty much grew up on the draw. The rest of the small pocket are just people who are anti both parties and they see Bernie as the way to undo it all
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You pay tax on SS? On money they already took from you? Jesus Christ.
I hope you're being ironic. This started in 1984 when President Reagan signed the bill that was overwhelmingly supported by both parties. So, for 40 years, SS income has been taxed. Since earned income is subject to SS tax and you don't receive a deduction, it amounts to double taxation when benefits are received.

That system is badly in need of a total revamp: limits on income that is taxed is dumb, 3 and 4 individuals drawing from a single taxpayer's SS benefit is stupid, COLA increases ad infinitum means, if you live long enough, you'll take 3X+ more money out of the system than you ever put in (not counting your spouse, your divorced spouse, a minor on disability, etc.). The world's greatest Ponzi scheme: every dollar collected is paid out in benefits currently (and then some) - pretty much the definition of a Ponzi scheme, right? I'd be all for privatization of SS but no one in Congress will ever go for it, imo.
Any efforts to clean up this for 2024 election, or can we expect this to continue?
From what I recall reading/seeing since '20 any election reforms and/or trying to clean up the process has come from red states.
Don't think a single blue state has done anything. May be wrong.
I think even Penn, with a Repub legislature, hasn't done anything with mail-in ballots, counting, etc. Of course they've got a Dem gov so if they passed anything I'm sure it got vetoed.
I hope you're being ironic. This started in 1984 when President Reagan signed the bill that was overwhelmingly supported by both parties. So, for 40 years, SS income has been taxed. Since earned income is subject to SS tax and you don't receive a deduction, it amounts to double taxation when benefits are received.

That system is badly in need of a total revamp: limits on income that is taxed is dumb, 3 and 4 individuals drawing from a single taxpayer's SS benefit is stupid, COLA increases ad infinitum means, if you live long enough, you'll take 3X+ more money out of the system than you ever put in (not counting your spouse, your divorced spouse, a minor on disability, etc.). The world's greatest Ponzi scheme: every dollar collected is paid out in benefits currently (and then some) - pretty much the definition of a Ponzi scheme, right? I'd be all for privatization of SS but no one in Congress will ever go for it, imo.
Thank you for pointing out that Reagan signed this: his greatest mistake IMHO.
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