How will they rule ??!

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Mark Levin laying out a solid series of serious accusations against the White House. Such corruption. Such filth. So more damning than anything for which Nixon voluntarily resigned, yet with many reasons for comparison, or with reasons to apologize to the California-born Quaker and distinguished Navy commander, our 37th US President.

But I can't help but amuse myself with the image of Mark Levin. Enjoy his radio broadcast each evening, and that's just where he's best suited because his voice just does not match his bold, round noggin and stern look. great guy, but when I listen to him on the radio I get an image of a latte-sipping, aging Jerry Lewis-like. In real life he looks like a man that can handle himself, could be the shit out of anybody Obama put in his cabinet, to a bloody pulp those two Obama appointed in charge of public education who wanted to systematically introduce homosexuality to all public school children beginning at age 5. Keep up the good work, Mark.
You get somewhat of a pass because you are a young pup with no kids. But try to use that big college-bound brain of yours for a second and imagine yourself in the future…and you and your wife have a 12 year old daughter. Do you really want her sharing a public bathroom with a man who says he "identifies as being a woman"…even though he still has a penis? Do you want your middle school daughter to share a locker room in gym class with a boy who "identifies as a girl"…even though he still has a penis?

It is not about choice. It is about biology. A 12 year girl should not be in the same bathroom with a person who has a penis. It really is that simple.

And yeah, it has the potential to be very harmful.

this. and hell it isn't just this. where does it stop? so you let people self identify as whatever gender they feel they are despite biology, then what is next? i know it doesn't stop there. if you can allow people to identify as what they feel, then does that translate to race, what about age? biology be damned? you feel like you are a girl despite that penis hanging between your legs, then what about the others. next someone says despite being 40 something whatever years old, they identify as a teenager because they feel like their internal self is still that teenage person. so their pedofilia is not not such because they are actually 16 in their mind? so having funny feelings for teenage girls is natural to them. or you can just identify as a half black half indian tranny when you apply for your business loan and you are trying to admit your kids to college. tax breaks galore. you can't stop it. dudes get to go in female locker rooms and take showers with girls because they declare their new identity, so you have opened a huge can of worms. it is absolutey f**king beyond retarded levels of insanity. mental illness is mental illness. plain and simple Rome's demise is upon us once again. all out of pure stupidity of the populous
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Sikh Indian shot in the arm in Seattle. The perp supposedly told him "Go back to your own country" before pulling the trigger. I'm calling another false flag.

Seattle is about as liberal as it gets. Also, it was at point blank range and the perp purposely shot the victim the arm, sparing his life.

Whoever committed this crime went out of their way to not kill the victim, but made sure to make it look like a xenophobic hate crime.
Maybe... I do enjoy supposing... I do enjoy it.
Anyway, for your argument's sake, I'm pulling for ya.

Not an argument, and couldn't care less what you're pulling for. It's just my opinion based on all of the other false flags we've seen thus far.

Maybe you just haven't been paying enough attention, but these people have lost their minds, and are willing to do anything to undermine Trump and to try to make him look bad.

Whoever can prove the least culpable in the shooting can make the most hay politically out of it.

It also has nothing to do with this either. I couldn't care less who's responsible. Again, it's just my opinion that's it's another false flag. If I'm wrong I have no problem admitting it. Either way they're trash, and deserve what they have coming.

It's more about keeping a spotlight on it, and calling out the negligent double standards that exist.
Not an argument, and couldn't care less what you're pulling for. It's just my opinion based on all of the other false flags we've seen thus far.

Maybe you just haven't been paying enough attention, but these people have lost their minds, and are willing to do anything to undermine Trump and to try to make him look bad.

It also has nothing to do with this either. I couldn't care less who's responsible. Again, it's just my opinion that's it's another false flag. If I'm wrong I have no problem admitting it. Either way they're trash, and deserve what they have coming.

It's more about keeping a spotlight on it, and calling out the negligent double standards that exist.
I'll take you on your word.
Look larger picture. 50% of South America's abundant, rich rain forests have been logged in the past 30 years. The food chain has suddenly been disrupted after thousands of years of continuity.

Power plants, cars, humans in general produce 99.9% of the world's CO2 emissions. These greenhouse gases heat the atmosphere, melts the ice glaciers, filling the oceans and effectively raising sea levels. In a matter of decades, Miami will be flooded with water. California cities would come next.

Oceans are also losing as many animals as the forests. Coral reefs are dying off, the most important biomes in the ocean, gone. The fish are dying exponentially. Not only that, but overfishing the oceans disrupts the oceanic ecosystem.
So we need to decrease the population. Do everyone a favor a be the first to volunteer to aid humanity by sacrificing yourself.
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I can recall going in the stall, taking a shit, and leaving. That's how simple it is. Its not some sacred temple, it's a GD restroom. Your fear of transgenders being rapey weirdos is disturbing.
Your ignorance and compliance with the left is even more disturbing. You still don't get it do you? Other people have the right not to be subjected to it. It is not just stalls, there are also open showers, changing rooms, and people who will abuse the situation. Please stay home and don't further your education because, you are going the wrong direction with your thought processing and you are too easily duped.
Your ignorance and compliance with the left is even more disturbing. You still don't get it do you? Other people have the right not to be subjected to it. It is not just stalls, there are also open showers, changing rooms, and people who will abuse the situation. Please stay home and don't further your education because, you are going the wrong direction with your thought processing and you are too easily duped.

He is still young he doesn't realize how children have been over sexualized in the media his entire life. He doesn't understand the psychological damage of subjecting kids to sex, violence, and drug culture through media from the day they were born. He grew up in a conservative home and was protected to some extent as he has pointed out. I'm just glad he is smart enough not to get triggered by us assuming his gender. There is hope with this one.
He is still young he doesn't realize how children have been over sexualized in the media his entire life. He doesn't understand the psychological damage of subjecting kids to sex, violence, and drug culture through media from the day they were born. He grew up in a conservative home and was protected to some extent as he has pointed out. I'm just glad he is smart enough not to get triggered by us assuming his gender. There is hope with this one.
Nah, he's gone, man. Hook, line and sinker... he's a card-carrying member. Life's gonna spit this mouthy little punk out in about 5 years.

Made my 12-y/o read his bullshit yesterday just to prove a point I've been making to her about how willfully ignorant most millennials are. It made quite an impact when juxtaposed against actual facts.

He is to be commended for that.
Anyone with so little foresight at late teens/early 20's, who overtly claims they will never evolve politically, spiritually or mentally, more than likely won't... simply out of spite to the detractors of his mentality... moreover, his own family. So, add short-sighted and stubborn to the resume. Shit just keeps getting better.
New York Times Trashes Its Own Reporting on Obama Admin Wiretapping

The New York Times has inadvertently attacked the credibility of its own reporting on the Obama Administration’s investigation of Russia and now-President Donald Trump.

Times reporters Michael Schmidt and Michael Shear write that Trump believes the “deep state” intelligence community, staffed with holdovers from the Obama Administration, wiretapped several of his campaign associates because of a spurious article from Breitbart News:

Synopsis from yesterday's NYT Article --

On Sunday, the president demanded a congressional inquiry into whether Mr. Obama had abused the power of federal law enforcement agencies before the 2016 presidential election. In a statement from his spokesman, Mr. Trump called “reports” about the wiretapping “very troubling” and said that Congress should examine them as part of its investigations into Russia’s meddling in the election.

Mr. Trump’s demand for a congressional investigation appears to be based, at least in part, on unproved claims by Breitbart News and conservative talk radio hosts that secret warrants were issued authorizing the tapping of the phones of Mr. Trump and his aides at Trump Tower in New York.

The Breitbart article in question cites the Times’ own reporting on the intelligence community. Their January 19th article, “Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates,” also bore Schmidt’s byline.

An editorial note at this link reveals that the print version of the Times' article was headlined: “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.”
Guys, not only do we now have an anonymous "Senior American Official" telling us this is all false, we now have James Clapper saying there was no wiretapping. James Tapper would never lie about surveillance programs on a morning talk show. He reserves his lying about surveillance of American citizens for when he's giving sworn testimony in front of Congress.

As I said, nothing to see hear. Trump hasn't yet provided any court admissible evidence with a documented chain of custody.
I wonder if democrats even realize how much BIG money is being put on the table to play right now? I mean huge amounts of money and seemingly it's everywhere.

Almost as if people realized how much Obama was taxing us and they sat on it and said F this guy. So Obama printed money until the economy worked some. Now we have all that money in play and HUGE money players getting out there and really making this economy boom.

Give it a full year and business here will be booming, we'll have more legal workers which will mean more taxes, and the Middle East will hate us so bad like always because we live with everything they hate.

Should be fun times!
Yup. I have a monthly meeting with one of my good customers that is a plant manager for a German owned manufacturer...told me she had never seen this much capital being loosened up in her time there and she had never seen so much *confidence* that the US manufacturing economy was going to explode.
And for the record, evidence of Trump's claims needs to be provided. Yes, it fits with the character of Obama and his administration to use the full power of the federal government to try and crush a private citizen, but Trump's allegations are going to need to be supported by some evidence.

HOWEVER, that same standard applies to all the allegations that have been leveled by the left. The POTUS makes a direct claim and "we need evidence." An anonymous "senior American official" makes a claim and it's gospel. Or a known perjurer now becomes Abraham Lincoln because he's speaking out against Trump.

So in sum, the media and the left are a bunch of shameless hacks and they're just upset Trump took a page out of their book.
I would just like to know, and one of our local liberals feel free to chime in, but what is the Democrat message going forward?

I mean, other than Trump is bad and obstruct/resist at all costs, what are they actually offering the American people these days?

Their leader, Schumer, has been on TV everyday for months now, and the only solutions he seems to be able to muster up are ."Trump is bad, un-American, unfair. Twitter. Obamacare is great. Illegals are good. Ignore the law. Vagina hats stand strong. Resist. Obstruct."

I could be way off here, but I'm just not quite sure that's going to cut it for the next four years.
You know what I really think someone like Levin had gotten to Trumps ears about all the news reporting the Obama admin tapping his shit, and he decided(without proof because that leads to "fake news" if false) to call it out knowing the media would pounce and cry foul.

Then he gets to point and laugh while they call themselves liars.

This is worse case scenario for the media. If Trump does have evidence and the Obama admin is guilty, the media called themselves liars falsely(WTF!!!) and look a lot worse than they already do.

And Obama goes down or shuts up!
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Trump and Democratic Smokescreens

I spoke with the President twice yesterday about the wiretap story. I haven’t seen him this pissed off in a long time. When I mentioned Obama “denials” about the wiretaps, he shot back: “This will be investigated, it will all come out. I will be proven right.”

But the most important Clapper revelation from “Meet the Press” was this: He empathically told Todd the Obama intelligence agencies found “no evidence” of collusion between Trump’s campaign and the Russians. Nothing. Nada.
this. and hell it isn't just this. where does it stop? so you let people self identify as whatever gender they feel they are despite biology, then what is next? i know it doesn't stop there. if you can allow people to identify as what they feel, then does that translate to race, what about age? biology be damned? you feel like you are a girl despite that penis hanging between your legs, then what about the others. next someone says despite being 40 something whatever years old, they identify as a teenager because they feel like their internal self is still that teenage person. so their pedofilia is not not such because they are actually 16 in their mind? so having funny feelings for teenage girls is natural to them. or you can just identify as a half black half indian tranny when you apply for your business loan and you are trying to admit your kids to college. tax breaks galore. you can't stop it. dudes get to go in female locker rooms and take showers with girls because they declare their new identity, so you have opened a huge can of worms. it is absolutey f**king beyond retarded levels of insanity. mental illness is mental illness. plain and simple Rome's demise is upon us once again. all out of pure stupidity of the populous
Don't worry, the line will be drawn somewhere. Our conservative government will assure that it doesn't go past transgenders. But seriously man, you're getting on that paranoid level and I really don't get it. My parents are hardcore reps, but they also happen to be inclusive, and I know they would want me to treat "different" people the same. The same goes for my sister. Guess what, gays are actually some of the nicest people I've met in my life.
I plan on remaining liberal. And will more than likely vote for the democratic president. But I will register independent based on the flaws of the two-party system.

So you plan to vote for the dems nominee without even knowing who it is?

You're part of the problem

Good to see democrats like Comey again.

They like anyone who says what they want to hear. Hell they even like W now

Sikh Indian shot in the arm in Seattle. The perp supposedly told him "Go back to your own country" before pulling the trigger. I'm calling another false flag.

Seattle is about as liberal as it gets. Also, it was at point blank range and the perp purposely shot the victim the arm, sparing his life.

Whoever committed this crime went out of their way to not kill the victim, but made sure to make it look like a xenophobic hate crime.

No one proclaims their political stance while committing a violent crime. Anytime this is alleged, be skeptical
If I'm in charge of the democrats, you need a change in leadership and get back to the basics of the party and focus back on the middle class. Tax the wealthy and cut taxes on the middle class for growth, similar to Clinton in the 90s.
I can't believe we've gotten to a point where a major political party in the US has made one of it's biggest defining issues doing away with gender specific bathrooms so grown men can use the same bathrooms as little girls.

It's goddam lunacy.

There are males. There are females. There are people with mental problems.

You're a man and want to suck cock? Whatever, you do you.

You're a man and want to use the same bathroom as a little girl? Then we have issues. I don't give a shit if you're a psycho who identifies as a woman.

And no, it's not up to me to be inclusive of your bullshit. Go to a goddam psychiatrist.
If I'm in charge of the democrats, you need a change in leadership and get back to the basics of the party and focus back on the middle class. Tax the wealthy and cut taxes on the middle class for growth, similar to Clinton in the 90s.
I agree, except I don't think they can. They've already caved and pandered to the fringe radicals for far too long. Those types will never be satisfied. If the white man becomes a priority again, they'll riot against their own.
The big issue is that most Americans do not trust anyone in government anymore. If a FISA warrant was issued the second time around my trust in government tells me a judge was either blackmailed or paid off to grant the warrant. Could be far from the truth, but that is the level of distrust I and millions of other Americans have in our government institutions now.

I believe Trump, but agree he needs to provide proof. Not articles from liberal rags that connect the dots, but use his power to de-classify certain documents, etc. to show what really happened. Sooner or later this BS has to come to an end and if it means bringing our government to its knees then so be it.
but use his power to de-classify certain documents, etc.
I thought this myself at first, but the way Chaffetz put it yesterday, this may not be an option since Intel Committee is investigating everything involving Russia.

If Trump is privy to evidence, depending on what the evidence is, it could also be sensitive to the Intel Committee's investigation, and is not able to be declassified until they're finished.

Could explain why Trump demanded it be investigated as well and has said he'll have no further comment until the investigation is finished.
this. and hell it isn't just this. where does it stop? so you let people self identify as whatever gender they feel they are despite biology, then what is next? i know it doesn't stop there. if you can allow people to identify as what they feel, then does that translate to race, what about age? biology be damned? you feel like you are a girl despite that penis hanging between your legs, then what about the others. next someone says despite being 40 something whatever years old, they identify as a teenager because they feel like their internal self is still that teenage person. so their pedofilia is not not such because they are actually 16 in their mind? so having funny feelings for teenage girls is natural to them. or you can just identify as a half black half indian tranny when you apply for your business loan and you are trying to admit your kids to college. tax breaks galore. you can't stop it. dudes get to go in female locker rooms and take showers with girls because they declare their new identity, so you have opened a huge can of worms. it is absolutey f**king beyond retarded levels of insanity. mental illness is mental illness. plain and simple Rome's demise is upon us once again. all out of pure stupidity of the populous

Don't worry, the line will be drawn somewhere. Our conservative government will assure that it doesn't go past transgenders. But seriously man, you're getting on that paranoid level and I really don't get it. My parents are hardcore reps, but they also happen to be inclusive, and I know they would want me to treat "different" people the same. The same goes for my sister. Guess what, gays are actually some of the nicest people I've met in my life.

There are already groups of transage people. I posted their twitter messages about 20 pages back. Saying young girls were already sexualized and what not. And that nothing wrong with them as they identify as children.

Bigbluerick, you are blind young grasshopper. When you open your eyes to the world, you will be shocked.
'Sanctuary Cities' for Immigrants May Soon Be Illegal in Mississippi

Mississippi municipalities would be banned from establishing "sanctuary cities" for illegal immigrants if a Senate bill, which passed to the House of Representatives yesterday, becomes law.

The bill would "authorize all Mississippi law enforcement officers to assist federal agencies by legally detaining illegal aliens." State, county or municipal law enforcement officials "shall notify federal immigration authorities of the incarceration of a person who is not legally present in the United States" if the bill becomes law.

Idaho bill would withhold money if sanctuary cities adopted

BOISE, Idaho (AP) - Legislation introduced Monday would withhold taxpayer money from Idaho cities and counties if they stopped enforcing federal immigration laws and adopted “sanctuary city” policies.
Mark Levin laying out a solid series of serious accusations against the White House. Such corruption. Such filth. So more damning than anything for which Nixon voluntarily resigned, yet with many reasons for comparison, or with reasons to apologize to the California-born Quaker and distinguished Navy commander, our 37th US President.

But I can't help but amuse myself with the image of Mark Levin. Enjoy his radio broadcast each evening, and that's just where he's best suited because his voice just does not match his bold, round noggin and stern look. great guy, but when I listen to him on the radio I get an image of a latte-sipping, aging Jerry Lewis-like. In real life he looks like a man that can handle himself, could be the shit out of anybody Obama put in his cabinet, to a bloody pulp those two Obama appointed in charge of public education who wanted to systematically introduce homosexuality to all public school children beginning at age 5. Keep up the good work, Mark.
Mark Lavin is a kook's kook.
He never met a conspiracy that he didn't believe.
So you plan to vote for the dems nominee without even knowing who it is?

You're part of the problem

They like anyone who says what they want to hear. Hell they even like W now

No one proclaims their political stance while committing a violent crime. Anytime this is alleged, be skeptical
Nice triple click bait. But I'll bite. What's wrong with a liberal saying he'll probably vote for the liberal candidate. It happens every time with conservatives lmfao.