How will they rule ??!

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Perfect illustration of everything.

Soros Minions. He's forming a army.
Saw this last week but wanted to make sure it was clear (I know I posted some long stuff)

Former AG calling for resistance to our current President -- and then some
Put into context with the V. Jarrett 'hq' for unseating a legally elected Pres
and the Holder/Obama effort to sue states and change state level district maps etc
.....both sides slowly getting a taste for blood as they meet in public protest

WOW! Really don't even know how to respond to that. We 're in a full blown culture war. It could possibly spin out of control. The media is 100% behind all of this. They're the right arm of the globalist movement. Used for population control.
Never realized it until lately but the globalist establishment was first formed with George Bush Sr. He was the first one to try to establish Free Trade although it wasn't passed until the Clinton years.
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When those 20 million people lose their coverage they're not going to be blaming Democrats. Democrats will simply point across the aisle and remind them that the Republicans said could fix it.
Not really, because if you recall, the Democrats have all those people out at town halls screaming to keep Obamacare. Democrats, themselves have been on TV talking about how great it is, and the Republicans shouldn't mess with it.

So, again, Republicans could sit back, do nothing, let it collapse, and then when it does say, point back across the Isle and say we gave you exactly what you wanted. We listened to your cries.

You showed up to our town halls, angry, protesting, demanding we let you keep Obamacare, so we did. Democrat politicians chastised us on TV, telling us Obamacste works and shouldn't be messed with, so we didn't mess with it. This is what you wanted.
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Interesting. The Comey report may be fake news.

Of course, it was another NYT anonymous source speaking on behalf of Comey. To the left, a super duper, anonymous NYT source is just as good as a personal verbatim quote.

In the past three days I have seen Gowdy, Cotton and Chaffetz all three vehemently warn the public, saying that after seeing the evidence for themselves, and being briefed by Comey on the investigations, they urged, warned the public not to trust or lend credence to anonymous source reporting on this matter.
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Not really, because if you recall, the Democrats have all those people out at town halls screaming to keep Obamacare. Democrats, themselves have been on TV talking about how great it is, and the Republicans shouldn't mess with it.

So, again, Republicans could sit back, do nothing, let it collapse, and then when it does say, point back across the Isle and say we gave you exactly what you wanted. We listened to your cries.

You showed up to our town halls, angry, protesting, demanding we let you keep Obamacare, so we did. Democrat politicians chastised us on TV, telling us Obamacste works and shouldn't be messed with, so we didn't mess with it. This is what you wanted.
We both know it would not work like that. Dems would come up with a narrative that Republicans screwed it up once they got control of Congress. If the Dems would have stayed in power they could have made Obamacare work correctly. We know it is complete BS but there are enough dumbasses in America who would believe it because CNN, NBC, ABC, etc. would make sure of it.

Just hope whatever BS Ryan and others are going to pull Trump threatens to VETO it if it does not repeal and completely replace Obamacare.
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Shelby Steele Nails Them: Libs

You really do need to find this WSJ article today:

"Today’s liberalism is an anachronism. It has no understanding, really, of what poverty is and how it has to be overcome. It has no grip whatever on what American exceptionalism is and what it means at home and especially abroad. Instead it remains defined by an America of 1965—an America newly opening itself to its sins, an America of genuine goodwill, yet lacking in self-knowledge.

This liberalism came into being not as an ideology but as an identity. It offered Americans moral esteem against the specter of American shame. This made for a liberalism devoted to the idea of American shamefulness. Without an ugly America to loathe, there is no automatic esteem to receive. Thus liberalism’s unrelenting current of anti-Americanism.

Let’s stipulate that, given our history, this liberalism is understandable. But American liberalism never acknowledged that it was about white esteem rather than minority accomplishment. Four thousand shootings in Chicago last year, and the mayor announces that his will be a sanctuary city. This is moral esteem over reality; the self-congratulation of idealism. Liberalism is exhausted because it has become a corruption."

"White guilt is not angst over injustices suffered by others; it is the terror of being stigmatized with America’s old bigotries—racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia. To be stigmatized as a fellow traveler with any of these bigotries is to be utterly stripped of moral authority and made into a pariah. The terror of this, of having “no name in the street” as the Bible puts it, pressures whites to act guiltily even when they feel no actual guilt. White guilt is a mock guilt, a pretense of real guilt, a shallow etiquette of empathy, pity and regret.

It is also the heart and soul of contemporary liberalism. This liberalism is the politics given to us by white guilt, and it shares white guilt’s central corruption. It is not real liberalism, in the classic sense. It is a mock liberalism."

"When America became stigmatized in the ’60s as racist, sexist and militaristic, it wanted moral authority above all else. Subsequently the American left reconstituted itself as the keeper of America’s moral legitimacy. (Conservatism, focused on freedom and wealth, had little moral clout. (Note: Freedom has little moral authority? LOL.) From that followed today’s markers of white guilt—political correctness, identity politics, environmental orthodoxy, the diversity cult and so on."
This story broke hours ago. I happened to catch it on Fox News, but they didn't have a full report or any details at the moment because it's was just breaking. Now they've been digging for a few hours and report some interesting details, including more fake news by the AP.

Wonder why this story is being completely ignored by most every other major news outlet?

300 refugees subjects of FBI terror investigations, U.S. officials say

Hundreds of people admitted to the United States as refugees are the subjects of FBI counterterrorism investigations involving ISIS – including some individuals from countries cited on President Trump’s revised travel ban.

Nearly a third of the 1,000 FBI domestic terrorism cases – 300 – involve those admitted to the U.S. as refugees, a Department of Homeland Security official said Monday. That number was confirmed later in the day by Attorney General Jeff Sessions during a news conference. Officials said some of those 300 came to “infiltrate” the U.S., while others were radicalized once they were in the country.

One official also sought to clarify the apparent conflict with a leaked DHS report that appeared to show no connection between refugees and terrorism.
The official said the draft document, which was reported by The Associated Press on Feb. 24, was not complete, had not been vetted through the interagency process and did not reflect classified information.
Never realized it until lately but the globalist establishment was first formed with George Bush Sr. He was the first one to try to establish Free Trade although it wasn't passed until the Clinton years.

Here's a quick article where I put the "New World Order" quotes in one place - we've been told this is coming for many years -- so I've assumed our professional politicians MEANT IT

That exact term (as far as I can tell) DID start with Bush Sr
But Biden, Obama, Kissinger, a couple of Popes -- all continued talking about it gloriously

So I am of the mind that they're working for the same type of "big picture tomorrow"

And - at least as of now - I have believe Trump represents opposition to that "NWO" movement

So - this is about the destruction of National Sovereignty and the final victory for Marxist theory -- which their founding fathers always SAID it would be --- GLOBAL in nature.......they preached this for decades and decades......and now it's coming down to juuuuust needing to tip over the US Dollar ..... and the final push for Global "Order" REALLY begins

We're the last hurdle folks -- THATS why this is intensifying like it is ---
I wonder how many sleeper cells Iran has in America through the refugee program.

Iran stated they have about 2 million in our country now -- ready to go on orders from Mother Persia

I don't know what to think about that # -- but I zero doubts that they're ready to hit soft as well as hard targets if we go to war with them OR if some other switch is flipped and chaos starts breaking loose in our nation

You have Marxists here NOW that would side / aid / abet just about any foreign national as long as they're being told that it's "Corrupt / Wealthy / Racist" America they're REALLY after.......
Here's a quick article where I put the "New World Order" quotes in one place - we've been told this is coming for many years -- so I've assumed our professional politicians MEANT IT

That exact term (as far as I can tell) DID start with Bush Sr
But Biden, Obama, Kissinger, a couple of Popes -- all continued talking about it gloriously

So I am of the mind that they're working for the same type of "big picture tomorrow"

And - at least as of now - I have believe Trump represents opposition to that "NWO" movement

So - this is about the destruction of National Sovereignty and the final victory for Marxist theory -- which their founding fathers always SAID it would be --- GLOBAL in nature.......they preached this for decades and decades......and now it's coming down to juuuuust needing to tip over the US Dollar ..... and the final push for Global "Order" REALLY begins

We're the last hurdle folks -- THATS why this is intensifying like it is ---

Have to have a username and password to access that info. What's happening now is that America and other nations are starting to become enlightened to the NWO's ambitions. They thought they could control the population through media and they were but then came along Trump. He is a classic anti hero.
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Iran stated they have about 2 million in our country now -- ready to go on orders from Mother Persia

I don't know what to think about that # -- but I zero doubts that they're ready to hit soft as well as hard targets if we go to war with them OR if some other switch is flipped and chaos starts breaking loose in our nation

You have Marxists here NOW that would side / aid / abet just about any foreign national as long as they're being told that it's "Corrupt / Wealthy / Racist" America they're REALLY after.......

Which then in turn would cause Americans to then turn against pretty much any and all Muslims. Which in turn would lead to a war based on religion which would reach globally. Iran gets the holy war they crave.
There's really no evidence that points either way. The people at the scene said it was hate crime. Smells that way to me
Absent gross incompetence on the part of the perpetrator, a fake hate crime is necessarily going to "smell" like a hate crime. What's the point of committing a fake hate crime in the first place, if not to make it look like an actual hate crime?
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[laughing] No shit. The Mexican government released a step by step video instructing illegals on how to avoid deportation in America. Saw it on TV but can seem to find it on the net. Still searching.
Not really, because if you recall, the Democrats have all those people out at town halls screaming to keep Obamacare. Democrats, themselves have been on TV talking about how great it is, and the Republicans shouldn't mess with it.

So, again, Republicans could sit back, do nothing, let it collapse, and then when it does say, point back across the Isle and say we gave you exactly what you wanted. We listened to your cries.

You showed up to our town halls, angry, protesting, demanding we let you keep Obamacare, so we did. Democrat politicians chastised us on TV, telling us Obamacste works and shouldn't be messed with, so we didn't mess with it. This is what you wanted.
But in the meantime, premiums didn't come down and people who voted for the people who promised to repeal Obamacare are upset because you didn't do what you promised and you had no excuses not to do so.
The people at the town halls didn't vote for Trump or anyone calling for repeal/replace. It's the people that put them in office that will be upset.

I realize that it would simply kill you to agree with what I've said, but you know I am correct.
Some of your buddies on this board are asking "when they gonna repeal it?"... It was a major campaign issue we heard over and over.

It is a ticking time bomb and it will have to be addressed. Trump has said, "health insurance for everybody". Nobody put those words in his mouth but him.

They (the GOP) pulled the pin on the grenade and have yet to throw it. The longer they wait the closer the grenade will be to them when it blows up. The only question that remains is will it blow up in their hand?
Of course, it was another NYT anonymous source speaking on behalf of Comey. To the left, a super duper, anonymous NYT source is just as good as a personal verbatim quote.

In the past three days I have seen Gowdy, Cotton and Chaffetz all three vehemently warn the public, saying that after seeing the evidence for themselves, and being briefed by Comey on the investigations, they urged, warned the public not to trust or lend credence to anonymous source reporting on this matter.
Yet the WH claims anonymous sources...[roll]

When it comes to issues regarding intelligence gathering you're never going to get anything other than anonymous sources. Spies don't go around and allow their names and identities to be made public.
Of course the WH wants to try and place doubt in the minds of "the people" when it comes to messages they can't control.
people who voted for the people who promised to repeal Obamacare are upset because you didn't do what you promised and you had no excuses not to do so.
No. Who are you to speak for those people when you didn't vote for him? I'm one of them, you don't speak for me. Most on this board are one of them and you don't speak for them either.

People who voted for Trump understand what a clusterf**k the whole Obamacare situation and process is, and know that he can't just waive his magic wand to repeal and replace it.

Those upset people you've been seeing at the town halls are not Trump supporters. You've been fooled by fake news.
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Federal Court Hearing Tuesday, March 7, in Clinton Email Case, Judicial Watch Seeking Answers on Abedin/Weiner Laptop Emails
(Washington DC) – Judicial Watch today announced a hearing will be held Tuesday, March 7, 2017, regarding Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails that were sent or received during her tenure from February 2009 to January 31, 2013, as well as all emails by other State Department employees to Clinton regarding her non-‘’ email address (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State(No. 1:15-cv-00687)). The case is before Judge James E. Boasberg.

Items of discussion at the hearing will be the emails of Clinton aide Huma Abedin that were found on the laptop of Anthony Weiner, Abedin’s estranged husband. Judicial Watch also will be seeking answers as to the timing of the release of Clinton’s emails that were recovered by the FBI in its investigation of the server used by Clinton and others.

When it comes to issues regarding intelligence gathering you're never going to get anything other than anonymous sources. Spies don't go around and allow their names and identities to be made public.
Of course the WH wants to try and place doubt in the minds of "the people" when it comes to messages they can't control.

[laughing] Except the part you're failing to comprehend is the NYT claimed and quoted anonymous sources in January talking about Trump being wiretapped, then they come out yesterday with more anonymous sources claiming there's no proof of wiretaps. Which is it? There are or there aren't? Basically they outed themselves for being fake news, and making up anonymous sources.

Not to mention, when people such as Gowdy, Cotton, and Chaffetz, those involved in the investigation, who have seen the evidence with their own eyes and been briefed by the FBI, come out and warn the public not to believe anonymous sources regarding the Russian investigation, it's in your best interest to heed their warning; otherwise, look dumb following fake news.
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This story broke hours ago. I happened to catch it on Fox News, but they didn't have a full report or any details at the moment because it's was just breaking. Now they've been digging for a few hours and report some interesting details, including more fake news by the AP.

Wonder why this story is being completely ignored by most every other major news outlet?

300 refugees subjects of FBI terror investigations, U.S. officials say

Hundreds of people admitted to the United States as refugees are the subjects of FBI counterterrorism investigations involving ISIS – including some individuals from countries cited on President Trump’s revised travel ban.

Nearly a third of the 1,000 FBI domestic terrorism cases – 300 – involve those admitted to the U.S. as refugees, a Department of Homeland Security official said Monday. That number was confirmed later in the day by Attorney General Jeff Sessions during a news conference. Officials said some of those 300 came to “infiltrate” the U.S., while others were radicalized once they were in the country.

One official also sought to clarify the apparent conflict with a leaked DHS report that appeared to show no connection between refugees and terrorism.
The official said the draft document, which was reported by The Associated Press on Feb. 24, was not complete, had not been vetted through the interagency process and did not reflect classified information.

That Skittles thing looking pretty GD prophetic right about now, eh?
No. Who are you to speak for those people when you didn't vote for him? I'm one of them, you don't speak for me. Most on this board are one of them and you don't speak for them either.

People who voted for Trump understand what a clusterf**k the whole Obamacare situation and process is, and know that he can't just waive his magic wand to repeal and replace it.

Those upset people you've been seeing at the town halls are not Trump supporters. You've been fooled by fake news.
You don't read so good.
The people at the town halls didn't vote for Trump or anyone calling for repeal/replace. It's the people that put them in office that will be upset

moe, hopefully you're not totally stupid. Many on Obamacare and all the others who are paying outrageous premiums for their insurance want action. They voted for Trump because he promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare and promised it would be one of the first things he did. Are you saying that they all lied to get elected?
You don't read so good.
You don't write so good and have zero clue, so I admit, I only get about a sentence or two in before I've had enough.

But my point still stands. You didn't vote for Trump, and don't speak for Trump supporters. I voted for him, and I'm not the least bit upset repeal and replace is taking longer than what was said.

That's how politics work. Only a moron really thought it was going to be repealed and replaced on day one, overnight. So if there are some who are upset it didn't happen overnight, then they have no one to blame but themselves for not understanding how government works.

You're acting like we're on year two and it's still not done. It's been two freaking months. Again, there's no magic wand to wave and make it immediately happen. Trump supporters realize this.
[laughing] Except the part you're failing to comprehend is the NYT claimed and quoted anonymous sources in January talking about Trump being wiretapped, then they come out yesterday with more anonymous sources claiming there's no proof of wiretaps. Which is it? There are or there aren't? Basically they outed themselves for being fake news, and making up anonymous sources.

Not to mention, when people such as Gowdy, Cotton, and Chaffetz, those involved in the investigation, who have seen the evidence with their own eyes and been briefed by the FBI, come out and warn the public not to believe anonymous sources regarding the Russian investigation, it's in your best interest to heed their warning; otherwise, look dumb following fake news.
To begin with the NYT never definitively said that Trump had been wiretapped. They reported that "anonymous sources" said that there had been FISA requests to do so.
Trump claimed he WAS wiretapped and credited anonymous sources but provided no proof.
Actually, the NYT quoted named sources saying that there were no known wiretaps.

Sources say that there were wiretaps, they reported it. Sources say that there were no wiretaps, they reported it. Both actually happened, nothing fake about it.

I take back what I said are totally stupid.
Why hide behind a mask? I'd pull it off his fragile face and beat him! Jail be damned.....been there and I'll be damned if some liberal douchebag puts me in a place where I'll take their crap for fear of an overnight stay.

Of course I'm working and raising a family so I won't be on any front lines, but I'd be more than happy to put a few in their place.
I will say one thing about this. I believe fully in everyone's right to protest their own government and that is a cornerstone of the very founding of our country...

BUT... If I am holding an American flag and some jackass runs up and tries to take it from me there is going to be a viral YouTube video of me kicking some serious ass.

You can do what you want to with your flag, but I would love to see somebody try to take mine.
To begin with the NYT never definitively said that Trump had been wiretapped. They reported that "anonymous sources" said that there had been FISA requests to do so.
Absolutely, completely, without a doubt false. See that's why I never read it all. You have absolutely no clue.

From January, 20th story in their print version paper; titled -- Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.”

The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit. The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said. One official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House.

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Why isn't Saudia Arabia one of the countries listed on the travel ban?
No, not going to happen.

But if only the Trump folks were as smart as I am they would have put Venezuela on the list to knock down the claim that it is another attempt at a Moslim ban. Venezuela is handing out fake passport's like candy apparently so I would absolutely put their asses on the list until they clean up their act.

That would have been a brilliant move by the Trump staffers but then again they don't have anyone like me otherwise their shit wouldn't be so screwed up.
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You're acting like we're on year two and it's still not done. It's been two freaking months. Again, there's no magic wand to wave and make it immediately happen. Trump supporters realize this.
So now you're saying that something will be done...
Healthcare has been f'd up for 50+ years and we all know what the final solution will be. We will end up with a universal care system in the next 10-20 years. Everybody in healthcare knows it, everybody in the healthcare insurance business knows it. Every politician knows it. The day that health insurance became a necessity for 99% of people to seek treatment for any serious ailment we were on that road to universal care. If you don't know it then your head is in the sand. I think you realize it too but would rather cut off your right arm than to admit it. Which is exactly where the GOP finds itself. I don't think most candidates who campaigned against Obamacare thought Trump had any chance at winning. They figured they could just continue to be the contrarians and would never have to address the issue. HRC would win and the next and maybe final steps to universal care would be taken and they would have plausible deniability for any blame with regards to problems with the system. I honestly believe that and believe that is why we never saw any GOP plans for replacement.
Hey, 2 months or 2 some point they will have to address it. In the meantime I'll be :popcorn:
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Why hide behind a mask? I'd pull it off his fragile face and beat him! Jail be damned.....been there and I'll be damned if some liberal douchebag puts me in a place where I'll take their crap for fear of an overnight stay.

Of course I'm working and raising a family so I won't be on any front lines, but I'd be more than happy to put a few in their place.
That was a dude? I couldn't tell for sure. Many SJW men are very girlish, and many SJW women are very butch- and I am including their straights in this.
If democrats give Obama a pass because he didn't order I would pay the college coaching rule out of lack of institutional control. I mean what's next another bill Clinton "I didn't have sex with that woman" claim? Christ almighty take your loses like men and end the BS.

Kaiser the reason Saudia Arabia isn't on the list was because we wanted to focus on countries without a central govt who couldnt vet immigrants properly before leaving their country.

The media now knows Trump has circled the wagons and in a few days we will see the smart ones do their best to get out of his way. Those that dig in will be completely discredited after this wiretapping stuff. It seems as if all the liberal idiots were reporting the wiretapping info........yet and still none of them to this day say a word about there being any ties between Russia and trump.
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[laughing] Wall of textin', shit postin', fortune tellin' strawman. My favorite.
I wasn't sure to whom you were responding, but the "wall of text" suggested that it was Fuzz, and after showing ignored content, sure enough, it was!

Now, I'd like to make a bet with Fuzz about his prediction of universal health care being on the way, but there's a reason I won't do that. Why risk paying on a loss, even if a loss is unlikely, when I won't be able to collect on a win?
Have to have a username and password to access that info. What's happening now is that America and other nations are starting to become enlightened to the NWO's ambitions. They thought they could control the population through media and they were but then came along Trump. He is a classic anti hero.

Did not know that.....hell, I hope I've not turned more ppl away because of that....I'm sure I can remove that restriction but I will if I can

If not -- then my point was that even the Obama admin was openly referring to the "NWO" -- Biden told graduating Air Force cadets that it's the most important thing they'll ever support / work on etc

PS: Wordpress absolutely sucks
Repeal and replacement plan just released. It's online for the public to read. 140 pages in total. Not some 2,000 page con.

It's going to be a transparent process, unlike Obamacare, and have a mark up where amendments can be made before it's finalized. That way everybody gets some input into it to secure a future final majority vote.

Hurry up and turn on CNN, fuzz. Get your Schumer and Pelosi talking points ready to go. Tell us all how horrible it's going to be without even reading a single page. No worries, though. You can always NYT it and claim anonymous sources.