How will they rule ??!

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Alway wondered why Obama was so interested in advancing the transgender issues. Maybe its not such a mystery anymore. (That man has seen the front end of a penis before.)

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I would just like to know, and one of our local liberals feel free to chime in, but what is the Democrat message going forward?

I mean, other than Trump is bad and obstruct/resist at all costs, what are they actually offering the American people these days?

Their leader, Schumer, has been on TV everyday for months now, and the only solutions he seems to be able to muster up are ."Trump is bad, un-American, unfair. Twitter. Obamacare is great. Illegals are good. Ignore the law. Vagina hats stand strong. Resist. Obstruct."

I could be way off here, but I'm just not quite sure that's going to cut it for the next four years.
It worked for the right. It is easy to be against everything when you have no responsibilities. The Dems have no responsibilities. The GOP controls it all. What happens from here on, at least until the next elections is all on them. Once the GOP has to put forth their own replacement for Obamacare or fail to do so because they realize their plan is 98% Obamacare and they lose the ability to deflect blame for the problems and cost of the system. When you fail to solve problems, you lose support.
It worked for the right.
It worked for the right because the country was searching for anything to reject Obama's far left liberal policies. That won't be the case with Trump.

because they realize their plan is 98% Obamacare
Bet you heard that on CNN, didn't you? Fact of the matter is, you have absolutely no idea what the plan is going to be because most Republicans even don't.
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Every time? How sure are you about that, Rick?
It may be an exaggeration, but not far from the truth. That's just how it goes. You vote for the candidate who shares your views, and usually they happen to be in your own party. Happens with democrats too. Not necessarily a bad thing unless you don't look into the candidate.
Could you imagine the absolute 24/7 shit storm that would've happened if Bush spied on Obama?

My god, the MSM and left would've been ready to put Bush on the damn electric chair.
Does anyone really believe Obama and his crew DIDN'T wiretap Trump?

I mean, look at what he did to reporters who displeased him!!

He thought Killary would win and it would all be buried.
It worked for the right. It is easy to be against everything when you have no responsibilities. The Dems have no responsibilities. The GOP controls it all. What happens from here on, at least until the next elections is all on them. Once the GOP has to put forth their own replacement for Obamacare or fail to do so because they realize their plan is 98% Obamacare and they lose the ability to deflect blame for the problems and cost of the system. When you fail to solve problems, you lose support.
Besides, you do realize the Republicans are doing everyone a favor by taking on that responsibility and putting themselves at risk? Obamacare is collapsing. It's not a question of if, but when. By this time next year, states will have zero providers. It's done and there's no saving it.

If the Republicans wanted to play politics they could easily sit on the hands, do nothing, let you imbeciles keep your Obamacare, and wait for it to collapse, causing 20 million people lose insurance, and it would all be the Democrats fault.

Then the Democrats would have no choice but to come begging the Republicans for a replacement. So, as far as you're concerned, you should be thanking them.
Mark Lavin is a kook's kook.
He never met a conspiracy that he didn't believe.

It's not hard for me to believe that Obama and/or his people may have done this, cloaking it in something else, and it's also not hard for me to believe that Trump and/or his people may been too close to Russia before and after the campaign.
Any politician that comes out of Chicago immediately has serious ethical questions attached to them. The amount of evidence about Obama's past dealings with certain individuals should have alarmed anyone who was willing to pay attention. This guy and his cronies have a checkered past that gives them zero creditability in the eyes of millions of Americans right now.
For those of you who watch CNN, MSNBC, etc... I'm certain they have the Clapper interview from yesterday on repeat where he says Trump has zero evidence of wiretapping, but are they also showing where he says, in that same exact interview, that after four months of investigating he found zero evidence of Trump/Russia collusion?
Nice triple click bait. But I'll bite. What's wrong with a liberal saying he'll probably vote for the liberal candidate. It happens every time with conservatives lmfao.

False. Entirely.

If conservatives voted for a conservative every time, Rubio or Cruz would've been the nominee.

And Perot would've never gotten enough votes to split the party, and give Bill Clinton a win.

Nice try

But let me clarify - if you play team politics, no matter the side, you're part of the problem.
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Any politician that comes out of Chicago immediately has serious ethical questions attached to them. The amount of evidence about Obama's past dealings with certain individuals should have alarmed anyone who was willing to pay attention. This guy and his cronies have a checkered past that gives them zero creditability in the eyes of millions of Americans right now.

It's mind blowing that our country was filled with so many morons who were so focused on Obama's race to vote for him that they completely overlooked his ties with Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, Frank Marshall Davis, his entire background, really. When they had a chance to get rid of him, they voted for him yet again.

Obama is the biggest mistake this country ever made. Look how radical Dems have become and the insanity that's accepted due to his time in office.
If the Republicans wanted to play politics they could easily sit on the hands, do nothing, let you imbeciles keep your Obamacare, and wait for it to collapse, causing 20 million people lose insurance, and it would all be the Democrats fault.

Then the Democrats would have no choice but to come begging the Republicans for a replacement. So, as far as you're concerned, you should be thanking them.

This is what they should have done.

BTW, last week Chuck Shumer got upset and said, "Let's see what the Republicans got before you start pointing fingers and blaming Democrats."

WOW! Dude, Obamacare is 100 percent a Democrat thing. Republicans had nothing to do with it. You all are absolutely to blame for it but with Dems, it's either deflect the blame to someone else as nothing is ever their fault or pretend that it's "awesome."

I can't stand these people.
False. Entirely.

If conservatives voted for a conservative every time, Rubio or Cruz would've been the nominee.

And Perot would've never gotten enough votes to split the party, and give Bill Clinton a win.

Nice try

But let me clarify - if you play team politics, no matter the side, you're part of the problem.
Hahaha, unbelievable. In the primaries, of course you vote for someone in your party! That's the point. Now they might not be establishment, but you still vote for who you agree with inside your own party. And in the generals, you vote for who you agree with as well (your own party most of the time)
Hahaha, unbelievable. In the primaries, of course you vote for someone in your party! That's the point. Now they might not be establishment, but you still vote for who you agree with inside your own party. And in the generals, you vote for who you agree with as well (your own party most of the time)

Congratulations on making maybe the dumbest post in political thread history. You in no way addressed anything I said, while simultaneously rattling off nothing that makes any sense.
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Perfect illustration of everything.

Why hide behind a mask? I'd pull it off his fragile face and beat him! Jail be damned.....been there and I'll be damned if some liberal douchebag puts me in a place where I'll take their crap for fear of an overnight stay.

Of course I'm working and raising a family so I won't be on any front lines, but I'd be more than happy to put a few in their place.
False. Entirely.

If conservatives voted for a conservative every time, Rubio or Cruz would've been the nominee.

And Perot would've never gotten enough votes to split the party, and give Bill Clinton a win.

Nice try

But let me clarify - if you play team politics, no matter the side, you're part of the problem.
Seeing that you can't vote for two people...if half of conservatives voted for Rubio, the other half for Cruz then neither could win. And that's pretty much what happened.
Only about 35% of voters consider themselves conservatives, 25% consider themselves liberals leaving 40% somewhere in the middle. NOBODY can get elected without appealing to the middle in some form or fashion.

Perot appealed to pretty much the same demographic as did Trump. Perot simply sabotaged his own campaign by withdrawing claiming he was doing so because he feared for the safety of his family. Still he managed to get 19% of the vote.
Besides, you do realize the Republicans are doing everyone a favor by taking on that responsibility and putting themselves at risk? Obamacare is collapsing. It's not a question of if, but when. By this time next year, states will have zero providers. It's done and there's no saving it.

If the Republicans wanted to play politics they could easily sit on the hands, do nothing, let you imbeciles keep your Obamacare, and wait for it to collapse, causing 20 million people lose insurance, and it would all be the Democrats fault.

Then the Democrats would have no choice but to come begging the Republicans for a replacement. So, as far as you're concerned, you should be thanking them.
Yes they are (doing Democrats a favor) and yes they could sit on their hands. But then they would have to explain why when they controlled the House, Senate and President and campaigned on repealing and replacing Obamacare...why they had not done so. They were elected to "fix it". Trump said it would be one of the first things he did. This is one of those times when you remind people to be careful about what you wish. When those 20 million people lose their coverage they're not going to be blaming Democrats. Democrats will simply point across the aisle and remind them that the GOP said they could fix it. Well, fix away.

Pretty sure I heard on the news this morning that the GOP was going to introduce their replacement plan. Keeps the pre-existing conditions mandate and drops the mandatory insurance mandate, and allows plans to be sold across state lines.
So be honest for a minute...doesn't that remove from the risk pool people who are less likely to have medical problems and leave that pool more highly saturated with high-risk clients? This will lead to lower premiums??? Anyone who thinks so simply doesn't understand how the insurance business works.
Allowing plans to go beyond state lines is a good idea but is a deck chair tossed off the Titanic. As Z and I have said all's Obamacare with lipstick. It does nothing to fix anything. It is a Band-Aid on a severed artery. It kicks the can 10 ft down the road.
Don't worry, the line will be drawn somewhere. Our conservative government will assure that it doesn't go past transgenders. But seriously man, you're getting on that paranoid level and I really don't get it. My parents are hardcore reps, but they also happen to be inclusive, and I know they would want me to treat "different" people the same. The same goes for my sister. Guess what, gays are actually some of the nicest people I've met in my life.

this issue has nothing to do with gays. nothing. this is all you get out of it? it is opening a pandora's box for the crazies out there to take advantage of and impede on the civil liberties of the rest of us based on mental illness. and it never just stops there. transgender and other transage nutcases have nothing to do with gay people. it is the issue of giving individuals the right to identify as what ever they want and what that new identification gives them the right to do. if you feel you are a girl yet was born with a pecker, that is fine. you can feel how ever you want, but it isn't changing what your actual gender is.
Nice triple click bait. But I'll bite. What's wrong with a liberal saying he'll probably vote for the liberal candidate. It happens every time with conservatives lmfao.
Wrong again, you have a lot of learning to do. Many conservatives have gone independent and Trump is not really GOP/conservative. You really don't understand any of this do you.
That was front page of HL...comey orders DOJ to shutup trump!!!!!! Omg

Or he's trolling them like everybody is trolling trump with "WHERES THR PROOF!!!!". Well, where's your proof?

That's all just silly BS.

So far Hillary hasn't been dealt with. Still. That unreal to me. Trump campaigned on crooked Hilary, then after he won, he said he would not pursue her, called her a good friend, etc. There's zero way Obama is dealt with. Just not possible, so that's a waste of time as well. The real losers are the people who are just being strung along and used for political reasons.

I'm not a patient man. I need trump to drop some bombs against our crooked ass leaders. ASAP. Drain the swamp. Let's go. Wtf are they doing?
Saw this last week but wanted to make sure it was clear (I know I posted some long stuff)

Former AG calling for resistance to our current President -- and then some
Put into context with the V. Jarrett 'hq' for unseating a legally elected Pres
and the Holder/Obama effort to sue states and change state level district maps etc
.....both sides slowly getting a taste for blood as they meet in public protest