How will they rule ??!

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this issue has nothing to do with gays. nothing. this is all you get out of it? it is opening a pandora's box for the crazies out there to take advantage of and impede on the civil liberties of the rest of us based on mental illness. and it never just stops there. transgender and other transage nutcases have nothing to do with gay people. it is the issue of giving individuals the right to identify as what ever they want and what that new identification gives them the right to do. if you feel you are a girl yet was born with a pecker, that is fine. you can feel how ever you want, but it isn't changing what your actual gender is.
It may be a mental illness on some level, but that doesn't render them inept in society. What makes you think they are taking advantage of civil rights just to piss you off? That's such a conceded statement, although very common.

They have the right to identify as whatever gender they want. The country has come so far with civil liberties, it would be a shame if the Trump administration reversed a huge part of it. Whether you like it or not, there's many more people who are for gay/transgender rights, and you will see it if Trump reverses the law.
It may be a mental illness on some level, but that doesn't render them inept in society. What makes you think they are taking advantage of civil rights just to piss you off? That's such a conceded statement, although very common.

They have the right to identify as whatever gender they want. The country has come so far with civil liberties, it would be a shame if the Trump administration reversed a huge part of it. Whether you like it or not, there's many more people who are for gay/transgender rights, and you will see it if Trump reverses the law.
Trans gender rights smh
Wrong again, you have a lot of learning to do. Many conservatives have gone independent and Trump is not really GOP/conservative. You really don't understand any of this do you.
You're going to use one candidate over the past 250 years of elections? Okay, it doesn't happen every time. But, MOST of the time, conservatives vote for the conservative candidate that shares their views... Why is that so hard to admit?? My god, you people are frustrating.
Which then in turn would cause Americans to then turn against pretty much any and all Muslims. Which in turn would lead to a war based on religion which would reach globally. Iran gets the holy war they crave.

IF that were to happen --- then it would mean that the infamous Albert Pike letters turned out to be spot on and eerily prophetic.....

One side says his letters were written well in advance and clearly outlined the future parameters and contentious issues surrounding WW's 1, 2 and the coming WW3 (which is close to as you described + that the "nihilists" would be unleashed on society....ultimately a global govt would come out of the whole thing)

The other side says that the letter was s fraud etc --- wasn't written at the time that it's dated etc

I'm not losing sleep over it -- but your post made me think of the letter....also.....I think Albert Pike is the only Confederate Soldier who has a statue in D/C that will never get protested......

haha -- worth googling if you have time to blow later

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Lol, Z was actually saying Obamacare won't be repealed. Apparently Trump and the GOP didn't get that memo.

It dies Wednesday.
Big Republican Government run healthcare plan is out. Death Panels by 2020. Big Spending Big Republican Government tax giveaways. Big Republican Government telling us what to do with our healthcare. Another Republican/Socialist attempt to run our lives and take away our freedoms.
Absent gross incompetence on the part of the perpetrator, a fake hate crime is necessarily going to "smell" like a hate crime. What's the point of committing a fake hate crime in the first place, if not to make it look like an actual hate crime?
I'm erring on the side of evidence, not fantastical conspiracies.
Lol, Z was actually saying Obamacare won't be repealed. Apparently Trump and the GOP didn't get that memo.

It dies Wednesday.
Yeah, if by "dies" you mean a photocopy of Obamacare with a few tinkerings.

It is STILL Big Government run healthcare you moron. And the best part is I have tricked you into supporting it.

Think about this, two years ago if I had showed you the Republican plan without telling you it was Republicans doing it, you would have tore your ass over it.

So chew on that you friggen RUBE.
I will say one thing about this. I believe fully in everyone's right to protest their own government and that is a cornerstone of the very founding of our country...

BUT... If I am holding an American flag and some jackass runs up and tries to take it from me there is going to be a viral YouTube video of me kicking some serious ass.

You can do what you want to with your flag, but I would love to see somebody try to take mine.

Ref: Flags

Since they mean nothing -- and burning them is our right

There should be an effort to obtain "rainbow flags" and strike a match at various opportunities

Perhaps only when someone else is burning a US Flag (that would be my preference)
Seems that the act itself would require no further explanation .... in the end.....they're just flags and the latter doesn't even represent a specific NATION one would get mad.....I'm ALMOST certain of it
Whether you like it or not, there's many more people who are for gay/transgender rights, and you will see it if Trump reverses the law.
Equal rights? I agree. Trannies is dresses using the women's bathrooms? Not in your wildest dreams. Only the fringe loons are for that. Hell, there's even liberal feminists groups against that mess
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Yeah, if by "dies" you mean a photocopy of Obamacare with a few tinkerings.

It is STILL Big Government run healthcare you moron. And the best part is I have tricked you into supporting it.

Think about this, two years ago if I had showed you the Republican plan without telling you it was Republicans doing it, you would have tore your ass over it.

So chew on that you friggen RUBE.
Amazing that you know so much about a bill thats barely been out 20-30 minutes. Can you show me proof of this?
These Big Republican run DEATH PANELS that kick in for 2020 will decide which senior citizens live and which will die. Not good. I think that may come up in the election. Just a guess.
Big Republican Government run healthcare plan is out. Death Panels by 2020. Big Spending Big Republican Government tax giveaways. Big Republican Government telling us what to do with our healthcare. Another Republican/Socialist attempt to run our lives and take away our freedoms.

What do you call what obama spent?

Please answer as serious as possible
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I'm erring on the side of evidence, not fantastical conspiracies.
That fake hate crimes are hardly uncommon is hardly a fantastical conspiracy. A whole series of them, albeit all allegedly at the hands of one man, was recently uncovered. Granted, rarely do fake hate crime perps to resort to actual violence, but, in case you haven't notice, the eccentrics have become more violent than usual lately- I suspect it has to do with November.

Anyway, until the suspect is caught and convicted, why err on the side of anything at this point?
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Ref: Flags

Since they mean nothing -- and burning them is our right

There should be an effort to obtain "rainbow flags" and strike a match at various opportunities

Perhaps only when someone else is burning a US Flag (that would be my preference)
Seems that the act itself would require no further explanation .... in the end.....they're just flags and the latter doesn't even represent a specific NATION one would get mad.....I'm ALMOST certain of it
Vern, you need to be smarter than that.

I hate flag burning. I would want to fly in and kick ass every time I see that shit happening.

But there is a very important Constitutional right behind that which must be protected: The right of an American citizen to protest their own government. Flag burning is an expression of that right and you do not want to abridge it.

That's why I say you can protest however you want to, but if you try to take MY flag then that's when it goes down.
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Here's a quick article where I put the "New World Order" quotes in one place - we've been told this is coming for many years -- so I've assumed our professional politicians MEANT IT


--- here's the "NWO" excerpt .... will check to make sure the links work
my point here is that a) we have politicians who APPEAR to be opponents who have been working towards the same international goals.....and b) I believe that the American people -- with Trump as our choice of President -- may have just broken that cycle.....

and THAT's why he can NOT be tolerated --not that Putin as also stated that Trump's election was a 'blow' to the NWO......I think this is coming down to 'who's in' and 'who's opposed' to the next cycle of that ancient drama I sometimes call .... "Nimrod's Tower"

*************Excerpt from follows******************

He's literally de-constructing the various apparatus (and possibly organizations soon as well) that were being used to build portions of the Globalist New World Order.

  • NOTE: I realize that's a term that makes some people look at you like you're a fruitcake. But since the term was given to us by a sitting US President and repeated over the years by various politicians and political figures (in fact - you can see H. Kissinger on live TV saying that President Obama's task was to BUILD A NEW WORLD ORDER --> He's Supported Both Parties and LOVES the NWO
Do you see why Biden and others were specifically referring to how Trump is a threat to the "New World Order"?

Jo-Jo Biden Loves Him Some New World Order

REALLY Loves the NWO - Wanted the US Military (Your Taxes) to BUILD IT

....and why would that outcry appeal to the average American anyway??

Who votes for a President based on "does that person support the New World Order"?

(not rationally thinking people anyway - it certainly doesn't seem to be in favor the Trumps' new friends - the US Labor Unions)

Retired V/P Biden was decrying the threat to the NWO because it's what he's given his career and life for.

That stance is quite similar to Papa Bush back in the early 90's when we first started hearing the term "New World Order" from our Commander in Chief

This US President BIRTHED the Term - New World Order

The Russians have gotten into the NWO mood as well as Putin noted that Trump's election is a defeat to the New World Order:

Bur what's even funnier -- is that the term "New World Order" is suddenly so accessible ... I mean here are the Germans saying that TRUMP is starting a New World Order.

Der Spiegel Online

And of course - even though he didn't mention it many times that I can recall - our outgoing Marxist President saluted and welcomed the coming New World Order

Wait - Obama Was a NWO guy too?
Z can't handle that he is literally wrong all the time.

Hold this L for me Z. Another prediction of yours was total shit.
Z was exactly correct. The Republicans stuck lipstick on Obamacare and moved on. Oh, they did add DEATH PANELS for senior citizens by 2020 so there may be some issues in Florida, for example, in 2020 when all those seniors have to vote for their lives.
Vern, you need to be smarter than that.

I hate flag burning. I would want to fly in and kick ass every time I see that shit happening.

But there is a very important Constitutional right behind that which must be protected: The right of an American citizen to protest their own government. Flag burning is an expression of that right and you do not want to abridge it.

That's why I say you can protest however you want to, but if you try to take MY flag then that's when it goes down.

but isn't that a fair way -- and possibly an effective one -- to visibly show other people how THEY appear when they're burning someone else's flag?

honestly -- it just seems like it could be a way to make the point without having to say a word......

then again, we're lacking some reason out there these days ... by design I think
It may be a mental illness on some level, but that doesn't render them inept in society. What makes you think they are taking advantage of civil rights just to piss you off? That's such a conceded statement, although very common.

They have the right to identify as whatever gender they want. The country has come so far with civil liberties, it would be a shame if the Trump administration reversed a huge part of it. Whether you like it or not, there's many more people who are for gay/transgender rights, and you will see it if Trump reverses the law.
They have the right to identify but, they do not have the right to impose that on the majority in public places when they don't want to see it. i have the right to protect my children first before you have the right to expose them to something they or I do not want to see. Try me on that sometime and see how far it gets you.
What do you call what obama spent?

Please answer as serious as possible
Let's cut to the chase, until we get to a single payer universal healthcare plan like every other civilized country has on earth then healthcare will be outrageously expensive crapfest.

I don't even know why you Republicans want to fight on this? The issue is simple:


Why on earth do you guys want to disagree with that? Every other country realizes they don't want folks out there making money off sick people. That healthcare is a fundamental HUMAN RIGHT.

I will never in my life understand why any sane thinking person would disagree with the idea that we need to take care of our sick and elderly without trying to make a buck. That some things need to be above greed and profit.

Steal everything not nail down in every other area, but just leave healthcare out of your need to constantly be trying to figure out how to take advantage of somebody because you can... at their weakest and most vulnerable.
Z why shouldn't doctors and nurses make money providing you healthcare?

By your measure why should anyone be allowed to profit on anyone? I'll be 100% honest I'd prefer my children's doctor make an extra large profit off me every time they need tubes or god forbid something worse than I would prefer McDonald's make a profit killing us and making us need a doctor anyway.

See I don't mind paying for a good service, I really and truly don't.

The difference those other "civilized" countries have people that come here and pay cash for our medical care when it's really bad instead of staying where they are.

Any idea why?
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It may be a mental illness on some level, but that doesn't render them inept in society. What makes you think they are taking advantage of civil rights just to piss you off? That's such a conceded statement, although very common.

They have the right to identify as whatever gender they want. The country has come so far with civil liberties, it would be a shame if the Trump administration reversed a huge part of it. Whether you like it or not, there's many more people who are for gay/transgender rights, and you will see it if Trump reverses the law.

declaring whatever gender you want to be is not a right. you can dress how you want, parade around feeling however you want, still doesn't make you a girl. it's not a civil right Sean. the government doesn't need to be in the business of protecting every marginal mental illness group and forcing them into our civil liberties. no one is stopping people from thinking they are a girl even though they have a penis. that is on them. but government doesn't need to pass regulations that the newly self identified person can now go into in bathroom, locker room, shower they want just because they feel they are entitled to it.

and besides, bigbluerick, a month or so ago you were on here telling people you were a disabled coal miner because of a hand injury rendered you unable to find work, now you are new UK college student living on UK campus. so what's your next story?
Let's cut to the chase, until we get to a single payer universal healthcare plan like every other civilized country has on earth then healthcare will be outrageously expensive crapfest.

I don't even know why you Republicans want to fight on this? The issue is simple:


Why on earth do you guys want to disagree with that? Every other country realizes they don't want folks out there making money off sick people. That healthcare is a fundamental HUMAN RIGHT.

I will never in my life understand why any sane thinking person would disagree with the idea that we need to take care of our sick and elderly without trying to make a buck. That some things need to be above greed and profit.

Steal everything not nail down in every other area, but just leave healthcare out of your need to constantly be trying to figure out how to take advantage of somebody because you can... at their weakest and most vulnerable.
We want people making a profit on healthcare Cuz they will be incentives to create the best procedures.
at this point I just want to see people being ideologically honest with themselves and each other

I'm trying to come up with 'indicators' and examples of what we would witness if Trump were either

a) "Good Trump" - an elected rep of the people who are voting against globalism / open borders / military as world police / NATFA-NATO.TPP-ETC ..... what would it look like if he's really THAT candidate going fwd? Who are his enemies? what are his next moves?


b) "Bad Trump" - either he goes off the tracks and becomes egomaniacal ruler OR he was a ruse from the beginning and starts to respond with true Fascist style crackdowns and policies that ignite widespread conflict in the US....and everything else that comes with that.....what would that look like? would we see it coming? are there laws on the books NOW that we should know about that he could use detrimentally?

I've started the article but realize that if there's truly a shadow govt moving pieces on the chessboard -- then "bad trump" could have been the plan from Day 1 and we've just never know.....(i.e. the one who was a plant from the beginning -- not the one who starts good but then goes rotten)

Good Trump is like (early) Woodrow Wilson

We will protect and stand by our allies -- but we aren't going to tell them how to manage their affairs and the US and our military will have a lighter hand on the world from this point on......
Yeah, if by "dies" you mean a photocopy of Obamacare with a few tinkerings.

It is STILL Big Government run healthcare you moron.
Complain and complain some more. Isn't going to change a thing. Bottom line is, Democrats and their welfare pandering created entitlement healthcare, now we're stuck with it.

You have two chooses; deal with whatever the new plan is finalized as or keep complaining, and stay stuck with your "failing faster than you can say Obamacare" Obamacare.
That fake hate crimes are hardly uncommon is hardly a fantastical conspiracy. A whole series of them, albeit all allegedly at the hands of one man, was recently uncovered. Granted, rarely do fake hate crime perps to resort to actual violence, but, in case you haven't notice, the eccentrics have become more violent than usual lately- I suspect it has to do with November.

Anyway, until the suspect is caught and convicted, why err on the side of anything at this point?
Because all we have at this point is a report. And I have no reason not to believe it, especially since I don't buy into Trumps media propaganda.
IF that were to happen --- then it would mean that the infamous Albert Pike letters turned out to be spot on and eerily prophetic.....

One side says his letters were written well in advance and clearly outlined the future parameters and contentious issues surrounding WW's 1, 2 and the coming WW3 (which is close to as you described + that the "nihilists" would be unleashed on society....ultimately a global govt would come out of the whole thing)

The other side says that the letter was s fraud etc --- wasn't written at the time that it's dated etc

I'm not losing sleep over it -- but your post made me think of the letter....also.....I think Albert Pike is the only Confederate Soldier who has a statue in D/C that will never get protested......

haha -- worth googling if you have time to blow later


Have to give you props dude you know your shit. I want you on my side when the shit hits the fan in this country.
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They have the right to identify but, they do not have the right to impose that on the majority in public places when they don't want to see it. i have the right to protect my children first before you have the right to expose them to something they or I do not want to see. Try me on that sometime and see how far it gets you.
No no, you must know that is false. Its the 21st century, minorities don't have to give into the wishes of white men anymore. You can have your wet dreams of the 50's and stay behind if you want.. But it won't change the civil rights that everyone shares.
declaring whatever gender you want to be is not a right. you can dress how you want, parade around feeling however you want, still doesn't make you a girl. it's not a civil right Sean. the government doesn't need to be in the business of protecting every marginal mental illness group and forcing them into our civil liberties. no one is stopping people from thinking they are a girl even though they have a penis. that is on them. but government doesn't need to pass regulations that the newly self identified person can now go into in bathroom, locker room, shower they want just because they feel they are entitled to it.

and besides, bigbluerick, a month or so ago you were on here telling people you were a disabled coal miner because of a hand injury rendered you unable to find work, now you are new UK college student living on UK campus. so what's your next story?
Next he will be mansgendered because he likes men.
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And I have no reason not to believe it, especially since I don't buy into Trumps media propaganda
And which media would that be? Just curious. Never heard that one before.

You do realize people have went to jail for being caught faking hate crimes and blaming it on Trump supporters, don't you? Again, I can provide credible examples of just as many, possibly even more, false flags or completely made up as you can real things since Trump has been elected.

If you seriously aren't aware of them, then the reason is because you admittedly only buy into liberal MSM propaganda.
We want people making a profit on healthcare Cuz they will be incentives to create the best procedures.
No, they don't. We get exactly what we have. Some bozo ass buying up the rights to a children's seizure medication then raising the price by 2000% or the shitbag that raised AIDS medicine through the roof. Ever take a look at your damned hospital bill? It is outrageous and unsustainable.

That's what your profit driven healthcare model has delivered. An unsustainable bloated failing system.

We could wipe all that away. Just all decide healthcare is something we're not going to fight about or try to make a profit from. It, overnight, can be something you, your children, or your parents ever have to worry about again.

I don't understand it and I never will. We can fight on hundreds of other things. Other issues. But why not just decide healthcare will not be one of them? That your parents will never have to sell their home to pay for their cancer treatment. That a family will not be bankrupted by a child with leukemia.

We can make all that go away. That it be something that you never have to think about again. I just don't get it.
declaring whatever gender you want to be is not a right. you can dress how you want, parade around feeling however you want, still doesn't make you a girl. it's not a civil right Sean. the government doesn't need to be in the business of protecting every marginal mental illness group and forcing them into our civil liberties. no one is stopping people from thinking they are a girl even though they have a penis. that is on them. but government doesn't need to pass regulations that the newly self identified person can now go into in bathroom, locker room, shower they want just because they feel they are entitled to it.

and besides, bigbluerick, a month or so ago you were on here telling people you were a disabled coal miner because of a hand injury rendered you unable to find work, now you are new UK college student living on UK campus. so what's your next story?
Anyone can get a sex change if they want. Anyone can identify as the opposite sex. Your definition of "right" is far behind the rest of the world.
Btw, I was using a story to make a political point, I told you that. And I am, in fact, 17.
The country has come so far with civil liberties, it would be a shame if the Trump administration reversed a huge part of it.

Where will you draw the line on science?

Is Pedophilia a Sexual Orientation?
Michael C. Seto

I begin by defining pedophilia and sexual orientation,and then compare pedophilia(as a potential sexual orientation with regard to age) to sexual orientations with regard to gender(heterosexuality,bisexuality,and homosexuality), on the bases of age of onset, correlations with sexual and romantic behavior, and stability over time. I conclude with comments about the potential social and legal implications of conceptualizing pedophilia as a type of sexual orientation in males.

Just make sure the country doesn't go too far with "civil liberties" because of science you decide others shouldn't question.

Protect the women and children young cat.
Why isn't Saudia Arabia one of the countries listed on the travel ban?

Good damn question right there

I think it's because a while back the US decided that we were going to side with Sunni Muslims over Shiite Muslims - even though the former are outnumbered......maybe the overthrow of the Shah of Iran and the tensions between the US and Iran in the late 70's had a lot to do with that choice?

That's my impression anyway......from what I can tell - the Saudi Regime is a collection of arrogant, hypocritical, narcissistic, madrassa funding asshats....

I THINK --- and I may be wrong - but I THINK if we stopped supporting them entirely then one of two things would happen

1) their own people may destabilize the Monarchy
2) Iran takes the gloves off the current proxy war they're fighting with the house of Saud - and we see war between Iran / Saudi Arabia....and their collective allies......

anyone else think that sounds about right?
No no, you must know that is false. Its the 21st century, minorities don't have to give into the wishes of white men anymore. You can have your wet dreams of the 50's and stay behind if you want.. But it won't change the civil rights that everyone shares.
So what you are saying is, the rights of a few is greater than rights of the majority. Because you are taking their rights away with telling parents they no longer have the right to protect their children from things they are not ready for. You are taking away more rights to gain a few. Bad business little boy. Also, you better believe a lot of "Americans" black, white, brown, agree with me on this. You are just to blind and brainwashed because you are too weak minded and scared to have you own opinion.
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