How will they rule ??!

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So what you are saying is, the rights of a few is greater than rights of the majority. Because you are taking their rights away with telling parents they no longer have the right to protect their children from things they are not ready for. You are taking away more rights to gain a few. Bad business little boy. Also, you better believe a lot of "Americans" black, white, brown, agree with me on this. You are just to blind and brainwashed because you are too weak minded and scared to have you own opinion.
I'm guessing you copied your parents "good-hearted" southern values. Yeah, I can tell. I actually think for myself, my whole family is conservative, and I never agreed. It's not rebellion, just a difference in opinion.

What I mean is that minorities rights are the same as majorities. How is it taking away from your rights if you see something that you don't like? I never though conservatives were pussies until now.
Vern, you need to be smarter than that.

I hate flag burning. I would want to fly in and kick ass every time I see that shit happening.

But there is a very important Constitutional right behind that which must be protected: The right of an American citizen to protest their own government. Flag burning is an expression of that right and you do not want to abridge it.

That's why I say you can protest however you want to, but if you try to take MY flag then that's when it goes down.

Alt Knight Based Stickman Kyle Chapman

Uh... pay attention much? I think that box was checked a long time ago there, partner.
Negus Webster-Chan, please. You ain't seen nothing yet. Member? The big, red button Hillary warned us about? Just wait until he decides to grab it like a pussy.
Good damn question right there

I think it's because a while back the US decided that we were going to side with Sunni Muslims over Shiite Muslims - even though the former are outnumbered......maybe the overthrow of the Shah of Iran and the tensions between the US and Iran in the late 70's had a lot to do with that choice?

That's my impression anyway......from what I can tell - the Saudi Regime is a collection of arrogant, hypocritical, narcissistic, madrassa funding asshats....

I THINK --- and I may be wrong - but I THINK if we stopped supporting them entirely then one of two things would happen

1) their own people may destabilize the Monarchy
2) Iran takes the gloves off the current proxy war they're fighting with the house of Saud - and we see war between Iran / Saudi Arabia....and their collective allies......

anyone else think that sounds about right?
If you guys are going to discuss serious issues then you should at least moderately understand what you're talking about.

A destabilized Saudi Arabia is our worst nightmare. The Saudi's chief rival is Iran. You have the central nexus of the Sunni Muslims in Saudi Arabia which also happens to be home to Islam's holiest city in Mecca balancing Iran who happens to be the world's leading Shiite majority and is led by radical clerics.

The last thing on earth you want to do is kneecap the Saudis you idiots. If the Shiite minority in Saudi Arabia boils over you literally could wind up with the entire ME in flames overnight. There are landmines of ancient hatreds that have brewed for thousands of years over there and we unfortunately found out the hard way that we would have been much better served to keep our troops out of the middle of it.

The LAST thing you want to do is put your thumb on Saudi Arabia and tilt the balance towards Iran.
Uh... pay attention much? I think that box was checked a long time ago there, partner.

I know he has an Ego -- all President's and CEO's do

I'm talking about the kind of "off the rails" activity where he starts rounding up protestors and setting up checkpoints and passing laws that you CANT protest etc

I detailed it in my blog but hopefully that clarifies it....I'm talking about a slice of history that we've simply never SEEN in the US......not the mundane back and forth between "Left" and "Right" with the regular barbs and insults --- I MEAN rounding people up if they disagree

no matter how much I disagree with someone on the traditional Left --- we ALL need to be worried if Trump (or anyone else) openly declares war on them and starts surpassing opposition and enhancing police powers (ala Soviet Russia -- not by today's media standards)

on the other hand -- if the MARXIST LEFT starts agitating with violence then I am 100% in favor of a swift, brutal and uncompromising response that leaves their surviving members SCARED to try and topple the govt ever again

That may seem nebulous to some -- but it isn't to me
Not if you read enough history ----- I really believe THATS the missing key

My gripe isn't with the "left" who acts/believes differently -- I think that traditional degree of antagonism is HEALTHY

My gripe is with the Marxists who are in the same category as Nazi's

I would expect the same respect and limitations from our friends on the Left.
I'm guessing you copied your parents "good-hearted" southern values. Yeah, I can tell. I actually think for myself, my whole family is conservative, and I never agreed. It's not rebellion, just a difference in opinion.

What I mean is that minorities rights are the same as majorities. How is it taking away from your rights if you see something that you don't like? I never though conservatives were pussies until now.
Study biology kid.
Interesting legal observation on what Obama and his administration could be facing if Trump rolls out proof for his Saturday morning tweets:

Democrats may regret Sessions’ recusal, as his replacement is a mini-Sessions: a long-respected, a-political, highly ethical prosecutor, Dana Boente, whose reputation is well-warranted from his service at the Tax Division, and who won’t be limited by any perceived ties to Trump, given his prior appointment by Obama. Obama himself appeared scared of Boente, as he removed Boente from the successor-to-Sessions position during the lame-duck part of Obama’s presidency, but Trump restored Boente to that role earlier this month. Democrats may get the investigation they wanted, but it may be their own that end up named in the indictment.
Anyone can get a sex change if they want. Anyone can identify as the opposite sex. Your definition of "right" is far behind the rest of the world.
Btw, I was using a story to make a political point, I told you that. And I am, in fact, 17.
With not a clue in the world. You do know that the majority who have come out as transgendered have not had the operation don't you? I suppose you just think they wish for it and it happens. Get out of kindergarten little boy and join the adult world.
It is so cute. Most of you have no idea that often Saudi Arabia aligns with Israel on all things to do with Iran. Middle Eastern politics is that twisted.

You folks, even at a novice level, do not understand the undercurrents and treacherous riptides in the nuances of ME policy.
I'm guessing you copied your parents "good-hearted" southern values. Yeah, I can tell. I actually think for myself, my whole family is conservative, and I never agreed. It's not rebellion, just a difference in opinion.

What I mean is that minorities rights are the same as majorities. How is it taking away from your rights if you see something that you don't like? I never though conservatives were pussies until now.
Well, you are dumber than I thought which is hard to believe given your postings. I was born and raised in Louisville not really south. Most of the family liberal like you, I am just one of the smart ones who knew better.

Also, were you taught to read and comprehend? We are protecting our children. You are either dumb or a pedophile.
Anyone can get a sex change if they want. Anyone can identify as the opposite sex. Your definition of "right" is far behind the rest of the world.
Btw, I was using a story to make a political point, I told you that. And I am, in fact, 17.

you completely missed the point, like you usually do. if someone goes all the way, has their penis split and shoved up inside them in their newly formed hole, thus the penis is gone, then they have fully earned the right to be called whatever and go sit and pee with the women. when they drop their pants there will not be a dick there. that is not the same thing as giving someone, anyone the right to simply self identify as whatever they want. if someone truly believes they are a girl despite their biology and you award them the right to walk into whatever shower or locker room they want then you open the door for every Tom Dick or Harry nutcase that abuses this new right to waltz into the ladies room because they verbally declare they are a girl. you are giving perverts the right to abuse the laws. and it will not stop at gender. self identifying is a dangerous slope. like i said, you have the surgery, you get your dick removed and load up on estrogen and breast implants, then have at it. go sit and pee where you please.
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If you guys are going to discuss serious issues then you should at least moderately understand what you're talking about.

A destabilized Saudi Arabia is our worst nightmare. The Saudi's chief rival is Iran. You have the central nexus of the Sunni Muslims in Saudi Arabia which also happens to be home to Islam's holiest city in Mecca balancing Iran who happens to be the world's leading Shiite majority and is led by radical clerics.

The last thing on earth you want to do is kneecap the Saudis you idiots. If the Shiite minority in Saudi Arabia boils over you literally could wind up with the entire ME in flames overnight. There are landmines of ancient hatreds that have brewed for thousands of years over there and we unfortunately found out the hard way that we would have been much better served to keep our troops out of the middle of it.

The LAST thing you want to do is put your thumb on Saudi Arabia and tilt the balance towards Iran.

In my post I noted the Sunni / Shiite distinction
I also noted that Iran and the House of Saud (+ allies) would probably go at it if we pulled out

After that I left it open - I'm not SURE if it's the best thing to do
I tend to think that pulling whatever we have left in S/A - IS a good idea

It's an olive branch to the Muslim world who are highly antagonized that infidel boots are in their holy land -- and what are we protecting anyway?
I think that's part of the blood on our hands right there.....there's got to be a better way (energy independence etc)

However -- if we were to pull out of S/A and our allies were attacked OR militant Islam were to continue to attack our nation .... then I think we'd have to reserve the right to match force with face

but -- YES --- I think we SHOULD consider a realignment in the M/E

And .... one quick word....I'm not motivated by ego -- AT ALL
not here -- not in my daily life - not with family - not where I've worked

so I'm not trying to play "gotcha" or "look at me" with anyone here --- so if you're talking to me, I'd rather prefer that you extend the same hospitality

I mean -- you launch an "idiot" bomb and then go on to talk about distinctions that were already made.......
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In my post I noted the Sunni / Shiite distinction
I also noted that Iran and the House of Saud (+ allies) would probably go at it if we pulled out

After that I left it open - I'm not SURE if it's the best thing to do
I tend to think that pulling whatever we have left in S/A - IS a good idea

It's an olive branch to the Muslim world who are highly antagonized that infidel boots are in their holy land -- and what are we protecting anyway?
I think that's part of the blood on our hands right there.....there's got to be a better way (energy independence etc)

However -- if we were to pull out of S/A and our allies were attacked OR militant Islam were to continue to attack our nation .... then I think we'd have to reserve the right to match force with face

but -- YES --- I think we SHOULD consider a realignment in the M/E

And .... one quick word....I'm not motivated by ego -- AT ALL
not here -- not in my daily life - not with family - not where I've worked

so I'm not trying to play "gotcha" or "look at me" with anyone here --- so if you're talking to me, I'd rather prefer that you extend the same hospitality

I mean -- you launch an "idiot" bomb and then go on to talk about distinctions that were already made.......
Vern, you're right. You deserve more respect than for me to call you an idiot because you do invest in fleshing out your ideas and I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

It's just that anyone that begins any subject by wondering why we didn't put Saudi Arabia on our list just to me immediately appears to not even understand at a fundamental level what is involved in ME politics.

The Saudis are scared to death of their aggressive Shiite minority and with good reason, as you mentioned.
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Saudi Arabia is home to Mecca. if we were to walk in and invade or light that place up it would probably unite and set of a fire storm of every Muslim in the world. all the ones who hate and kill each other would probably come together for that cause. i am no foreign policy buff either, but it is probably a real slippery slope. and yes, the oil thing being traded in US dollars is probably the biggest reason, religion be damned.
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you completely missed the point, like you usually do. if someone goes all the way, has their penis split and shoved up inside them in their newly formed hole, thus the penis is gone, then they have fully earned the right to be called whatever and go sit and pee with the women. when they drop their pants there will not be a dick there. that is not the same thing as giving someone, anyone the right to simply self identify as whatever they want. if someone truly believes they are a girl despite their biology and you award them the right to walk into whatever shower or locker room they want then you open the door for every Tom Dick or Harry nutcase that abuses this new right to waltz into the ladies room because they verbally declare they are a girl. you are giving perverts the right to abuse the laws. and it will not stop at gender. self identifying is a dangerous slope. like i said, you have the surgery, you get your dick removed and load up on estrogen and breast implants, then have at it. go sit and pee where you please.
Why do you care what someone else does with there life? You've shown that you believe it's against good morals. Okay. I get that. But there's really nothing to be afraid of. They're human beings.

I'm so inclusive that I really can't wrap my mind around such narrow-minded beliefs. I really can't stand to hear that shit.
Anyone can get a sex change if they want. Anyone can identify as the opposite sex. Your definition of "right" is far behind the rest of the world.
Btw, I was using a story to make a political point, I told you that. And I am, in fact, 17.
That explains it.
besides......we're not exactly AVOIDING "flame" in the M/E now are we?

The war in Yemen with Saudi and their allies vs the Iranian Houthi rebels is a bloody affair
Maybe what SHOULD Happen is that the cousins and distant kin in that region fight it out for a while....

The idea of pulling out of S/A and no longer protecting them would surely bring escalating oil prices as I would guess that that regime would falter without our support

but isn't that the ideologically honest thing to DO?
aren't they founding madrassas that preach death to the west?
wasn't it something like 11 out of 19 Saudi's that attacked us on 9/11?
don't they behead more ppl that ISIS On a daily basis? (rhetorical question -- they DO)

I've lost touch on what assets we have where since I left the Air Force (retained on nuclear weapons related officer who's a good friend though -=- and I've worked on the private side for supporting missile guidance systems -= so I can SPEAK to some military issues) -- so I really wish I knew more about what we have / don't have in S/A

Maybe we've pulled out 100% already and I just missed it -- hell, it's possible - there's a lot going on these days

Maybe we're still there -- after decades of promises about not staying......I think that's a major issue when it comes to a MORE peaceful M/E and I think it's a bargaining chip we need to be ready to play

I'd consider the same with South Korea to be honest
It' s been over 60 damn years since that border was established -- YOU GUYS defend it.....let's have a sincere conference about Asian partners for Liberty or whatever and make sure that S. Korea, Japan. Thailand, Australia and some others all sign a nice agreement to collectively fight N Korea in the event of an ISOLATED WAR......Japan should be taken OFF THE LEASH ENTIRELY --- we'll sell weapons to that collective)

We'd also directly enter the conflict if any of those nations were attacked or bases in those places were attacked, threatened or otherwise went to "FORCE PROTECTION CON CHARLIE"

(used to be called "THREATCON CHARLIE" for more seasoned vet's)
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Why do you care what someone else does with there life? You've shown that you believe it's against good morals. Okay. I get that. But there's really nothing to be afraid of. They're human beings.

I'm so inclusive that I really can't wrap my mind around such narrow-minded beliefs. I really can't stand to hear that shit.
Because people don't operate in a vacuum.
The Saudi fear of their Shiite minority often lands them in bed with the Israelis against the Shiite majority in Iran. That "bedding" is of course highly sensitive and brutally covert, but nevertheless necessary.

The US thumbing the Saudis with a travel ban could weaken the Sunni majority enough to sufficiently embolden an already anciently embittered Shiite minority in Saudi Arabia and that would be sweet, sweet nectar to Iran to fan the flames against. Ultimately you could ignite the entire region with such a thoughtless move.
Why do you care what someone else does with there life? You've shown that you believe it's against good morals. Okay. I get that. But there's really nothing to be afraid of. They're human beings.

I'm so inclusive that I really can't wrap my mind around such narrow-minded beliefs. I really can't stand to hear that shit.
You are so closed minded that you can only see the liberal brainwashing not understanding that real parents protect their children. Your ignorance to reality is what has been destroying the country lately. Do a little research outside of your classroom and you will find that like minded thinkers like you are losing ground because, smarter and wiser people are winning elections. Liberals are losing political ground by the boatload.
Anyone can get a sex change if they want. Anyone can identify as the opposite sex. Your definition of "right" is far behind the rest of the world.
Btw, I was using a story to make a political point, I told you that. And I am, in fact, 17.
Agree: Anyone can get a " sex change" operation if they want, but....

If a person born with a penis has said penis and friends removed, he/it is a mutilated man....still not a woman.
If a person is born with a vagina and accompanying ovaries and chooses to have them removed, she/it is a mutilated woman...not a man.
besides......we're not exactly AVOIDING "flame" in the M/E now are we?
Yes, Vern, we are avoiding flames in the ME to a large extent. You start seeing Pakistan lofting nukes and Israel carpet bombing Iran while the Shiites revolt full scale in Saudi Arabia then you'll see the kind of flames that could ignite in an instant in that most volatile of all places.

I know that is hyperbole but the point is once you start something which potentially could be as seemingly benign as the US putting the Saudis on our banned list and you might not be able to control the outcome.

Every move has to be carefully weighed and obviously not putting the Saudis on the list is a no brainer if one understands all the players in the game.
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Vern, you're right. You deserve more respect than for me to call you an idiot because you do invest in fleshing out your ideas and I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

It's just that anyone that begins any subject by wondering why we didn't put Saudi Arabia on our list just to me immediately appears to not even understand at a fundamental level what is involved in ME politics.

The Saudis are scared to death of their aggressive Shiite minority and with good reason, as you mentioned.

I'll be honest -- I'm torn between wanting to propose SOMETHING that makes sense
and partially believing that there may be NOTHING We can really do about that region

You know -- the Marxists teach that revolutions unfold along certain historical laws
So there are supposedly moments in history where - the powers that be - can't stop what's coming NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO

I don't like to give ANY credit to the Marxist world but that idea intrigues me and I think there's probably some merit in the concept

The M/E isn't my specialty - grew up hearing my dad talk about it A LOT

But I think my 'emphasis' has clearly come from reading pre/post revolutionary Russia and making comparisons with the revolutionary movements are happening in the US right now

I see a direct parallel between the "NWO" movement and the Bolshevik revolution of early 20th century I took a deeper dive into Russian history and literature in the past 5-6 years.......I've been reading Turgenev, Chekhov, Dostoyevsky, Solzhenitsyn and even studying the Russian Language for about 15 months to get a better understanding of where they were coming from.....Marx wasn't Russian of course but you have to read a bit about him to understand where that Revolution was coming from....when then leads you back to the German (Hegel etc) and French (Focault? among others - I can't recall clearly right now) philosophers that Marx was quoting and 'standing on' ....

so the M/E is an area where I have passionate opinions but it isn't my top emphasis of active study -- I'm MORE than willing to learn from others that have a meaningful point to make.......thanks for your post, that's the kind of intellectual honestly that I'm talking about right there

Because all we have at this point is a report. And I have no reason not to believe it, especially since I don't buy into Trumps media propaganda.
Let me approach this in another way.

There are two categories of fake hate crimes- hoaxes and false flags. A hoax occurs when the victim fabricates the crime. A false flag, which is probably not as common as a hoax, occurs when someone actually does commit the crime, to try to case blame on an opposition group (e.g, the Reichstag burning).

From what I read, it's highly unlikely that this crime was a hoax, and I am not disputing the veracity of the report. From what I understand, the victim really did get shot, and he was an innocent victim. The question is, who did it, and why? I don't know, and neither do you. At some point, we'll probably find out. My point was that, whether or not, this was a real hate crime or a false flag from some demented SJW, the perpetrator is invariably going to say something like "get out of my country". The hater will do it because that's what he thinks. The SJW will do it so that the media can blame for Trump for "creating the climate of hate" and the SJW movement scores a point.

Now, in this case, because it's not likely that the SJW would resort to shooting someone (but as I mentioned, they are becoming increasingly unglued), I suspect that this perp was a real life hater, and probably a crazy one to boot. If so, the media will never let us hear the end of it, and Trump will be blamed- and I'm sure the name Bannon will be mentioned as well. If it turns out to be some Berkeley eccentric, the media will not give the story a great deal of further attention.
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Why do you care what someone else does with there life? You've shown that you believe it's against good morals. Okay. I get that. But there's really nothing to be afraid of. They're human beings.

I'm so inclusive that I really can't wrap my mind around such narrow-minded beliefs. I really can't stand to hear that shit.

you really are an idiot at this point, but in your defense i was pretty freaking stupid at 17. i was tho much more interested in chasing girls than posting on internet message boards. you should try it sometime. i get your generation is confused what the difference between a boy and a girl is. the girl is the one with the inny, the boy is the one with the outy.

and no once cares what someone does, but self identification as a civil right is moronic. should a white person be allowed to self identify as black or native amercan for that matter? i should by your logic be able to do so, declare i am an indian, and move out west and open a casino without having to pay taxes. great.
Vern, you're right. You deserve more respect than for me to call you an idiot because you do invest in fleshing out your ideas and I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

It's just that anyone that begins any subject by wondering why we didn't put Saudi Arabia on our list just to me immediately appears to not even understand at a fundamental level what is involved in ME politics.

The Saudis are scared to death of their aggressive Shiite minority and with good reason, as you mentioned.

Keyser is a leftie Z. Try to keep up.
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I'm pretty sure the reason that Saudi Arabia isn't on the list is because it would require a new bill to add them.

Kind of hard to ban people from there if they aren't on the current list that exists from the Obama administration.
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you really are an idiot at this point, but in your defense i was pretty freaking stupid at 17. i was tho much more interested in chasing girls than posting on internet message boards. you should try it sometime. i get your generation is confused what the difference between a boy and a girl is. the girl is the one with the inny, the boy is the one with the outy.

and no once cares what someone does, but self identification as a civil right is moronic. should a white person be allowed to self identify as black or native amercan for that matter? i should by your logic be able to do so, declare i am an indian, and move out west and open a casino without having to pay taxes. great.
Boom!, and his head explodes. This makes more since than his tiny brain can handle.
Why do you care what someone else does with there life? You've shown that you believe it's against good morals. Okay. I get that. But there's really nothing to be afraid of. They're human beings.

I'm so inclusive that I really can't wrap my mind around such narrow-minded beliefs. I really can't stand to hear that shit.
If you really so inclusive, then I recommend that you start expanding your inclusiveness and tolerance to standing "that shit" of views differing than your own. I realize that liberals will generally retort that "I don't have to be tolerant to the intolerant, and I don't have to be inclusive to the non-inclusive", but that's not really logical. Logically looking at it, the other side will just accuse your side of being intolerant, and saying that THEY don't have to respect the intolerant, and then we just sort of go around in a vicious circle.
I think too Trump is strategizing with Saudi Arabia to help take out Iran. Some people may not like it, but its probably the smart thing to do. This is one instance where the enemy of your enemy is a friend.
I'll be honest -- I'm torn between wanting to propose SOMETHING that makes sense
and partially believing that there may be NOTHING We can really do about that region

You know -- the Marxists teach that revolutions unfold along certain historical laws
So there are supposedly moments in history where - the powers that be - can't stop what's coming NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO

I don't like to give ANY credit to the Marxist world but that idea intrigues me and I think there's probably some merit in the concept

The M/E isn't my specialty - grew up hearing my dad talk about it A LOT

But I think my 'emphasis' has clearly come from reading pre/post revolutionary Russia and making comparisons with the revolutionary movements are happening in the US right now

I see a direct parallel between the "NWO" movement and the Bolshevik revolution of early 20th century I took a deeper dive into Russian history and literature in the past 5-6 years.......I've been reading Turgenev, Chekhov, Dostoyevsky, Solzhenitsyn and even studying the Russian Language for about 15 months to get a better understanding of where they were coming from.....Marx wasn't Russian of course but you have to read a bit about him to understand where that Revolution was coming from....when then leads you back to the German (Hegel etc) and French (Focault? among others - I can't recall clearly right now) philosophers that Marx was quoting and 'standing on' ....

so the M/E is an area where I have passionate opinions but it isn't my top emphasis of active study -- I'm MORE than willing to learn from others that have a meaningful point to make.......thanks for your post, that's the kind of intellectual honestly that I'm talking about right there

I believe there is nothing enduring we can do there. All the lives we lost in Iraq and Afghanistan were of fleeting indifference to the thousand year rivalries that rule those regions. As long as you are standing there with your checkbook open then they will listen to you. The absolute instant you are not they will revert to exactly what they always have been.

The flaw in the Bush Doctrine is that it presupposes all people in all cultures are capable of sustaining democracy. I believe that was naive.

Arab Spring was nothing more than a naive Western pipe dream. Theocracy fundamentally is not compatible with Democracy.
No, they don't. We get exactly what we have. Some bozo ass buying up the rights to a children's seizure medication then raising the price by 2000% or the shitbag that raised AIDS medicine through the roof. Ever take a look at your damned hospital bill? It is outrageous and unsustainable.

That's what your profit driven healthcare model has delivered. An unsustainable bloated failing system.

We could wipe all that away. Just all decide healthcare is something we're not going to fight about or try to make a profit from. It, overnight, can be something you, your children, or your parents ever have to worry about again.

I don't understand it and I never will. We can fight on hundreds of other things. Other issues. But why not just decide healthcare will not be one of them? That your parents will never have to sell their home to pay for their cancer treatment. That a family will not be bankrupted by a child with leukemia.

We can make all that go away. That it be something that you never have to think about again. I just don't get it.

I haven't read past this post, but I agree on this 100% and my wife is a nurse and pretty attest that you are very accurate.

But it isn't so easy as to say no profits and let the govt handle it.

See that is where conservatives nosedive left/right. Govt control of anything sucks! Period and that isn't debatable by anyone at this point.

So I'm not sure of the right answer but I'm positive that Obamacare is as useless as the $8000 deductibles combined with $400-$800 a month premiums it produces.

Also, and you can bank on this no matter the country, doctors and nurses make a profit. It's how they survive......why in the hell would they agree to make less for the same liability and stress?

If you don't like the pharmaceutical reps swaying doctors for lining their pockets I agree totally(since my kids are supposed to be on riddelin at 5 and 7). But as a responsible adult I kindly told their doctor to GF themselves and get better. Didn't pay the bill either and when they called about it I asked to speak with the "very busy" doctor and explained in my most professional voice until she got better she could take that bill and some riddelin and see which one last longer. I've seen her once since and she isn't to friendly and I like it that way.

See I'm not pro profits and doctors, but I'm certainly against govt run Medicare because then the only people overcharging is the govt and our level of healthcare only goes down.
"The flaw in the Bush Doctrine is that it presupposes all people in all cultures are capable of sustaining democracy. I believe that was naive."

Watch it, this line of thinking may align you with people who think we should vent these people more before allowing them into this country as long as they can assimilate.
I think too Trump is strategizing with Saudi Arabia to help take out Iran. Some people may not like it, but its probably the smart thing to do. This is one instance where the enemy of your enemy is a friend.
Iran (Shiite) fans discontent in Saudi Arabia (Sunni) via the Shiite minority in Saudi Arabia. Thus both Israel and Saudi Arabia are aligned against Iran as they share a common interest in keeping Iran in check as the stronger Iran is the more trouble it makes for both

. That is one of the many different balances that holds that entire hornets nest together.
Iran (Shiite) fans discontent in Saudi Arabia (Sunni) via the Shiite minority in Saudi Arabia. Thus both Israel and Saudi Arabia are aligned against Iran as they share a common interest in keeping Iran in check as the stronger Iran is the more trouble it makes for both

. That is one of the many different balances that holds that entire hornets nest together.

I guess that will explain the nice little parting gift from the Commander and thief.
Sources say that there were wiretaps, they reported it. Sources say that there were no wiretaps, they reported it. Both actually happened, nothing fake about it.

[laughing] I can't believe I actually missed this earlier. Guess that's what I get for not reading most of your drivel. Honestly, what you just described is the definition of fake news. Reporting things that you do not know to be 100% true is fake news.

Do you even know how journalism is supposed to work? When you use anonymous sources you're supposed to find at least two other sources to corroborate the story, and then fact check it yourself if possible. If there's even the slightest hint of a doubt it's not true, then, under no circumstances, do you report it. That's how real journalism works.

Reporting it anyways, then later correcting the record, blaming it all on bad sources, is how shitty, fake news journalism works. If they NYT has two separate anonymous sources telling them two completely different things, they shouldn't report what either one says until they know for sure which one is true.