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House Intelligence panel to investigate Trump's claims.

Cotton 'sure' Senate Intelligence panel will address Trump wiretapping claim

Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton expressed certainty Sunday that President Trump’s accusation about the Obama administration wiretapping Trump's presidential campaign will be included in the Senate Intelligence committee’s ongoing probe into Russia’s possible efforts to “undermine the U.S. political system.”

“We’ve already begun an inquiry on the intelligence committee into Russia’s efforts to undermine confidence in our political system,” Cotton, a Republican committee member, told “Fox News Sunday.” “That inquiry is going to be thorough, and we’re going to follow the facts wherever they lead us. And I’m sure that this matter will be a part of that inquiry.”

And he repeated that he’s so far seen no proof that the Trump campaign successfully conspired with the Russian government to defeat Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

“I’ve seen no evidence,” Cotton told Fox. “And, again, I would just say that media reports have gotten pretty far over their skis over this.”

Please explain how taxing people will all of a sudden stop climate change from happening.

This is the part he will understand soon enough. Carbon tax. This is what globalist want young jedi. They use these words in ways to trick you. It use to be global cooling but you were too young for that. Then they changed it to global warming yet they were caught with fake thermometer stats. Now it is "climate change". What person is going to deny that the climate is changing? Nobody but the alt left will spin that to push their agenda of controlling you in every way imaginable.

You are young and it won't take long for you to figure out that you have been lied to your whole life. The good thing is that you are smart enough to question everything.
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Oh this is gonna get good.

In case some of y'all don't know who Dan is, hes a former Secret Service agent that worked under Obama. Its safe to say he saw and heard a LOT of stuff.

Listen to his podcast the Renegade Republican on itunes. It is 30 mins of knowledge. He goes into economics and blows libs away each time. You will learn something almost every show.
This is the part he will understand soon enough. Carbon tax. This is what globalist want young jedi. They use these words in ways to trick you. It use to be global cooling but you were too young for that. Then they changed it to global warming yet they were caught with fake thermometer stats. Now it is "climate change". What person is going to deny that the climate is changing? Nobody but the alt left will spin that to push their agenda of controlling you in every way imaginable.

You are young and it won't take long for you to figure out that you have been lied to your whole life. The good thing is that you are smart enough to question everything.
I'm in my 20s and thank God that I had a very conservative family that raised me.

I don't understand why so many in my generation are liberals. My generation is mostly a huge embarrassment. It frightens me knowing these people will one day be probably running America. I hope I'm dead before that happens. I never want to be here to see it.

Imagine SJW politicians. God help us all.
Oh Chuckie Cheese we got his emails!


What Anthony Weiner learned from Chuck Schumer, and what he didn't
By STEVE KORNACKI 12/13/10 10:38 AM EST

It seemed to be yet another triumph of the Chuck Schumer school of politics on Sunday morning, when Anthony Weiner made it onto “Meet the Press.” Weiner, after all, is something of a Schumer protégé, a six-term congressman who started out as a lowly college intern in Schumer’s office all the way back in 1985, and who still hails the senator as “my singular influence.”

They first came together a quarter-century ago, when Weiner, a SUNY Plattsburgh senior who had entered school with thoughts of becoming a television weatherman only to discover his true calling through student politics, signed up for an internship in the Capitol Hill office of the state’s youngest congressman. It was the spring of 1985 and to the extent that Schumer, a 34-year-old third-termer whose district included the Park Slope neighborhood where Weiner had grown up
  • Bob Livingston (R-LA) was about to replace Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the House until he resigned in disgrace when it was revealed that he admitted to had been involved in several adulterous affairs, (while attempting to crucify Democratic President Clinton for having done much less)!
  • Bob Barr (R-GA) the principal sponsor of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, has been married three (or is it now four) times. And at a party in 1992, Barr actually licked whipped cream off the breasts of two women, neither of them his current wife. Now that's family values!
  • Bill Thomas (R-CA) This 11-term Republican is chairman of the Ways and Means subcommittee on Health. In June, (2003?) the Bakersfield Californian reported that Thomas, who is married, was having an affair with health care lobbyist Deborah Steelman, who steered huge campaign gifts to Thomas' war chest. In an "open letter to friends and neighbors" (voters), Thomas did not deny the relationship, but said during his legislative career, " . . . Any personal failures of commitment or responsibility to my wife, family, or friends are just that, personal. I have never traded a public responsibility for a personal one and I never will."
  • Dan Burton (R-Indiana) was the Chairman of the House Government Reform & Oversight Committee. He hated President Clinton so much that he publicly called him a "scumbag". Following an expose, Burton was forced to admit that he fathered an out-of-wedlock child, a fact he denied for years.
    He has yet to admit, however, that during 38 years of marriage he has committed adultery with dozens of women, sexually assaulted others (including a lobbyist for Planned Parenthood), and kept mistresses on his campaign and public payrolls – to the tune of at least a half-million dollars.
  • Charles Canady (R-Fl), Judiciary Committee member. A leading opponent of abortion, Canady lied to his constituents about his adulterous affair with Sharon Becker, which caused her divorce from Florida businessman Robert Becker.
  • Dick Armey (R-TX): as an economics professor before entering Congress, was accused of sexually harassing female students, according to the Dallas Observer.
  • John Peterson (R-PA): has been accused of sexual harassment and hostile-work-environment claims by six women.
  • Helen Chenoweth (R-ID): one of first to condemn Clinton, admitted to having a six year extramarital affair with a married associate. The Spokane Spokesman-Review, but now she claims a pardon from a higher authority: "I've asked for God's forgiveness, and I've received it," she revealed. (She has since divorced and remarried – no doubt with the Lord's blessing!-)
  • J.C. Watts (R-Oklahoma): has said "Character is simply doing right when no one is looking." Watts has tried to cover up his out-of-wedlock child.
  • John Schmitz (R-CA), former extreme right-wing Republican fathered two children by a mistress — a former student named Carla Stuckle whom Schmitz taught when he was a professor at Santa Ana College. One of these children was once admitted to an Orange County hospital with hair tied in a square knot around his penis so tightly that it was almost severed.
    Congressman Schmitz' daughter, Mary Kay LeTourneau, made national headlines when as a school teacher, she was arrested twice for having sex and producing two children with an underage student of hers (beginning when he was only 13 years old).
  • Don Sherwood (R-PA) Had a five year adulterous affair which only ended when his mistress sued him for physical abuse (and attempted murder?) in 2004.
  • Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl, which produced a child.
  • Donald "Buz" Lukens (R-OH) was found guilty of having sex with a minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
  • Ken Calvert (R-CA) said in 1998, "We can't forgive what occurred between the President and Lewinsky." This is the same Christian Coalition ally, who was caught by police in 1993 receiving oral sex from a prostitute. His ex-wife also sued him for failure to pay alimony.
  • Randy Cunningham (R-CA): In their corruption case, which resulted in a prison sentence of several years, Federal prosecutors also investigated allegations that Congressman 'Duke' Cunningham was periodically supplied with prositutes.
  • Sue Myrick, Congresswoman (R-NC), describes herself as a "devout Christian." Yet she's divorced and now married to the man with whom some say she has admitted committing adultery when she and he were married to their prior spouses.
  • Jim Bunn, (R-Oregon) With his success due in great part to support from the Christian Coalition, Bunn won his congressional seat, then left his wife (and mother of his five children), married a staffer, and put his new wife on the state payroll with a salary of $ 97,500.
  • Ed Schrock, two-term republican congressman, with a 92% approval rating from the Christian Coalition. Cosponsor of the Federal Marriage Amendment, consistently opposed gay rights. Married, with wife and kids. Withdrew his candidacy for a third term after tapes of him soliciting for gay sex were circulated.
  • Rep. Vito Fossela. (R-NY) another "family values" Republican lost his seat when it was revealed that he had fathered a child with a woman not his wife.
  • Chip Pickering (R-Miss.) 's estranged wife claims in a lawsuit he had an affair that ruined their marriage while Pickering was in Congress and living in a Christian building for lawmakers on C Street, near the U.S. Capitol. Pickering, 45, was elected to Congress in 1996, retired in January and is now a lobbyist in Washington for Cellular South, the company that is owned by his mistress's family.
  • Dan Crane (R-IL) On July 20, 1983, the House voted to simultaneously censure two members of Congress for sexual misconduct, the first time it had ever done so.
    Crane was censured for having sexual relations with a 17 year-old female page.
    Gerry Studds(D-Mass.) was censured for having sexual relations with a 17 year-old male page.
    Conservative Republicans try to get some kind of political advantage by treating these two cases as morally equivalent, or they speak only of the Democrat, Studds. But here's the rest of the story that they don't want people to know:
    Repub. Crane was a married man at the time and a father of six young children, while Dem. Studds had been single at the time. As homosexuals, Studds and the page were not allowed to marry, but their relationship was so consensual that they had been together for ten years from the time of the original liason until 1983, when the "scandal" broke.
    Neither of the two resigned from Congress; they both ran for re-election.
    The Repub. Crane was defeated. The Dem. Studds was re-elected for 5 more terms for a total of 20 years.
  • Robert Bauman (R-MD) was campaigning for his fourth term as a Maryland Congressman in 1980. A practicing Roman Catholic with a wife and child, he was one of the most vocal conservatives in a very conservative Congress. He regularly rallied for old-fashioned values and attacked all supporters of abortion and homosexual rights. His campaign looked rock-solid, before it changed overnight with a series of shocking revelations. The public learned that Bauman had been charged with soliciting sex from a 16-year old boy he picked up at a gay bar, and that he had been the victim of an extortion scheme by a man who claimed to have had a sexual relationship with him. This, combined with an alcohol problem (which did not seem to bother his fellow Congressmen before), doomed his political career.

  • Senator John Ensign (R-NV.) confessed to serious cheating on his wife with a staffer and caught paying hush money to the husband, his chief of staff.
  • Gov. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.), confessed to serious cheating on his wife after leaving his state unsupervised for a week.
  • Senator Larry Craig (R-ID.), caught in a gay sex sting operation in a Minn. bathroom.
  • Senator David Vitter (R-LA), found to have been a client of prostitutes in D.C. & Louisiana.
  • Rep. Mark Foley, (R-Fl.) forced to resign when he was found to be having inappropriate communications with male pages.
  • In Connecticut, the holier-than-thou Republican party chose the mayor of one of the state's largest cities as its candidate for the U.S. Senate. If Joe Lieberman had caved in to Republican demands in the year 2000 that he not run for relection to the senate at the same time that he was running for the vice presidency,

Hey moron, which one of those did we nominate for president of the United States?
Conway just kind of hinted that Trump already knows the answer to his question. At least that's how I took it. Saying he (Trump) receives intelligence that no one else does.

She also challenged Comey, saying if he has evidence that says otherwise, then he's more than welcomed to go on record and make a statement, instead of an anonymous source speaking on his behalf through the NYT.
Good for you. Seriously. I'm in manufacturing in the engineering and maintenance field. I'm the unit manager now and have 28 to 30 mechanics, 2 engineers, 3 Supervisors and 2 planners under me. These are well paid men and I applaud your choice.

If you end up job searching message me and I could help you get a start. Several rungs on the ladder to move. Good luck.

Hope you give him a job as a janitor that he's stuck in his whole career. See how liberal he stays.
Conway just kind of hinted that Trump already knows the answer to his question. At least that's how I took it. Saying he (Trump) receives intelligence that no one else does.

She also challenged Comey, saying if he has evidence that says otherwise, then he's more than welcomed to go on record and make a statement, instead of an anonymous source speaking on his behalf through the NYT.
Comey will be out soon. Book it. No way he lasts very long after today. If Trump did like him, its safe to say he doesn't anymore.
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I can recall going in the stall, taking a shit, and leaving. That's how simple it is. Its not some sacred temple, it's a GD restroom. Your fear of transgenders being rapey weirdos is disturbing.

Its not about that either, young grasshopper. Its about an elementary schooler or middle schooler being exposed to a penis in that bathroom. Just seeing it. Girls shouldn't even be remotely exposed to a slight chance that something like could happen at that age. Like I said, I know you don't have a daughter. If you did your view would be very different.

Also, do a little research. Its not just a restroom issue. It is an issue about locker rooms in schools as well. Where kids undress and shower in front of each other. There is a case specifically in NY where the school was willing to let a transgender kid use the same locker room as the girls but use a curtain for them to change clothes to separate them from the rest of the girls because…you know…the guy who identifies as a girl still has a penis. And that they could use a separate shower that was in a different area. But that wasn't good enough. Law suits were filed. They said the transgender kid had to change in the same locker room. Had to use the same shower. Because it might hurt the transgender kid's feelings to be isolated. And i get that. But what about the fact that it exposes the rest of the girls in that locker room to the possibility of seeing a penis? What about their rights, feelings, etc…? Do you cast their rights aside just to not hurt the feelings of one kid…who you are making several accommodations for already?

I haven't followed up lately to see where that case stands. But the fact that we are at a point in this country where people think any of this is a good idea is just crazy.

Never mind. Forget what i just typed. Eff it. Lets just have co-ed bathrooms and showers starting in elementary school. After all…the bathroom is not a sacred temple. smh

Its a biology issue man. Plain and simple. I don't care if someone wants to identify as a squirrel. That's their business. But if they want to identify as a female squirrel then make sure they have the surgery and chop off their penis before they get to use the women's restroom or locker room or showers.
Hope you give him a job as a janitor that he's stuck in his whole career. See how liberal he stays.
I think a few years of overtime and seeing 1800 (or more) paychecks turn into 900 dollars (or less) after taxes and other deductions he'll change his tune. After seeing how little he gets in return he won't be the biggest fan of the government or Obamacare for that matter.

He'd actually be more apt to stay Dem if he remained a janitor. That whole man keeping me down thing.

If years of work and paying in doesn't change him then he's commited to the opinion and I can respect that.
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Folks, keep an eye on your wallets because Big Spending Republicans are back in town now and they mean to spend, spend, and spend some more. You think you know how to spend your money? HA! These Big Spending Republicans can spend it like there is no tomorrow! Going all the way back to Ronnie Reagan's massive credit card spending spree that took us from being the largest creditor nation on earth into the largest debtor nation on earth in just 8 quick big spending years!

So what's up next on the Big Spending Republican's agenda? You guessed it... SPENDING!

And boy are we talking about spending. They have your wallets all lined up to pay for a 40 billion dollar wall that Trump fooled all you rubes into thinking Mexico was going to pay for it. Yeah, he said that a hundred times a day during the campaign... but... when is the last time you heard Trump say "MEXICO IS GOING TO PAY FOR THE WALL AND IT JUST GOT 20 FEET HIGHER"... yeah, nothing because that's not happening. Your WALLET is going to pay for the wall, got it, rubes?

Next up, Big Spending Republicans want to roll out a massively expensive Big Government Run Socialist Health Care plan that "covers everybody" and is "cheaper than Obamacare." The primary feature of this Big Government Republican Socialist Plan will be... you guessed it... DEATH PANELS to kill off our senior citizens to finance Big Tax Giveaways to Trump and Mitch McConnell's Big Wall Street fat cat friends!

And guess who pays for it? Yep... YOU! So stretch those wallets out cause Big Spending Republicans are going to be needing it.

Then Trump has even more Big Government Big Spending plans because instead of deporting all the illegals like he lied to you about, he is going to keep track of all the crimes they commit with an army of government workers he's hiring to keep track of his Big Intrusive Government Big Spending Republican plan!

Then we just need a trillion more of your dollars out of your wallets for Trump's Big Amazing Big Spending Big Republican Big Government infrastructure plan whereby all of Trump's construction buddies that didn't make enough money off your 40 billion dollar wall get to come back for a TRILLION more in his Big Infrastructure pork barrel giveaway to be doled out to his rich Republican fat cat friends!

So plenty of work to do, folks. Get you wallets out and get them opening because we all know every time these Big Spending Republicans get elected they need your wallets for 4-8 years then when the bills come due they'll run and hide and hand it over to a Democrat to handle!

Rinse, repeat, and above all, THANKS AGAIN YOU SUCKERS!
[laughing] Schumer running off at the mouth, talking more nonsense. Saying FISA court judges are democratically elected by their constituents, so if they were a "rubber stamp" they'd be voted out.

Now all liberal MSM are quoting him and running with it; NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC etc... I have news for them, Chuck couldn't be more wrong, and everything they have ran with based off what he said is fake news.
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The Exhaustion of American Liberalism

The recent flurry of marches, demonstrations and even riots, along with the Democratic Party’s spiteful reaction to the Trump presidency, exposes what modern liberalism has become: a politics shrouded in pathos. Unlike the civil-rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s, when protesters wore their Sunday best and carried themselves with heroic dignity, today’s liberal marches are marked by incoherence and downright lunacy—hats designed to evoke sexual organs, poems that scream in anger yet have no point to make, and an hysterical anti-Americanism.

All this suggests lostness, the end of something rather than the beginning. What is ending?

You have to hand it to Trump and the Republicans.

As a nation we were lost, wandering around in the desert aimless and with no direction. But Trump and the Republicans IMMEDIATELY realized what the problem was all along. The simple solution that was right there staring us in the face the whole time...

Folks, we were not spending enough of your money! That was it all along!

Thankfully, now, with Trump and the rest of the Big Spending Republicans there to show us the way we know the blueprint for Making American Great Again! Just spend your money!

That was so simple? Geesh! I feel foolish...

So now, with your wallets, we are going to build a 40 billion dollar wall, add a new giant government run healthcare plan were we can kill off all the old people and use the money that would have went to their healthcare to pay for a giant tax giveaway to the Wall Street job creators, I mean.

We aren't actually going to round up all the illegal aliens and deport them, did you really believe that? We're just going to do the same exact thing Obama was doing (just like our healthcare plan LOL, suckers) and deport the criminal aliens. Only we'll say we thought of it first then tell you that a thousand times until you believe it!

As dessert we're serving a rich trillion dollar infrastructure giveaway to the scam artists so buy your bulldozers now and get your shovels ready. Not for building roads but for shoveling your money out of your wallets and into our Wall Street bank accounts!

See! This is how you run a country! Isn't this wonderful! I can already feel the greatness coming back... one sucker at a time! Woo Hoo!
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You still don't get it, why would it matter if they were talking to Russians? That's not a reason to order surveillance, you think no one on the Clinton campaign was talking to them trying to dig up dirt for the lie the DNC created?
The moment the "Russian" bit was born was aired live on TV within hours of the Wikileaks first dump prior to the DNC convention.
They were throwing shit on the wall trying to get anything to stick, and 5 months later still running with it even there is ZERO proof.
The intelligence community feels differently.

What you don't get or appear not to consider is that it was the Russians who were being tapped and Trump and his people contacted the people being tapped. Think the government has reasons to wiretap Russians who they may believe to be operating against American interest? Do you think the Russians spy on us?

What happens if you call someone who is under surveillance? Think they only listen to one side of the call?
I mean, if I go fishing for crappie and a largemouth bass bites the hook, I catch a bass.

Why do they continue to deny contact?
They have denied that anyone in their campaign ever made contact until proof of that contact shows up.
They are appointed by the Chief Justice, I believe. ^
Correct, and their identities are mostly unknown. Their court proceedings are even secret because of their sensitive nature and only special attorneys with a classification clearance can go before them.

The fact that Schumer thinks these judges are elected by their constituents tells you all you need to know about his knowledge of what's really going on in this situation.
The intelligence community feels differently.
No they don't. Obama's administration and the intelligence community did a full and complete investigation from November through January. Remember? It was due on Obama's desk before he left office. Clapper even testified in front of Congress about the findings. Where do you the intelligence from all these leaks is coming from? None of it amounts to anything.
From the original NYT story --

The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, asked the Justice Department this weekend to publicly reject President Trump’s assertion that President Barack Obama ordered the tapping of Mr. Trump’s phones, senior American officials said on Sunday. Mr. Comey has argued that the highly charged claim is false and must be corrected, they said, but the department has not released any such statement.

Mr. Comey, who made the request on Saturday after Mr. Trump leveled his allegation on Twitter, has been working to get the Justice Department to knock down the claim because it falsely insinuates that the F.B.I. broke the law, the officials said.

Do you notice the mincing of words? Comey never asked for the DOJ to refute that Trump was under surveillance, only to refute that Obama had illegally ordered the FBI to do it. Still doesn't mean that Clapper (CIA) or Brennan (NSA) -- both Obama cronies -- couldn't have done it. This is Comey trying to cover his own ass. It is in no way a denial that it never happened, only that the FBI had no part in it.
Dumbass, if a FISA judge issued a warrant to allow the wiretapping then nothing illegal would have been done.
No they don't. Obama's administration and the intelligence community did a full and complete investigation from November through January. Remember? It was due on Obama's desk before he left office. Clapper even testified in front of Congress about the findings. Where do you the intelligence from all these leaks is coming from? None of it amounts to anything.
Denial isn't a river in Egypt.
Dumbass, if a FISA judge issued a warrant to allow the wiretapping then nothing illegal would have been done.
Dumbass, FISA judges have been accused of bring rubber stamps for years. Besides, where did I ever say that Brennan or Clapper got a FISA warrant? That's right, I didn't. Obama has abused the power of intelligence agencies multiple times, one more before leaving office isn't out of the question.
I went to a financial planner a few years ago because I was having money problems. So the guys sits there smiling and says "you don't have any money, right?" and I say "No, my parents are ill and medical bills have eaten up all my savings" and he laughs for a few minutes then he says "see that guy sitting over there, go take his wallet" so I get up and do that and he says "now how much money do you have" and it suddenly dawned on me. Like a bolt of lightening.

From that day forward and forevermore I would be a Republican. Folks, why work for your money when you can just make a living off taking somebody else's? All you have to do is brag about all the work you're not doing only say you are doing it, then all the while be focused on taking other people's money.

It was so simple. My hand in your wallet. I am a job creator. You give me everything you have then I will complain about all the bread crumbs that fall off of my plate to you. We'll call it "TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS" when in reality it is exactly "BREAD CRUMBS OFF THE RICH MAN'S TABLE" because I will convince you that you should work hard but give me all the tax breaks and financial incentives in the slim hope that some of it might actually trickle down back to you!

See the genius of that? Giving everything then hoping for something to accidentally fall down to you!

Folks, this is a great idea. Let's ramp this back up. Sure, we turned ourselves from the largest creditor nation on earth into the largest debtor nation on earth when we tried it under Ronnie Reagan. And Iceland went completely bankrupt trying it. Then George W. Bush bankrupted the entire world trying it... but hey, that was 8-9 years ago.

Now that we've repealed all those stupid laws that were designed to prevent us from doing that again, let's start artificially pumping up the stock market, start pumping up the housing market, start giving giant tax giveaways to the Wall Str... er... Job Creators because all this worked so well before! Right?
Denial isn't a river in Egypt.
And since you seem to have missed that a three month investigation by the Obama administration and intelligence community has already taken place and that there was zero evidence of collusion found, here is the Congressional testimony.

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@rqarnold, and the only Democrat, Chris Coons, to suggest, just yesterday, that there was evidence of collusion ended up walking that back today.

Claiming he misspoke, that's not what he really meant, and went on to clarify himself further. Bottom line, by the end of the interview, he admitted there was zero evidence.

I went to a financial planner a few years ago because I was having money problems.
Now that we've repealed all those stupid laws that were designed to prevent us from doing that again, let's start artificially pumping up the stock market, start pumping up the housing market, start giving giant tax giveaways to the Wall Str... er... Job Creators because all this worked so well before! Right?
** Breaking News **

AT&T to Bring Back 3,000 Offshore Jobs.

** Film at Eleven **

Thanks, Obama!
The intelligence community feels differently.

What you don't get or appear not to consider is that it was the Russians who were being tapped and Trump and his people contacted the people being tapped. Think the government has reasons to wiretap Russians who they may believe to be operating against American interest? Do you think the Russians spy on us?

What happens if you call someone who is under surveillance? Think they only listen to one side of the call?
I mean, if I go fishing for crappie and a largemouth bass bites the hook, I catch a bass.

Why do they continue to deny contact?
They have denied that anyone in their campaign ever made contact until proof of that contact shows up.

There is nothing to consider Arnold, none of that happened. The Russian scare was created to divert from what was actually in the releases from Wikileaks.

No one from the Trump campaign contacted Russia about the election. There is zero evidence to back up the continued charade, and we're 5 months into it.

Oscars darling ‘Gary from Chicago’ is a registered sex offender in California


Gary from Chicago’s feel-good story took a sick turn when it emerged Tuesday that the Oscars darling is a registered sex offender.

Gray Allan Coe became the toast of Tinseltown after he whooped it up with celebrities when his sightseeing bus tour stopped at the Dolby Theater during the 2017 Academy Awards Sunday night.

The 59-year-old Coe later told ABC-7 Chicago that he was released from prison just three days before his star turn after serving 20 years for multiple felonies.
It's really sad that someone can be as mentally ill as Z. You would think the nurses at his home would limit the time he spends makings posts that literally ZERO people read. But yet he spends so much time on his ramblings. Man, talk about never eating laid. Like ever.
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Did Evan McMullin setup the server at trump tower in a bid to sabotage candidacy?

Wouldn't surprise me.
From that day forward and forevermore I would be a Republican. Folks, why work for your money when you can just make a living off taking somebody else's? All you have to do is brag about all the work you're not doing only say you are doing it, then all the while be focused on taking other people's money.

It was so simple. My hand in your wallet.

Haha! I mean this is just beautiful, coming from a democrat!
I wonder if democrats even realize how much BIG money is being put on the table to play right now? I mean huge amounts of money and seemingly it's everywhere.

Almost as if people realized how much Obama was taxing us and they sat on it and said F this guy. So Obama printed money until the economy worked some. Now we have all that money in play and HUGE money players getting out there and really making this economy boom.

Give it a full year and business here will be booming, we'll have more legal workers which will mean more taxes, and the Middle East will hate us so bad like always because we live with everything they hate.

Should be fun times!
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